For more info, please contact
Jeff Tsao or Alexey Samsonov
What is it?
- Open contest to develop the most
robust and practical MRI fat/water reconstruction algorithm for
clinical use that:
- Accurately generates water and fat images for clinically relevant
cases of varying difficulty
- Does not require for case-by-case manual adjustment
- Reconstructs within practical time limits
- Contest held in conjunction with organizers from
2012 ISMRM
Fat/Water workshop
Key information:
- Contestants may enter Challenge
throughout the year as teams or individuals; contestants need to
register (no cost) and agree to the contest rules
- Clinical cases of varying
difficulty available for download
- Results (i.e. separated water and
fat images) can be submitted online, with scores posted to a
leader board; results can be resubmitted throughout the year to
improve scores
- Top teams invited in Feb to submit
algorithms for head-to-head comparison on additional clinical
- Contestants must be willing to
disclose details of the winning method and why it works
- Contest to start in June 2012
- Winning teams will be announced publicly at ISMRM 2013
About ISMRM Challenge
ISMRM Challenge is an initiative to foster innovation in MRI
applications and methodology through a series of year-around online
- Focuses on 1 – 2 technical or clinical topics each year on
unsolved problems and unmet needs
- Starts around ISMRM annual conference and lasts until next
- Contestants can join throughout the year as individuals or teams
(Submission rules and timelines tailored to every Challenge)
- Results from participating teams will be tested against
pre-determined metrics (TBD), with online leader board updated
- Winner announced at ISMRM annual conference of following year