Dear Colleagues,
In light of the devastating effects of Storm Sandy on the East Coast
of North America, we are
extending the ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting abstract deadline
to Sunday, 23:59 EST, 11 November
2012. The
stipend programs and attendant membership deadlines will extend to
Sunday as well, of course.
Please note we will be unable to extend the deadline beyond 11
November or the peer review will be jeopardized, but we hope this
one extension will allow time for our colleagues in Eastern North
America to recover and submit their abstracts.
We encourage everyone not to wait until the weekend, though,
to start the submission process. Technical support will be minimal
on the 10th and 11th, and we will be unable to
accommodate any changes to your abstract once the abstract deadline
has passed. Please get started now by putting in your titles,
author information and abstract details (review categories,
disclosures, stipend requests, etc.). This will make the final
upload of your abstract less stressful for all. Online abstract
submission guidelines can be found at
Please note the information regarding how to format your abstract is
suggested not required.
We know that many of our colleagues on the East Coast are currently
without power. We ask you to please let your colleagues in the
community know the ISMRM abstract deadline has been extended.
We need to spread this information throughout the community. We
appreciate your assistance in this regard.
Our good wishes and hopes for a swift and safe recovery go out to all our
colleagues impacted by this storm.
Garry E. Gold, M.D., 2013 Program Chair
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in
Medicine (ISMRM)
Section for
Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT)
2030 Addison Street, Suite 700
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA
T: +1 (510) 841-1899 F: +1 (510)