Call for Papers

Educational E-Posters

An Educational E-Poster is a multi-media presentation of educational content on a computer. It may cover material of a technical or clinical nature of interest to society members and students.

Learning Goals for Educational E-Posters
1) Review the MR imaging findings of a specific pathologic condition by using either a single modality or multimodality approach. 
2) Review MR imaging artifacts and imaging protocols/sequences tailored to specific clinical indications.
3) Review the underlying scientific and engineering principles of specific methods or applications of MRI.

Educational Electronic Posters should be designed to teach MR imaging signs, pathologic correlations, technical pearls, artifact reduction, new clinical applications, contrast media, interventions, safety or other aspects related to the practice of MR imaging. An Educational Electronic Poster may refer to the authors' personal research data to emphasize educational points. However, if the aim of the Educational Electronic Poster is to present research data; this work should be submitted as a regular scientific abstract.

Abstracts must be submitted via the regular ISMRM/Mira abstract submission website. Authors must indicate on the “Abstract Details” page of the website that they wish to have the abstract considered for an Educational E-Poster (last item in drop down menu in each category).

Abstracts are limited to one page and are to be designed using the following section headings: Purpose; Outline of Content; Summary. The final Educational Electronic Poster is expected to reflect the content of the abstract submitted. Substantial deviations in content will jeopardize acceptance of future abstracts. Any submission determined by the Annual Meeting Program Committee to be better suited for a scientific presentation may be assigned a scientific presentation. 

Expenses associated with submission and presentation of an abstract are the responsibility of the presenter.

For Online Abstract Submission Guidelines and access to the abstract submission site, click here.


The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.