0235. |
Non-Contrast Myocardial
Fibrosis Imaging using MT-weighted Balanced Steady State
Free Precession MRI 
Steve W Leung1, Richard Lawless1,
Vincent L Sorrell1, and Moriel Vandsburger1
1University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,
United States
The development of myocardial fibrosis significantly
heightens the risk of sudden cardiac death. Late
gadolinium enhanced (LGE) MRI has become the reference
standard for detection of fibrotic tissue, however,
multiple high risk patient cohorts are contraindicated
to LGE-CMR. We developed a novel fibrosis imaging
technique that utilizes magnetization transfer (MT) from
fibrotic tissue for completely non-invasive diagnosis of
fibrotic remodeling. In this preliminary study,
demonstrate excellent correlation of fibrosis as
identified with MT-weighted bSSFP MRI with LGE-CMR and
measurement of gadolinium partition coefficient. |
0236. |
Electrical Characteristics
of Chronic Iron-laden Myocardial Infarcts: Initial Study in
Canine Hearts 
Ivan Cokic1, Avinash Kali2,
Xunzhang Wang2, Hsin-Jung Yang2,
Richard L. Q. Tang2, Anees Thajudeen2,
Michael Shehata2, Allen M. Amorn2,
Enzhao Liu2, Brian Stewart3,
Nathan Bennett3, Doron Harlev3,
Sotirios A. Tsaftaris4, Warren M. Jackman5,
Sumeet S. Chugh2, and Rohan Dharmakumar2
1Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles,
CA, United States, 2Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, CA, United States, 3Rhythmia
Medical-Boston Scientific, Inc., MA, United States, 4Institute
for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy, 5Heart
Rhythm Institute, OK, United States
Myocardial infarction can lead to chronic iron
deposition that can be accurately quantified with T2*
MRI. However, its long-term fate and influence on
myocardial electrical properties remain largely
unexplored. In this study we used T2* MRI to
characterize chronic iron deposition in canines with
chronic myocardial infarction in combination with
impedance spectroscopy, surface ECG indices and
electroanatomical maps to demonstrate that the
electrical behavior of infarcted hearts with iron appear
to be different from those without iron.
0237. |
Effects of Age and Smoking
on Endothelial Function Assessed by Quantitative MRI in the
Peripheral and Central Vasculature 
Yongxia Zhou1, Michael C Langham1,
Erica N Chirico1,2, Erin K Englund1,
Emile R Mohler III3, Jeremy F Magland1,
Wensheng Guo4, and Felix W Wehrli1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2School
of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States,3Medicine, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Biostatistics
and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
The purpose was to assess various surrogates of
endothelial dysfunction using parameters derived from
dynamic MRI sequences. Measures of peripheral vascular
reactivity were assessed via dynamic venous oximetry,
arterial hyperemia and multi-segment pulse-wave velocity
(PWV) of thoracic and abdominal aorta in the form of a
single, integrated MR protocol in 132 subjects
consisting of young and old smokers and nonsmokers. Our
results demonstrate significant aging and smoking
effects based on parameters determined from dynamic MRI
measures, thereby providing new vascular biomarkers for
the effect of age and smoking on vascular endothelial
0238. |
A New Perspective on the
4-point Balanced Velocity-encoding 
Yu Ding1, Rizwan Ahmad1, Ning Jin2,
and Orlando Simonetti1
1The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Chicago, IL, United States
This study provides a new perspective on the 4-point
balanced velocity-encoding technique from the Fourier
transform/frequency domain point of view. We show that,
from a Fourier encoding point of view, each of the
velocity directions is encoded into a sub-band centered
on a different frequency by amplitude modulation.
Velocity reconstruction is shown to be equivalent to a
traditional filter design problem in the Fourier domain.
A straight-forward velocity reconstruction algorithm
based on a simple Fourier domain filter is described and
tested in a volunteer. Comparing to the traditional
sliding window reconstruction, the proposed method
eliminates artifactual oscillations in the velocity
0239. |
Detection of Infarcted and
Arrhythmogenic Myocardium with DTI Tractography and
Electroanatomical Voltage Mapping 
Choukri Mekkaoui1, Marcel P Jackowski2,
Christian T Stoeck3, Aravinda Thiagalingam4,
William J Kostis5, Jeremy N Ruskin5,
Timothy G Reese6, Sebastian Kozerke7,
and David E Sosnovik8
1Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department
of Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 3Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland,4University of Sydney,
Sydney, Australia, 5Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, United States, 6Athinoula
A Martinos center for Biomedical imaging, Boston, United
States, 7University
and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 8Harvard
Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,
United States
The tractographic propagation angle (PA) is a
topographic measure of myocardial fiber architecture.
Here, we demonstrate the correlation of PA with late
gadolinium enhancement and electroanatomical voltage
mapping in the detection of infarcted myocardium (PA>4o),
as well as its ability to delineate regions of
heterogeneous scar (4o≤PA≤10o) and
dense scar (PA>10o). PA detects infarction
and defines the substrate for reentrant ventricular
arrhythmias without the need for exogenous contrast
agents. PA could become a valuable tool in
cardiovascular imaging, especially among patients with
renal dysfunction and those at risk of sudden cardiac
SNR and CNR Comparison of
Single-Echo Dixon and Subtraction Contrast-Enhanced MR
Eric G. Stinson1, Joshua D. Trzasko1,
Paul T. Weavers1, and Stephen J. Riederer1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United
Single-echo Dixon-based methods can provide the benefits
(improved SNR, subtraction error reduction) of
Dixon-based contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA)
without extending scan time. A theoretical SNR and CNR
analysis of single-echo Dixon compared to subtraction
CE-MRA was performed and compared to phantom and in vivo
results. Single-echo Dixon CE-MRA provides a contrast
concentration-dependent SNR and CNR boost of at least  2
over subtraction CE-MRA. At high contrast concentrations
(>3-4mmol) Gadolinium-induced susceptibility artifacts
can reduce the SNR and CNR of pre-calibrated Dixon CE-MRA.
This technique may allow time-resolved CE-MRA with
higher SNR and CNR and improved resistance to motion
than subtraction-based methods.
Time-resolved Dixon MR
angiography of patients with peripheral vascular disease at
3.0 T 
Courtney K Morrison1, Mahdi S Rahimi1,
Kang Wang2, James H Holmes2, Peter
Bannas3,4, Utaroh Motosugi3, and
Frank R Korosec1,3
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Global
MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Madison,
WI, United States, 3Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
States, 4Radiology,
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Conventional contrast-enhanced peripheral MR angiography
(MRA) typically uses subtraction-based methods, which
are susceptible to misregistration from patient motion
and suffer from decreased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
relative to non-subtractive methods. Previous work has
demonstrated the use of non-subtractive
contrast-enhanced peripheral MRA at 3.0 T during the
steady state and at 1.5 T using a bolus-chase method.
This work investigates the clinical feasibility of using
a contrast-enhanced, time-resolved, non-subtractive
method for MRA at 3.0 T in patients with peripheral
vascular disease.
0242. |
Repeatability of 4D flow
MRI Quantification of Venous and Arterial flow in the
Alejandro Roldán-Alzate1, Camilo A Campo1,
Kevin M Johnson2, Scott B Reeder1,2,
and Oliver Wieben1,2
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
repeatability of 4D PC flow measurements in both
arteries and veins of the abdominal circulation. 10
subjects, 3 patients with portal hypertension and 7
controls were included in the study. Excellent
correlation and low percent difference between repeated
measurements within the same day for both arterial and
venous circulation demonstrates the repeatability of
radial 4D flow MRI for quantifying blood flow in the
abdominal circulation. Similarly comparison of
day-to-day variation show that radial 4D flow MRI is
repeatable for assessing mesenteric hemodynamics in
controlled fasting states.
0243. |
Quantification of Energy
Loss in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy using 4D Flow MRI 
Carla Contaldi1, Pim van Ooij2,
Bradley Allen2, Julio Garcia2,
Jeremy Collins2, James Carr3,
Daniel C. Lee4, Brandon Benefield2,
Lubna Choudhury1, Michael Markl5,
Alex J. Barker2, and Robert O. Bonow1
1Department of Medicine – Cardiology,
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, IL, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 2Radiology,
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, IL, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 3Radiology
and Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of
Medicine, Chicago, IL, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 4Department
of Medicine – Cardiology and Radiology, Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 5Radiology
and Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, Chicago,
Illinois, United States
The aim of this study was to characterize obstructive
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) severity by
irreversible energy loss, caused by viscous dissipation,
and calculated from 4D Flow MRI velocity fields covering
the entire left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT). The
difference in energy loss between HCM patients and
controls was significant. Energy loss showed a strong
correlation with LVOT gradient calculated from 4D Flow
MRI and a good correlation with myocardial fibrosis as
quantified by extracellular volume fraction by T1
mapping MRI. Elevated energy loss may indicate increased
hemodynamic loading and left ventricular remodeling and
may be useful in HCM severity assessment.
0244. |
High-Permittivity Thin
Dielectric Pad Improves Peripheral Non-Contrast MRA at 3T 
Marc D Lindley1,2, Daniel Kim1,
Glen Morrell1, Marta E Heilbrun1,
Pippa Storey3, Christopher J Hanrahan1,
and Vivian S Lee1
1UCAIR, Radiology, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, Utah, United States, 2Physics,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 3Radiology,
New York University, New York, United States
Non-contrast MRA based on subtraction of two FSE
acquisitions of the thigh at 3T suffers from signal loss
in right femoral common artery due to B1+
inhomogeneities. We propose to recover the signal loss
with high-permittivity dielectric padding. In 11
subjects, apparent CNR, normalized B1, and image quality
scores verified superior performance with custom-made
high-permittivity dielectric padding in comparison with
baseline and commercially available dielectric padding.
Our study shows that signal loss in right common femoral
artery in non-contrast MRA at 3T is recovered with
high-permittivity dielectric padding. |
0245. |
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT):
comparison of MR Direct Thrombus Imaging and
Non-Contrast-Enhanced MRA 
Andrew Nicholas Priest1, Sally Hunter1,
Ilse Joubert1, Sarah Hilborne1,
David J Bowden1, Martin John Graves1,
Trevor Baglin2, and David John Lomas1
1Radiology, Addenbrooke's Hospital and
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Haematology,
Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Both non-contrast-enhanced MR venography (NCE-MRV) and
MR direct thrombus imaging (MR-DTI) can image deep vein
thrombosis (DVT). The MR-DTI signal varies with thrombus
age. We measured the size and location of a first DVT
assessed by NCE-MRV and MR-DTI acquired at three
different time-points. The two methods always agreed at
the first time-point, within a week of diagnosis, but at
later time-points (three and six months) most of the
thrombus was not seen on MR-DTI, with only very small
bright-signal regions. This may be important for the
clinically-important question of distinguishing between
acute recurrent thrombus and a residual previous DVT.
ECG/Navigator-Free 4D
Whole-Heart Coronary MRA with Simultaneous Visualization of
Cardiac Function and Anatomy 
Jianing Pang1,2, Zhaoyang Fan2,
Reza Arsanjani2, Daniel S Berman2,
and Debiao Li2,3
1Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Biomedical
Imaging Research Institiute, Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Bioengineering,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
We have demonstrated a fully self-gated 4D whole-heart
imaging technique with high isotropic spatial resolution
and near 100% imaging efficiency through respiratory
motion correction and retrospective cardiac gating. No
ECG or diaphragm navigator is needed. The 4D
visualization allows one to determine the precise
quiescent period retrospectively. Future efforts will be
focused on optimizing of the sequence and reconstruction
parameters, as well as comparing the dual-mode
reconstruction against existing coronary MRA and cine
Hemodynamic Fingerprinting
of Altered 3D Blood Characteristics in Aortic Disease 
Julio Garcia1, Alex J. Barker1,
Pim van Ooij1, Susanne Schnell1,
S. Chris Malaisrie2, Jeremy Collins1,
James Carr1, and Michael Markl1
1Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois, United States, 2Division
of Cardiac Surgery, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois, United States
Time-resolved 3D PC-MRI data analysis can be time
consuming and often relies on the manual placement of 2D
analysis planes at user defined vascular regions of
interest. The inherent volumetric 3D coverage of the
vascular system of interest provided by 4D flow MRI is
not fully utilized by analysis based on 2D planes. It
was thus the aim of this study to evaluate a novel
automated flow distribution analysis based on the
evaluation the blood flow velocity distributions in the
entire 3D vessel segments to identify hemodynamic
'fingerprints' of different aortic pathologies. |
Unsupervised Ischemia
Detection at Rest with CP-BOLD Cardiac MRI: A Simulation
Study Employing Independent Component Analysis 
Rita Morisi1, Rohan Dharmakumar2,3,
and Sotirios A. Tsaftaris1,4
1IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca,
LU, Italy, 2Biomedical
Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,
Los Angeles, California, United States, 3Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles, California,
United States, 4Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern
University, Evanston, Evanston, IL, United States
Cardiac-phase resolved Blood Oxygen-Level-Dependent
(CP-BOLD) MRI is a new approach capable of detecting an
ongoing ischemia without the need for provocative
stress. Current disease assessment relies on segmental
analysis and uses only a few cardiac phases of the cine
acquisition. It is expected that using all phases can
permit pixel-level characterization. This work explores
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for pixel-level
ischemia characterization. Using simulated data we
demonstrate the potential utility of ICA for overcoming
existing limitations in discriminating ischemic
territories on the basis of CP-BOLD
0249. |
Combined MRI and TCD to
assess association between different vulnerable plaque
features in stroke patients 
Martine Truijman1,2, Alexandra de Rotte3,
Rune Aaslid4, Anouk van Dijk5,6,
Madieke Liem7, Floris Schreuder2,8,
Robert van Oostenbrugge8, Joachim Wildberger1,
Paul Nederkoorn7, Jeroen Hendrikse3,
Aad van der Lugt5, Werner Mess2,
and Marianne Eline Kooi1
1Radiology, Maastricht University Medical
Center, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Clinical
Neurophysiology, Maastricht University Medical Center,
Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Radiology,
University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands, 4Hemodynamics
AG, Bern, Switzerland, 5Radiology,
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 6Neurology,
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 7Neurology,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8Neurology,
Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht,
Vulnerable carotid atherosclerotic plaque features, such
as intraplaque haemorhage, fibrous cap status and
microembolic signals, are frequently studied to identify
those patients with an increased risk of a recurrent
stroke. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
relationship between these MRI and transcranial Doppler
ultrasound determined features. The results show no
significant difference in MES between patients with
intraplaque haemorrhage or thin/ruptured fibrous cap.
This indicates that MRI and transcranial Doppler
ultrasound provide additive information on plaque