ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting
& Exhibition • 30 May - 05 June 2015 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Note: The videos
below are only the slides from each presentation. They do not have
audio. |
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
14:15 - 15:15 |
Computer # |
3068. |
1 |
Integrated MRI-LINAC
Radiotherapy Machine 
Oliver Heid1, Michael Kleemann1,
and Jürgen Heller1
1CT NTF HTC, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Bavaria,
MRI is attractive as radio therapy guidance and control
method due to its soft tissue contrast and its absence
of X-ray radiation. We report on a proof of concept of
an integrated radio-oncology LINAC treatment machine
within an MRI system resulting in a reasonably compact
and cost efficient device. Experimental prof is given
which demonstrates operating a conventional 6 MeV LINAC
within a conventional superconducting high field MRI
3069. |
2 |
'Whole-Body PET/MR Imaging:
Quantitative Evaluation of a Novel Model-based MR
Attenuation Correction Method Including Bone 
Daniel H Paulus1, Harald H Quick1,2,
Matthias Fenchel3, Christian Geppert3,
David Faul4, Yiqiang Zhan5,
Fernando E Boada6,7, Kent L Friedman6,
and Thomas Koesters6,7
1Institute of Medical Physics, University of
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2High
Field and Hybrid MR Imaging, University Hospital Essen,
Essen, Germany, 3Siemens
AG Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 4Siemens
AG Healthcare, New York, NY, United States, 5Siemens
AG Healthcare, Malvern, PN, United States, 6NYU
Langone Medical Center, Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, New York, NY, United States, 7NYU
Langone Medical Center, Center for Advanced Imaging
Innovation and Research, CAI2R, New York, NY, United
In whole-body hybrid PET/MR imaging, bone is currently
disregarded in attenuation correction. For head imaging,
several approaches have been proposed to consider bone,
but yet, not assigned to whole-body imaging. A novel
attenuation correction approach for hybrid PET/MR
imaging is presented and evaluated on 19 patients that
combines the routine Dixon-based soft tissue
segmentation with model-based bone estimation for
whole-body imaging. As a standard of reference, CT
images of each patient were non-rigidly registered to
the MR images. It is shown that the new method
significantly improves the PET quantification in bony
tissue, bone lesions, and tissue close to bone.
3070. |
3 |
Clinical MR-Linac System 
Johan Overweg1, Falk Uhlemann1,
Phil Jonas2, Thomas Amthor1, Peter
Forthmann2, Panu Vesanen3, Tero
Virta3, Christopher Busch3, and
Kevin Brown4
1Philips Innovative Technologies, Hamburg,
Germany, 2Philips
Healthcare, Latham, New York, United States, 3MR
therapy, Philips Healthcare, Vantaa, Finland, 4Elekta
Limited, Crawley, United Kingdom
A concept for a real-time MR-guided radiotherapy system
has been industrialized to make it suitable for clinical
3071. |
4 |
Optimisation of a
32-channel Resonator for Simultaneous PET/MRI of the Head at
3.0 Tesla: Material Selection and Performance Testing 
Adam Farag1,2 and
Jean Theberge3,4
1Ceresensa Inc, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Western
University, London, Ontario, Canada, 3Lawson
Health Research Institute, Ontario, Canada,4Department
of Medical Biophysics, University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada
Positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance
imaging systems (PET/MRI) has been recently developed
for human imaging, harnessing the powers of morphology
and function. Yet, such technology is still in need for
complementary tools, such as, dedicated radiofrequency
resonators. In this work an approach is presented to
optimise a dedicated multi-channels head resonator. The
resonator will be used to acquire simultaneously PET/MRI
images. Aiming to develop objective diagnostic methods
to discriminate unipolar from bipolar using combined
serotonin PET, resting state fMRI and blood oxygenation
level dependent fMRI.
3072. |
5 |
Zero TE based PET
attenuation correction in the head 
Florian Wiesinger1, Anne Menini1,
Sangtae Ahn2, Lishui Cheng2,
Gaspar Delso3, Sandeep Kaushik4,
Ravindra Manjeshwar2, and Dattesh Shanbhag4
1GE Global Research, Munich, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 3GE
Healthcare, Zurich, Switzerland, 4GE
Global Research, Bangalore, India
PET/MR is a novel hybrid imaging modality which promises
to influence radiology in the near and long-term future.
Despite dedicated and focused research efforts, MR-based
PET attenuation correction (MR-AC) as required for
quantitative PET is still considered challenging;
especially when compared to PET/CT. A particular
challenge is the correct characterization of bone; i.e.
the human tissue with the highest PET attenuation value
but which is difficult to capture by MR. Recently a
novel zero TE (ZT) based method has been described for
fast and reliable bone depiction and segmentation. Here
we investigate the feasibility of ZT-based PET
attenuation correction (ZT-AC) in the head.
3073. |
6 |
MR driven PET-attenuation
correction in presence of metal implants using anatomy
context driven decisioning - permission withheld
Dattesh D Shanbhag1, Sandeep S Kaushik1,
Sheshadri Thiruvenkadam1, Florian Wiesinger2,
Sangtae Ahn3, Rakesh Mullick4, and
Ravindra M Manjeshwar5
1Medical Image Analysis Laboratory, GE Global
Research, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2Diagnostics
& Biomedical Technology Laboratory, GE Global Research,
Garching, Bavaria, Germany, 3Functional
Imaging Laboratory, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY,
United States, 4Diagnostics
& Biomedical Technologies, GE Global Research,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 5X-ray
& Functional Imaging, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY,
United States
Correction of metal implant areas in MRAC map is
considered an important unmet need to guarantee accurate
and robust MR-based PET-AC. We demonstrate that use of
spatially adaptive phase field based approach and
anatomy context driven decisioning can help address
metal implant related issues in tissue segmentation and
consequently result in improved fidelity of PET
reconstruction. Overall, the presented method will allow
for more robust and accurate MR-AC and accordingly PET
quantification in the presence of metallic implants.
3074. |
7 |
MR Guided Motion Correction
for Yttrium 90 Imaging using a Simultaneous PET/MRI Scanner 
Mootaz Eldib1,2, Niels Oesingmann3,
David Faul3, Jason Bini1,2, Lale
Kostakoglu4, Karin Knesaurek4, and
Zahi A. Fayad1
1TMII, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, City College of New York, New York, NY,
United States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, New York, NY, United States, 4Radiology,
Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY,
United States
Yttrium 90 radio-embolization is a therapeutic procedure
that delivers radiation directly to hepatic tumors.
Post-procedure PET imaging is a useful tool in detection
of shunting to other organs, and in dose calculations
and quantification. Both of these applications would
suffer from errors due to breathing motion and thus
motion correction is critical. In this study an MR-based
motion correction approach is developed and implemented
using a simultaneous PET/MRI scanner. Phantom and human
data are presented.
3075. |
8 |
A new unilateral breast
specific coil design and dual-modality interface
configuration for MR/scintimammography 
Jaedu Cho1, Seunghoon Ha1, Alex
Luk1, Farouk Nouizi1, Orhan
Nalcioglu1, Gultekin Gulsen1, and
Ming-Ying Su1
1Center for Functional Onco-Imaging,
University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United
MR/scintimammography (MR/SMM) is a promising high
sensitivity and high specificity dual-modality imaging
system for the diagnosis of breast cancer. We present a
new unilateral breast specific coil and a novel
dual-modality interface configuration for
MR/scintimammography. The new two channel unilateral
coil consisted of a quadrature solenoid coil and a
quadrature saddle coil. These two channel coils are
specifically designed not only to obtain high
sensitivity breast MR imaging, but also to allow
simultaneous MR/SMM imaging. The performance of this new
system configuration is compared to a commercial breast
3076. |
9 |
Design of a Whole-Body
Radio Frequency Coil for image-guided radiotherapy treatment
in a MRI-LINAC system 
Aurelien Destruel1, Ewald Weber1,
Ivan Hughes1, Yu Li1, Feng Liu1,
and Stuart Crozier1
1School of ITEE, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
In this work, a RF transmit volume coil was designed to
work in a MRI-Linac. Because of the novelty of this
approach and the specific geometry of the magnet,
specific constraints had to be accommodated. To ensure
the reliability of the design, the behaviour of the coil
was modelled in an electromagnetic simulation, and a
prototype was built in a mock-up of the magnet. Results
converged to show that the homogeneity of the transmit
field in the DSV are very uniform.
3077. |
10 |
Feasibility of 18F-FDG
Radio-Tracer Dose Reduction in Simultaneous Carotid PET/MR
Mootaz Eldib1,2, Jason Bini1,2,
Olivier Lairez1,2, Zahi A Fayad1,2,
and Venkatesh Mani1,2
1Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai, New York, New York, United States, 2Translational
and Molecular Imaging Institute, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai, NEW YORK, New York, United
PET/CT is typically used to evaluate vascular
inflammation. An advantage of using PET/MR compared to
PET/CT is that it delivers less ionizing radiation.
Further reduction in the delivered dose of radiotracers
using simultaneous PET/MR can be achieved by matching
the duration of the PET acquisition to that of MR (which
is generally longer in duration than CT) and thus
achieving good image quality. In this study, we evaluate
the feasibility of low dose, long duration 18F-FDG PET
imaging using a simultaneous PET/MR scanner.
3078. |
11 |
Whole-Body PET-MR Including
DWI, T2w, and Gadofosveset-enhanced T1w Sequences:
Evaluation of MR Performance Compared to PET-CT and Relative
Benefits Provided by Each Sequence 
Piotr Obara1, Andreas Loening1,
Valentina Taviani1, Andrei Iagaru1,
Brian Hargreaves1, and Shreyas Vasanawala1
1Radiology, Stanford Hospital, Stanford,
California, United States
Diffusion-weighted (DW), T2-weighted, and
gadofosveset-enhanced T1-weighted images from 14 whole
body PET-MR exams were assessed by 2 radiologists for
presence of malignant disease as well as lesion
conspicuity and delineation. Compared to PET-CT, MR
showed good sensitivity and specificity on a per-organ
basis but only fair specificity on a per-patient basis
due to false positive findings in osseous structures.
Lesion conspicuity was rated best on DW images,
particularly in osseous structures. The relatively lower
conspicuity on post-contrast images could have been in
part due to suboptimal lesion enhancement with
3079. |
12 |
MR Performance Evaluation
of a PET/MR With SiPM Based Time of Flight PET Detectors 
Mohammad Mehdi Khalighi1, Gaspar Delso2,
Sri-Harsha Maramraju3, Greg Zaharchuk4,
and Gary Glover4
1Applied Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Menlo
Park, CA, United States, 2Applied
Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Zurich, Switzerland, 3PET/MR
Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 4Radiology
Dep., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
The MR performance of an investigational hybrid PET/MR
system is compared to a comparable wide-bore MR machine.
We show that the MR performance is not significantly
compromised after PET ring insertion. It is also shown
that PET acquisition itself has a very small effect (3%
SNR drop). Because of the smaller diameter, the PET/MR
body coil SNR is higher and demonstrates 30% increased
peak B1+. The only significant tradeoff between PET/MR
and a wide-bore MR is the bore size (60cm vs. 70cm).
3080. |
13 |
MR performance of an
MR-Linac prototype 
Panu Vesanen1, Jukka Tanttu1, Juha
Oila1, Tiina Näsi1, Annemaria
Halkola1, Tero Virta1, Falk
Uhlemann2, Johan Overweg2, and
Jarmo Ruohonen1
1MR Therapy, Philips Healthcare, Vantaa,
Finland, 2Philips
Innovative Technologies, Hamburg, Germany
In treatment of cancer by conventional radiotherapy,
motion of the target and nearby organs limits the
accuracy of the treatment delivery. A combined MRI and
linear accelerator system (MR-Linac) aims to reduce
these inaccuracies by providing image guidance with
excellent soft-tissue contrast. In this abstract, MR
performance of an industry-built 1.5T MR-Linac prototype
was evaluated by comparing the image quality to that
obtained with a commercially available 1.5T scanner.
Pelvis, abdomen, and head & neck anatomies of 20 healthy
volunteers were studied. No significant differences in
the image quality or SNR were found.
3081. |
14 |
Dynamic Brain PET/MR using
TOF Reconstruction 
Mohammad Mehdi Khalighi1, Gaspar Delso2,
Sri-Harsha Maramraju3, Michel Tohme3,
Gary Glover4, and Greg Zaharchuk4
1Applied Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Menlo
Park, CA, United States, 2Applied
Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Zurich, Switzerland, 3PET/MR
Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 4Radiology
Dep., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
In a functional PET/MR study, temporal resolution of PET
images is lower than that of MR due to SNR limitation.
Time-of-flight (TOF) reconstruction can be used to
increase PET images’ SNR and therefore increase the
temporal resolution. Five patients were scanned on an
investigational simultaneous TOF-enabled PET/MR scanner
and PET images were reconstructed with and without TOF.
TOF reconstruction showed an SNR improvement of 5-45%
(25±10%) compared to non-TOF reconstruction. With this
additional SNR gain, frame durations as short as 30s
were possible while preserving reasonable image quality.
Such short frames may be used to increase the temporal
resolution of dynamic brain studies using simultaneous
PET/MR imaging.
3082. |
15 |
Stress and Strain
Sensitivity Study of 1.5T Conduction Cooled MgB2 Magnet
Abdullah Al Amin1, Tanvir Baig2,
Zhen Yao2, and Michael A Martens2
1Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Ohio, United States, 2Department
of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Ohio, United States
Ever increasing liquid helium (LHe) price has pushed
researchers to design background magnets that could
operate in conduction cooling mode. High Tc
superconductor e.g. MgB2 is
a promising candidate for conduction cooled magnet. But
high strain sensitivity of MgB2 wire
could be a limiting factor in designing a whole body MRI
magnet of 1.5T or higher. In this work, strain
sensitivity of an optimized 1.5T conduction cooled MgB2 MRI
magnet is numerically studied. The stress and strains
behavior of the design shows viability of building such
conduction cooled magnet.
3083. |
16 |
A 24-channel shim array for
real-time shimming of the human spinal cord:
Characterization and proof-of-concept experiment 
Ryan Topfer1, Kai-Ming Lo2, Karl
Metzemaekers2, Donald Jette2, Hoby
P. Hetherington3, Piotr Starewicz2,
and Julien Cohen-Adad1,4
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Ecole
Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Resonance
Research Inc., Billerica, MA, United States,3Department
of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States, 4Functional
Neuroimaging Unit, CRIUGM, Université de Montréal,
Montreal, QC, Canada
A novel shim system is introduced for the purpose of
real-time shimming in spinal imaging to compensate for
respiratory-related distortions of the main field. The
24 independent, rectangular planar shim coils are
embedded within the patient bed table, in close
proximity to the spine of the scanned subject.
Preliminary calibration and “proof of concept” phantom
experiments are described. Compared to the unshimmed
case, the standard deviation of the field inhomogeneity,
as calculated over 1.1 L volumes of interest, was
reduced by over 30 %.
3084. |
17 |
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI:
evaluating the effect of the EEG cap cabling configuration
on the gradient artefact. 
Muhammad E H Chowdhury1, Karen J Mullinger1,2,
and Richard Bowtell1
1SPMIC, School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2BUIC,
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, United Kingdom
EEG data recorded during fMRI are compromised by large
gradient artefact (GA) voltages. The GA is usually
corrected using average artefact correction; requiring
the amplifier to have a large enough dynamic range to
characterise the artefact voltages. Here we re-designed
the EEG cap-cable configuration so that the GA induced
in the 1 m ribbon cable by an AP gradient partially
cancels that induced in the EEG cap and head. We
demonstrate that the range and amplitude of the GA can
be significantly reduced by cap-cable re-wiring,
allowing recording at higher EEG bandwidths or increased
achievable image resolution without saturation.
3085. |
18 |
An improved design of
multi-channel switching circuit for matrix gradient coil 
Huijun Yu1, Frank Huethe2,
Sebastian Littin1, Kelvin Layton1,
Stefan Kroboth1, Feng Jia1, Jürgen
Hennig1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, BW,
Germany, 2Dept.
of Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, BW, Germany
An updated multi-channel switching circuit for matrix
gradient coil is presented in this work to reduce the
total number of gradient amplifiers and provide more
flexibility to generate the customized current patterns.
The bridge switches and interconnection switches are
used to dynamically configure the current path of coil
elements during the pulse sequence to generate the
specific current pattern. The amplifier selection
switches are used for dynamically defining different
channels of the current path during the experiment (the
number of channels of current path is equal to the
number of used gradient power amplifiers).
3086. |
19 |
Virtual Phantom (ViP) MRI:
a method to generate virtual phantoms that mimic water-fat
Roberto Salvati1,2, Eric Hitti1,2,
Jean-Jacques Bellanger1,2, Herve Saint-Jalmes1,2,
and Giulio Gambarota1,2
1Université de Rennes 1, LTSI, Rennes,
France, 2INSERM,
UMR 1099, Rennes, France
Virtual Phantom (ViP) for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) is a method to generate reference signals, without
using physical objects, using an external waveform
generator and an RF coil. In a previous work it was
shown that ViP MRI could substitute agar gel phantoms,
using magnitude images. The aim of the current study was
to test the feasibility of the ViP MRI method to
generate magnitude and phase images that mimic water-fat
systems. To this aim, multi gradient-echo magnitude and
phase images of ViPs and physical phantoms were acquired
for IDEAL (Iterative Decomposition with Echo Asymmetry
and Least squares estimation) reconstruction.
3087. |
20 |
Peripheral Nerve
Stimulation Considerations in the Presence of the Metallic
Vahid Ghodrati1, Niloufar Zakariaei1,
and Abbas Nasiraei Moghaddam1,2
1BME, Amirkabir University of Technology
(Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2School
of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in
Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran
Foreign objects with high conductivity can intensify and
concentrate the induced eddy currents from the gradient
switching. These concentrated currents in turn may cause
PNS during MR-imaging and potentially result in a mild
to intolerable discomfort for the patient especially
when the foreign object is in the vicinity of sensible
locations. The maximum limit for applied gradient
intensity in different gradient switching times has been
modified to guarantee the safe mode in the presence of
metallic objects. We showed that the conductive
materials mostly affect the small rise times as the
modifies limit is less sensitive to gradient rise time
compared to IEC standard.
3088. |
21 |
Dynamic off-resonance
magnetic field monitoring and correction using proton field
Ying-Hua Chu1, Yi-Cheng Hsu1,
Shang-Yueh Tsai2, Wen-Jui Kuo3,
and Fa-Hsuan Lin1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National
Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3National
Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
Here we develop a 10-channel field probe system using 1H
as the NMR signal source to monitor the magnetic field.
The field probe is decoupled from the subject by
interleaving the field probe measurement and subject
imaging. Specifically, field probe NMR signal was
measured at high spatial frequency k-space point in
order to minimize the NMR signal from the subject.
Empirical data showed successful monitoring of
respiratory and cardiac cycles. We can track 2D field
drifting with 0.1 s temporal resolution and use this
information to improve the time-domain SNR (tSNR) of
dynamic spiral imaging by 137 %.
3089. |
22 |
Accurate Vibroacoustic
Simulations in High Performance Gradient Coils 
Simone Angela Winkler1, Trevor P Wade2,
Andrew Alejski2, Charles McKenzie2,
and Brian K Rutt1
1Dept. of Radiology, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Robarts
Research Institute, The University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada
We present a comprehensive modeling approach for
acoustic noise in MR gradient coils that includes
previously neglected but essential factors. Our
simulation environment is the most complete developed to
date for vibroacoustic gradient coil simulations,
incorporating such features as full structural-acoustic
coupling. We have used this new simulation environment
to model realistic head and body gradient coils, and
have used experimental measurements to demonstrate
accurate prediction of acoustic and vibration spectra
and spectrally averaged levels. This new simulation
environment has great potential for the accurate
prediction and ultimately reduction of acoustic and
vibration levels in high performance gradient systems.
3090. |
23 |
The Automatic Placement of
Cooling Pathways for MRI Gradient Coils Using Path Finding
Elliot Smith1, Fabio Freschi1,2,
Maurizio Repetto2, and Stuart Crozier1
1School of ITEE, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2Department
of Energy, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
The thermal performance of MRI hardware is critical to
the safe and efficient operation of these devices.
Placement of cooling pipes can help to transport heat
away from the system. Placing this pipes algorithmically
can lead to an efficient cooling system based on thermal
simulation and path finding algoithms.
3091. |
24 |
Design of a shielded coil
element of a matrix gradient coil 
Feng Jia1, Sebastian Littin1,
Kelvin Layton1, Stefan Kroboth1,
Huijun Yu1, Jürgen Hennig1, and
Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Radiology, University Medical
Center Freiburg, Freiburg, BW, Germany
Spatial encoding with nonlinear magnetic fields (SEMs)
has raised increasing interest in the past few years.
Matrix coils consisted of multiple coil elements appear
to offer a high flexibility in generating customized
SEMs and are particularly promising for localized high
resolution imaging applications such as PatLoc .
However, existing coil elements of those matrix coils
cannot lead to an optimal performance according to the
measure of matrix coils. In this work, an optimization
problem is formulated that results in optimal designs of
novel, high-performance coil elements of a matrix coil.
Two parameters are proposed to assess the performance of
different coil elements. The results are tested and the
analysis reveals novel features of coil element designs.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
14:15 - 15:15 |
Computer # |
3092. |
25 |
RF Dipole Coil with Novel
Slotted Shielding Plate Achieving an Improved B1
Distribution for 7 T MRI - permission withheld
Zhichao Chen1,2, Mahdi Abbasi1,
Klaus Solbach2, Daniel Erni1, and
Andreas Rennings1
1General and Theoretical Electrical
Engineering (ATE), Faculty of Engineering, University of
Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, NRW, Germany, 2High
Frequency Engineering (HFT), Faculty of Engineering,
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, NRW, Germany
A dipole coil with miniaturized eigen-resonant shielding
plate at 300 MHz is presented. The size reduction is
done by etching several slots in the shielding plate and
enclosing the slotted sections with high-dielectric
substrates. The dipole element with proposed slotted
shielding plate exhibits an improvement in terms of B1
homogeneity and penetration depth comparing to the
ordinary (unslotted) case. Single element and
multi-channel setups loaded by a homogeneous phantom are
utilized to evaluate the proposed approach. Without
diminishing the merit of eigen-resonant shielding plate,
the presented dipole coil has more placement flexibility
for certain applications due to the size reduction.
3093. |
26 |
Inductively Coupled Planar
TX Coils: Analysis of B1+ Efficiency
and SAR Performance 
Johanna Schöpfer1,2, Klaus Huber2,
Stephan Biber3, Markus Vester3,
Sebastian Martius2, and Martin Vossiek1
1LHFT, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Erlangen, Germany, 2Siemens
AG, Corporate Technology, Erlangen, Germany, 3Siemens
AG, Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
High SAR values can increase imaging time, especially if
very high B1+ fields are required. In this study,
potential benefits of inductively coupled planar loop
antennas, designed to focus the transmit field, are
evaluated and compared to the transmit characteristics
of the body coil. It shows that the inserted loop leads
to reduced power requirements and SAR without
significantly decreasing B1+ homogeneity in the defined
ROI, relative to standard excitation with the body coil.
3094. |
27 |
Tackling the Challenges of
Imaging the Infant Brain in a Dedicated Neonatal Coil 
Emer Hughes1, Tobias Winchmann2,
Laurent Mager3, Francesco Padormo4,
Hutter Jana4, Julia Wurie1,
Matthew Fox1, Maryanne Sharma1,
David Edwards1, Andrew Kapetanakis1,
Alessandro Allievi5, and Joseph Hajnal4
1Centre for the developing brain, Kings
College London, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Rapid
biomedical engineering, Germany, 3Peraltec
AG, Switzerland, 4Division
of imaging science and biomedical engineering, Kings
College London, London, London, United Kingdom, 5Imperial
College London, London, United Kingdom
Optimal performance for neonatal brain imaging requires
the receive coil to be as close fitting as possible, but
this creates challenges for patient handling. Here, we
developed a joint design of a 32 channel neonatal array
and a baby transport and positioning system intended for
examining babies up to 44 weeks at time of scan. The
purpose of this was to implement a system to
consistently gain high image quality in preparation for
the developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP).
3096. |
29 |
High-precision Magnetic
Susceptometry Applied to 3D-printed RF Coil Construction 
R. Adam Horch1,2 and
John C Gore1,2
1Department of Radiology & Radiological
Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
States, 2Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Science, Nashville, TN,
United States
An apparatus capable of high precision (< 1 ppb)
measurements of magnetic susceptibility has been
developed with broad potential in the characterization
of materials for MR instrumentation. Measurements of
3D-printed materials relevant to RF coil construction
have been performed. For example, 3D-printed ultem
differs in susceptibility from water, despite pure
ultem’s excellent match. Poly(methyl methacrylate) and
polycarbonate-based 3D-printed materials offer
alternatives which closely match water’s magnetic
3097. |
30 |
Ink-jet printing enables
maskless electroplating mould patterning for rapid MRI coil
Markus V. Meissner1, Nils Spengler1,
Dario Mager1, Jens Höfflin1, Peter
T. While1, and Jan G. Korvink1
1Department of Microsystems Engineering -
IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, BW, Germany
We introduce a novel micro-electroplating process based
on ink-jet printed conductive structures, to define
high-aspect-ratio MRI field coils. To structure
electrically conductive tracks, silver nano particle
based ink is printed directly on permanent dry film
resist. In this process, molds for electroplating are
patterned into thick-film photo-definable resist via
backside exposure where our printed structures serve as
both the shadow mask for the mold, and the seed layer
for the electroplating. Our process is particularly
suitable for the rapid manufacture of small planar TxRx,
shim and gradient coils.
3098. |
31 |
Baluned-Hairpin-(BHP)-Resonator for Field Monitoring 
Thomas Riemer1
1Insitute for Medical Physics and Biophysics,
University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
3099. |
32 |
Comparison of different
simulation methods regarding their feasibility for MRI coil
Sebastian Martius1, Johanna Schöpfer1,2,
Andreas Fackelmeier1, and Klaus Huber1
1Siemens AG, Coporate Technology, Erlangen,
Germany, 2LHFT,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Loop antenna arrays are the major components for
reception in magnetic resonance imaging systems.
Typically 3D full wave field calculation software is
used for calculation of the corresponding s-Parameters
and field distribution of these loop antennas. In the
following paper different simulation methods are
compared, including various meshing techniques in time
and frequency domain simulations, regarding their
suitability of accurately calculating a more complex
antenna structure.
3100. |
33 |
The Distributed Inductance
Electric Dipole Antenna 
Graham C Wiggins1,2, Karthik Lakshmanan1,2,
and Gang Chen1,3
1The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York
University School of Medicine, Newyork, NY, United
States, 2The
Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research
(CAI2R),Department of Radiology, New York University
School of Medicine, Newyork, NY, United States, 3The
Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New
York University School of Medicine, Newyork, NY, United
3101. |
34 |
A Cryogenic Solenoid
Transmit/Receive Coil Cooled with Liquid Nitrogen for Sodium
Imaging at 11.7 T 
Kuan Zhang1, Lian Xue1, Guangfu Xu2,
Zungang Liu2, Erzhen Gao2, Q.Y. Ma2,
Nikolaus M Szeverenyi3, and Graeme Bydder3
1Time Medical Systems, Inc, San Diego, CA,
United States, 2Time
Medical Systems, Inc, China, 3University
of California, San Diego, CA, United States
A cyrogenic solenoid transmit/receive coil resonating at
132 MHz for sodium MRI (11.7T) was constructed and
tested at liquid nitrogen temperature. The tuning
circuit is kept outside the cryostat at room temperature
for easy access. The resonant frequency was tunable over
a 250 kHz range, allowing compensation for various
sample loadings. Images were acquired on a 3 mm thick
anatomical human patella specimen using a Bruker 11.7T
animal MRI scanner, both with this cryo-coil and a room
temperature coil of identical structure for comparison.
A 70% SNR improvement was obtained. The coil package is
small and convenient for commercial use.
3102. |
35 |
Evaluation on coupling
strategies for ultra-high field MRI probe made of
cylindrical dielectric resonator 
Rui Liu1, Wei Luo2, Thomas
Neuberger3,4, and Michael Lanagan1,2
1Engineering Science and Mechanics,
Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Pennsylvania, United States, 2Material
Research Insititute, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania, United States, 3Huck
Institute of Life Science, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, Pennsylvania, United
States, 4Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, Pennsylvania, United States
In this study, different coupling methods for a
cylindrical dielectric resonator operating in TE01δ mode
were investigated and compared at 14T. The best coupling
method was selected based on the analysis of the
scattering parameters. It yielded a Q-factor around
716.2 and S21 value of -9.20 dB. The relationship
between different Q-factors and their effects on S21
were discussed. The results from this study will be
useful for the new designs on MRI probe head made of
cylindrical dielectric resonators.
3103. |
36 |
Evaluation of Displacement
Currents and Conduction Currents in a Close Fitting Head
Array with High Permittivity Material 
ChristopherM. M. Collins1,2, Giuseppe
Carluccio1,2, Manushka Vaidya1,2,
Gillian Haemer1,2, Riccardo Lattanzi1,2,
Graham C. Wiggins1,2, Daniel K. Sodickson1,2,
and Qing X. Yang3
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and
Research (CAI2R), New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Bernard
and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, New
York University School of Medicine, New York, United
States, 3Center
for NMR Research, Penn State College of Medicine,
Hershey, PA, United States
While most work with high permittivity materials (HPMs)
in MRI has been focused on improving SNR or transmit
efficiency for a relatively small region within a much
larger coil or array, more recent work demonstrates that
HPMs can also improve performance of smaller coils very
near the subject, as well as arrays of such coils for
the entire region of the anatomy they encompass. Here we
illustrate differences in the nature of coil
functionality when HPMs are present with graphical plots
and analysis of both conduction currents and
displacement currents.
3104. |
37 |
Changes in neighbor and
next-nearest-neighbor coupling of transmit/receive arrays in
the presence of close-fitting high permittivity materials 
Gillian G Haemer1,2, Manushka V Vaidya1,2,
Christopher M Collins1,2, and Graham C
1The Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation
and Research, and the Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2The
Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New
York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United
The use of high permittivity materials (HPMs) can
improve coil performance at ultra high field. Much
recent experimental work performed with HPMs has been
done with prefabricated coils and/or standardized
clinical coils, built without the use of dielectric
materials in mind. However, close-fitting transmit
arrays are at risk of interacting closely with the HPM,
and therefore having their performance in the presence
of the HPM affected. Here we explore how HPMs proximal
to a set of three geometrically decoupled coils affect
their performance and decoupling.
3105. |
38 |
SAR Reduction in RF
Shimming through the use of High Permittivity Materials:
approach towards the Ultimate Intrinsic SAR 
Gillian G Haemer1,2, Manushka V Vaidya1,2,
Christopher M Collins1,2, Daniel K Sodickson1,2,
Graham C Wiggins1, and Riccardo Lattanzi1,2
1The Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation
and Research, and the Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2The
Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New
York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United
Appropriate high-permittivity, low-conductivity
materials (HPM) placed between the RF coil and the
sample can provide performance improvement in both
transmission and reception. We employed a simulation
framework based on dyadic Green’s functions for
multi-layered spherical geometries to analyze how HPMs
affect the tradeoff between excitation homogeneity and
global Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for RF shimming at
7T, using transmit arrays with an increasing number of
elements and Ultimate Intrinsic SAR as a reference. We
generated L-curves showing ultimate performance could be
approached with a relatively small number of transmit
elements by optimizing the relative permittivity of the
HPM layer.
3106. |
39 |
Improving B1+ Uniformity
Using Segmented Dielectric Pads 
Aurelien Destruel1, Jin Jin1, Feng
Liu1, Mingyan Li1, Ewald Weber1,
and Stuart Crozier1
1School of ITEE, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
This study presents a novel method of improving
dielectric shimming. In contrast to conventional
approach where large pads are generally used, narrow
segmented pads are used in the current study.
Additionally, the combination of permittivity values for
all segments is optimised. The simulation results show
that, for 7T head imaging, using eight narrow pads with
optimised permittivity distribution constraints the
displacement currents to the longitudinal direction, to
most effectively produce transmit magnetic field.
Furthermore, the uniformity of the transmit magnetic
field has been significantly improved. By increasing the
degrees-of-freedom in regulating the displacement
current distribution, the proposed approach provides a
new perspective in dielectric shimming.
3107. |
40 |
The basis functions: a
novel approach for electromagnetic fields evaluations for
any matching and coupling conditions 
Gianluigi Tiberi1,2, Nunzia Fontana3,
Riccardo Stara4, Alessandra Retico5,
Agostino Monorchio3, and Michela Tosetti2
1Imago7, Pisa, PI, Italy, 2IRCCS
Stella Maris, Pisa, PI, Italy, 3Dipartimento
di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Pisa, PI, Italy, 4Dipartimento
di Fisica, Pisa, PI, Italy, 5Istituto
Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, sezione di Pisa, Pisa, PI,
A procedure for evaluating RF electromagnetic fields in
anatomical human models for any matching and coupling
conditions is introduced. The procedure resorts to the
extraction of basis functions: such basis functions,
which represent the fields produced by each individual
port without any residual coupling, are derived through
an algebraic procedure which uses the S parameter matrix
and the fields calculated in one (only) full-wave
simulation. The basis functions are then used as
building-blocks for calculating the fields for any other
S parameter matrix.
3108. |
41 |
RF Safety Validation of
High Permittivity Pads at 7 Tesla 
Wyger Brink1, Yacine Noureddine2,
Oliver Kraff2, Andreas K. Bitz2,3,
and Andrew Webb1
1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Netherlands, 2Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 3Medical
Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center
(DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Electric near-field measurements confirm that the
electric fields within the phantom are very well be
affected by the dielectric pads. The data presented here
indicate an agreement between simulations and
measurements of electric and magnetic fields in the
order of ~10%. This means that realistic scenarios can
be evaluated with this error margin to provide SAR
estimates for using pads in vivo.
3109. |
42 |
Ideal current patterns
correspond to larger surface coils with use of high
permittivity materials 
Manushka V Vaidya1,2, Gillian G Haemer1,2,
Giuseppe Carluccio1, Dmitry Novikov1,2,
Daniel K. Sodickson1,2, Christopher M.
Collins1,2, Graham C. Wiggins1,2,
and Riccardo Lattanzi1,2
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and
Research, and Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department
of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States, 2Sackler
Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York
University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United
Ideal current patterns maximize the SNR for a position
within the imaging sample. Our work demonstrates that in
imaging a central voxel, addition of a dielectric layer
surrounding a spherical sample results primarily in a
phase lag in the ideal current patterns corresponding to
the additional propagation time through the layer. For
an off-center voxel, the ideal current pattern covers a
larger area when the dielectric layer is present,
indicating that larger sized coils are optimal in this
case. Our results provide an understanding of
electromagnetic field behavior with dielectric
materials, and provide a method to predict optimal coil
3110. |
43 |
Optimal Permittivity of
Dielectric Liners and their Effects on Transmit Array
Atefeh Kordzadeh1 and
Nicola DeZanche2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Physics, Cross Cancer Institute and
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Dielectric pads are used as an effective method to
increase the signal locally and also increase the RF
field homogeneity in high-field MRI. Here we investigate
the effect of dielectric liners of various
permittivities on the transmit performance of a head
coil array at 4.7T. Results show that field homogeneity
and sensitivity are competing goals and a compromise is
needed based on the application. An optimal value for
permittivity is found which is lower than values which
are commonly used in the literature.
3111. |
44 |
Influence of metamaterial
insert to cylindrical RF coil array in human knee MR imaging
at 1.5T 
Xiaoqing Hu1, Chunlai Li2, Hongyi
Wang1, Xiaoliang Zhang3, Xin Liu1,
Hairong Zheng1, Lin Luan2, and Ye
1Lauterbur Research Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 2ShenzhenKey
Laboratory of Optical and Terahertz Meta-RF, Kuang-Chi
Institute of Advanced Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong,
China, 3Department
of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of
California San Francisco, CA, United States
Influence of metamaterial insert to cylindrical RF coil
array in human knee MR imaging at 1.5T
3112. |
45 |
Development of low field
MRI system running on the same magnetic circuit used for 750
MHz CW EPR imaging system 
Hideo Sato-Akaba1 and
Hiroshi Hirata2
1Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate
School of Engineering Science, Osaka University,
Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan, 2Division
of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Graduate School of
Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University,
Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
EPR imaging allows visualizing free radicals in small
animals and gives information of redox status in various
tissues. However, the determination of the position is
difficult due to the lack of anatomical information. So
far to solve this problem, co-registration of an EPR
image and a high field MRI image has been applied.
However, the cost of the high field MRI system may be
obstacle for many researchers to access this method. The
purpose of the present work was developing a compact low
field MRI system running on a same magnetic circuit used
for a 750 MHz EPR imaging system.
3113. |
46 |
SpinoTemplate: A System for
MR-Guided Spinal Cellular Therapeutics Injections 
Alexander Squires1, John Oshinski2,
Jason Lamanna2, and Zion Tsz Ho Tse1
1College of Engineering, The University of
Georgia, Athens, GA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United
A MRI-guided needle positioning system was developed to
provide a less invasive surgical method for delivering
cellular therapeutics to the spinal cord of swine
subjects used in ALS studies. The resulting system is
capable of delivering 2mm targeting accuracy along with
ease of use, the ability to perform multiple injections
without repositioning the targeting device, and
delivered a physical end product which is disposable to
facilitate ease of implementation in further research.
47 |
Non-metal electrodes for
local field potential recordings in magnetic resonance
Jennifer Michelle Taylor1,2, Shan Hu3,
Rajesh Rajamani4, Xiao-Hong Zhu2,
Yi Zhang2, and Wei Chen1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States,3Mechanical
Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United
States, 4Mechanical
Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States
The use of simultaneous neuronal recording and MRI is
limited by artifacts induced both in the imaging and in
the neuronal traces, but would provide a huge benefit to
the exploration of brain mechanisms and understanding of
the neurophysiology basis of fMRI. Here we have
developed new electrodes using conductive, non-metal
materials that produce no susceptibility artifacts in
anatomical or functional imaging. Additionally, we show
that the gradient induced artifacts in the neuronal
trace are removable, revealing clean neuronal activity.
These breakthroughs will allow for future experiments
and studies exploring the neurovascular relationship
between fMRI and neuronal activity.
3115. |
48 |
Design of FPGA on-chip
module for real-time image processing - permission withheld
Limin Li1 and
Alice M. Wyrwicz1,2
1Center for Basic MR Research, NorthShore
University HealthSystem, Evanston, IL, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL, United States
This abstract presents the work on the design and
testing of a real-time image processing module on a
single-chip FPGA.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
14:15 - 15:15 |
Computer # |
3116. |
49 |
Dipole Arrays for MR Head
Imaging: 7T vs. 10.5T 
Jinfeng Tian1, Russell Lagore2,
and J. Thomas Vaughan2
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, U.
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 2U.
of Minnesota, Minnesota, United States
Dipole Array was proved to be a feasible RF coil for 7T
body MRI, and has the potential to meet the RF
challenges at 450MHz. With Finite Difference Time Domain
method, a 8-ch head dipole array was studied at 300MHz
and 450MHz to explore its feasibility for head MRI at
450MHz. Results show while the |B1+| magnitude on the
central transverse slice gets worse from 300MHz to
450MHz, the |B1+| uniformity does not deteriorate with
frequency. Dipole is a promising RF coil candidate for
10.5T Head MRI and thus deserves further study.
3117. |
50 |
Asymmetrically segmented
loop phased coil for uniform RF field excitation at 7T 
Seunghoon Ha1, Haoqin Zhu1, and
Labros Petropoulos1
1R&D, IMRIS Inc., Minnetonka, MN, United
An asymmetric distributed capacitor capacitance loop
array structure that generated highly homogenous B1
field for 7T MRI was presented. The calculated B1 field
uniformity and coil sensitivity of the proposed coil was
superior to the identical size loop array with
symmetrically distributed capacitance as well as the
stripline array coil with the same length. The volume
shaped array loop coil assembly, consisting of the
proposed asymmetric distributed capacitance coil design
loops, was confirmed both through testing as well as
confirmed our approach through B1+ field simulation
study. Also, the proposed design will potentially help
the construction of larger size loop arrays to cover
more imaging volume at very high fields and obtain
uniform coverage and high sensitivity.
3118. |
51 |
Magnetic wall decoupling
for dipole transceiver array for MR imaging: a feasibility
Xinqiang Yan1,2, Xiaoliang Zhang3,
Long Wei2, and Rong Xue1
1State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive
Science, Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research,
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Key
Laboratory of Nuclear Analysis Techniques, Institute of
High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, Beijing, China,3Department of
Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of
California San Francisco and UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint
Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco,
California, United States
Dipole antenna arrays have been applied for ultrahigh
field MRI to obtain better SNR gain at the deep area of
human tissues. However, there is no suitable decoupling
methods proposed for dipole coil arrays in MRI. In this
study, we investigated the possibility and performance
of magnetic wall (MW) decoupling technique in dipole
array designs. A two-channel MW decoupled dipole array
was designed, constructed and analyzed experimentally.
Both the bench test and experimental results indicate
that the MW decoupling is a promising solution to
reducing the electromagnetic coupling of dipole arrays,
consequently improving their performance in SNR and
parallel imaging.
3119. |
52 |
Evaluation of a modified
passive clamp decoupling network at high frequencies 
Chathura Kumaragamage1,2 and
Jamie Near2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2The
Douglas Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The efficacy of receiver coils decoupling, using
clamping diodes on the Tx-line is investigated. We found
that signal transmission (S21) is degraded due to
impedance mismatching at high frequencies, when simple
cross diode shunting is used along the Tx-Line (~8%
power loss at 600MHz). A cross diode topology with an
added tank circuit was found to improve S21 (~2% power
loss at 600MHz). The modified cross diode topology
provides an efficient solution for passive decoupling at
high-frequencies that is remote to the coil, thus
providing a convenient and safe alternative to passive
decoupling networks mounted on the receiver coil
3120. |
53 |
Matching-network noise
dominating regime for receive coil loops 
Xueming Cao1, Elmar Fischer1,
Boris Keil2, Lawrence L Wald2,3,
Jan G Korvink4, Jürgen Hennig1,
and Maxim Zaitsev1
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany, 2A.
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dpt. of
Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, United States, 3Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 4IMTEK,
University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
As coil arrays have increasing number of channels, coil
element continues to shrink. Therefore the noise
originating from coil matching-networks should be
considered explicitly. Here,we calculate the
matching-network noise and define the concept of a
matching-network noise dominating regime, which is a
similar concept to the sample noise dominating regime. A
criterion determining when the matching-network noise
dominates is also formulated in the abstract.
3121. |
54 |
31P MRSI of the
brain at 3T with an improved 8-channel receive array and
Whitened Singular Value Decomposition for optimal
combination of 31P
array signals 
M.J. van Uden1, A. Rijpma2,3, C.T.
Rodgers4, Bart Philips1, T.W.J.
Scheenen1, and A. Heerschap1
1Department of Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen,
Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Department
of Geriatric Medicine, Radboud University Medical
Center, Gelderland, Netherlands, 3Radboud
Alzheimer Center, Radboud University Medical Center,
Gelderland, Netherlands,4OCMR, RDM
Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom
31P MRSI provides valuable information on
metabolism in neurological diseases such as Alzheimer
and brain tumors, but suffers from a relatively low SNR.
We present an 8-channel receive array insert in a 31P/1H
send birdcage coil for improved 31P
MRSI of the brain. For the addition of the array coil
signals we compared the Time-Domain and Whitened
Singular Value Decomposition methods and observed a
better SNR for the latter method. This method together
with the improved head array insert resulted in about a
4–fold increase in the SNR of the 31P
MR spectra compared to the birdcage coil.
3122. |
55 |
Comparison of 16-channel
Stripline and 10-channel Fractionated Dipole Transceive
Arrays for Body Imaging at 7T 
M. Arcan Erturk1, Alexander J. E. Raaijmakers2,
Gregor Adriany1, Jinfeng Tian1,
Pierre-Francois van de Moortele1, Cornelis A.
T. van den Berg2, Dennis W. J. Klomp2,
J. Thomas Vaughan1, Kamil Ugurbil1,
and Gregory J Metzger1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
States, 2Imaging
Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
MRI of the body/prostate at 7T is challenging due to
electromagnetic-field effects. Using a multi-channel
transmitter coil is necessary to focus the B1-fields at
the target region to improve efficiency. There are
several 7T multi-channel external surface-arrays,
however a direct experimental comparison between these
does not exist. Here, we compare the transmit/receive
performance of 16-channel stripline (16SA) and
10-channel dipole-antenna (10DA) arrays on prostates of
several subjects. Results show that, 16SA performs
better in smaller subjects and targets closer to
surface; and 10DA is more favorable in larger subjects,
deeper targets and if a more uniform excitation profile
is desired.
3123. |
56 |
A 24-channel quadrature
surface coil array for high-resolution human temporal lobe
fMRI at 3T 
Pu-Yeh Wu1, Ying-Hua Chu1,
Shang-Yueh Tsai2, Wen-Jui Kuo3,
and Fa-Hsuan Lin1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Institute
of Applied Physics, National Chengchi University,
Taipei, Taiwan,3Institute of Neuroscience,
National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
We developed a 24-channel coil array for human brain
temporal lobe imaging. Specifically, we used 12 pairs of
quadrature surface coil to optimize the SNR around the
auditory cortex. Compared to two overlapped circular
loops, quadrature coil pair can improve the SNR by 22%.
Anatomical images acquired from our array show detailed
brain structure of the temporal lobe. Compared to a
32-channel head coil array, our array shows SNR
advantage at region no deeper than 5 cm from the scalp.
Functional MRI measurements using our array show strong
hemodynamic responses at the auditory cortex elicited by
3124. |
57 |
Three-channel flexible
phased array using circular coils with annex structure for
Jhy-Neng Tasso Yeh1 and
Fa-Hsuan Lin1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
For the multi-channels phased-array coils, overlapping
is commonly-used as a decoupling technique for loop-type
RF coils, but it not only imposes a new spatial
criterion but also limit the flexibility degree on
flexible application. Here we propose the idea of
annex-overlapping instead of traditional
loop-overlapping, apply the concept of Koch first-order
fractal-shape to deform the simple circular loop with
additional outstretching annexes. The MRI image results
of our prototypes of three-elements PA coils on a
flexible plastic sheet all demonstrated the ability of
simultaneous decoupling and flexibility against
deformation, provided the potential for mechanically
adjustable applications.
3125. |
58 |
Triangular receiver coils
to support superior/inferior acceleration 
Paul T. Weavers1, Jacob N. Gloe1,
Eric G. Stinson1, Phillip J. Rossman1,
Thomas C. Hulshizer1, and Stephen J. Riederer1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Minnesota, United States
Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) of the prostate
has been shown to be a useful tool to detect and stage
prostate cancer. Increasing parallel imaging
acceleration will allow for better pharmacokinetic
parameter estimation. Due to various acquisition
constraints, the phase encode plane is typically
misaligned with best supported plane for parallel
imaging. Specialized receiver coils to support parallel
imaging in this sub-optimal alignment have been
developed and demonstrated.
3126. |
59 |
Direct Derivation of
Multi-Channel Receive Coil Sensitivity - permission withheld
Victor Taracila1 and
Fraser Robb1
1General Electric, Aurora, Ohio, United
Most of the literature on signal reception in magnetic
resonance treats the reception mechanism utilizing the
reciprocity theorem, according to which the receive
sensitivity of the channels can be assessed through the
transmit sensitivity of the same very array. In modern
MRI receive phased array there are additional circuits
attaches to the antennas, so that intuitively is
difficult to follow the receive path through the
reciprocity theory standpoint. We propose a direct
method of deriving the receive sensitivity which we find
more intuitive for MRI coil signal characterization,
directly applicable when describing additional circuitry
attached to the multichannel phased array.
3127. |
60 |
High acceleration ability
of a homemade 8-ch mouse phased array suggests the
possibility for EPI-based functional studies of mice models
using a standard 3T human scanner 
Hui Han1, John Stager1, Wei Cao2,
Miguel Navarro3, Fraser Robb3,
Junghun Cho1, Nozomi Nishimura4,
Chris Schaffer4, Valerie Reyna1,
Yi Wang1, and Wen-Ming Luh1
1Cornell MRI Facility, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, United States, 2Tongji
Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Hubei, China,3GE Healthcare, Ohio, United
States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York,
United States
Here we show a homemade 8-ch mouse phased array
interfaced to a standard 3T human scanner. A fact one
may easily neglect is that the small imaging space
allows for an excellent parallel imaging ability even
for a low coil-element count (8) being used, which is a
different scenario for a human coil with a larger
imaging space. An initial trial, using single-shot
gradient echo EPI with parameters tailored to fMRI,
shows the possibility for functional studies of mice
models. To our best knowledge, this is one of few first
demonstrations to attempt fMRI of mice on a clinical
3128. |
61 |
Lung-cardiac specific 1H
RF array coil at 1.5 T 
Madhwesha Rao1, Fraser Robb1,2,
and Jim Wild1
1University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South
Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2GE
Healthcare, Aurora, Ohio, United States
1H MRI is emerging as a viable modality for
lung parenchyma imaging. However, 1H
lung-MR methods have inherently low signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) in the parenchyma due to the lower 1H
density (<0.2g/cc) and short T2*.
Thus there are obvious gains to be made through
anatomically customized radio-frequency (RF) receiver
coil designs. In this work we propose a receiver RF coil
array topology designed for high SNR imaging of the
lung-cardiac anatomy at 1.5T and illustrate the 1H
SNR improvement over a conventional 8 channel
ladder-like topology used routinely for cardio-thoracic
3129. |
62 |
Swaddle Coils for a Newborn 
A.M. Flynn1, J.R. Corea1, P.B.
Lechene1, P.D. Calderon2, T. Zhang3,
G.C. Scott3, S.S. Vasanawala4,
A.C. Arias1, and M. Lustig1
1EECS, Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA,
United States, 2Diamant
Engineering, Castro Valley, CA, United States, 3EECS,
Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, CA, United States, 4Radiology,
Stanford LPCH, Palo Alto, CA, United States
We have developed a system of flexible coils which can
be wrapped closely around a newborn. Because newborns
are often inserted into coils which do not fit well, SNR
is typically worse than it could be. We have printed
flexible coils and packaged them in pairs which can be
attached arbitrarily to a swaddled infant. Swaddling
naturally provides comfort to a baby. A snug fit will
help restrict motion, recoup SNR and enable
acceleration, hopefully one day alleviating the need to
sedate small children who cannot stay still through an
MRI exam.
3130. |
63 |
Array coil and sample
preparation and support system for whole brain ex vivo
imaging at 100 μm 
Azma Mareyam1, Jonathan R Polimeni1,2,
Allison Stevens1, Andre Van Der Kouwe1,2,
Loren D Bridgers3, Jason P Stockmann1,2,
Matthew D Tisdall1,2, Lee Tirrell1,
Allison L Moreau1, Ani Varjabedian1,
Brian L Edlow1,2, Bruce Fischl1,4,
and Lawrence L Wald1,2
1A.A. Martinos Center of Biomedical
Engineering, Department of Radiology, Charlestown, MA,
United States, 2Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 4CSAIL,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States
We present an integrated system for 7T ex vivo imaging
that meets several of the challenging design
requirements needed to image a whole ex vivo brain at
100um isotropic resolution in 25 hours of averaging
time. It incorporates a 31 channel receive array, an
improved mechanical design, preamps mounted at the coil
detectors, and an extended transmit coil design capable
of producing high-power pulses. This new design
substantially increases the range of ex vivo imaging
3131. |
64 |
Short dipole array for
enhanced B1 efficiency/sensitivity at the expense of SAR 
Alexander J.E. Raaijmakers1, Arcan Erturk2,
Greg Metzger2, Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1,
and Gregor Adriany2
1Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
United States
We explored a dipole antenna design optimized for high
B1 sensitivity/efficiency in the prostate while
accepting increased SAR levels. Ten 20 cm dipole
antennas have been constructed with T-shaped antenna
legs. SAR levels were assessed by numerical simulations.
This array was compared to an array of fractionated
dipole antennas by SNR and B1+ measurements in the
prostate and T2w TSE images. As expected, both B1 and
SAR levels are higher for the short dipoles. The
B1+/√SARmax ratio is 11.3% smaller and the SNR is 10%
larger for the short dipole array. Image quality of the
short dipoles is generally good.
3132. |
65 |
Transmit Power Reduction
and B1+ Homogenization
Using 4-channel Regional RF Shimming for Shoulder Imaging at
Yukio Kaneko1, Yoshihisa Soutome1,2,
Kosuke Ito2, Masahiro Takizawa2,
Hideta Habara1,2, Yusuke Seki1,
Tetsuhiko Takahashi2, Yoshitaka Bito2,
and Hisaaki Ochi1
1Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.,
Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 2Hitachi
Medical Corporation, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
The B1 inhomogeneity in a human body increases as the
strength of a static magnetic field increases. Previous
studies showed the effect of the number of RF transmit
channels in RF shimming. However, the effect for a
partial region of the shoulder in 3T has not yet been
investigated. In this study, numerical simulation was
used to investigate the effect of the number of RF
transmit channels for regional RF shimming in the
shoulder region in 3T. The results show that 4-channel
RF shimming can contribute to improve the B1 homogeneity
and reduce the transmit RF power more than 2-channel RF
3133. |
66 |
A combined electric dipole
and loop head coil for 7T head imaging 
Gang Chen1,2, Karthik Lakshmanan1,
Daniel Sodickson1, and Graham Wiggins1
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and
Research (CAI2R) and Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2The
Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Science, New
York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United
At 7T the combination of loops and electric dipole
antennas can provide higher central SNR in a body sized
object than is possible with loop coils alone. An array
of dipoles has been demonstrated for head imaging, and
was shown to provide extended coverage in z compared to
a standard birdcage, but suffered from low central SNR
compared to loop-based coils. We investigate the
addition of a loop array to the previously constructed
dipole array. The dipole array is used for transmit and
receive to explore the benefits of combining loops and
dipoles for increased SNR in 7T head imaging.
3134. |
67 |
A receive chain add-on for
implementation of a 32-channel integrated Tx/Rx body coil
and use of local receive arrays at 7 Tesla 
Stephan Orzada1, Andreas K. Bitz2,
Klaus Solbach3, and Mark E. Ladd1,2
1Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI, Essen, NRW,
Germany, 2Medical
Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center
(DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 3RF
Technology, University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Local Tx/Rx arrays for body imaging at ultra-high field
are often bulky and consume much of the limited space
inside the bore of the magnet. One option to allow
patients with larger body physique and to enable a more
clinic-like workflow is to implement an integrated Tx/Rx
body coil situated between the gradient coil and the
inner lining of the scanner bore. In this work, a
receive chain add-on that allows implementation of an
integrated 32-channel Tx/Rx body coil to be used
together with local receive arrays was successfully
developed. The add-on is configured such that normal
operation of the system including measurement of
X-nuclei is feasible.
3135. |
68 |
Initial Results: Ultra-High
Field 32-ch Tx Body Array with Bright Centers. 
Shailesh B. Raval1, Tiejun Zhao2,
Narayanan Krishnamurthy1, Yujuan Zhao1,
Sossena Wood1, Kyongtae Bae1, and
Tamer S. Ibrahim1
1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, United States, 2Siemens
Medical Solutions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United
Body imaging exams are increasingly growing as a part of
total clinical MRI exams at lower field (<=3T) and
should translate towards UHF imaging because of its
excellent promises. Thus, there is a critical need to
investigate advancing MR body imaging (kidney, liver and
pancreatic) at 7T. The goal of this study is to
introduce a new 32-ch Tx array design that; similar to
head coils, is capable of producing bright centers
inside the torso at 7T using its CP mode.
3136. |
69 |
Boosting 31P
signals by using a 7 channel Receive Array at 7T 
Bart L. van de Bank1, Frits Smits1,
Miriam W. van de Stadt-Lagemaat1, and Tom
W.J. Scheenen1,2
1Departement of Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen,
Netherlands, 2Erwin
L. Hahn Institute, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Separating transmission and reception of signals can
significantly boost SNR of 31P
signals, therefore we developed a 7-channel 31P
receive-only array that could be used with a detunable 31P
birdcage, which was inserted into an 8-channel 1H
head-coil. Signals could be enhanced further by
exploiting the Nuclear Overhauser Effect as was shown in-vivo.
3137. |
70 |
3D-Printed Microstrip
Resonators for 4.7T MRI 
Saeed Javidmehr1, Adam Maunder2,
Mojgan Daneshmand1, and Nicola De Zanche3
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2Mechanical
Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, 3Oncology,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The emerging technology of 3D printing is expanding into
the electronics industry and is replacing traditional
fabrication methods for a variety of products with
significantly lower costs and labour. In this study,
microstrip resonator coils are 3D-printed with built-in
matching and tuning capacitors using various dielectric
and conductive materials. Our 3D printed partially
air-filled MTL resonators show comparable performance to
standard hand-made foam-core resonators using copper
conductors and discrete capacitors.
3138. |
71 |
Harmonic excitation of MR
signal for interventional MRI 
Dmitri Artemov1 and
Yoshinori Kato1,2
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 23
Life Science Tokyo Advanced Research Center, Hoshi
University, Tokyo, Shinagawa-ku, Japan
MR-detectable devices are important for interventional
procedures, and should provide a clear imaging signature
while not degrading diagnostic imaging quality. A new MR-detectable
probe design is presented, based on excitation of MR
signals by high-frequency RF harmonics generated by the
probe with a non-linear element. The implantable probe
was designed to excite MR signals when driven by an
external RF filed at half-resonance frequency. A second
harmonic at the resonance frequency was generated by a
non-linear diode element. MR signals in the subject were
excited only in close proximity to the probe and could
be detected by a standard receiver coil.
3139. |
72 |
Onboard RF Combination for
Receiver Channel Reduction - permission withheld
Ziyuan Fu1, Mark Bolding2, and
Shumin Wang1
1Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United
States, 2Radiology,
University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, United States
Multi-channel surface receiver arrays are a popular
approach for improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
in MRI when sample noise is dominant1. It has been
demonstrated that even at the center of the human head
where conventional circularly polarized birdcage coils
perform very well, the SNR can still be significantly
increased by using a receiver array2. In order to
support their functionality, multi-channel receiver
systems are normally required on a MRI scanner. The aim
of this study is to develop an onboard RF combination
circuit that can support multi-channel signal reception
with fewer or just one RF receiver channel.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
15:15 - 16:15 |
Computer # |
3164. |
1 |
Analysis of FDTD Field
Simulation and Experimental Results in a Monopole Antenna
Array Coil at 7T 
Myung-Kyun Woo1, Suk-Min Hong2,
Jongho Lee1, Young-Bo Kim3, and
Zang-Hee Cho4
1Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 2Institute
of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4, Forschungszentrum
Jüilich, Jülich, Germany, 3Gil
Hospital, Incheon, Korea, 4Neuroscience
Research Institute, Incheon, Korea
Many RF coils have been developed to solve field non-umiformity
at ultra-high field. Recently, radiative antenna type
with poynting vector has been proposed at UHF. This
abstract is to evaluate newly developed radiative
antenna type coil, Extended Monopole antenna Array with
individual Shields (EMAS) coil at 7T. To analyze, we
calculated simulated B1+ field and specific absorption
rate (SAR) with Monopole antenna Array (MA), Extended
Monopole antenna Array (EMA), and EMAS coils. Then the
simulated results were compared with the experimental
results. The EMAS coil successfully extended the spatial
coverage with uniform B1+ field distribution.
3165. |
2 |
Optimal Arrangement of
Finite Element Loop Arrays for Parallel Imaging in a
Spherical Geometry at 9.4 T 
Andreas Pfrommer1 and
Anke Henning1,2
1Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Parallel imaging with a finite number of array elements
is limited by the g-factor enhancement for high k-space
undersampling. To fully exploit the unfolding potential
of circular surface coils surrounding a spherical head
phantom, we developed an optimization routine to
minimize the maximum value of the g-factor inside the
“head” region. As a result we showed optimal
arrangements for 8, 16 and 32 channels at 9.4 T with
different acceleration rates. Moreover we precisely
specified the range of possible gmax values
for each setup including optimal and worst case
positioning of the loops.
3166. |
3 |
Potential gain of a 256
channel head coil at 7T: combined measurements and g-factor
Arjan D. Hendriks1, Michel G.M. Italiaander2,
Natalia Petridou1, and Dennis W.J. Klomp1,2
1Department of Radiology, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2MR
Coils B.V., Drunen, Netherlands
Recent developments in high-density surface receiver
arrays, together with high BOLD sensitivity at 7T, allow
human fMRI at ~0.5mm isotropic resolution and a volume
acquisition time in the order of few seconds. However,
with element sizes of 1x2cm and 32-channels, these
benefits are limited to a small field of view. In this
study, the expected g-factor gain of a 256-channel
surface coil is estimated by combining 8 measurements of
a high-density 32 channel surface coil. Results show
that benefits achieved with 32-channels can extend to
256-channels. Full head coverage and decreased g-factors
(gain in SNR or acceleration) can be achieved.
3167. |
4 |
A novel design 20-channel
head coil for cortical imaging with ultra-high resolution. 
Alexander Beckett1,2, Liyong Chen1,2,
An T Vu3, and David A Feinberg1,2
1Helens Wills Neuroscience Institute,
University of California, Berkeley, CA, United States, 2Advanced
MRI Technology, Sebastopol, CA, United States,3CMRR,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Advances in imaging hardware and pulse sequences have
led increasingly finer resolution imaging at ultra-high
fields. We propose to use a novel half shell 20 channel
coil designed for optimized imaging in neocortical
regions superficial and closest to the coil array rather
than deeper brain regions, and demonstrate the
advantages of such a coil over a standard 32-channel
array in terms of raw signal and tSNR at 0.75 mm and
0.55 mm isotropic resolution. We demonstrate fMRI
imaging at 0.75 mm. New coil designs will allow even
higher resolutions in future cortical imaging studies
with maximal SNR.
3168. |
5 |
Diffusion-Tensor-Imaging of Mouse Brains using a four-coil
John C Nouls1, Alexandra Badea1,
Gary P Cofer1, and G Allan Johnson1
1Center for In Vivo Microscopy, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States
Diffusion-tensor imaging of mouse brains, used in
conjunction with population atlases and statistical
methods, can detect subtle pathologies. The total scan
time can be prohibitive. We present a parallel
acquisition, four-coil system increasing
diffusion-tensor imaging throughput in a small bore, 7T
scanner. The geometry of the coil system and its
shielding has been optimized to preserve SNR, enabling a
decrease in imaging time per specimen of 63%. The
fractional anisotropy measurement bias due to off-center
imaging was 9%. Bringing each coil slightly closer to
the magnet isocenter may further decrease imaging time
towards the maximum 75% reduction achievable.
3169. |
6 |
Performance evaluation of
2-channel endorectal coil geometries for imaging the
prostate at 7T 
M. Arcan Erturk1, Gregor Adriany1,
and Gregory J Metzger1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
In prostate MRI at 7T, use of endorectal coils (ERCs)
can improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) more than
4-fold compared to using an external surface array
(ESA). Here, we compare the SNR and transmit performance
(B1+) of three different 2-channel ERC coil geometries
(two loops, ERC-2OL; stripline-large loop, ERC-SLL;
stripline-small loop, ERC-SSL) inside a uniform
torso-sized phantom. ERC-SSL performed the best among
the ERCs. SNR and B1+ of ERC-SSL compared to a
16-channel ESA has improved ~5.6-fold and ~6.9-fold,
respectively. Reusable, rigid, multi-channel ERCs are a
valuable tool in imaging the prostate at 7T.
3170. |
7 |
A novel decoupling
technique for multiple-row microstrip transceiver array
Xinqiang Yan1,2, Long Wei2, Rong
Xue1, and Xiaoliang Zhang3
1State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive
Science, Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research,
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Key
Laboratory of Nuclear Analysis Techniques, Institute of
High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, Beijing, China,3Department of
Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of
California San Francisco and UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint
Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco,
California, United States
Compared with regular single-row transceiver coil
arrays, multiple-row arrays exhibit larger imaging
coverage and the capability of parallel imaging and
parallel excitation along z-direction. The main
challenge in designing multiple-row microstrip array is
to attain sufficiently decoupling among coil elements
from adjacent rows. In this study, a novel decoupling
technique was proposed to address this problem. Both the
bench test and MR imaging results demonstrate that the
proposed technique could reduce the strong coupling
(-7.9 dB) between microstrip elements from adjacent rows
to a sufficiently small value (-25.3 dB).
3171. |
8 |
Tx-array design strategies
for reducing excitation artifact and local SAR hot spots in
pTx MRI 
Pei-Shan Wei1,2, Mike J. Smith2,
Christopher P. Bidinosti3, and Scott B. King1,2
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2National
Research Council of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 3Department
of Physics, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Local SAR minimization is of particular importance for
Tx-array MRI. We hypothesize that high local hot spots
in excitation artifacts are partially due to strong
asymmetries in B1+ fields of individual array elements
of a Tx-array, which are more prominent at higher B0
fields. We show that modifications to the individual
array element geometries, that improve both B1+ symmetry
and reduce local B1+ hot spots, resulted in reduced hot
spots in excitation artifact, in our case by 25%. Such
Tx-array design strategies can improve performance of
pTx MRI and may lower local SAR hot spots relative to
traditional Tx-array designs.
3172. |
9 |
A 3 channel 31P
and 2 channel 1H
coil array for 31P
NMR in the visual cortex at 7 T 
Sigrun Goluch1,2, Andre Kuehne1,2,
Albrecht Ingo Schmid1,2, Ewald Moser1,2,
and Elmar Laistler1,2
1MR Center of Excellence, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Center
for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
This abstract presents the development of a 3 channel 31P
and 2 channel 1H
RF coil array for phosphorous spectroscopy in the human
visual cortex at 7 T. The naturally low sensitivity of
31P spectroscopy requires very efficient RF hardware for
a successful implementation of an experiment. The array
was modeled and optimized with the help of 3D
electromagnetic simulation and was build and tested on
the bench with a network analyzer. Preliminary results
were obtained inside the scanner (Siemens, ) with
phantom and fruit measurements, showing good results.
3173. |
10 |
High-Temperature Superconducting Array for Diffusion Tensor
Imaging of Rat Spinal Cord at 7T 
Yun-Jie Li1, Meng-Chi Hsieh1,
In-Tsang Lin2, Xiao-Liang Zhang3,
and Jyh-Horng Chen1,4
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics
and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 3Department
of Radiology and Biomedical imaging, University of
California, University of California, California, United
States, 4Dept.
of Electrical engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan
This is the development of high-temperature
superconducting array coil,and we apply it on the rat
spinal cord DTI
3174. |
11 |
Preliminary investigation
on shielding-ring based decoupling technique for small
monolithic RF coils 
Zhoujian Li1, Roberta Kriegl2,3,
Elmar Laistler2,3, Marie Poirier-Quinot1,
Luc Darrasse1, and Jean-Christophe Ginefri1
1Laboratoire d’Imagerie par Résonance
Magnétique Médicale et Multi-Modalités (IR4M), UMR8081
CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 2Center
for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3MR
Centre of Excellence, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria
A shielding ring based decoupling technique was
investigated for small monolithic HTS coils, an
analytical model based on magnetic flux compensation to
determine the geometric configuration of two neighbor
shielding rings to achieve optimal decoupling was
developed and validated experimentally using a two-MTLR
copper array, and the effect of the shielding rings on
the overall coil losses was evaluated using a standard
2-coil array cooled at LN2 temperature. Results show
that configuration achieving near-optimal decoupling can
be obtained using this model, and high Q-factor value by
employing HTS material can be expected by exploiting
this technique.
3175. |
12 |
Comparison of improved
breast magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound system
with improved radio frequency phased array coils. 
Emilee Minalga1, Robb Merrill1,
Dennis L Parker1, Allison Payne1,
and J. Rock Hadley1
1UCAIR, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
UT, United States
This abstract describes an improvement on a previously
designed system for breast magnetic resonance guide
focused ultrasound treatments. Results include a signal
to noise comparison. The improved design give better
signal to noise ratio throughout the treatment volume.
3176. |
13 |
Optimization of an
8-channel receive-only surface array for whole brain MRI of
Daniel Papoti1, Cecil Chern-Chyi Yen1,
Pascal Sati1, Joseph Robert Guy1,
Daniel S Reich1, and Afonso C. Silva1
1NINDS, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States
In this work we describe the development and comparison
of three different 8-channel receive-only arrays built
to provide whole brain MRI coverage of marmosets with
high sensitivity. Among all coils built, the design
based on a central elliptical element partially
overlapped with 7 loops showed excellent coverage with
high sensitivity throughout the whole brain. A gain up
to 60% in SNR in the frontal cortex, 40% in the
occipital cortex, and 20% in the center of the brain was
achieved when compared to the other two geometries.
High-resolution brain images obtained from an autoimmune
encephalomyelitis animal clearly show white matter
lesions in both T1- and T2-weighted images.
3177. |
14 |
Asymmetric Transceiver
Phased Array for Functional Imaging and Spectroscopy of the
Visual Cortex at 9.4 T 
Nikolai I Avdievich1, Ioannis A Giapitzakis1,
and Anke Henning1,2
1Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Ultra-high field (>7T) RF coil design is challenging due
to decreased transmit efficiency and strongly distorted
B1 field profile. For functional SI of the visual cortex
open RF coils are highly suitable since they provide an
easy access and increased transmit efficiency by
focusing RF field. In this work we demonstrated that a
9.4T 5-channel array with asymmetric arrangement of 4
transmit and 4 receive elements improves the transmit
profile without compromising the reception. We also
evaluated changes in the transmit efficiency,
penetration depth and SAR due to variation in the array
size and the phase shift between the elements.
3178. |
15 |
An SNR Comparison Between a
Sodium Phased Array Coil and a Single Channel Coil 
Amin Nazaran1, Joshua D Kaggie2,3,
Meredith Taylor1, Daniel J Park1,
Grayson Tarbox1, Rexford D Newbould4,
Neal Bangerter1, and Glen Morrell3
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brigham
Young University, Provo, Utah, United States, 2Physics,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 3Utah
Center for Advanced Imaging Research, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 4Imanova
Centre for Imaging Sciences, London, United Kingdom
In this abstract, we compared a new phased array sodium
breast coil with a single channel sodium coil. The new
phased array coil consists of 7 sodium loops that are
overlapped to minimize coupling to adjacent sodium
loops. The coil used for comparison has a single
transmit/receive 1 H loop and a single transmit/receive
23Na loop. The benefits of our new coil include larger
volume coverage, and higher SNR (2-3x) than the single
channel coil near the surface loops.
3179. |
16 |
Streamlined construction of
a six-channel mouse array coil with 3D printing 
Wen-Yang Chiang1 and
Mary P McDougall1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX, United States
Mechanical stability is crucial in geometric decoupling,
especially for small-form-factor wire array coils
because the dimensional tolerance is less forgiving. To
this end, we incorporated 3D printing to streamline the
development of our mouse array coil when solid wire was
used. When the solid wire and the PCB were embedded
inside of the 3D printed former, we were also able to
not only place the array coil as close to the specimen
as possible, but also able to maintain the geometric
decoupling overtime. Because no glue was used, we could
replace any coil components easily. SNR of phantom
images acquired by the proposed mouse array coil and by
a commercial Varian quadrature mouse birdcage coil were
compared. We also quantitatively compared the
consistency of the coil sensitivity of each array coil
3180. |
17 |
A Novel Compact 10-Channel
Phased Array for a Dedicated 1.5T Neonate MRI System 
Wolfgang Loew1, Yu Li1, Ron Pratt1,
Jean Tkach1, Charles Dumoulin1,
and Randy O Giaquinto1
1Imaging Research Center, Cincinnati
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio,
United States
A compact 10-channel receive array for neonatal abdomen
and chest MRI was developed to enable parallel imaging
on a small-footprint 1.5 Tesla superconducting NICU
MR-system. The development of the receive array also
necessitated the creation of a transmit-only birdcage
coil. Coil performance of the phased array was evaluated
electrically and on phantoms with clinical imaging
3181. |
18 |
Active Decoupling of RF
Coils: Application to 3D MRI with Concurrent Excitation and
Ali Caglar Ozen1,2, Michael Bock1,
and Ergin Atalar2
1Radiology, Medical Physics, University
Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara,
3D MRI with concurrent excitation and acquisition (CEA)
is implemented with active decoupling of radio frequency
coils. The transmit coil is geometrically decoupled from
the receive coil, and the remaining B1-induced voltages
in the receive coil during CEA are minimized by the
second transmit coil using a careful adjustment of the
phase and amplitude settings in this coil. CEA MR images
could be reconstructed from an ex vivo animal.
3182. |
19 |
A 7T transmit and receive
array combination for simultaneous investigation of
electrophysiology and fMRI in non-human primates 
Shajan G1, David Zsolt Balla1,
Thomas Steudel1, Philipp Ehses2,
Hellmut Merkle1, Nikos Logothetis1,3,
Rolf Pohmann1, and Klaus Scheffler1,2
1Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany, 2Department
of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University Hospital,
Tuebingen, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany, 3University
of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Simultaneous investigation of electrophysiology and fMRI
in non-human primates presents several challenges on RF
coil design. Transmit coil structure should allow access
for electrodes from different orientations to allow
recordings from different brain regions. Receive arrays
must be designed around head posts fixed on the animal
head, leading to non-optimum coil orientations in the
helmet. In cases with more than one head posts, the
receive array must be on two separable halves of the
helmet. We developed an RF coil arrangement that
optimizes the SNR and provides access for recordings
from different regions of the brain.
3183. |
20 |
Analytical Performance
Evaluation and Optimization of Resonant Inductive Decoupling
Andre Kuehne1,2, Elmar Laistler1,2,
Anke Henning3,4, Ewald Moser1,2,
and Nikolai I Avdievich3
1Center for Medical Physica and Biomedical
Engineering, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 2MR
Centre of Excellence, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 3Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen,
Germany, 4Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
We derive an analytical framework for analyzing the coil
power efficiency impact of resonant inductive decoupling
(RID) for arbitrary channel coils. It is applied to a
two-channel array, and analytical expressions for load
power deposition dependent on the resistive coupling
factor, degree of coupling compensation and relative
driving phase shift between elements are derived. The
results show that coil performance can be enhanced or
degraded by RID, depending on the exact coil application
scenario, and great care needs to be taken in a
practical setup.
3184. |
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A novel transceiver wired &
wireless array coil assembly for MR guided robot assisted
interventions and radiosurgery procedures 
Seunghoon Ha1, Haoqin Zhu1, and
Labros Petropoulos1
1R&D, IMRIS Inc., Minnetonka, MN, United
A novel transceiver wireless array coil that can be
utilized for robotic assisted MR guided interventions
and radiosurgery procedures was presented. The coil
assembly consists of a posterior unit comprising of
eight channels transceiver array pattern and an anterior
wireless transceiver loop array coil that is inductively
coupled to the posterior part. The coil assembly
generated a high uniform and sensitive B1+ profile over
the entire hear without inhibiting valuable surgical
space and compromising the sterile field. SAR
calculations indicate that the presence of the anterior
wireless transceiver loop array does not alter or
enhance the SAR pattern behavior inside the human head.
3185. |
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Validation of A
Semi-flexible 64-channel Receive-only Phased Array For
Pediatric Body MRI at 3T 
Tao Zhang1,2, Joseph Y Cheng1,2,
Paul D Calderon1, Thomas Grafendorfer3,
Greig Scott2, Bob Rainey3, Mark
Giancola3, Fraser Robb3, John M
Pauly2, Brian A Hargreaves1, and
Shreyas S Vasanawala1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 3GE
Healthcare, WI, United States
Clinical pediatric MRI is often performed using receive
coils designed for adult patients. The mismatch of the
receive coils and the pediatric patients can cause
degraded image quality. In this work, a 64-channel
receive-only phased array dedicated for pediatric body
MRI is designed and constructed. This coil array
incorporates the quarter-wavelength-balun technique,
achieves ideal coil decoupling, and is very flexible in
one direction conforms to different pediatric patient
sizes. Here, we validated the performance and
flexibility of the coil array in phantom and in vivo
3186. |
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A Dual-Tuned Two-Element
Array for 1H/2H
Imaging at 1 Tesla 
Scott A. Blasczyk1, John C. Bosshard1,
Neal A Hollingsworth1, Brian J Bass1,
and Steven M Wright1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX, United States
Imaging and spectroscopy of multiple nuclei with phased
arrays has demonstrable utility in magnetic resonance.
Our application involves imaging of deuterium and
proton. Deuterium has been used for glucose monitoring,
tracking bolus diffusion, and providing a signal lock.
We have developed a dual-tuned, geometrically decoupled
two-element receive array for sequential or interleaved
imaging of proton (1H) and deuterium (2H)
at 1T. Array elements are detuned passively during
transmit with crossed diodes, while transmit elements
are detuned during receive using PIN diodes. 1H
and 2H
Images of a deuterated water phantom taken at 1T are
3187. |
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Signal combination Mode
Matrix Calculation on Considering Multiregion SNR -
video not available
Zhang Qiong1, Sun zhi guo1, Liu
Wei1, and Wang jian min1
1Siemens, ShenZhen, GuangDong, China
The concept of ¡°Mode Matrix¡± has been proposed in
reference. It¡¯s mainly geared towards parallel imaging
techniques which require array elements stacked in phase
encoding direction [2-4]. The pre-combining signals use
Mode Matrix to scale the number of necessary RF channels
as a function of the acceleration factor. In this work,
we provide a new method for Mode Matrix calculation
without considering the array distribution.