This educational session focuses on placental function and fetal
development as assessed by MRI.
Target Audience
Researchers and clinicians who are interested in learning about the
current capabilities of various MRI techniques for the assessment of
placental structure, function, and fetal development in real time.
Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Define key elements of human
placental structure and function, and key measures of fetal
developments that can be assessed by advanced MRI methods;
- List a host of measures
desired for the assessment of placental and fetal development
including anatomy and tissue structure, utero-placental perfusion,
tissue and cellular metabolism, immunology and inflammation;
- List the current MRI and
non-MRI methods for assessing placental and fetal development, and
placental function in vivo, and their limitations;
- Understand the importance and
contributions of placental and fetal development to long term health
and maternal-placental syndromes, conditions due to placental and
fetal abnomalities; and
- Describe the latest technical
advances in placental and fetal MRI and discuss the current
limitations in the technique.
State of the Art Clinical
Fetal MRI 
Teresa Victoria
Advanced Fetal Brain
P. Ellen Grant1
1Boston Children's Hospital
Fetal Cardiovascular MRI 
Chris Macgowan1
1Hospital for Sick Children / University of
Toronto, ON, Canada
MRI is an appealing technology for fetal cardiovascular
assessment because it can visualize both cardiac and
vascular anatomy, it can quantify flow through the
complex fetal circulation, and it is also sensitive to
the oxygen saturation of blood. In this presentation, I
provide an overview of MRI methods able to quantify
fetal cardiovascular function, and describe our initial
experience using these methods to study healthy and
at-risk pregnancies.
Penny Gowland1
1University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United
Adjournment & Meet the
Teachers |