ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 03-08 June 2023 • Toronto, ON, Canada
08:15 |
Optimising Cardiac Scans for Indications Requiring Pacemakers: A
Radiologist's Perspective
Christian Houbois
Keywords: Cardiovascular: Cardiac, Physics & Engineering: Implants This talk will overview the most common indications for pacemaker implantation and the usefulness of CMR pre-implantation. Multiparametric CMR is the reference standard for non-invasive myocardial tissue characterization and can detect underlying causes of cardiomyopathies/ structural heart disease. Therefore, CMR improves guiding clinicians in decision-making for cardiac pacemaker implantation. However, imaging may be challenging because many patients have arrhythmias resulting in imaging artifacts. Thus, common technical issues and how to fix them to reduce arrhythmia artifacts will be discussed. This talk aims to familiarize the audience with why those examinations are challenging and how to resolve issues. |
08:45 |
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Optimising Cardiac Scans with ICDs: A Physicist's Perspective
Graham Wright
Keywords: Cardiovascular: Cardiac, Physics & Engineering: Implants, Image acquisition: Artefacts Cardiac MR in the presence of implantable cardiac electronic devices (CIEDs) is generally safe and can benefit patients. Field inhomogeneities from the generator can cause significant image artifacts when the generator is close to the region of interest. For optimal image quality, particularly in the presence of ICDs and CRT-Ds, function should be imaged with high-bandwidth cine GRE instead of SSFP and viability should be imaged with late gadolinium enhancement sequences using wideband inversion recovery. Similarly perfusion and T1 mapping can benefit from wideband saturation and inversion respectively, as well as GRE readouts. |
09:15 |
Optimising Cardiac Scans with ICDs: A Radiographer's Perspective
Kevin Strachan
Keywords: Cardiovascular: Cardiac, Image acquisition: Artefacts, Cardiovascular: Cardiac function MR imaging of any anatomical region for a patient with an implantable cardiac device presents unique challenges for the radiographer. When that anatomical region is the heart, then these difficulties are often further multiplied and focussed. This presentation considers the ever changing landscape of cardiac device classification and imaging. Several adaptive and modified techniques are reviewed with practical tips and examples used to optimise these examinations. It will also discuss how different strategies can be targeted, adapted and then blended to produce the best possible diagnostic outcome. |
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.