ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 03-08 June 2023 • Toronto, ON, Canada
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How (Stubborn) Radiographers Created the National MR Safety
Organization I
Titti Owman, Johan Kihlberg
Keywords: Transferable skills: Safety In Toronto in 2008, Titti and Johan began their collaboration with increasing awareness of MRI safety in Sweden. In the beginning it was difficult to get a response and we thought a lot about how to proceed. But after 10 years, we had the opportunity to present MR safety work at the Swedish national conference The Radiology Week. The response was very great and half a year later we were able to organize a 2-days workshop where radiographers, radiologists and MR physicists lectured. The auditorium also consisted of radiographers, radiologists and MR physicists – just as we wanted! |
16:10 |
National & International Collaboration on MR Safety: How One
Thing Can Lead to the Next
Anne Dorte Blankholm
Keywords: Transferable skills: Safety A National Guideline in Denmark is lacking, and no explicit MR safety training curriculum has beendemanded by Danish law. Therefore, a journey started in 2019 where an MR safety conferencewas arranged at the Danish parliament, to attract the politician’s attention. |
16:30 |
Panel Discussion |
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.