patient lies in the magnet unresponsive what is the first
thing you do? Check the pulse!
The ISMRM is well, with
vigorous perfusion and healthy metabolism, but how can you be
sure? Check the MRPulse! our revised, updated,
and ecologically friendly electronic newsletter.
Many of you will recall the MR Pulse, a paper periodical that
was intended to enhance communication and awareness of the
events in our community. We are one community of many people
from - diverse backgrounds distributed all over the world. How
do we strengthen our common bonds, and do so in an ecologically
friendly way?
Our journals, workshops, and annual meetings all serve to
strengthen those bonds. Our website is an important source of
information and communication, but isnt the best medium to
disseminate some of the messages from your leaders, items of
personal interest, and news from our talented membership.
One of my goals as President of the ISMRM is to enhance our
sense of community outside of the annual meeting. The 2012
annual meeting in Melbourne, organized by Jim Pipe, Ph.D., was a
great success by all accounts. Our tradition of the annual
meeting is a cornerstone of our society, and serves to enhance
our sense of being a part of one community, but how do we carry
this feeling beyond our meeting?
As your president, I am proposing to expand a number of
initiatives to enhance our sense of community, including virtual
journal clubs, online interactive symposia, and virtual
educational programs. I also plan to enhance our sense of
community in a more sustainable way by distributing a monthly
electronic newsletter the MRPulse.
This monthly publication will keep you quickly informed of
important society news, scientific and educational programs, and
other events. I will use this as a vehicle to communicate some
of the many initiatives that your hard working ISMRM staff,
Board of Trustees, and Committee members are engaged in. If you
have news to share please let us know. So, when you feel a
need to check the ISMRM vital signs, start by checking the