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2016 FELLOW OF THE SECTION AWARD This award is given in recognition of significant and substantial contributions to the mission of the SMRT. |
Glenn Cahoon, M.App.Sc. |
Ben Kennedy, B.App.Sc., Mst(MRI) |
Kirsten Moffat, BAppSc |
Charles T Stanley,
Glenn Cahoon After qualifying with a BAppSc in medical radiations from RMIT in Melbourne, Glenn began work at St Vincent’s hospital, where he was first introduced into the world of MRI. In 2001, he moved to the Royal Children’s hospital in Melbourne, where he has worked alongside his colleagues to develop a comprehensive, and internationally recognised paediatric MR imaging and research service. In addition to providing specialist staff training, Glenn has continued to further his own education. He holds a degree in clinical education, and was awarded his masters in MRI with distinction in 2004. Glenn’s specific interests include paediatric MR Imaging, Fetal MRI, and Cardiac MRI. In 2006, Glenn joined the SMRT and attended the 15th Annual SMRT meeting in Seattle Washington. At this meeting he was introduced to the SMRT community and was immediately inspired by their enthusiasm and dedication to further MR education. On his return to Australia, Glenn was motivated to introduce that level of involvement in his local region. Glenn contacted other MR technologists throughout Australia and New Zealand and, through support from Wendy Strugnell and the ANZ chapter of the SMRT, was instrumental in establishing regular local educational meetings in his home town of Melbourne. The format developed for these meetings ensured SMRT branding and recognition locally and has been adopted in several other cities across Australia and New Zealand. This framework has created a network of MR users across the region providing support for both organisers and attendees, and ensured universal recognition of CPD requirements with national accrediting bodies. In 2007, Glenn was elected to the position of secretary of the ANZ chapter of the SMRT. While in this role Glenn continued to be a strong advocate for technologist education and recognition. He worked closely with the current and past faculty to formulate a framework that ensured the continued success and growth of the local chapter, and provided a community for the free exchange of ideas and knowledge for MR technologists in Australia and New Zealand. He has worked closely with local professional and accreditation bodies to promote and recognize the educational endeavors of the SMRT at both the local, national, and international level. Glenn has been instrumental in establishing regular local educational meetings in both Australia and New Zealand, and has been intimately involved in the organization of the highly successful ANZ Chapter annual branch meetings. In 2010, Glenn’s involvement with the local chapter was recognized when he was elected to serve on the policy board of the SMRT. In this role he was chair of the membership committee, during a period of great growth in the SMRT community, particularly in his local region. He also volunteered to serve on both the international relations committee, as well as the ISMRM protocol review subcommittee. In 2012, Glenn was elected to the position of President of the SMRT ANZ Chapter, and presided over two of the most highly attended Chapter meetings of the SMRT, including the first ever joint SMRT/SMRT ANZ Chapter meeting in 2012, and the joint SMRT President’s Regional/ 8th Annual ANZ Chapter Meeting in 2013. Glenn has been a member of the SMRT education committee from 2011 to 2015 and has volunteered to score abstracts in the clinical focus and JAK award categories each year. He has also mentored a number of award winning abstract submissions at both the local ANZ Chapter meetings as well as the international meeting. Glenn was the recipient of an award winning abstract presentation at the 23rd Annual SMRT meeting in Milan, Italy, as well as the 10th Annual SMRT ANZ Chapter meeting in Auckland New Zealand. Glenn has also volunteered to write several outlines for scientific sessions on four of the past ISMRM programs to ensure continuing education credit recognition for technologists attending the ISMRM program. In his time with the policy board, Glenn has reviewed and revised several SOP’s and procedural documents which have helped in the transition and management of several committees. Glenn was appointed program chair for the 21st meeting of the SMRT in Melbourne 2012. With an attendance of over 500 delegates, this remains the largest MRI meeting specifically for MR technologists ever staged. The format for this meeting which included greater industry support and recognition, as well as a the inclusion of a social program allowing greater engagement for the delegates and speakers, has since been adopted for subsequent international SMRT meetings. Glenn has been a member of the program committee for the past four international meetings, and for nine of the last ten local ANZ Chapter meetings. In 2015 he was awarded the “Certificate of Recognition” by the SMRT ANZ Chapter for his significant contribution and attendance at all the local chapter meetings. In 2013, Glenn was appointed to the position of executive member of the SMRT and chaired the ISMRM/SMRT Joint Forum at the 21st Annual ISMRM Scientific meeting and exhibition in Salt Lake City Utah, USA. Glenn has published a number of peer reviewed articles in acclaimed international journals, and has been a regular contributor to the SMRT publication, Signals. Glenn has provided content for the SMRT electronic home studies, and assisted with providing access to online presentations from the local and international SMRT annual meetings. He has been a regular contributor to industry journals and his work has been cited in other peer reviewed articles. He has established and maintained many industry contacts that have been instrumental in promoting the SMRT, both locally and globally, ensuring regular sponsorship for SMRT meetings and activities. In addition, Glenn has presented a number of papers on a variety of MR topics at local, national, and international meetings, including presentations to the SMRT Melbourne MRI user group meetings and the Society of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) in Rome, Italy. He was an invited speaker at the 20th Annual SMRT meeting in Montreal, as well as the 6th Annual SMRT ANZ Chapter Meeting in Brisbane Australia. In his current position as Past President of the ANZ Chapter, member of the SMRT ANZ chapter safety committee and chair of the ANZ chapter education committee, Glenn continues to promote the activities of the SMRT and ensure professional recognition of MR technologists both locally and abroad. Glenn is a passionate supporter of the SMRT and its mission to provide first class MR education for MR technologists and radiographers. He is extremely honored to be considered for the award of Fellow of the Section. |
Ben Kennedy Ben Kennedy is the Chief MRI Technologist at Qscan Radiology Clinics in Brisbane Australia and has a Masters Degree in Magnetic Resonance Technology from the University of Queensland Center for Advanced Imaging. From early in his initial training in MRI, Ben was conscious of the importance of MRI education, being engaged in the wider MRI community, and contributing to those who follow the same path. Whilst formal post graduate education is an important component to improving his knowledge, high quality mentorship early in his career had a very positive influence on the culture he follows today in mentorship of his staff. Fostering the same passion for excellence and knowledge is paramount in creating self-motivation in the optimum learning environment. After attending his first international SMRT and ISMRM meeting in Seattle in 2006, Ben was inspired to work with SMRT Past President Wendy Strugnell and Dominic Kennedy to establish an Executive Committee of the ANZ Chapter and deliver the first Annual SMRT ANZ Chapter meeting. Over the last 10 years this meeting has promoted over 20% growth in global SMRT membership and created long term commercial support to ensure the delivery of world class MR educational opportunities to this large geographical region. Creating opportunities for ANZ members, mentoring them into ANZ Chapter leadership positions and continuing to support this chapter along its path has been both professionally and personally rewarding. Ben was elected to the SMRT Policy Board in 2008 where his first role was Program Chair for the 2009 Annual SMRT Meeting held in Hawaii. He has held positions of Executive Member, Membership Chair and Treasurer. Ben was elected to be President of the SMRT from 2012-2013 where his focus was the evolving face of education to online content and interactive social media outlets. This supported further engagement of the MR community in evolving technology, promoting membership growth. It also involved partnering with commercial vendors to create future collaborative meetings. Ben maintains a strong interest in the educational pursuits of the SMRT, serving on the Education Committee and many past Program Committees since 2008. He is currently serving on the inaugural joint Safety Committee of the ISMRM and SMRT and is a member of the East Asian ISMRM List serve. Ben has presented a large amount of MRI content across a broad range of international and local educational programs. He has been an invited speaker in MRI physics, sequence optimization, clinical research and various clinical applications by the ISMRM (x 2), the SMRT (ANZ x 3, International x 3), European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB x1), International Diagnostic Excellence in Teaching (IDKD) - Hong Kong (x 1), Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR) CPD program (x 4), Queensland Radiology training program (x 2), Griffith University Centre for Musculoskeletal Research (x 1), GE Healthcare MRI (x 6) and Philips MRI (x 12) education meetings around ANZ and Hospital Institutions around South East Asia (x 6). Through his extended professional community Ben has been invited to assist development in new MRI installs through South East Asia helping to develop protocols and mentor local MRI technologists in sequence writing and optimization. He has an active role in MR education giving many presentations to local Referring Specialist Doctors, General Practitioners and Physiotherapy groups. He is also on the MRI Safety Advisory Committee for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists revising the latest RANZCR MRI Safety Guidelines White Paper. Ben recently created a Facebook Group for Philips MRI Community and continues to reach out to his global network of colleagues to create further networks sharing MR educational content. Ben’s roles also include MRI research and he is involved in multiple programs affiliated through both University of Queensland and Griffith University CMR. He currently participates in clinical science agreements in sequence and coil development with Philips BU. Ben is encouraged that his contributions to the education of MR Technologists and Radiographers throughout the world have been recognised and very honoured that he has been nominated for this award. |
Moffat Kirsten graduated from the University of Sydney in 1996 and began to work in MRI during the final year of her degree. After graduating Kirsten worked in all modalities of radiography. She turned her primary focus to MRI in 1998. In 2001 Kirsten joined Philips Healthcare as an MRI Applications Specialist. In this role Kirsten was responsible for the training of all Philips MR customers in Australia and New Zealand. She was involved in the testing of new MRI applications and the first generation 3 Tesla scanners. After this role Kirsten’s career took her to Symbion Health as the manager of the Symbion Clincial Research Imaging Centre at the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute. Kirsten is now employed as the MRI Manager at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney. Kirsten has presented at many MRI conferences throughout the Asia Pacific region .These presentations have included topics such as Parallel Imaging, Ultra-Short TSE, MRI Safety, 3 Tesla Advantages and Multi-transmit technology. Kirsten has also co-authored publications in peer reviewed journals and paper submissions for the ISMRM, SMRT, SCMR, ISHLT and Human Brain Mapping. Kirsten has been a member of the SMRT since 2003. During this period she has attended multiple Annual SMRT/ISMRM meetings and SMRT ANZ Chapter Meetings. She has also served as the NSW Representative of the ANZ Chapter; Co-Chair of the President’s regional meeting in Sydney and President of the ANZ Chapter. Kirsten is now a member of the ANZ Executive Committee and actively involved in the program committee of each ANZ Chapter meeting. In 2011 Kirsten was appointed to the SMRT Policy Board. In 2011 she was a member of the education, program, and publications committee and was mentored by others. In 2012 Kirsten was elected to the position of SMRT Treasurer. Kirsten held this position for a 3 year term from May 2012 until May 2015. During her time as treasurer Kirsten was responsible for the set-up and implementation of the Annual meeting SMRT Sponsorship structure. Kirsten is proud to have been on the SMRT policy board and believes in the mission of the organisation. Kirsten is honoured and humbled to be nominated for Fellow of the Section. |
Charles Stanley Charles T. Stanleyis an MR Technologist currently working as a Medical Science Liaison for Guerbet LLC. In this role Charles serves as one of the “industry experts” regarding Gadolinium based contrast media. In addition this role affords Charles the opportunity to interact and develop research with many of the leading academic MRI departments in the US. Prior to this position Charles’s career highlights have included working as the Lab Manager for the Stanford University 3D and Quantitative Imaging Lab. In this role, Charles was instrumental in progressing the lab to a server-based workflow and increasing the use of the lab for processing and analysis of MRI datasets. Prior to this position Charles worked for many years at the University of Virginia Medical Center as the Manager of the CT, MRI, and Advanced Visualization Lab departments. In this position Charles was able to aid in developing programs and service lines including intraoperative MR, MR Guided Focused Ultrasound, Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging, and Advanced Visualization techniques. In addition, Charles’s career has included working as a Staff Technologist, Lead Tech, Supervisor, Radiology Director, and Radiology Consultant. Charles is a registered radiologic technologist and holds advanced certifications in CT, MRI, and Radiology Administration. Charles is a Diplomate of the American Board of Imaging Informatics and the American Board of Magnetic Resonance Safety.
Charles’s involvement in the SMRT began in 2003 when he was
co-organizer/founder and first President for the Central Virginia
Chapter of the SMRT. Charles continued to be a part of this chapter
for a number of years and served as Chapter President three times,
and organized several Chapter and Regional meetings including a
Presidents regional. Following his Policy Board tenure, Charles was elected to serve as Co-Chair of the External Relations Committee. During this time, Charles participated in CARE Bill advocacy groups, RSNA Associated Sciences planning, and was instrumental in the initial collaborative efforts with the SNMTS regarding PET/MR Education. During this tenure Charles continued to be active in other committees including Electronic Submissions, Program, and other committees. In 2010 Charles assumed the role of President-Elect for the SMRT. His committee involvement continued, as he was active with Local Chapter, RCEEM Ad-Hoc, Membership, Program, and Electronic Submission Committees. Charles was also tasked with Chairing the Ad-Hoc Committee for developing the SMRT Mission and Vision statement. Charles’s time as President was focused on leading an increased collaboration with external groups while also leading improvement to internal processes within the Policy Board. An ambitious project was undertaken to align the SOP’s of the Policy Board with the Strategic Plan and the new Mission and Vision statements. It was also during this time that the Joint SMRT- SNMMI TS task force was formed and a comprehensive plan developed to foster support for this project. Charles also was provided the opportunity to represent the SMRT at the first FDA workshop on MRI safety. At this workshop Charles was able to submit a statement prepared on behalf of the SMRT and participate in a number of expert panels. Since the completion of Charles presidency, he has continued to remain involved in several committees and task forces. Charles has also reorganized the Central Virginia Chapter as the Mid-Atlantic Chapter. This chapter held its first Regional event in October of 2015. Alongside Charles’s committee and Board work, Charles has been a prolific presenter with the SMRT. Since 2005 he has presented over fifty times at various SMRT meetings and as an SMRT representative at other meetings and congresses. Highlights during this time include the 2009 Annual Meeting, 2010 RSNA Annual Meeting, 2010 Annual ANZ Regional, and multiple SNMMI Annual meetings. Charles’s lecture topics have included communication skills, MR safety, 3D advanced visualization, and contrast media. Charles would like to gratefully acknowledge that his SMRT journey would in no way be possible without the help from his SMRT family. |
Society for MR
Radiographers & Technologists |