First Author Index for 2016
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Poster # |
Alibaba, Sapiah
Assessing Effect of Scanner Sequence and System Hardware on
Freesurfer Volumetric ResultAssessing Effect of Scanner Sequence and System Hardware on
Freesurfer Volumetric Result |
8 |
Arm, Jameen – 2nd Place Research Focus
Proffered Paper Award
Audio-Visual (AV) Biofeedback Guided Breath Hold MRI Improves Lung
Tumour Inter-Fraction Position Reproducibility |
Oral |
Armstrong, Jordyn
Overview of Congenital Brain Defects and the Benefits of Diagnostic
Imaging |
9 |
Au, Christopher
My Body is Fat! |
10 |
Batumalai, Vikneswary
Assessment of MRI Sequences for
Imaging Surgical Clips in Breast Radiotherapy Planning |
11 |
Bone, Sharita
PPMS and MRI: The Disease, Diagnosis, Research and Treatment |
12 |
Chai, Pik Hsien
MR Imaging Of Clinically Suspected
Acute Appendicitis During Pregnancy |
13 |
Epperson, Karla – 2016 President’s
Reproducibility Technique to Successfully Implement Magnetic
Resonance Elastography of the Brain in Routine Clinical Protocol |
Oral |
Epperson, Kevin
Volumetric GagCEST Imaging of the
Knee: Localized Center Frequency Adjustment at Ultra High
Field and Comparison at 3T and 7T |
14 |
Haas, Tanja – 3rd Place Research Focus
Proffered Paper Award
Pre-operative Planning of Breast Reconstruction with Deep Inferior
Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap: potential of non-contrast
enhanced MRA |
Oral |
Hansson, Boel - 3rd Place Research
Poster Award
Swedish National Survey on Health Effects on MR
Personnel - Preliminary Result |
3 |
Hansson, Boel
Short-Term Effects During Examination in an
Actively Shielded 7T MR System |
15 |
Hjelm Hansen, Mette
Double Inversion Recovery (DIR) is
Superior to T2FLAIR in Detecting Acute and Subacute Subarachnoidal
Hemorrhage |
16 |
Hughes, Maila
The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
in the Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy |
17 |
Ii, Tomoki
Addition of DTI Tractography to fMRI for
Hand Movement |
18 |
Jackson, Kimberly
What is Spatial Distortion and How Does it Affect Registration in
19 |
Jeong, JaeYun
Evaluation of the Usefulness of SEMAC-STIR
Technique to Reduce Metal Artifact in Fat-Suppressed T2 Weighted
Image: Comparison with SPIR, mDIXON |
20 |
Johansson, Alexander
Blood Flow Measurements with Phase
Contrast MRI: Effects on Flow Curves with Changed Measurement
Position |
21 |
Kanamoto, Masayuki
Evaluation of 3D-TOF-MRA of the Head Combined Usage with Parallel
Imaging and Compressed Sensing on 3T MRI |
22 |
Kennedy, Ben – 2nd Place Clinical Focus
Proffered Paper Award
Optimized Acquisition of Ultra-High Diffusion Weighted Imaging of
the Prostate |
Oral |
Kennedy, Ben - 1st Place Clinical
Poster Award
Optimization of Small Field of View
Pelvic T2 Imaging Combining Motion Correction and SENSE 1 |
4 |
Khine, Whitney
Imaging of Spinal Dural Arteriovenous
Malformations at 1.5 Tesla MRI |
23 |
Kida, Katsuhiro
Phantom Study of T1 mapping using Inversion Recovery Turbo Field
Echo Sequence for Breast Tumor at 3.0 T |
24 |
Lai, Ting-Yu
Comparing Multi TI Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) with Dynamic
Intravenous Gadolinium Perfusion in Paediatric Neuroimaging at 3T |
25 |
Leong, Suet Fen
Safe Use of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices
During MRI |
26 |
Liew, Su – 3rd Place Clinical Poster
TWIST-VIBE - Time Resolved 3D T1 Volume with
Dixon: Applications in Paediatric Abdominal Imaging |
6 |
Lim, Soo Lee – 3rd Place Clinical Focus
Proffered Paper Award
MRI of Morton's Neuroma - Mulder's Compression Technique Adapted to
MRI for Improved Lesion Conspicuity |
Oral |
Low, Yi Xian
Comparison of the Effect of Two Shim
Protocols on fMRI Coregistration Quality |
27 |
Mansour, Omid
Improvement of Signal and Contrast of T2 Weighted Turbo Spin Echo
Sequences by Applying Driven Equilibrium Pulse in the Knee MR
Imaging on Open MRI |
28 |
Mansour, Omid
Optimizing T1FFE3D Pulse Sequence for
Evaluation of Knee Cartilage at Low Field MRI |
29 |
Manzie , Shaun
Clinical PET/MRI Initial Experiences
and Future Uses |
30 |
Matsuura, Ryutaro
Combination of ECG Triggered and Navigator Echo Triggered
for Sedated Infants |
31 |
Mitchell, Stephanie
The Effects of ADHD on the Brain: An MRI Perspective |
32 |
Mulcahy, Claire – 1st Place Research
Poster Award
Improving Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) For Clinical
Applications |
1 |
Nagahama, Hiroshi
Three-Dimensional Kurtosis Contrast
(3DKC) |
33 |
Negi, Pradeep
Simultaneous PET MRI: A New Challenge from
Physicist's Perspective |
34 |
Ng, Stevia – 2nd Place Research Poster
Optimization of BOundary NulleD (BOND) Imaging for Delineation of
Tissue Boundaries and Segmentation at 3T |
2 |
Op't Hof, Ingrid
Pediatric Neuroimaging Acquisition and
Analysis Success Rates at Ages 5 and 7 Years |
35 |
Patterson, Ilse – 1st Place Clinical
Focus Proffered Paper Award
The Utility of Interactive MRI for Fetal and Neonatal Imaging |
Oral |
Reed, Tiffany
The Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis, Treatment
Staging, and Post Therapy Screening of Retinoblastoma Patients |
36 |
Samuels, Petronella
Types of Late Gadolinium
Enhancements in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy |
37 |
Segers, Karina
Language Lateralization Using fMRI -
Used for Epilepsy Patients Before Brain Surgery |
38 |
Seitel, Rebekah
Effects of Chronic Alcoholism on the Frontal Lobe; Findings with
MRI and Other Imaging Techniques |
39 |
Simonsen, Helle
3T high Resolution MR Imaging - An
Important Tool in the Diagnosis of Patients with Trigeminal
Neuralgia |
40 |
Simonsen, Helle
Four Unexpected MRI Artifacts and
Their Conclusions |
41 |
Southers, Barry
Student Evaluation of a Hybrid
Learning Approach in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Curriculum |
42 |
Strugnell, Wendy
Exercise Rest-Stress Cardiac MRI Using Ultra-Fast Cine SSFP
Imaging - Feasibility Data in Controls and Pulmonary Arterial
Hypertension |
43 |
Takashima, Hiroyuki
MR Spectroscopy in the Paraspinal
Muscles: Fat Content in Multifidus Muscle Increases in Patients with
Chronic Low Back Pain |
44 |
Tan, Ker Sin
Can Non-Medical Alternatives be as
Effective as Sedation or General Anaesthesia in Obtaining
Diagnostic Quality Images for Paediatric Magnetic Resonance
Imaging? A Systematic Review |
45 |
Teh, Wai Niu Karen
How Useful is a Detailed MIT Driven Clinical Worksheet in Aiding
Accurate Reporting of MSK MRI Examinations? |
46 |
Teo, Serena Shi Hui – 2nd Place
Clinical Poster Award
MRI Coronary Arteries for
Children - The Radiographer’s Journal |
5 |
Wineland, Kelsey – JAK Poster Award
Comparison of Functional MRI Activation between Finger Tapping and
Motor Imagery Finger Tapping |
7 |
Wohlfrom, Erica
Alzheimer's Disease: Examining the
Stages of the Disease, and Diagnosis |
47 |
Yang, Hou-Ting
To Compare the Variation of Perfusion
Parameters by using AIF of Aorta and Segmental Artery in
Quantitative DCE-MRI |
48 |
Yang, Jun Seok – 1st Place Research
Focus Proffered Paper Award
Correction of B0-Susceptibility Induced Distortion Using Paraffin in
Brain Diffusion Weighted Imaging |
Oral |
Yap, Tiang Siew
Evaluating the Consistency of T1 and
T2 Maps on Cardiac Imaging Across 3 Different 3T MRI
Scanners |
49 |
Society for MR
Radiographers & Technologists
2300 Clayton Road, Suite 620
Concord, CA 94520, USA
Tel: +1 925-825-SMRT (7678)
Fax: +1 510-841-2340
smrt@ismrm.org |