JULY 2014 • Vol. 3, Issue 3

The SMRT Recognizes Extraordinary Contributions with Awards

Vera Kimbrell, B.S., R.T.(R)(MR)
2014 Chair, Awards Committee

“Fulfilling the many jobs and duties that the SMRT undertakes absorbs countless volunteers and hours of time.”

Every year the SMRT proudly honors individuals who have served the society with extraordinary efforts and accomplished outstanding tasks in support of our mission.

Fulfilling the many jobs and duties that the SMRT undertakes absorbs countless volunteers and hours of time. Those individuals contribute enormous amounts of time in service to our society. They get the job done and done well!

I want to recognize and thank the entire Awards committee. Each of you gave much to the process and I truly appreciate each of you. Gratitude is also extended to Jennifer Olson and the Berkley staff; we would not exist without you!

Please join me in congratulating each of these award recipients who are honored this year. We appreciate your efforts on behalf of the SMRT and thank you for your service.


Michael E. Moseley, Ph.D. - 2014 CRUES KRESSEL AWARD
The Crues Kressel Award is approved by the SMRT membership for Outstanding Contributions to the Education of Magnetic Resonance Technologists.

Heidi Berns, M.S., R.T. (R)(MR), FSMRT - 2014 HONORARY MEMBER AWARD
This award recipient is selected by the Policy Board to recognize extraordinary achievement and an exceptional level of service and support for the Section and mission of the SMRT.

Anne Dorte Blankholm, M.Sc. (MRI), FSMRT - 2014 FELLOW OF THE SECTION AWARD
This award recipient is selected by the Policy Board in recognition of significant and substantial contributions to the mission of the SMRT.

Steven P. Shannon, R.T. (R)(MR), FSMRT, Ph.D. Student - 2014 FELLOW OF THE SECTION AWARD
This award recipient is selected by the Policy Board in recognition of significant and substantial contributions to the mission of the SMRT.

This award recipient is selected by the Policy Board to recognize outstanding contributions and extreme level of effort and service to the operation, effectiveness, and good reputation of the Section.