MARCH 2015 • Vol. 4, Issue 1 |
Make your plans now to attend the 2015 SMRT Annual Meeting in Toronto, 30-31 May and SMRT/ISMRM Joint Forum on 1 June. Come be a part of the world’s best MR Education! Our mission is all about education and we do it best!! Chris Kokkinos from Australia has put together an outstanding program! Besides educational sessions, your fellow SMRT members are hard at work providing educational and scientific presentations. This year we’ve added breakout sessions and invited talks from the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMRI), The Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) and the Association for Medical Imaging Management (AHRA). We will also have a meeting for MR Program Directors to be able to meet each other and talk about issues they have in common. Attending the SMRT Annual Meeting is also your best opportunity to talk directly with Policy Board members and volunteer to serve on committees (http://www.ismrm.org/smrt/members-only/committee-directory/). New for 2015 – SMRT Travel Scholarship for the Annual Meeting http://www.ismrm.org/smrt/2015-smrt-travel-scholarship-submission-form/. Technologists/radiographers who reside outside of the countries with the highest SMRT membership have the opportunity to apply for travel assistance to the annual meeting. The SMRT realizes that traveling to the SMRT Annual Meeting for people in certain areas of the world is nearly impossible due to financial restrictions. The ISMRM is granting the SMRT assistance for this program in order to help build membership and awareness of the SMRT around the globe. We are hoping to be able to offer this on an annual basis. Your Policy Board is working hard to promote the SMRT and what we have to offer to the world through eSignals http://www.ismrm.org/smrt/signals-news/e-signals/, Facebook (search: SMRT – Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists, or https://www.facebook.com/SMRT.ISMRM), LinkedIn page (SMRT Network, https://www.linkedin.com/groups/SMRT-Network-6789020?home=&gid=6789020), Twitter (@SMRT_ISMRM) and our webpage www.smrt.org/. Andrea Forneris is working hard to promote the SMRT activities through social media. Julie Strandt-Peay is always open to your ideas for topics and your articles that we can share in eSignals. New Safety initiatives! The SMRT will be launching a new series of MR safety videos. The initial offering will start with basic safety. More advanced safety videos are planned. If you have specific ideas you’d like to see made into or included in an MR safety video, please contact our MR Safety Officer, Vera Kimbrell. Be on the look out for new Home Studies and other continuing education (CE) materials coming soon. If you have a CE topic you’d like to see the SMRT offer, please contact Vanessa Orchard or Anne Sawyer. We want to offer the topics of material that matter to our members. Be involved! |
E-Signals is a publication by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine for the benefit of the SMRT membership and those individuals and organizations that support the educational programs and professional advancement of the SMRT and its members. This publication is the compilation of the leadership of the SMRT and the contributions of the staff in the ISMRM Central Office. |