DAY 1 - Sunday, 14 August 2016 |
15:00 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available |
18:30 |
Dinner (Located
in hotel restaurant) |
Session 1: Update on Consensus Effort |
Anke Henning, Ph.D. & Roland
Kreis, Ph.D. |
19:55 |
Introduction |
Roland Kreis, Ph.D.
University Bern Bern, Switzerland |
20:00 |
Consensus on Clinical Applications in CNS |
Gulin Oz, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Minneapolis,
20:20 |
Consensus on Basic Spectroscopy Methods |
Martin Wilson, Ph.D.
University of Birmingham Birmingham, England, UK |
20:40 |
Consensus on Advanced Spectroscopy Methods |
Anke Henning, Ph.D. MPI for
Biological Cybernetics Tübingen, Germany |
21:00 |
Networking Reception |
DAY 2 - Monday, 15 August 2016 |
07:00 |
Breakfast (only for attendees staying at Hotel St.
Elisabeth, served until 8:30 in hotel restaurant) |
07:30 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 2: Hardware & PreScans |
Chris Bösch, M.D., Ph.D. & Ivan
Tkac, Ph.D. |
09:10 |
RF Hardware Requirements |
Dennis W. J. Klomp, Ph.D. University Medical Center
Utrecht Utrecht, The Netherlands |
09:40 |
Magnetic Field B0 Shimming for MR Spectroscopy Applications |
Robin A. de Graaf, Ph.D. Yale University School of
Medicine New Haven, CT, USA |
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
10:10 |
A Comparison of Optimization Algorithms for Localized
In-Vivo Shimming |
Sahar Nassirpour, Ph.D.
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Tübingen, Germany |
10:20 |
In Vivo Metabolite Quantification Using ERETIC with
Corrections for Changes in the RF Transmission & Reception
Field |
Niklaus Zoelch, M.Sc.
University and ETH Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland |
10:30 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 3: Localization & Preprocessing |
Charles M. Gasparovic, Ph.D. &
Benjamin C. Rowland, Ph.D. |
11:00 |
Conventional & Arbitrary Volume Selection |
Ovidiu Cristian Andronesi, M.D., Ph.D. Massachusetts
General Hospital Charlestown, MA, USA |
11:30 |
Fit for Fitting: Preprocessing Routines to Improve MRS Data Quality
- as presented at the workshop by Richard A. E. Edden, Ph.D.
- pre-recorded by Jamie P. Near, Ph.D.; not shown at the
workshop |
Jamie P. Near, Ph.D. McGill University Montréal, QC,
Canada |
12:00 |
Motion Correction & Frequency Stabilization |
Thomas Ernst, Ph.D. University of Hawai'i Honolulu,
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
12:30 |
Across-Vendor Standardization of Semi-LASER for Single-Voxel
MRS at 3 Tesla |
Dinesh Deelchand, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA |
12:40 |
Assessing Spectral Quality: Of Man & Machine |
Sreenath P. Kyathanahally, M.Sc.
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland |
12:50 |
Influence of Age-Specific Macromolecular Pattern on MRS
Quantification |
Malgorzata Marjanska, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA |
13:00 |
Lunch (Located in hotel restaurant) & Speaker Upload
Available |
Session 4: Spectral Fitting |
Dinesh K. Deelchand, Ph.D. &
Jamie P. Near, Ph.D. |
14:30 |
Parametric Fit Model & Basis Sets |
Lana G. Kaiser, Ph.D. Siemens Healthcare Tokyo, Japan |
15:00 |
Baseline & Lineshape (MM & Distortions) Handling |
Martin Wilson, Ph.D. University of Birmingham
Birmingham, England, UK |
15:30 |
Spectral Fitting Challenge Results & Discussion |
16:15 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 5: Detecting a Comprehensive Neurochemical
Profile |
In-Young Choi, Ph.D. & Alexander
P. Lin, Ph.D. |
16:45 |
Progress in Edited MRS
- Permission Withheld |
Richard A. E. Edden, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine Baltimore, MD, USA |
17:15 |
Novel MR Spectroscopic Imaging Techniques: Encoding of 2D
Spectral & 2D/3D Spatial Dimensions |
M. Albert Thomas, Ph.D. David Geffen School of Medicine
at UCLA Los Angeles, CA, USA |
17:45 |
In Vivo Neurochemical
Profiling at Ultra-High Field |
Ivan Tkac, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Minneapolis,
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
18:15 |
Brain-Region Specific GABA+ Concentrations Obtained from 3D
GABA MRSI: Cross-Validation to Single Voxel MEGA-PRESS |
Ruoyun Ma, B.Sc.
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN, USA |
18:25 |
Simultaneous Detection of Alpha- & Beta-Glucose Using 1H MRS
at 7 Tesla |
Lana G. Kaiser, Ph.D.
Siemens Healthcare
Tokyo, Japan |
18:35 |
Elucidation of the Downfield Spectrum of Human Brain at 7 T
& at 9.4 T |
Nicole Fichtner, M.Sc.
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland |
18:45 |
Adjourn |
19:00 |
Dinner (Located in hotel restaurant) |
DAY 3 - Tuesday, 16 August 2016 |
07:00 |
Breakfast (only for attendees staying at Hotel St.
Elisabeth, served until 8:30 in hotel restaurant) |
07:30 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 6: MRSI I |
Moderators: Ashley D. Harris, Ph.D & Phil Lee, Ph.D. |
09:00 |
Whole-Brain MRSI |
Andrew A. Maudsley, Ph.D. University of Miami School of
Medicine Miami, FL, USA |
09:45 |
Power Pitch Session |
Moderators: Wolfgang Bogner, Ph.D. & Paul G. Mullins, Ph.D. |
Optimized Estimation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients of
Metabolites |
André Döring , M.Sc.
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland |
Fast & Accurate Simulation of Spatially Localized Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy |
Yan Zhang, Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD, USA |
Large Volume Spectral Estimation of Gray & White Matter |
Mohammed Goryawala, Ph.D.
University of Miami
Miami, FL, USA |
Registration-Based Automatic Voxel Positioning for High
Between-Subject Reproducibility in Single Voxel MRS |
Young Woo Park, M.Sc.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Daejeon, South Korea |
Metabolite Cycled Semi-LASER in Human Brain at 9.4T: In-Vivo
Results |
Ioannis-Angelos Giapitzakis, M.Sc.
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Tübingen, Germany |
Assessment of Interrelations Between DMN Resting State
Functional Connectivity & Brain GABA Concentrations by Using
Functional MRI & 1H-MEGA-PRESS MRS with & without
Suppression of Macromolecules |
Alexander Gussew, Ph.D.
Jena University Hospital
Jena, Germany |
Towards Functional MRS: Time-Resolved Assessment of tDCS-Induced
Changes in Local GABA Concentration in the Brain |
Alexander R. Craven, M.Sc.
University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway |
Time Dependent Sensitization in the Prefrontal Cortex of the
Single Prolonged Stress Animal Model of Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder: In Vivo 1H MRS at 9.4T |
Song-I Lim, B.Sc.
The Catholic University of Korea
Seoul, South Korea |
Evidence of White Matter Metabolite Changes in Manifest
Huntington's Disease Using Proton MRS |
Bretta Russell-Schulz, M.Sc.
UBC MRI Research Centre
Vancouver, BC, Canada |
Very High-Order B0 Shimming for Ultra-High Field Magnetic
Resonance |
Paul (Yu-Chun) Chang, Ph.D.
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Tübingen, Germany |
Metabolite Mapping of the Human Brain Using 1H FID MRSI at
9.4T |
Sahar Nassirpour, Ph.D.
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Tübingen, Germany |
Prospective Frequency Correction for MR Spectroscopic
Imaging |
Chu-Yu Lee, Ph.D.
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, KS, USA |
Effective Lipid Suppression in 1H MRS Using BASE-SLIM &
Spatially-Constrained Reconstruction
- Permission Withheld |
Peter Adany, Ph.D.
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, KS, USA |
Towards a Fast, Automated, Scanner-to-PACS Brain 1H MRSI
Workflow |
Jason Crane, Ph.D.
University of California
San Francisco, CA, USA |
10:15 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 7: MRSI II |
Moderators: Ovidiu Andronesi, M.D., Ph.D. & Peter B. Barker, D.Phil. |
11:00 |
Multi slice, Elliptical K-Space Sampling / K-Space
Weighting, Multi-echo |
Tom W. J. Scheenen, Ph.D. Radbound University Medical
Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands |
11:15 |
SSFP Based Short TR MRSI: General Aspects & Applications to Slow Chemical Exchange & Gas-Phase Reactions |
Wolfgang Dreher, Ph.D. University of Bremen Bremen,
Germany |
11:30 |
Anke Henning, Ph.D. MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Tübingen, Germany |
11:45 |
GRAPPA & Multiband |
Wolfgang Bogner, Ph.D. Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria |
12:00 |
Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging |
Stefan Posse, Ph.D. University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM, USA |
12:15 |
Fast Spectroscopic Imaging using Non-Cartesian Trajectories |
Rolf F. Schulte, Ph.D. GE Global Research Garching,
Germany |
12:30 |
Compressed Spectroscopic Imaging |
Ricardo Otazo, Ph.D. New York University School of
Medicine New York, NY, USA |
12:45 |
Lunch (Located in hotel restaurant) & Speaker Upload
Available |
Session 7: MRSI II (Continued) |
Moderators: Ovidiu Andronesi, M.D., Ph.D. & Peter B. Barker, D.Phil. |
14:15 |
SLAM & Co. |
Paul Arthur Bottomley, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD, USA |
14:30 |
Hadamard Order RF Phase Encoding for MRSI |
Oded Gonen, Ph.D. New York University School of Medicine
New York, NY, USA |
14:45 |
Comparative Evaluation of MRSI Acceleration Methods &
Discussion |
Discussion Leaders:
Wolfgang Bogner, Ph.D.
Tom W. J. Scheenen, Ph.D. |
15:15 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
15:45 |
Poster Session |
Session 8: Quality Assurance & Reference Standards |
Moderators: Björn H. Menze, Ph.D. & Hélène Ratiney, Ph.D. |
17:45 |
Quality Assurance |
Roland Kreis, Ph.D. University Bern Bern, Switzerland |
18:15 |
Adjusting Concentrations for Tissue Composition in Brain:
Assumptions & Conundrums |
Charles M. Gasparovic, Ph.D. The Mind Research Network University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, USA |
18:45 |
Reference Standards |
Peter B. Barker, D.Phil. Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine Baltimore, MD, USA |
19:15 |
Dinner (Located in hotel restaurant) |
DAY 4 - Wednesday, 17 August 2016 |
07:00 |
Breakfast (only for attendees staying at Hotel St.
Elisabeth, served until 8:30 in hotel restaurant) |
07:30 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 9: Body MRS |
Dennis W. J. Klomp, Ph.D. &
Kirsten Selnæs, Ph.D. |
09:00 |
Prostate MRS |
Tom W. J. Scheenen, Ph.D. Radbound University Medical
Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands |
09:30 |
Cardiac MRS |
Sebastian Kozerke, Ph.D. University and ETH Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland |
10:00 |
Breast MRS -
Permission Withheld |
Patrick J. Bolan, Ph.D. University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA |
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
10:30 |
Spinal Cord MRS - Detection of an Extended Neurochemical
Profile |
Patrik Wyss, M.Sc.
University and ETH Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland |
10:40 |
Accelerated Ultra-High-Resolution 3D Free Induction Decay
1H-MRSI of Human Brain at 7T |
Michal Povazan, M.Sc.
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria |
10:50 |
Ultrahigh-Resolution, Volumetric 1H-MRSI of the Brain
without Water/Lipid Suppression |
Fan Lam, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chicago, IL, USA |
11:00 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 10: Consensus Discussion |
Anke Henning, Ph.D., Paul G.
Mullins, Ph.D., Brenda L. Bartnik Olson, Ph.D. & Martin
Wilson, Ph.D. |
11:30 |
Review Topics Consensus - Those Confirmed & Additional Planning |
13:00 |
Lunch (Located in hotel restaurant) & Speaker Upload
Available |
Session 11: Multinuclear MRS |
Brenda L. Bartnik Olson, Ph.D. &
Tom W. J. Scheenen, Ph.D. |
14:00 |
31P MRS / MRSI |
Chris Bösch, M.D., Ph.D. University Bern Bern, Switzerland |
14:30 |
Practical Aspects of 13C MR Studies |
Graeme F. Mason, Ph.D. Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, CT, USA |
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
15:00 |
Recent Advances in Inverse 1H-[13C] MR Spectroscopy |
Robin de Graaf, Ph.D.
Yale University
New Haven, CT, USA |
15:10 |
Probing Alterations of Cellular Metabolism & Structure in
Cntf-Induced Mouse Model of Astrocytic Activation Using In
Vivo MRS & DW-MRS |
Clémence Ligneul, M.Sc.
Fontenay-aux-Roses, France |
15:20 |
Mutant Huntingtin Induces Impairment in Striatal Cells of
the BAC Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease: Endogenous
Findings & Disease-Modifying Strategies |
Sandra Cuellar Baena, M.Sc.
Lund University
Lund, Sweden |
15:30 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 12: Emerging MRS Methods |
Wolfgang Dreher, Ph.D. & Lana G.
Kaiser, Ph.D. |
16:00 |
Exploring Brain Intracellular Space Using Diffusion-Weighted MR Spectroscopy
In Vivo |
Julien Valette, Ph.D. CEA-MIRCen Fontenay-aux-Roses,
France |
16:30 |
Functional 1H MRS of the Brain |
Silvia Mangia, Ph.D. University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA |
17:00 |
Novel Exchange-Based Methods for Spectroscopy & Imaging with Increased Sensitivity |
Nirbhay N. Yadav, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine Baltimore, MD, USA |
17:30 |
Machine Learning & Automatic Classification Strategies: Methods and MRS Applications |
Björn H. Menze, Ph.D. Technical University of Munich
Munich, Germany |
18:00 |
Closing Remarks |
18:30 |
Adjournment |