Perfusion: Contrast Agents - Techniques Hall C |
736. Dynamic First Pass Brain Perfusion Measurement With a Combined Double Contrast GE/SE EPI Sequence, R. Strohschein, M. Markl, J. Hennig and S. Arnold, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. |
737. Quantitative Measurement of an Extraction Fraction by Double Echo Dynamic MRI, H. Uematsu, N. Sadato, M. Maeda, T. Matsuda, Y. Koshimoto, H. Kimura, H. Yamada, Y. Kawamura, Y. Yonekura and H. Ito, Fukui Medical University, Fukui, Japan and GE-Yokogawa Medical Systems, Tokyo, Japan. |
738. Perfusion MRI of the Human Brain with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast: Gradient Echo versus Spin Echo Techniques, O. Speck, T. Ernst, N.M. DeSilva and L. Chang, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA. |
739. A Low Cost Flow Phantom for Quantification of Flow and Volume from Perfusion MRI, B.J. Young, P. Gibbs and L.W. Turnbull, University of Hull at Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull, UK. |
740. Automated Determination of the Arterial Input Function for Quantitative MR Perfusion Analysis, E.D. Morris, J.W. VanMeter, T.A. Tasciyan and T.A. Zeffiro, Sensor Systems, Inc. Sterling, VA, USA. |
741. Determination of Arterial Input Function Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Quantification of Cerebral Blood Flow with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging, K. Murase, K. Kikuchi, H. Miki, T. Shimizu, T. Mochizuki and J. Ikezoe, Ehime University School of Medicine, Ehime, Japan. |
742. In Vitro Determination of MR Properties of Gadolinium in Flowing Blood for Arterial Input Function Measurements, M.J.P. van Osch, C.J.G. Bakker and M.A. Viergever, University Hospital, Utrecht, The Netherlands. |
743. Measurement of Arterial Input Function and Contrast Media Uptake Using Dual Stack SR/T1-FFE, R. Stollberger, H. Raith, F. Payer, M. Pedevilla, R. Bammer and F. Ebner, University of Graz, Graz, Austria. |
744. Quantitative Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of Rat Tumor: Limitations of Using Changes in T2* in the Aorta to Measure the Arterial Input Function, G.O. Cron, J.C. Wallace, W.D. Stevens, T. Fortin, B.A. Pappas, F. Kelcz and G.E. Santyr, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA and Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada. |
745. Delay and Dispersion Effects in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI: Simulations Using Singular Value Decomposition, F. Calamante, D.G. Gadian and A. Connelly, University College London Medical School, London, UK. |
746. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) of MR Cerebral Perfusion Data, T.J. Carroll, V.M. Haughton, D. Cordes, P.A. Turski, S.R. Amoli and F.R. Korosec, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA. |
747. Adaptive Weighting for Accuracy Improvements in Derivation of MR Perfusion Parameters, F-N. Wang, I-J. Huang, Y-R. Liu, H-W. Chung and C-Y. Chen, National Taiwan University and Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. |
748. Parametric Mapping of Scaled Fitting Error in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Enhanced MR Perfusion Imaging. Part I: Statistical Analysis, X.P. Zhu, A. Lacey, K.L. Li, N. Thacker and A. Jackson, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. |
749. Curve Fitting of Dynamic MRI Enhancement Data of the Kidney, J.A. den Boer, M.J.A.M. Geerlings, W.H. Backes, J.A. de Priester, E. Giele, F. Kessels and J.M.A. v. Engelshoven, University Hospital, Maastricht, the Netherlands and Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. |
750. Underestimation in MR Measurement of Blood Volume of Brain Tumors, H. Uematsu, M. Maeda, N. Sadato, T. Matsuda, Y. Koshimoto, H. Kimura, H. Yamada, Y. Kawamura, Y. Yonekura and H. Itoh, Fukui Medical University, Fukui, Japan and GE Yokogawa Medical Systems, Tokyo, Japan. |
751. Potential of Gd-DTPA-Mannan-Liposome Particles As a New Pulmonary Perfusion MRI Contrast Agent: Experimental Results, K. Suga, M. Mikawa, N. Ogasawara, H. Okazaki, K. Takana, K. Takano and N. Matsunaga, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Ube, Japan and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan. |
752. Relative rCBF Distributions in Healthy Volunteers: Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Compared to Tc-99m-HMPAO SPECT, R. Wirestam, E. Ryding, A. Lindgren, B. Geijer, L. Østergaard, L. Andersson, S. Holtås and F. Ståhlberg, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden and Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. |
753. Absolute Cerebral Blood Flow in Normal Volunteers: A Comparison Between Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI and Xe-133 SPECT, R. Wirestam, E. Ryding, A. Lindgren, B. Geijer, S. Holtås and F. Ståhlberg, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. |