MR Imaging of the Head and Neck Hall C |
1120. Kinematic MRI Using Short TR Fast Recovery Single Shot Fast Spin Echo (FRSSFSE) in Analyzing Swallowing, S. Isogai, Y. Takehara, H. Isoda, H. Masunaga, N. Kodaira, H. Sakahara, H. Kabasawa and A. Nozaki, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan and GE Yokogawa Medical Systems, Tokyo, Japan. |
1121. MRI of Tongue Movements during Stimulation of the Hypoglossal Nerve and its Branches, M.J. Brennick, T.P. Trouard, A.F. Gmitro and R.F. Fregosi, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. |
1122. Effects of Carbogen Breathing on Tissue Oxygenation and Perfusion in Head and Neck Tumors as Measured by MRI, M. Rijpkema, J. Kaanders, F. Joosten, B. van der Sanden, A. van der Kogel and A. Heerschap, University Hospital, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. |
1123. Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Head and Neck: Value of Differentiating Between Benign and Malignant Lesions; Preliminary Observation, M. Nakatsu, Y. Miki, N. Kazawa, S. Kubo and J. Konishi, Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto, Japan. |
1124. Functional MR Imaging of the Eustachian Tube, G.A. Krombach, C.C. Nolte-Ernsting, E. Di Martino, A. Prescher, G. Adam and R.W. Günther, University of Technology (RWTH), Aachen, Germany. |
1125. High-Resolution MR Imaging of Enlarged Endolymphatic Duct and Sac Syndrome Using 3D-FastASE: Volume and Signal-Intensity Measurement of the Endolymphatic Duct and Sac, and Area Measurement of the Cochlear Modiolus, S. Naganawa, T. Koshikawa, E. Iwayama, H. Fukatsu, T. Ishiguchi, T. Ishigaki, T. Nakashima and N. Ichinose, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan and Toshiba Nasu Works, Tochigi, Japan. |
1126. Differentiation of the Fluid Compartments of the Cochlea in vivo Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 1.5 T, D. Niyazov, S. Sinha, J. Andrews and R. Lufkin, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. |
1127. MRI and MTI Study of the Optic Nerve, Brain and Cervical Cord in Patients with Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, M. Inglese, M. Rovaris, S. Bianchi, G.L. Mancardi, A. Ghezzi, F. Salvi, P. Cortelli and M. Filippi, H San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. |
1128. MR Imaging Evaultion of the Lacrimal Gland Enlargement in Patients with Sjogren Syndrome, H. Tonami, M. Matoba, H. Yokota, I. Yamamoto, M. Masaki and S. Sugai, Kanazawa Medical University, Ishikawa, Japan. |
1129. High Resolution MR Imaging of the Orbit Using Surface Coils and Automated Intensity Non-Uniformity Correction, E.A. Vokurka, N.A. Watson, Y. Watson, A. Jackson and N.A. Thacker, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. |