MR Imaging of Brain Vascular Hall C |
1203. Serial Measurements of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Human Stroke on Five Time Points over Three Months, S. Liu, J.O. Karonen, Y. Liu, R. Vanninen, K. Partanen, M. Könönen, P. Vainio and H.J. Aronen, Kuopio University Hospital and University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland and Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. |
1204. Diffusion-Weighted MRI in the Acute Stage of Transient Ischemic Attacks, H. Shimizu, T. Inoue, T. Yoshimoto, H. Kabasawa and T. Tsukamoto, Kohnan Hospital and Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan and GE Yokogawa Medical Systems, Tokyo, Japan. |
1205. Successful Reperfusion in Human Stroke after Extended Periods of Ischemia: Patient Selection and Treatment Monitoring Using Diffusion/Pefusion MRI, P.B. Barker, A.E. Hillis and R.J. Wityk, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. |
1206. Intralesional Heterogeneity of the Time Course of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient In Patients With Large Territorial Cerebral Infarction, A. Gass, S. Behrens, J. Hirsch, O. Sedlaczek, M.G. Hennerici and J. Gaa, Klinikum Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany. |
1207. Absolute Quantification of Cerebral Blood Flow in Stroke Patients, Impact on Development of Infarction, S. Hunsche, P. Oelkers, D. Sauner, W.G. Schreiber, K. Ringel, S. Boor, K. Brühl, J. Gawehn and P. Stoeter, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany and Institute of Neurology, London, UK. |
1208. Visualisation of Hemodynamic Compromise - Comparison of Patients with Acute MCA Stroke and High Grade Carotid Artery Stenosis, A. Gass, S. Behrens, J. Hirsch, O. Sedlaczek, J. Gaa and M.G. Hennerici, Klinikum Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany. |
1209. Diffusion-weighted MRI in the Follow-up of Intra-arterial Thrombolysis in Human Arterial Stroke, K. Lövblad, M. Taleb, M. El-Koussy, F. Stepper, C. Bassetti, L. Remonda, B.I. O'Callaghan and G. Schroth, Inselspital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. |
1210. Detection of Hemorrhagic Transformation of Embolic Stroke With and Without rt-PA Intervention Using MRI in Rat, Q. Jiang, R.L. Zhang, Z.G. Zhang, R.A. Knight, J.R. Ewing, P. Jiang, Q.J. Li and M. Chopp, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA and Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA. |
1211. Scattered Infarct Pattern on Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke, H-C. Koennecke, J. Bernarding, J. Braun, R. Nohr, S. Leistner, A. Faulstich, C. Hofmeister and P. Marx, Medical Center Benjamin Franklin, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. |
1212. Diffusion And Perfusion Based Predictive Model To Estimate Stroke Evolution: Program to Aid the Validation of Potential Drug Therapies, S.E. Rose, F. Chen, J.B. Chalk, A.L. Janke, F.O. Zelaya, W. Strugnell, D.M. Doddrell and J. Semple, University of Queensland and Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia; Maudsley Hospital, London, UK and SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, UK. |
1213. Clinical Application of Quantitative Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (CASL) Imaging to Patients with Acute and Sub-Acute Stroke, H. Kimura, H. Kado, Y. Koshimoto, H. Uemasu, S. Muramoto, H. Yamada, Y. Kawamura, Y. Yonekura and H. Itoh, Fukui Medical University, Fukui, Japan. |
1214. Cerebral Infarction: Time Course of Gadopentetate Enhancement on T1WI and Its Relation to Cerebral Reperfusion, I-J. Huang, Y-J. Liu, F-N. Wang, C-Y. Chen and H-W. Chung, National Taiwan University and Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. |
1215. Perfusion MR Imaging and SPECT in Symptomatic Carotid Artery Occlusion: Correlative Assessment of Hemodynamic Parameters, J.H. Kim, T. Shin, K.H. Kang, S.J. Lee, J.H. Kim and P.Y. Choi, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju, South Korea. |
1216. Assessment of Borderzone Vasodilatory Response Before and After Carotid Endarterectomy, M. Wiart, Y. Berthezène, P. Adeleine, A. Baskurt, P. Trouillas, JC Froment and N. Nighoghossian, CREATIS, UFR Laënnec, University Claude Bernard and Cerebro-vascular Disease and Ataxia Research Center, Lyon, France. |
1217. Cerebral Hemodynamic Parameters, Assessed with MRA Quantitative Flow and ¹H MRS, in TMB Patients, TIA Patients and Control Subjects, D.R. Rutgers, R.C.J.M. Donders, L.J. Kappelle and J. van der Grond, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands. |
1218. Adaptation of the Circle of Willis after Carotid Endarterectomy, J. van der Grond, D.R. Rutgers, R. Kuit and B. Hillen, University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands. |
1219. Metabolic Alterations in Patients with ICA Obstructions Correlate with the Clinical Etiology Rather than with Cerebropetal Flow, J. van der Grond, D.R. Rutgers, K.J. van Everdingen, C.J.M. Klijn and L.J. Kappelle, University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands. |
1220. The Assessment of Tissue Status After Surgical Revascularisation in Children with Moyamoya Disease Using MR Diffusion and Perfusion Imagingm, F. Calamante, F.J. Kirkham, M. Bynevelt, D.G. Gadian and A. Connelly, University College London Medical School and Great Ormond St. Hospital for Children, London, UK. |
1221. Investigation of Cerebral Blood Flow Before and After Embolisation in Patients with Arteriovenous Malformation, S. Hunsche, J. Gawehn, K. Brühl, K. Ringel, W.G. Schreiber, S. Boor and P. Stoeter, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany. |
1222. Detection of Abnormalities Using Magnetization Transfer Ratios in Normal-Appearing White Matter on Conventional MR Images in Patients with Occlusive Cerebro-Vascular Disease: Comparison with Positron Emmission Tomography Data, H. Kado, H. Kimura, T. Tsuchida, Y. Kawamura, Y. Yonekura and H. Itoh, Fukui Medical University, Fukui, Japan. |
1223. Cerebral Perfusion Abnormalities in Abstinent Cocaine Abusers: A Perfusion MRI and SPECT Study, T. Ernst, L. Chang, G. Oropilla, A. Gustavson and O. Speck, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA. |
1224. A Magnetization Transfer Imaging Study of Individuals with CADASIL, G. Iannucci, M. Dichgans, M. Rovaris, R. Brüning, T. Gasser, T.A. Yousry and M. Filippi, H San Raffaele, Milan, Italy and Klinikum Grosshadern, University, Munich, Germany. |
1225. Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Human Cerebral Venous Thrombosis, K. Lövblad, J. Schneider, M. El-Koussy, F. Stepper, C. Bassetti, L. Remonda, B.I. O'Callaghan and G. Schroth, Inselspital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. |