Coronary MR Angiography Hall C |
1624. A Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Accurate Detection of Diaphragm Displacement in Naviagated 3D Coronary MR Angiography, Y.P. Du, M. Saranathan, D.A. Bluemke, Y. Wang and T.K.F. Foo, GE-Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. |
1625. Selected the Optimal Period of Diastole for Eliminating Cardiac Motion in Coronary MRA by the Use of an ECG-Triggered Navigator Echo Technique, Y. Wang, R. Watts, J. Bezenson, I. Mitchell, T. Ngyen and M. Prince, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, USA. |
1626. Simulation Tool for k-Space Reordering in Free-Breathing Navigator-Gated 3D Coronary MRA, M.E. Huber, D. Hengesbach, R.M. Botnar, P. Boesiger, W.J. Manning and M. Stuber, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; Philips Medical Systems, Best, the Netherlands and University and ETH, Zurich, Switzerland. |
1627. 3D Coronary-Artery Imaging with Two-Dimensional Images of the Artery as Navigators, G.T. Luk-Pat, T.S. Sachs, Z.A. Fayad and Y. Wang, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA; Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA and General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
1628. Scan Time Reduction in Coronary MRA by Simultaneous Acquisition of Two 3D Stacks, D. Manke, P. Börnert, K. Nehrke and O. Dössel, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany and Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany. |
1629. Improved 3D Breath-Hold Volume-Targeted Imaging of Coronary Arteries with Extravascular Contrast Agent, D. Li, J. Carr, S.M. Shea, J. Zheng, P. Wielopolski, V.S. Deshpande, R. Kroeker, M. Ricciardi, R. Kim, G. Laub and J.P. Finn, Northwestern University and Bracco Diagnostics, Chicago, IL, USA; Dr. Daniel den Hoed Kliniek, Rotterdam, Netherlands and Siemens Medical Systems, Chicago, IL, USA. |
1630. Improving 3D Segmented Echo-Planar Coronary Artery Imaging with Extracellular Contrast Agents, V.S. Deshpande, P. Wielopolski, S.M. Shea, J. Carr, J. Zheng, G. Laub, J.P. Finn and D. Li, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA; Dr. Daniel den Hoed Kliniek, Rotterdam, Netherlands and Siemens Medical Systems, Chicago, IL, USA. |
1631. Evaluation of 3D Magnetic Resonance Coronary Angiography with Clariscan in Humans: Correlation with X-Ray Angiography, R.M. Setser, L.O.M. Johansson, S.A. Wickline and C.H. Lorenz, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, USA and Nycomed Amershman Imaging, Oslo, Norway. |
1632. Spiral Coronary Angiography Using the Intravascular Contrast Agent NC100150 Injection, E.M. Pedersen, M. Pedersen, J. Rickers, L.O. Johansson, P. Börnert and S. Ringgaard, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; Nycomed Imaging A/S, Oslo, Norway and Philips Research Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany. |
1633. Intravascular Contrast-Enhanced Coronary MR Angiography: Relationship Between Coronary Artery Delineation and Blood T1, J. Zheng, F.M. Cavagna, J.P. Finn, F. Maggioni, G. Laub, O. Simonetti and D. Li, Bracco, S.p.A, Milan, Italy and Northwestern University and Siemens Medical Systems, Chicago, IL, USA. |