New Sequences and
Reconstruction Methods Hall C |
1718. Method for Phase Contrast Reconstruction for Partial Fourier Acquisitions, T.K.F. Foo, J.A. Polzin and J.A. Derbyshire, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
1719. An Array That Exploits Phase for SENSE Imaging, J.V. Hajnal, D.J. Larkman and D.J. Herlihy, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK. |
1720. Sub-Sampled Phased-Array MRI Reconstruction Via Coherent Spatial Nulling, D.O. Walsh and A.F. Gmitro, Vista Clara Inc. and University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. |
1721. Extending the Composite Field of View in Phased-Array MRI, D.O. Walsh and A.F. Gmitro, Vista Clara Inc., and University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. |
1722. Radial Acquisition of Data GRASE (RAD-GRASE), A.F. Gmitro, R.J. Theilmann, M.I. Albatch and T.P. Trouard, University of Arizona, Tuczon, AZ, USA. |
1723. Sparse 3D Radial Scanning and Reconstruction, L.T. Martinez, F.T.A.W. Wajer, R. Lethmate, R.A.J. de Jong, G.H.L.A. Stijnman, Y. Crémillieux, D. van Ormondt and D. Graveron-Demilly, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands and Université Lyon I-CPE, Lyon, France. |
1724. Effective Echo Time in the Projection-Type Fast Spin Echo Imaging, C.B. Ahn, C.Y. Kim, H.J. Kim and S.M. Kim, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea. |
1725. Overlapping Slice Coverage Using Z-Interleaved Phase Encoding (ZIP) Trajectories, H-P. Fautz, K. Scheffler and J. Hennig, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. |
1726. Incremental Table Motion for Increased Volume Coverage, J.H. Brittain, R.A. McCann and J.M. Pauly, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA and Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. |
1727. An Optimal and Efficient New Gridding Algorithm Using Estimation Theory, D. Rosenfeld, GE Medical Systems Israel, Tirat Carmel, Israel. |
1728. Reconstruction MR Images from Undersampled Data: Data Weighting Considerations, J.G. Pipe, St. Joseph's Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, USA. |
1729. MAP-EM Method for Angularly Undersampled Projection-Reconstruction CE-MRA Imaging, E.G. Kholmovski, V.Y. Panin, A.L. Alexander and G.L. Zeng, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. |
1730. A Library of Generalized Fourier Sampling Theorems for Irregular 2D Regions of Support, S.K. Nagle and D.N. Levin, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. |
1731. Analytic Reconstruction of the PERL Transform, M.I. Hrovat and S. Patz, Mirtech Inc. and Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA. |
1732. Power Spectral Density Imaging to Expand the Nyquist Limit on Phantom with Local Temporal Fluctuation, R. Tong, J. Bodurka and R.W. Cox, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
1733. Acquisition of MR Elastography Measurements Using Steady State Motion, J.B. Weaver, E. Van Houten, M.I. Miga, F.E. Kennedy and K.D. Paulsen, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA and Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA. |
1734. Three Dimensional Reconstructive Elastographic Imaging, E.E.W. Van Houten, M.I. Miga, F.E. Kennedy, J.B. Weaver and K.D. Paulsen, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA. |
1735. Use of Constraints to Produce Plane Strain Conditions for MR Elastography, J. Bishop, A. Samani, J. Sciarretta and D.B. Plewes, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. |
1736. Simultaneous Water and Fat Dual-Echo Spin Echo Imaging, E. Kwok, S.M.S. Totterman and J. Zhong, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA. |
1737. Continuous Radial Scanning MR Thermography, J.A d'Arcy, D.J. Collins, T. Prock, P.S. Murphy, I.J. Rowland and M.O. Leach, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK. |
1738. In Vivo Triple-Quantum-Filtered Sodium MRI: Signal Dependence on the RF Pulse-Widths, I. Hancu, J.R.C. van der Maarel, G.X. Shen and F.E. Boada, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA and Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands. |
1739. Fast Spin Echo Imaging of Human Head at 4 Tesla, J.S. Gati, R.S. Menon and B.K. Rutt, The John P. Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada. |
1740. Flipped Cycled Main Field for Optimized Overhauser Imaging, C. Leussler, J. Overweg, P. Röschmann and U. Katscher, Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany. |
1741. Modular Hybrid Imaging with FLASH/EPI-Techniques, P.M. Jakob, C. Hillenbrand, D. Hahn and A. Haase, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. |
1742. Assessment of Spatial Resolution Effects in MR-CAT Scan, C. Hillenbrand, D. Hahn, A. Haase and P.M. Jakob, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. |
1743. Use of k-Space Reordered FLAIR with a Non-Selective Inversion Pulse to Reduce Flow Artefacts and Provide Uniform Tissue Contrast, A.H. Herlihy, G.A. Coutts, D.J. Larkman, A. Oatridge, P. Margosian, G.M. Bydder and J.V. Hajnal, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK and Picker International, Cleveland, OH, USA. |
1744. Optimization of 3D MP-RAGE Sequences for Structural Brain Imaging, R. Deichmann, C.D. Good, O. Josephs, J. Ashburner and R. Turner, Institute of Neurology, London, UK. |
1745. Interleaved Inversion Recovery Gradient-Recalled EPI, V. Roopchansingh, S.J. Li and A. Jesmanowicz, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
1746. Partial k-space Acquisition for Isotropic PE 3D FSE, E.G. Kholmovski, A.L. Alexander and D.L. Parker, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. |
1747. Development of a 3D MRI Sequence for Computer Assisted Surgery of the Lumbar Spine, C.L. Hoad, A.L. Martel, R. Kerslake and J. Webb, University Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK. |
1748. A Pulse Sequence for Liver Magnetic Susceptibility Quantitation by Vessel Imaging for Iron Overload Assessment, Z.J. Wang and O.P. Simonetti, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA and Siemens Medical Systems, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA. |
1749. Pulse Sequences for Respiratory Gated MR Virtual Bronchoscopy, D.W. McRobbie, R.A. Quest and S. Pritchard, The Hammersmith Hospital NHS Trust, Charing Cross Hospital, London, UK. |