Musculoskeletal MR Spectroscopy Hall C |
1875. Metabolic Control Analysis of Insulin Stimulated Glucose Disposal in Rat Skeletal Muscle, B.M. Jucker, N. Barucci and G.I. Shulman, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. |
1876. Quantitative Comparison Between Fat Selective Imaging and Localized ¹H-Spectroscopy: Assessment of Muscular Lipids in 32 Volunteers, F. Schick, K. Brechtel, J. Machann, S. Jacob, A. Strempfer, D.T. Stein and C.D. Claussen, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA. |
1877. Impaired Metabolic Recovery from Exercise and Decreased Oxidative Capacity Correlate with Fatigue in Patients with Juvenile Dermatomyositis, S.A. Smith, K.J. Niermann, A. Das, M. Hernanz-Schulman, N.J. Olsen and J.H. Park, Vanderbilt Medical School, Nashville, TN, USA and Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. |
1878. ³¹P-MRS of Functional Electrical Stimulated Muscle in SCI Subjects, A.M. Erika Scremin, O.U. Scremin, T. Barstow, T. Ernst, T. Nguyen, K. Yue and A. Thomas, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. |
1879. High Resolution ¹³C MRS Studies of Cartilage Metabolism in Intact Bovine Explants, E.A. Noyszewski, S. Wehrli, S. Kudchodkar, M. Vardaro and R. Reddy, University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA. |
1880. Acquired Generalized Lipoatrophy (AGL) and Severe Insulin Resistance (IR): Chemical Shift Selective MR Imaging and ¹H-MR Spectroscopy, K. Brechtel, J. Machann, S. Jacob, B. Hauer, M. Nielsen, S. Matthaei, H-U. Haering, C.D. Claussen and F. Schick, University of Tuebingen, Tübingen, Germany. |
1881. Effect of Creatine Ingestion on Muscle Bioenergetics during Intermittent Maximal Exercise: a ³¹P-NMR Study, E. Thiaudière, R. Yquel, L. Arsac, G. Manier and P. Canioni, Unité de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques, UMR 5536 CNRS and Laboratorie de Physiologie de Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, France. |
1882. Direct Assessment of Intramyocellular Lipids (IMCL) During Exercise in Well Trained Male Runners: A ¹H-MRS Study, K. Brechtel, A. Niess, S. Jacob, J. Machann, H.U. Haering, H.H. Dickhuth, C.D. Claussen and F. Schick, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany. |
1883. Intramyocellular Lipid (IMCL) Stores Before and After Lipid Infusion, M. Kr¹¹ák, M. Krebs, H. Stingl, V. Mlynárik, S. Gruber, E. Moser and M. Roden, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. |
1884. End of Exercise pH and PCR Values Normalized to Power Output are Invariant Metabolic Parameters of Muscle Metabolism. A P-31 MR Spectroscopy Study, J.P. Mattei, D. Bendahan, M. Roussel, Y. Lefur and P.J. Cozzone, Faculté de Médecine and Hôpital de la Conception, Marseille, France. |
1885. The Role of Exchangeable Protons in the Magnetization Transfer Effect of Creatine in Rat Skeletal Muscle, M.J. Kruiskamp and K. Nicolay, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands. |
1886. Abnormalities in Magnesium (Mg2+) and ATP Levels Correlate With Weaknesses in Juvenile Dermatomyositis, K.J. Niermann, M. Hernanz-Schulman, N.J. Olsen and J.H. Park, Vanderbilt Medical School, Nashville TN, USA. |
1887. In Vivo Evaluation of the Effects of Continuous Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Triglycerides in Humans, E.L. Thomas, M. Moosavi, J. Rico-Sanz, J. McCarthy, G.A. Coutts, N. Saeed and J.D. Bell, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital and The National Sports Medicine Institute of the UK, London, UK. |
1888. Influence of Oral Creatine Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle Phosphocreatine Availability: ³¹P Saturation Transfer Studies in Normal Subjects and a MELAS Patient, H.E. Möller, D. Wiedermann, J. Schneider, A. Fromme and G. Kurlemann, Universität Münster and Institut für Chemo- and Biosensorik, Münster, Germany and University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
1889. Early Changes in Skeletal Muscle Phosphocreatine and Inorganic Phosphate during Nutritional Repletion of Malnourished Elderly Subjects Using ³¹P MRS, I. Bourdel-Marchasson, E. Thiaudière, P-A. Joseph, M. Biran, P. Dehail, M. Rainfray, J-P. Emeriau and P. Canioni, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France; Centre de Gériatrie Henri Choussat, Pessac, France and Université Victor Ségalen Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, France. |
1890. Dipolar Coupling Contributions to the Quantification of Lactate in Skeletal Muscle Observed by ¹H NMR Spectroscopy, I. Asllani, E. Shankland, R. Stuppard and M. Kushmerick, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. |
1891. High Spatial Resolution ¹H Lipid MRS of Healthy Human Muscles, J. Hu and J.L. Evelhoch, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA. |