Spectroscopic Localization and Imaging Room A108 |
16:00 366. Improving Clinical MRSI With Very Selective Saturation Pulses to Reduce Chemical Shift Errors and Conform PRESS Selection, T-K.C. Tran, D.B. Vigneron, N. Sailasuta, J. Tropp, P. Le Roux, J. Kurhanewicz, S. Nelson, M. Swanson and R. Hurd, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA and General Electric Medical Systems, Fremont, CA, USA. |
16:12 367. In Vivo ¹H NMR Spectroscopy of Human Brain at 7 Tesla, I. Tkac, P. Andersen, G. Adriany, H. Merkle, K. Ugurbil and R. Gruetter, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. |
16:24 368. Sensitivity Encoded Multi-Echo Spectroscopic Imaging, U. Dydak, M. Weiger, K.P. Pruessmann, D. Meier and P. Boesiger, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. |
16:36 369. Test-Retest Reliability of Short Multislice ¹H-MRSI, D. Wiedermann, N. Schuff, G. Matson, B. Soher, A.A. Maudsley and M.W. Weiner, DVA Medical Center and University of California San Francisco, CA, USA. |
16:48 370. Fast ¹H Spectroscopic Imaging Combined with 2D Correlation Spectroscopy Uncoupled In Both Frequency Domains, D. Mayer, W. Dreher and D. Leibfritz, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany. |
17:00 371. A New Method for Fast Spectroscopic Imaging with High Signal-to-Noise Ratio: Spectroscopic RARE, W. Dreher and D. Leibfritz, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany. |
17:12 372. Improved Lipid Removal Using Dual K-Space Sampling for EPSI, A. Ebel and A.A. Maudsley, DVA Medical Center and University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
17:24 373. Lipid Containment Achieved for Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging by Modulation of the Readout-Gradient Envelope, L.G. Hanson, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
17:36 374. Volumetric Multi-Shot Echo Planar ¹H Spectroscopic Imaging, J.M. Tyszka and A.N. Mamelak, City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, CA, USA. |
17:48 375. A New Method for Editing Lactate and Detecting Other ¹H Metabolites Simultaneously, J.C. Lin, L. DelaBarre and M. Garwood, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. |