Spectroscopy Beyond NAA
Rolf Gruetter, John R. Griffiths, and Stephen R. Williams, Organizers

Last updated 20 February 2009

Educational Objectives:
Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:

List the major metabolites in addition to NAA, Crn, Cho that can be detected in vivo in the brain by MRS;
Describe the biological and clinical importance of these metabolites;
List the key factors to achieve good spectra;
Describe the principles of data analysis in both frequency and time domain;
Explain how MRS can be used to measure metabolic fluxes as well as steady concentrations;
List the advantages and disadvantages of 13C/15N with respect to 1H.

Tuesday, 21 May

07:00 Introduction Stephen R. Williams
07:25 Discussion
07:30 Overview of Methods Stephen R. Williams
07:55 Discussion

Wednesday, 22 May

07:00 Advanced Methods for Multiplets Hoby P. Hetherington
07:20 Discussion
07:25 Time Domain Processing (MRUI) Daniel Graveron-Demilly
07:40 Frequency Domain Processing Ivan Tkac
07:55 Discussion

Thursday, 23 May

07:00 1H Applications at 1.5/2T Petra Pouwels
07:25 Discussion
07:30 15N Methods and Applications Keiko Kanamori
07:55 Discussion

Friday, 24 May

07:00 Carbohydrate Metabolism and Neurotransmitter Metabolism (1H, 13C) Rolf Gruetter
07:25 Discussion
07:30 Neurotransmitter Metabolism (13C, 15N) Nicola R. Sibson
07:55 Discussion