Spectroscopy: Basics and Clinical Applications Roland Kreis, Ph.D., and Daniel
M. Spielman, Ph.D., Organizers
Thursday, 10 July 2003, 08:30 - 18:00
updated 05 May 2009
Description This seven-and-one-quarter hour course is the first of two courses on in vivo
MR spectroscopy. It will cover the basics and clinical aspects of MRS, with main
technical emphasis on the basics of MRS, data acquisition, processing and evaluation,
including quality analysis, followed by overviews and updates of the main clinical
Upon completion of this session,
participants should be able to: Describe fundamental principles of clinical MR
spectroscopy; Explain the crucial steps in performing and evaluating a
MRS examination; Enumerate potential pitfalls in the clinical application
of MR spectroscopy; Define diagnostic and patient management situations in
which there is a clinically significant justification for a MRS examination; Summarize recent clinical uses of in vivo MRS.
The final
five minutes of each presentation will be reserved for questions.