Scientists Abruptly Rearrange Schedules

We were ready to gather together in May,
And never before had there been a delay.
But the W.H.O. had something to say:
"It's dangerous there, so please stay away."

We were ready to come in planes, trains, and cars,
When our plans were derailed by the virus called SARS.
With posters and slide shows and lectures all planned,
With colleagues assembling from many a land.

The dedicated staff did not drop the ball;
When disaster threatened, they answered the call.
They dug in their heels and rose to the task,
And did more than anyone ever could ask.

So whether you come from far or from near,
Keep up your hope and be of good cheer.
This, too, shall pass, so have no fear,
The Meeting will happen a bit later this year.

Your friends and companions will all be there,
Their results and ideas and questions to share.
So rebook your flight and get there pronto,
For a fabulous week in July in Toronto!

~Peter B. Kingsley, Ph.D., North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY, USA