Computer Projection Instructions
Last updated 23 July 2009

Graphs and Equations and Non-English Version of Windows PowerPoint Presentations
A Note to Mac Users Graphics
Organization of Files Videos

PowerPoint Slide Design Basics

Check in: Speaker ready room is 801A

In order to ensure a working presentation, it is critical that all speakers check-in the day before their presentation.  This allows the computer technicians time to work on any compatibility issues that may arise.  Failure to check-in in advance may result in a non-functioning digital presentation.

Graphs and Equations and Non-English Version of Windows

All presenters should use the Pack And Go option (in addition to bringing a copy of the original uncompressed files) to ensure that all necessary files and fonts are included.  It is even more critical that persons using the ‘graph and equation editor’ and non-English version of Windows use Pack And Go (in addition to bringing copies of the uncompressed files). Please choose to ‘embed True Type fonts’ and include Linked Files.  The player should not be included.  After packing the presentation and burning it on a CD or copying it to a Zip or floppy disk, ensure its functionality by unpacking it.  Unfortunately, Pack And Go is not available on all versions of Office for Macintosh.

A Note to MAC users

Mac users should check ‘append extension’ when the option is offered during saving.  PCs require a 3 letter code at the end of the file as an identifier.  All PowerPoint files should be named: filename.ppt.  Movies should be named based on what they are (filename.avi,, filename.mpg).

Organization of Files

In order to make organization easier, please use your last name-01, 02, 03, etc. when naming additional files, such as movies or sounds (, smith-02.avi, smith-03.avi, etc.).  This will need to be done before importing them into PowerPoint.  The number need not reflect the order in which the movies run in the PowerPoint presentation.

  PowerPoint Presentations

All presenters using PowerPoint/single computer projection MUST do the following:

1.  Come equipped with a 3½” floppy disk, zip disk, or CD-ROM with the complete presentation.  Memory sticks, Compact Flash, Smart Media, MMC, SD, and USB “keys” / thumb drives are acceptable as back-up.

2.    PowerPoint files must be saved using presenter’s last name - date of talk - time of talk (military time) - room location (which will be provided on the ISMRM web site prior the meeting).  Example: Smith–Mar27-1430-BallroomA.ppt

3.   The presentation should be submitted in the Speaker Ready Room at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre at least 24 hours before the presentation ISMRM and AVHQ are not responsible for presentations that are not submitted to the Speaker Ready Room 24 hours prior to the SESSION.

4.   The preview room will be open from 07.00 to 19.00 from Thursday, 10 July through Tuesday, 15 July and from 07.00 to 13.00 on Wednesday, 16 July.

5.    A/V technicians will be in the room to assist each presenter.


When importing or inserting any graphic file (picture) it is important to make sure that it will work on any computer and does not require proprietary software to view.  The acceptable formats are as follows:

Bitmap (BMP), GIF, JPEG (JPG), Portable Network Graphic (PNG), and TIFF (TIF).

Microsoft PowerPoint may allow other formats to be imported, however, compatibility cannot be guaranteed.

Macintosh users should follow the above guidelines as well.  While Apple Operating Systems and Microsoft Office for Macintosh allow PICT files to be imported, they often fail to function when viewed on the PC.

Lastly, computer displays and projectors generally display at 72 to 100 dots per inch (DPI).  Graphic files should be adjusted to these parameters.  Since many scanners use resolutions of 300 DPI or greater, a program such as Adobe Photoshop
® can be used to reduce the DPI to the 72 to 100 range.  This is done before importing the picture into PowerPoint.   Failure to reduce graphic files creates large PowerPoint files with superfluous data. 


It is especially critical that any presentation that uses videos be turned in at least 24 hours in advance.  Video files are not embedded, so a copy of the actual file must be included with the PowerPoint presentation.

The most common cause of videos to fail is a lack of a compatible compressor (CODEC).

MPEG1 (.MPG) videos are the most universally compatible, but tend to lose some image quality.

If .AVI or .MOV files are used, please follow the below guidelines:

The following are acceptable CODECs to use for .AVI files:

·         Cinepack, Indeo v 3.2, Microsoft RLE, Microsoft Video, and none/uncompressed. 

The following are acceptable for use with QuickTime .MOV files:

·         Cinepack, video, and none/uncompressed.  While PC PowerPoint will allow the importation of QuickTime files, in order to assure compatibility it is recommended to convert them to AVI or MPEG1 files.


The following parameters will help ensure compatibility in the above video formats:

·         Size not to exceed 352 x 240 (DV pixel scheme) or 320 x 240 (square pixel scheme).  Frame rate not to exceed 15fps.  Audio not to exceed 16 bit 44k.

35mm slide projection will not be available in scientific sessions