Neuroimaging - Day 1
Yukio Miki, M.D., Ph.D.,  and Micheal D. Phillips, M.D., Organizers
Thursday, 10 July 2003, 09:00 - 17:50

Last updated 05 May 2009

Course Description
This eleven-and-one-quarter hour course will review and update a wide spectrum of MR applications in neuroimaging.  Presentations will include recent developments in MR, such as diffusion imaging, perfusion imaging, diffusion-tensor imaging, BOLD imaging or 3T-MR imaging.  Clinical topics will include stroke, white matter diseases, infection/inflammation, brain tumors, vascular malformations, epilepsy, pituitary diseases, degenerative diseases of the spine, postoperative spine, spinal cord tumors, metabolic disease, pediatric tumors, newborn brain injury imaging, head and neck tumors.

Educational Objectives:

Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:
Describe fundamental principles of diffusion MR, diffusion-tensor MR, perfusion MR and BOLD imaging;
Describe the current status of high-field neuroimaging;
Apply new techniques in stroke, infection, metabolic disease, white matter disease, seizures, cognitive disorders, and brain tumors;
Describe strength and weakness of MR perfusion imaging vs. CT perfusion imaging, MR angiography vs. CT angiography, and MR head-and-neck imaging vs. CT head-and-neck imaging;
Explain the role of various MR techniques in the diagnosis of disease of the spine, and head and neck;
Discuss the role of MR techniques in the workup of patients with stroke, white matter disease, infection/inflammation, brain tumors, vascular malformations, epilepsy and pituitary disorders;
Apply MR techniques in various pediatric diseases of the central nervous system.

Thursday, 10 July

Physics and Techniques
09:00 fMRI/BOLD: Physics Basics Timothy P.L. Roberts
09:30 Physics in Diffusion/DTI/Perfusion Imaging Timothy P.L. Roberts
10:00 Imaging at 3T and Beyond A. Gregory Sorensen
Clinical Applications and Modalities
10:50 Perfusion Imaging: CT vs. MR Heidi Roberts
11:20 Diffusion Imaging Applications in Stroke, Infection, Metabolic Disease Michael D. Phillips
11:50 DTI Applications in White Matter Disease and Assessment of Neural Networks Susumu M. Mori
12:20 Break
14:00 Contrast-enhanced MRA and Imaging of the Cerebral Arteries TBA
14:30 Clinical fMRI - Pre-op, Seizures, Cognitive Disorders Michael D. Phillips
15:00 Break
Spine and Spinal Cord
15:30 Degenerative Diseases of the Spine Jeffrey S. Ross
15:50 Imaging of the Postoperative Spine Michael T. Modic
16:10 Intramedullary and Extramedullary Tumors of the Spinal Cord Yuichi Inoue
Head and Neck
16:30 Head and Neck Tumors Kalliopi A. Petropoulou
16:50 Postoperation/Post-Radiation Imaging Suresh Mukherji
17:10 MR vs. CT in Head and Neck Imaging Lawrence Ginsberg
17:30 Adjournment