Guidelines for Preparing Scientific Posters
Last updated 05 May 2009

Content  |  Design


  • The poster should show the full title of your submission;

  • Text should be brief and well-organized, presenting only enough data to support your conclusions;

  • The text should make clear the significance of your research;

  • The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the power) your hypothesis, methods, results, and conclusions).

  • The maximum size of each poster is 4ft/1.2m high by 4ft/1.2m wide.
  • A clear, simple, uncluttered arrangement is the most attractive and the easiest to read.
  • The title lettering should be approximately 3"/8cm high, with authors' names and affiliations in somewhat smaller print.
  • All lettering should be legible from a distance of approximately 5'/1.5m.  Type size should be at least 24 point, in bold style.  The typeface chosen should be a simple and clear one (e.g., Helvetica).  Titles should be in all upper case letters.  The remainder of the text should be in a combination of upper and lower case letters.
  • Color should be used sparingly, to provide contrast.  The featured parts of the poster can be highlighted with warm colors, and the less important parts can be done in cool colors.  Some suggestions for color combinations are as follows:  Green on white, red on white, black on white, blue on white, whit eon blue, and white on black.
  • Illustrations should be simple and eye-catching, with unnecessary detail left out.  If possible, convert tables to graphic displays.  Pie graphs can be used to show parts of a whole, line graphs can be used to show trends or changing relationships, and bar graphs can be used to show volumes.
  • Photos should be enlarged enough to show relevant details.
  • Standard computer printouts do not work well on posters because the type is too small and the lines are too thin to be seen from a distance.

Patient confidentiality must be protected.  No names should appear in illustrations.