Medicine MRI: Clinical and Technical Update Johannes Bloem, M.D., Ph.D.,
and Garry E. Gold, M.D., Organizers
Friday, 11 July 2003, 08:00 - 15:10
updated 05 May 2009
Description This six-hour course will cover advanced MRI techniques that are used in imaging
and diagnosis of complex joint pathology in sports medicine.
Upon completion of this session,
participants should be able to: Use MRI findings to identify mechanisms of joint
injury and improve their diagnosis of sports-related abnormalities; Tailor MRI protocols for musculoskeletal injuries; Explain the role of MR arthrography in joint imaging; Assess the role of MRI in musculoskeletal practice; Distinguish trauma-related bone and muscle injuries from
neoplastic lesions; Determine the significance of findings on post-operative
MRI of the joints.