2002 Exhibitors
Last updated 20 February 2009

bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Academy of Molecular Imaging 210 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Amersham Health 108
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Avotec, Inc. 103 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Berlex Imaging/Schering AG Germany 324
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Bracco Diagnostics Inc. 418 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Bruker Biospin MRI, Inc. 124
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Codonics, Inc. 318 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Copley Controls Corporation 511
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Diagnostic Imaging Magazine 327 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Doty Scientific, Inc. 407
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) EPIX Medical, Inc. 127 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) ESMRMB 332
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) GE Medical Systems 214 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) GMW Associates 105
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc. 102 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) IGC Medical Advances, Inc. 226
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Insight Neuroimaging Systems, LLC 416 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 433
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 311 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Mallinckrodt 303
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) MEDIS Medical Imaging Systems, Inc. 302 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Medrad, Inc. 519
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) MKS/ENI Products 306 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) MR Instruments, Inc. 316
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) MR Research Systems, Ltd. 312 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) MR Technology, Inc. 208
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) MRI Devices Corporation 116 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Neuroscan Labs 325
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) NMR Magnex Scientific 534 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Nova Medical, Inc. 403
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Oxford Magnet Technology, Ltd. 123 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Philips Medical Systems 424
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) RAPID Biomedical GmbH 115 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Resonance Instruments, Ltd. 202
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Resonance Technology 119 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) SA Instruments, Inc. 224
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) ScanMed 107 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Schiller Medical SA 310
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Sensomotoric Instruments USA, Inc. 309 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Sensor Systems, Inc. 117
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Siemens Medical Solutions 402 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) spectroscopyNOW.com 129
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) StarMed Staffing Group 233 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Tesla Engineering, Ltd. 111
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Toronto Convention & Visitors Association 232 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Toshiba America Medical Systems 410/411
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) USA Instruments, Inc. 513 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Varian NMR Instruments 417
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Vital Images, Inc. 113 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Voxar 329
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) Wang NMR, Inc. 430 bsquare.gif (159 bytes) W.B. Saunders/Mosby/Churchill 133
bsquare.gif (159 bytes) XL Resonance 109

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