Last updated 20 February 2009

On behalf of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, we are pleased to invite you to take part in our Eleventh Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, to be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 10-16 July 2003..  The Eleventh Scientific Meeting and Exhibition promises to be the most important MR meeting of 2003, in which we will offer you the year's largest audience of scientists and clinicians working in the field of magnetic resonance as related to medicine and biology.

This year we are also pleased to offer you a list of possible sponsorship items, which you will find on page 6 of the Exhibitor Prospectus.  We encourage you to take some time to review this list as any one of these items would significantly increase your visibility at our meeting.

The technical exhibits will be on display for four days during the meeting, from 12 through 15 July.  The Exhibition will be located in Exhibit Hall D in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.  As in the past, coffee stations will be located in the technical exhibition area.  We continue to permit exhibitors to offer refreshments in their booths if they wish.

On 10 and 11 July 2003, educational programs will be offered, beginning with four two-day courses on Neuroimaging (
day 1, day 2), Advanced Body MRI (day 1, day 2), Brain Function and fMRI (day 1, day 2), and MR Physics for Physicists (day 1, day 2).  In addition, six one-day programs will be presented:  Basics and Clinical Applications of MR Spectroscopy, Frontier Methodology and Applications of MR Spectroscopy, Cardiac Imaging, RF Bootcamp, MR of Transgenic Mouse Models (MR Omics), and Sports Medicine MRI: Clinical and Technical Update.  The Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists will also hold its Twelfth Annual Meeting during this weekend.

The Scientific Meeting will follow from 12 through 16 July 2003.  The
Lauterbur Lecture will be given by Norman F. Ramsey, Ph.D.  His lecture is titled, "The Legacy of I.I. Rabi."   During the scientific sessions, we anticipate that more than 2,500 presentations on the latest technical, scientific, and clinical subjects in the field of MR will be made.  In addition to the parallel oral sessions, poster-viewing sessions, clinical and basic science focus sessions and morning categorical and clinical categorical sessions so successful in recent years, the Scientific Program Committee has also planned to continue the courses specifically designed for clinicians during the week of the scientific meeting.

This year, the special symposium entitled "
Hot Topics for Clinical Practice" will be presented, and the successful four-day course entitled "MR Physics and Technicians for Clinicians" will again be offered.

The Eleventh Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM  will bring together delegates from many disciplines and many countries, whose common ground is their involvement with magnetic resonance.  Your participation is vital to the success of the meeting.   We look forward to seeing you in Toronto.

Jane E. Tiemann
Executive Director
Roberta A. Kravitz
Director of Meetings

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