Spectroscopy: The Brain and Beyond Peter S. Allen, Ph.D., John R.
Griffiths, M.B.B.S., D.Phil., and Rolf Gruetter, Ph.D., Organizers
updated 05 May 2009
Course Description Day 1:
Introduction, covering technical issues related to metabolite
quantification from in-vivo spectroscopy. Day 2: The application
of spectroscopy to the diagnosis and management of cancer patients,
e.g., prostate and brain. Day 3: Methods of spectral enhancement
giving rise to superior quantification through water signal control and
macromolecular background accommodation. Day 4: Techniques and
application of spectroscopy in the measurement of glycogen and lipids in
skeletal muscle.
Audience Description:
This course is designed for MR Physics graduate students and above, and
clinicians interested in non-invasive biochemical analysis. Most
will have had some practical experience of MRS. It will be
suitable for basic and clinical scientists with an interest in
Educational Objectives: Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:
Describe the principles of spectral analysis through LC modeling; Outline the
mechanisms for intra-sequence signal loss when target metabolites have
coupled spins; List the key
metabolites facilitating the spectroscopic recognition of tumor
development in the prostate and the brain; Outline how
water can be used as an internal concentration standard with minimal
associated spectral artifacts;
Explain how macromolecular contamination of spectra can
be recognized and mitigated; Explain how MRS can be used to reflect
metabolic processes in muscle using glycogen or lipids.