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Technical Exhibition Information |
The 12th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) will be held at the Kyoto International Conference Hall, 15-21 May 2004. The Technical Exhibition will be located in the Event Hall. The Poster Exhibition this year will be replaced by poster rooms which focus on more specific topics with related themes nearby. |
Freight Move-in:
Thursday, 13 May 2004, 08.00 - 17.00
Exhibitor Move-in:
Friday and Saturday, 14-15 May 2004, 08.00 - 22.00
Sunday, 16 May 2004, 08.00 - 14.00
Dismantle Dates:
Thursday, 20 May 2004, 16.30 - 22.00
Friday, 21 May 2004, 08.00 - 17.00
Exhibit Dates and Hours:
Sunday, 16 May 2004, 17.30 - 19.00
Reception in Exhibit HallMonday, 17 May 2004, 10.00 - 17.00
Tuesday and Wednesday, 18-19 May 2004, 09.30 - 17.00
Thursday, 20 July 2004, 09.30 - 16.30
Exhibit space can be obtained by faxing or mailing the Application/Contract for Technical Exhibit Space to the Central Office of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2118 Milvia Street, Suite 201, Berkeley, CA 94704 USA, fax (510) 841-2340. To be processed, all Application/Contracts must be accompanied by (1) a sketch or plan of the exhibit space if space ordered exceeds 9 sq. meters, (2) a description of all products or equipment to be displayed within the exhibit space (brochures are acceptable), (3) a valid certificate or proof of insurance verifying liability coverage for this event with the ISMRM named as an additional insured, and (4) a deposit of 35% of the total rental cost if submitted prior to 9 January 2004. Applications submitted after 9 January must be accompanied by full payment. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT ACCRUE PRIORITY POINTS. Please make checks payable to the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Only US Funds will be accepted.
Application/Contract Deadlines
28 November 2003: Early deadline for full placement priority
9 January 2004: Deadline for full payment
The signer of the Application/Contract for exhibit space, or the designee, shall be the Official Representative of the exhibiting company and shall have the authority to act on behalf of the company in all negotiations and to certify representatives. The Official Representative will receive all printed ISMRM Exhibition materials including the Service Kit, invoice, badges and vouchers. The Official Representative may designate an Additional Representative to coordinate responsibilities if Official Representative is unavailable. Both Representatives will receive electronic correspondence from the ISMRM.
After your completed Application/Contract is received by the ISMRM, you will receive a 2004 Guide to the Exhibition proof, which will contain your company profile as it appeared in the 2003 ISMRM Guide to the Exhibition. If no changes are necessary, please sign and return the form to the ISMRM office. Changes may be noted directly on the form. New exhibitors will receive a form upon which to place their company profile as they wish it to be published. PLEASE NOTE: The name and profile of the exhibiting company will not appear in the Program Book nor in the Guide to the Exhibition unless the Application/Contract for Exhibit Space and full payment are received by 9 January 2004.
Space will be rented at the rate of US$425 per square meter, in accordance with the terms on the application form. An additional charge of US$100 will be levied for each corner assigned. Any applicable sales taxes will be added to the final invoice. Please note that minimal corner space is available. Space must be fully paid for by 9 January 2004. If space is not paid for by that date, it may be reassigned or resold by ISMRM. No space will be assigned until all conditions are met. Applications postmarked after 9 January 2004 must be accompanied by full payment. If cancellation of exhibit space is made in writing on or before 9 January 2004, a full refund of monies paid will be made. If space is canceled after 9 January 2004, there will be no refund, and ISMRM may retain as liquidated damages all monies paid. Any exhibit space not set up by 14.00 on Sunday, 16 May, for which no special arrangements have been made, may be resold or reassigned by ISMRM without obligation on the part of ISMRM for any refund whatsoever.
As in past years, the Society will be awarding space assignment priority points. In general, exhibit space will be assigned preferentially according to the exhibiting companys earned priority points. However, ISMRM reserves the right to allocate space on any other basis it deems appropriate. The point system considers length of time a company has exhibited and the date the application is received. ISMRM Corporate Members earn additional points by being Corporate Members. In an effort to create a balanced exhibit floor, companies with island exhibits will be positioned strategically throughout the floor plan. In fairness to all participating companies, no company shall be granted the primary location nearest the entrance for consecutive years. ISMRM reserves the right to rearrange the floor plan at any time. ISMRM also reserves the right to relocate any exhibitors should it become necessary for causes beyond the control of ISMRM or advisable in the best judgment of the ISMRM. The signing of the Application/Contract constitutes full agreement with these assignment policies and procedures.
Please note that the final floor plan will be different from the original floor plan shown in the Prospectus for the purposes of booth selection. The ISMRM re-draws its floorplans based on the requests and needs of its exhibitors, rather than requiring its exhibitors to fit into an existing model. The ISMRM reserves all rights to draw a floor plan that best meets its show requirements, but will do everything possible to accommodate its exhibitors requests.
Priority points will be awarded on the following criteria:
History Points
Four seniority points are awarded for each consecutive year a company exhibits beginning with March 1994. If a company exhibited twice in 1994, they will receive an additional two points. Three points are awarded for each year exhibited non-consecutively from 1994 to 2003.
Date Points
A maximum of 60 date points may be earned by returning the application and required deposit on or before 28 November 2003. Each day thereafter, two points per day will be subtracted until all date points have been exhausted.
Corporate Members
Current year Gold Corporate Members will receive five points, Silver Members will receive three points, and Bronze Members one point.
Please submit your application as soon as possible to ensure you receive the maximum priority points possible. The assignment of exhibit space will be announced on 3 March 2004.
Exhibitor personnel pre-registration and badge order forms will be mailed in the ISMRM Exhibitor Service Kit. Completed exhibitor registration forms are due in the ISMRM office by 31 March 2004. Exhibitor badges will be mailed to the Official Representative for distribution to the exhibitor personnel named on the pre-registration forms. Badges will be mailed to the Official Representative by 16 April 2004. It is the sole responsibility of the Official Representative to ensure all personnel have their badges before the meeting. If the Official Representative requests, the exhibitor personnel badges may be held at the onsite Exhibitor Registration desk for will-call. The official ISMRM badge must be worn whenever an exhibitor is in the exhibit hall. Installation and dismantle personnel will also be required to wear the official ISMRM badge.
No exhibitor will be allowed on the exhibition floor without an ISMRM badge. Personnel not pre-registered by 31 March 2004 will not receive a badge and will not be able to register onsite until 14 May 2004. Replacement badges issued to pre-registered exhibitor personnel and badges ordered after 31 March will cost US$20.00 each.Onsite Exhibitor Registration Hours*:
Friday, 14 May: 14.00 - 20.00
Saturday, 15 May: 06.30 - 18.00
Sunday, 16 May: 07.30 - 18.00
Monday, 17 May: 06.30 - 18.30
Tuesday, 18 May: 06.30 - 18.00
Wednesday, 19 May: 06.30 - 18.00
Thursday, 20 May: 06.30 - 18.00
*Exhibitor personnel who have not pre-registered may register onsite for a fee of US$20.00.
Scientific Meeting Vouchers
Exhibiting companies will receive one (1) waived scientific meeting voucher for each 3m. x 3m. space rented. The voucher(s) will be sent to the Official Representative for distribution prior to the meeting, and must then be redeemed onsite at the Exhibitor Registration booth for a scientific meeting badge. The purpose of these vouchers is to allow your company personnel to attend parts of the scientific meeting that are of interest. Detailed information regarding the distribution and redemption of these vouchers will be included in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
Exhibitor Guest Vouchers
Complimentary exhibitor guest vouchers are used to register your guests for a one-day visit to the ISMRM Technical Exhibition. These vouchers are to be given to individuals whom you wish to have visit your booth for appointments. The vouchers may not be given to anyone who would qualify for general registration. The number of guest passes issued to an exhibiting company will be one (1) pass per day, per 9 square meters of rented space, with a maximum of five (5) guest passes per day. More information on how to obtain these vouchers will be included in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
BOOTH LAYOUT return to top
These rules and regulations have been adopted to give each exhibitor more effective use of rented space without infringing on the rights of neighboring booths. Space dimensions shown on floor plan are from center line of booth equipment, such as side rails and/or back wall. Exhibit structures must be constructed to allow sufficient tolerance on each side for this equipment and for utility services at the rear of the booth.
In-Line Exhibits
Each 3 meter x 3 meter in-line exhibit space will be supplied with a 3 meter x 2400mm high hard backwall with 3 meter x 2400mm high side returns and one (1) 900mm x 200mm Company Name on fascia board. A maximum height of 2400mm is allowed in the rear half of the booth space, with a 1219.2mm height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle.
Peninsula Exhibits
Peninsula exhibits, 3 meter x 6 meter or larger, are restricted to a height of 1219.2mm within 1524mm (5') of each aisle, permitting adequate line-of-sight for the adjoining in-line booths. The maximum height allowance for peninsula booths, including signage for the center portion of the backwall, is 3657.6mm. A diagram must be submitted with the Application/Contract for exhibit space, and must be approved by both the Executive Director and Exhibits Manager of the Society.
Island or Free-Standing Exhibits
Island or free standing exhibits 6 meter x 6 meter or larger must be set inside the booth space by 304.8mm on all sides. The ceiling height limit for island or free standing exhibits in The Event Hall is 4876.8mm. A diagram must be submitted with the Application/Contract for exhibit space, and must be approved by both the Executive Director and Exhibits Manager of the Society. Variance above 4876.8mm with fully detailed drawings must be approved no later than thirty (30) days prior to the first day of move-in. Approvals for height variance will be verified in writing, and a copy must accompany the set-up crew during booth installation.For any special requests regarding booth layout, please contact:
Patti McDowell, General Manager
145 Park Lane
Brisbane, CA, 94005 USA
Phone: +1 415 468 5200
Fax: +1 415 468 5282
The exhibit hall area is fully carpeted. Exhibitors may rent carpeting from the General Services Contractor if desired.
Customs & Freight
Japanese authorities working with international conventions allow entry of exhibits and related materials into the country on a "Temporary Import" basis. It is advisable to work with an experienced customs broker who will take care and responsibility for the punctual delivery for your exposition materials and is knowledgeable of customs clearance procedures for trade show goods.
More detailed information from the Official Customs Broker will be available in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
Beginning Thursday, 13 May, at 08.00, freight may be moved into the Event Hall. Installation of exhibits may commence on Friday, 14 May, after 08.00. Exhibitors should confirm that their materials have been delivered to their exhibit space before scheduling labor. All exhibits must be completely installed by 14.00 on Sunday, 16 May 2004. By 17.30 Sunday, 16 May, all exhibits must be fully staffed and operational during open exhibit hours. If materials have arrived but installation of any exhibit has not started by 14.00 on Saturday, 15 May, and no special arrangements have been made, the Executive Director of ISMRM may order the exhibit to be installed and the exhibitor will be billed for all charges incurred.
Labor Services
Detailed information regarding work rules and labor rates for all trades operating at the Kyoto International Conference Hall will be provided in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
On Thursday, 20 May 2004, at 16.30 dismantling of exhibits will begin. All exhibit material must be removed from the exhibit hall by 17.00 on Friday, 21 May. Dismantle of an exhibit prior to 16.30 on Thursday, 20 May is not permitted. Any company violating this regulation will forfeit priority points, which will affect floor space assignments for future meetings.
ISMRM will designate Official contractors, as identified in the Exhibitor Service Kit, to provide buildup and dismantling services to exhibitors. Such contractors will provide show services other than supervision. The exhibitor shall provide only the material and equipment that it owns and that is to be used in the exhibit space. All other items used in the booths are to be provided only by such contractors. The official freight contractor will have complete control of all dock and loading facilities. They will receive all shipments and van loads, handle all freight, and provide all rigging, labor, and equipment relating to freight handling. Electrical, plumbing, catering, and telephone services can be ordered by using the forms in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
If an exhibitor wishes to use a labor contractor other than the Official Labor Contractor, the exhibitor must submit the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Form supplied in the Exhibitor Service Kit to ISMRM with certificates of insurance for all agents or representatives who are performing services at the Kyoto International Conference Hall other than the exhibitor's employees. This information must be received no less than 30 days prior to exhibitor move-in. All exhibitor agents, representatives and employees must be identified with an official ISMRM badge.
Many hotels offering a range of quality, rates, and amenities have been reserved by the Society for the meeting in Kyoto, Japan. JTB Kyoto Office has been appointed as the official travel agent for the ISMRM 12th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition and will handle all related travel arrangements, including hotel accommodations and tours. More detailed information on the various hotels and the hotel reservation form are included in the meeting registration brochure and will be available on the ISMRM web site. Do not contact hotels in Kyoto directly as reservations are to be made only through the officially appointed housing company. Official Society hotels will not honor direct requests for hotel rooms at the special convention rates. Exhibitors who secure rooms at official Society hotels without going through the official housing company will be penalized priority points.
A limited number of meeting rooms will be available at nearby hotels for exhibitor functions. There may also be very limited meeting space available at the Kyoto International Conference Hall. All requests for meetings and social functions must be made through the ISMRM office in order to avoid conflicts with the official ISMRM program.
In general, functions will not be permitted during the following days and hours:
Friday and Saturday, 15 and 16 May
08.00 - 17.00
Sunday through Thursday, 16 - 20 May
08.00 - 18.00
Friday, 21 May
08.00 - 12.30All requests must be made in writing or submitted on the Function Space request form in the Exhibitor Service Kit by 5 March 2004. Requests will be processed and confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you wish to reserve a parlor or a suite in a hotel for a hospitality function, this is considered part of a sleeping room reservation and must be requested on the Hotel Booking Form found in the 2004 12th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition brochure and the Exhibitor Service Kit. All exhibitors will be required to inform ISMRM of all functions they are planning regardless of the location or arrangements. Failure to do this will cause a forfeit of priority points.
Further information is available from Roberta A. Kravitz, Director of Meetings, at the ISMRM Central Office, Tel: +1 (510) 841-1899, Fax: +1 (510) 841-2340
ISMRM will make arrangements for at least one coffee area located inside the Event Hall. ISMRM will permit exhibitors to have food service within their exhibits. It is required that all food services within the exhibits be provided by the Kyoto International Conference Hall. Catering order forms will be provided in the Exhibitor Service Kit. Exhibitors are encouraged to consider this option as it could be an additional approach to attracting booth traffic.
Within forty-five (45) days of the close of the meeting, all exhibitors will receive an electronic file containing the names and addresses of all registrants of the meeting. Exhibitors will also receive reports showing the total number of attendees by country as well as other relevant statistical information.
Each exhibitor must make provisions for safeguarding its goods, materials, equipment, and display at all times. General overall guard service will be provided by ISMRM for the exhibition period, but neither the guard service nor ISMRM will be responsible for loss of or damage to any property for any cause. All space occupied by an exhibitor must be surrendered by it in the same condition as it was at the commencement of occupation. ISMRM, its officers, directors, agents, and employees, shall not be liable for and are hereby released from any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, or expenses relating to or arising out of any injury to any personnel of exhibitor or to any other person for any loss of or damage to any property of exhibitor or any other property where such injury, loss, or damage is incident to, arises out of, or is in any way connected with exhibitors participation in the exhibition, and the exhibitor shall be fully responsible for any such injury, loss, or damage except as otherwise provided in the Lease Agreement between ISMRM and the Kyoto International Conference Hall, and the exhibitor shall protect, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend ISMRM, its officers, directors, agents, and employees, against all such claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees and costs of litigation, provided that the foregoing shall not apply to injury, loss, or damage caused by or resulting from the negligence of ISMRM, its officers, directors, agents, or employees.
Each exhibitor shall maintain, entirely at its expense, general public liability insurance against claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage incident to, arising out of, or in any way connected with the exhibitors participation in the exhibition, to the limit of not less than one million US dollars (US$1,000,000) for bodily injury, death, or property damage in any one occurrence. Such insurance maintained by the exhibitor shall include coverage of the indemnification obligations of the exhibitor under these rules and regulations and shall cover ISMRM as an additional named insured. At the time the Application/Contract is submitted, the exhibitor shall furnish to ISMRM a valid certificate, with the ISMRM named as an additional insured, evidencing the insurance required by these rules and regulations to be maintained by the exhibitor. That certificate, or the related policy, must provide, to the extent obtainable, that the policy may not be canceled without at least ten (10) days prior written notice by mail to ISMRM by the insurance company. Each exhibitor acknowledges that it is responsible for obtaining, for its protection and entirely at its expense, such property insurance for its exhibit and display materials as the exhibitor deems appropriate. Any policy providing such property insurance must contain an express waiver by the exhibitors insurance company of any right of subrogation as to any claims against ISMRM, its officers, directors, agents, or employees.
In the event any part of the exhibit hall is destroyed or damaged so as to prevent ISMRM from permitting an exhibitor to occupy assigned space during any part or the whole of the exhibition period, or in the event occupation of assigned space during any part or whole of the exhibition period is prevented by strikes, Acts of God, national emergency, or other cause beyond the control of ISMRM, then the exhibitor will be charged for the space during the period it was or could have been occupied by the exhibitor; and the exhibitor hereby waives any claim against ISMRM, its officers, directors, agents, or employees, for losses or damages which may arise in consequence of such inability to occupy assigned space, its sole claim against ISMRM being a refund of the rent paid for the period it was prevented from using the space.
No part of any exhibit, or signs relating thereto, shall be posted, nailed, or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the building or its furniture in any way to deface same. Damage arising from failure to observe these rules shall be payable by the exhibitor.
Operational equipment, audio-visual presentations, and other sound and attention-getting devices and effects may not create noise levels objectionable to neighboring exhibitors.
Product and service demonstrations are to be straightforward and professional and must avoid the use of theatrical gimmicks. All activities of each exhibitor must be confined to the exhibitors allotted space. Exhibitors must, at their expense, maintain and keep their exhibit and the space for which they have contracted in clean and good order.
Distribution of handout items such as plastic bags or token gifts is permissible upon approval from the Executive Director of the ISMRM. Requests to distribute handout items must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director and/or the Director of Meetings along with a sample, photograph, or written description of each item. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to seek prior approval for any handouts; without such prior approval, the exhibitor may be penalized priority points.
Exhibitors are allowed to photograph, videotape, or mechanically record their companys booth for exhibitor personnel during regular floor access hours without the use of electrical lighting; this includes set-up and dismantling hours. Media photographing, videotaping or mechanically recording on the exhibit floor is permitted only with prior permission. Requests for media coverage must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director and/or Director of Meetings at least thirty (30) days prior to move-in.
All construction material must conform to local codes. Table drapes, textile or paper displays, backwall drapes, and any decoration must be flame-proofed. All exhibits and materials are subject to inspection by the local Fire Marshal. Important: Please review the complete Fire Regulations for Exhibitors located in the Exhibitor Service Kit. In some instances, the ISMRM, the Kyoto International Conference Hall, and the Kyoto Fire Department MUST approve aspects of your booth in advance. Please contact Patti McDowell at Champion Exposition Services, Inc. if you have any questions regarding exhibits requiring documentation.
Violation of any of these rules by the exhibitor or its employees or agents shall, at the option of ISMRM, forfeit the exhibitors rights to occupy space, and such exhibitor shall forfeit to ISMRM all monies paid or due.
If no contact is made with the ISMRM office about these rules and regulations, acceptance is assumed. All matters and questions not covered by these regulations are subject to the decision of ISMRM Executive Director, Jane Tiemann, and/or Patti McDowell at Champion Exposition Services, Inc.
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