CLINICAL SCIENCE FOCUS SESSION: Characterization of CNS Disorders using fMRI

Room 615 - 617         13:30 - 15:30                 Chairs: Thomas Ernst and Stefan Sunaert


Prog #

13:30 309.

Analyzing Differences of Static BOLD-Sensitive Whole Brain MR Images: Application in Dementia

Serge A. Rombouts1, Philip Scheltens1, Joost Kuijer1, Frederik Barkhof1

1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
13:40 310.

Model-Free Group Analysis Shows Altered BOLD Networks in Dementia

Serge A. Rombouts1, Jeske S. Damoiseaux1, Frederik Barkhof1, Philip Scheltens1, Stephen M. Smith2,

Christian F. Beckmann2

1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
13:50 311.

Vascular Versus Neuronal Defects in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: An fMRI Study

Caroline Sage1, Ronald Peeters1, Wim Robberecht1, Stefan Sunaert1

1University Hospital of the Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

14:00 312.

fMRI Reveals Declined Activation of Prefrontal Cortex in Epilepsy Patients on Topiramate Therapy

Jacobus F.A. Jansen1, 2, Albert P. Aldenkamp1, 3, H. J.Marian Majoie1, 3, Rianne P. Reijs1, 3, Marc C.T.F.M de Krom1, Paul A.M.

Hofman1, M. Eline Kooi1, 2, Klaas Nicolay, 12, Walter H. Backes1, 2

1University Hospital Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands; 2Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands; 3Epilepsy Centre Kempenhaeghe, Heeze, Netherlands
14:10 313.

Amygdala Activity in Major Depression: Modulation by Serotonergic Genes

Harald Kugel1, Udo Dannlowski1, Patricia Ohrmann1, Jochen Bauer1, Bernhard T. Baune1, Christa Hohoff1,

Anette Kersting1, Volker Arolt1, Walter Heindel1, Jürgen Deckert1, Thomas Suslow1

1University of Muenster, Muenster, NRW, Germany
14:20 314.

Anxiety Disease: Decreased of Functional Connectivity in Left Superior Temporal Gyrus (GTs) and Right GTs

Zhao Xiaohu1, Hu Zhenghui2, Wang Peijun1, Shi Pengcheng2

1Tong Ji Hospital of Tong Ji University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China; 2Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
14:30 315.

Neurocognitive Mapping of Visuospatial Judgment in Healthy Subjects and Chronic Alcoholics – an fMRI Study

Manisha Bhattacharya1, Senthil S. Kumaran1, Shilpi Modi1, Subash Khushu1

1Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, DELHI, India
14:40 316.

Effect of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Brain Activation During Arithmetic Task

Priya Santhanam1, Xiaoping Hu1, Scott J. Peltier1, Zhihao Li1, Claire D. Coles2, Mary Ellen Lynch2

1Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 2Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
14:50 317.

Age-Related Increase in Brain Reserve in HIV Subject During Attention Tasks

Linda Chang1, Renat Yakupov1, Laura Girton2, Tara Nash1, Helenna Nakama1, Thomas Ernst1

1University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; 2Queens Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
15:00 318.

fMRI and Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

Andreana Petrova Haley1, Lawrence H. Sweet1, Daniel E. Forman2, Athena Poppas1, Robert H. Paul1, John Gunstad3, Rohald A.


1Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA; 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 3Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA
15:10 319.

Cortical Activation in Tinnitus Patients Studied with fMRI

Arthur Peter Wunderlich1, Carlos Schönfeldt-Lecuona2, Kristina Liener2, Edgar Bachor3, Wolfgang Freund1

1Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany; 2Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany; 3SRH Zentralklinikum, Suhl, Germany
15:20 320.

Investigations of LGN Activation During Recovery from Acute Optic Neuritis

Kirsten Nielsen1, Kristoffer Hougaard Madsen1, 2, Jette Lautrup Frederiksen3, Anna Tsakiri3, Arnold Skimminge1, Torben Ellegaard


1Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark; 2Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; 3Copenhagen University Hospital, Glostrup, Denmark