Thermal Therapy
Room 4A     Tuesday 13:30 - 15:30



Prog #


13:30 3347 26

Influence of Prostate Perfusion on High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Cancer Ablation: A First-Pass MRI Study

Marlene Wiart1, Laura Curiel2, Albert Gelet3, Denis Lyonnet3, Jean-Yves Chapelon2, Olivier Rouviere3

1Creatis UMR CNRS 5515 U630 INSERM, Lyon, France; 2U556 INSERM, Lyon, France; 3Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon, France
14:00 3348 26

Simultaneous Monitoring of Temperature and Magnetization Transfer for HIFU Treatment

Hsu-Hsia Peng1, Teng-Yi Huang2, Hsiao-Wen Chung1, Chih-Ching Wu1, 3, Wen-Shiang Chen3, 4, Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng1

1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; 2National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan; 3National Health Research Institutes, Taipei, Taiwan; 4National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
14:30 3349 26

Characterization of the Thermal Response of Light Activated Nanoshells in Phantom Using MR Temperature


Andrew Miller Elliott1, Roger Jason Stafford1, Anil M. Shetty1, D Patrick O'Neal2, Chris Bourgoyne3, John D. Hazle1

1M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA; 2Louisiana Tech. University, Ruston, Louisiana, USA; 3Nanospectra Biosciences Inc., Houston, Texas, USA
15:00 3350 26

Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Imaging After Canine Prostate Cryoablation

Erin Liu1, Donna Bouley1, Bruce L. Daniel1, Kim Butts Pauly1

1Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA