Quantitative Image and Data Analysis
Geoffrey J.M. Parker, Mark Jenkinson, Paul S. Tofts, Organizers

Saturday, 6 May and Sunday, 7 May

This two-day course will provide an introduction to the range of quantitative image and data analysis methods currently applied to MR data. It will cover the impact of analysis techniques on the interpretation and quantification of their data, as well as provide a broad foundation in analysis methodology. Both basic and advanced methodologies will be covered, with demonstrated applications to most body areas.

Educational Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe the methods used for visualization and basic statistical analysis of quantitative MR parameters;
• Identify sources of image/data artifact and be able to select and apply methods for artifact reduction;
• Describe the principals of image registration, segmentation, and volume measurement, and be able to select and use appropriate software implementations of them;
• Describe the methods available for quantitative motion and flow measurement;
• Describe methods for time series analysis as applied to dynamic contrast enhanced imaging and functional MRI;
• Explain the basics of quantitative analysis of MR spectra;
• Explain the basics of quantitative MR elastographic imaging; and
• Evaluate the impact of quantitative analysis methodology on their research interests.

Audience Description:
This course is designed for anyone with a clinical or basic science MRI background who has been, or will be, involved in either analyzing MR data or designing methods for acquiring accurate quantitative data for scientific research. A typical individual may have a good working knowledge of clinical or MR principles, but no background in data analysis expertise is assumed. This is especially suitable for those early in their career, including students, who wish to gain a foundation in data analysis methods for MR.

  Session 1: Basics of Quantification and Fundamental MR Parameters 
09:00 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis  Paul S. Tofts, D.Phil.
09:40 Mapping of Quantitative MR Parameters Gareth J. Barker, Ph.D.
10:20 Break - Meet the Teachers    
Session 2: Data Corruption and Correction    
10:50 Statistical Analysis of Quantitative MR Data: Basic Methods John Petkau, Ph.D.
11:30 Artifacts, Noise, Filtering and Compensation Techniques  Geoffrey J. M. Parker, Ph.D.
12:10 Image Registration and Motion Correction  Mark Jenkinson, Ph.D.
12:50 Break    
12:50 - 13:10 Meet the Teachers    
Session 3: Segmentation and Volume Measurement     
14:10 Feature Extraction, Shape Fitting, and Image Segmentation William R. Crum, Ph.D.
14:50 Quantitative Morphology: Volumes, Shapes, and  Jean-Francois Mangin, Ph.D.
Voxel-Based Measures    
15:30 Break - Meet the Teachers    
Session 4: Quantitative Motion and Flow Measurement     
16:00 Motion Estimation, Modeling, and Compensation   Elliot R. McVeigh, Ph.D.
16:40 Bulk Flow Measurements and Angiography  Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D.
17:20 - 17:40 - Meet the Teachers     
Session 5: Measurement of Physiology and Function 1 - Time Series 
08:30 Perfusion/Permeability 1: Tracer Kinetic Modeling Using  David L. Buckley, Ph.D.
Contrast Agents    
09:10 fMRI Modeling and Analysis Mark Woolrich, D.Phil.
09:50 Break - Meet the Teachers    
Session 6: Measurement of Physiology and Function 2     
10:20 Perfusion/Permeability 2: Modeling of Arterial Spin  David Alsop, Ph.D.
Labeling Signals    
10:50 Spectroscopy Modeling and Analysis Else R. Danielsen, Ph.D.
11:30 Elastography Modeling and Analysis Armando Manduca, Ph.D.
12:10 Break    
12:10 - 12:30 - Meet the Teachers    
Session 7: Interpretation and Impact of Quantitative Image and Data Analysis 
13:30 Data Presentation and Interpretation: Rendering, Data  Derek L. G. Hill, Ph.D. 
Fusion, and Surgical Planning    
14:10 Quantitative Data in Clinical Practice A. Gregory Sorensen, M.D.
14:50 - 15:00 - Meet the Teachers