ELECTRONIC POSTERS Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
Simonetta Geninatti-Crich1,
Alessandro Barge1, Anna Ciampa1, Diego Alberti1,
Giovanna Esposito1, Silvio Aime1
Wesley Gilson1, Lawrence Hofmann2,
Dorota Kedziorek1, Saurabh Shah1, Grigorios
Korosoglou1, Jeff Bulte1, Matthias Stuber1,
Dara Kraitchman1
13:30 3643 3 Ferumoxide labelling of CD133+ cells for targeted re-endothelialisation
Panagiotis Kyrtatos1, Pauliina
Lehtolainen2, Manfred Ramirez2, Ana Prieto3,
Francesca Arrigoni1, Rachael Dobson1, David Gadian1,
Quentin Pankhurst3, Mark Lythgoe1
13:30 3644 4 Instant Magnetic Labeling of Stem Cells Using Magnetosonoporation (MSP) - not available
Bensheng Qiu1, Piotr Walczak2,
Jesus Ruiz-Cabello2, Jeff Bulte2, Xiaoming Yang1
Bensheng Qiu1, Xiangcan Zhan2,
Xiaoming Yang1
Christopher Long1,
Hanneke van Laarhoven2, Hyam Levitsky1, Jeff Bulte1
14:00 3647 3 Neural stem cells tracking by MRI in wobbler mouse, a model of motoneuron disease - not available
Linda Chaabane1, Jeff Bulte2,
Luigi Miragoli1, Ileana Zucca1, Paolo Bigini3,
Tiziana Mennini3, Arianna Ottolina4, E Parati4,
Vito Lorusso1
Hui Mao1, Xianghong Peng1,
Andrew Wang2, Xiaoxia Wang1, Chunchun Ni1,
Zehong Cao1, Shuming Nie3, Lily Yang1
14:30 3649 1
Markus Weiger1, Daniel Schmidig1,
Charles Massin1, Franck Vincent1, Schimun Denoth1,
Michael Schenkel1, Michael Fey1
14:30 3650 2 Integrated Environment for High-Throughput MR Histology of the Developing Mouse
Alexandra Petiet1, Matthew
Kaufman2, Susan Elmore3, Jeffrey Brandenburg1,
G Johnson1
14:30 3651 3 Detailed Anatomic Microimaging of Early Stage Human Embryos
Stasia Anderson1,
Shigehito Yamada1, Elizabeth Lockett2, Cecilia Lo1
14:30 3652 4 Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Discreet Microstructures in 5&[mu]m-Isotropic Images of the Excised Rat Striatum
Jeremy Flint1, Choong Lee1,
Timothy Shepherd1, Michael King1, Charles Massin2,
Stephen Blackband1
15:00 3653 1 Rapid Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Excised Anatomy in the Transgenic Mouse at 3.0 Tesla
Kevin Bath1, Henning Voss1,
Jonathan Dyke1, Dequian Jing1, Stewart Anderson1,
Francis Lee1, Douglas Ballon1
15:00 3654 2 MR Microscopic Imaging of Rodent Brain using Contrast Enhancement and Relatively Short Acquisition Times - not available
Sungheon Kim1, Stephen Pickup1,
Oliver Hsu1, Harish Poptani1
15:00 3655 3 3D Analysis of Cerebral Vascular Patterning in Mouse Embryos with Contrast Enhanced Micro-MRI
Cesar Berrios1, Youssef Zaim
Wadghiri2, Daniel Turnbull1
15:00 3656 4 Method for Cardiac Localization in Multiple Mouse MRI
Willem van Heiningen1,
Jonathan Bishop1, R Henkelman1 Prostate Cancer Detection & Diagnosis by Diffusion MRI Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
Katarzyna Macura1, Wenle Wang1,
Zhaoli Lane1, Li-Ming Su1, David Bluemke1,
Zaver Bhujwalla2, Michael Jacobs1
Yu-Jen Chen1, Y-S
Pu2, P-C Liang3, C-T Shun4, W-C Chu1,
W-Y Tseng5
13:30 3659 7 Potential value of diffusion weighted imaging as an indicator of tumor aggressiveness in prostate cancer
Nandita deSouza1, Sophie Riches1,
Nicholas vanAs1, Veronica Morgan1, Chris Parker1,
S Sohaib2, Geoffrey Payne1
13:30 3660 8 Preliminary study of whole body short T1 inversion recovery diffusion weighted imaging in staging of prostate cancers
Chun Zhang1, Xiao Wang1,
Xue Jiang1
14:00 3661 5 The clinical value of ADC maps in the detection of prostate cancer - not available
Akihiro Tanimoto1, Jun Nakashima1,
Kazunobu Shinoda1, Hiroshi Shinmoto1, Shigeo Okuda1,
Sachio Kuribayashi1, Makio Mukai1
14:00 3662 6 The ADC value in Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancers on diffusion-weighted MR images for predicting effect of chemotherapy - not available
Takeshi Yoshizako1, Nobue Uchida1,
Akihiko Wada1, Takashi Katsube1, Kouji Uchida1,
Shinji Hara1, Takafumi Kajitani1, Hajime Kitagaki1,
Mikio Ikawa1
14:00 3663 7 Combined T2 and Diffusion Weighted MRI for Localization of Prostate Cancer
Masoom Haider1, Theodorus van der
Kwast2, Jeff Tanguay3, Andrew Evans3,
Ali Hashmi1, Gina Lockwood4, John Trachtenberg5
Veronica Morgan1, Sophie Riches1,
Cyril Fisher1, Sarb Sandhu1, Geoffrey Payne2,
Nandita deSouza2
14:30 3665 5 DW imaging in prostate cancer: Determination of cut-off value of ADC for the peripheral zone to predict malignancy
Virendra Kumar1, N Jagannathan1,
Rajeev Kumar1, Sanjay Thulkar1, Sidhartha
Dattagupta1, S Dwivedi1, A Hemal1, N
14:30 3666 6 ADC Decrease in Histology Identified Prostate Cancer
Junqian Xu1, Peter Humphrey1,
Adam Kibel1, Abraham Snyder1, Vamsidhar Narra1,
Sheng-Kwei Song1
14:30 3667 7 Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Prostate Cancer: Comparison with Systemic Prostate Biopsy - not available
Seong Kuk Yoon1, Sunseob Choi1,
Myeong-Jin Kang1, Ki-Nam Kim1, Jin Han Cho1,
Jin Wha Lee1, Jong Young Oh1, Kyung Jin Nam1,
Kyung-Tak Sung1, Jin-Han Yoon1
14:30 3668 8 Prostate Spectroscopy Analysis with LCModel: Development of 3T Scoring Criteria
Gregory Metzger1, Iclal Ocak2,
Marcelino Bernardo3, Peter Choyke2
Amita Shukla-Dave1, Hedvig Hricak1,
Michael Kattan2, Darko Pucar1, Kentaro Kuroiwa3,
Hui-Ni Chen1, Jessica Spector1, Jason Koutcher1,
Kristen Zakian1, Peter Scardino1
15:00 3670 6 Role of 3D 1H MR Spectroscopy for prospective detection of prostate cancer in men with prior negative biopsies
Bachir Taouli1, Deanna Chin2,
Michael Stifelman1, Elizabeth Hecht1, Jonathan
Melamed1, Samir Taneja1
15:00 3671 7 A comparison of preoperative prostate cancer staging performance between T2-weighted 3T endorectal MR imaging and real-time gray-scale transrectal ultrasound - not available
Stijn Heijmink1,
Thomas Hambrock1, Tom Scheenen1, Christina
Hulsbergen-v.d. Kaa1, Ben Knipscheer1, Fred Witjes1,
Jelle Barentsz1
15:00 3672 8 Determination of cut-off value of metabolite ratio in prostate caner prior to biopsy - A 3D MRSI study
Virendra Kumar1, N Jagannathan1,
Rajeev Kumar1, Sanjay Thulkar1, Sidhartha
Dattagupta1, A Hemal1, N Gupta1 Retroperitoneal and Gender Based Cancers Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
13:30 3673 9 MR Imaging of Pathological Complete Response Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Jeon-Hor Chen1, Min-Ying Su2,
Garima Agrawal2, Byron A. Feig2, Hon J. Yu2,
Philip M. Carpenter3, Rita S. Mehta4, Orhan
13:30 3674 10 ADC value and Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Prostate Cancer; Therapeutic changes with Heavy Ion Charged Particle Radiation Therapy - not available
Yukihisa Takayama1, Riwa
Kishimoto1, Syouhei Hanaoka1, Hiroi Nonaka1,
Susumu Kandatsu1, Hiroshi Tsuji1, Hirohiko Tsujii1,
Hiroo Ikehira1, Takayuki Obata1
13:30 3675 11 Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) Imaging of Prostate Cancer; Trading Time for Information: High Quality T2 Images and Quantitative T2 Values for Cancer Discrimination - not available
Joseph Roebuck1, Dimitrios
Mitsouras1, Steven Haker1, Frank Rybicki1,
Clare Tempany1, Robert Mulkern1
13:30 3676 12 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Evaluation of Vascular Characteristics with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced T1 weighted MRI
Lucy Kershaw1, Charles Hutchinson1,
James Solomon1, David Buckley1
14:00 3677 9 The value of 1H MRS positive voxels percentage in the detection and localization of prostate cancer
feiyu Li1, xiaoying Wang1,
jiangxi Xiao1, xuexiang Jiang1
Evis Sala1, Emma Senior2,
Ashley Shaw2, Robin Crawford2, Kalliopi Vrotsou1,
Pauline Rajan3, Ilse Joubert2, David Lomas1
14:00 3679 11 High Accordance of Diffusion Weighted MRI and 18-FDG PET/CT in cervical cancer - not available
Gigin Lin1, YauYau Wai1,
KungChu Ho1, JiunJie Wang2, KoonKwan Ng1,
ChyongHuey Lai1, TzuChen Yen1
14:00 3680
Applications of
Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Uterine Tumors: Signal intensity and ADC value
based ability in demonstration and differentiation
14:30 3681 9 Apparent diffusion coefficient value for Differentiating Tumors in Uterine Cervix at 3 Tesla - not available
Gigin Lin1,
KoonKwan Ng1, JiunJie Wang2, YauYau Wai1,
TingChang Chang1
14:30 3682 10 Biochemistry of Soft Tissue Tumors: An in vitro NMR Study
Uma Sharma1, Madhbananda Kar1,
Sanjay Juyal1, SVS Deo1, N Jagannathan1
14:30 3683 11 MR-based assessment of membranous urethra as a predictor of urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy
Sergey Morozov1, Sergey Ternovoy1,
Valentin Sinitsyn1, Yury Alyaev1, Evgeniy Bezrukov1
14:30 3684 12 MR Feature Analysis and Classification of Renal Masses with Pathologic Correlation
Ivan Pedrosa1, Mary Chou1,
Long Ngo1, Ronaldo Baroni2, Elizabeth Genega1,
William Dewolf1, Neil Rofsky1
15:00 3685 9 Penile Arterial Blood Supply: Gadolinium-enhanced, Dynamic 3D-Liver Acquisition with Volume Acceleration (LAVA) MR Evaluation at 3T with 8-channel Phased Array (PA) Coil Prior to Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy - not available
Akira Kawashima1, James Glockner1,
David Stanley2, Kiaran McGee1, Robert Myers1
15:00 3686 10 Free-breathing and high b-value diffusion-weighted MR images of malignant urinary tract obstruction
Mayumi Takeuchi1, Kenji Matsuzaki1,
Hitoshi Kubo1, Yoshikatsu Bandou1, Masafumi Harada1,
Hiromu Nishitani1
15:00 3687 11 Gadolinium-enhanced excretory MR urography for upper tract urothelial carcinoma in high risk population
Naoki Takahashi1, James Glockner1,
Robert Hartman1, Akira Kawashima1, David Stanley2,
Anja Brau2, Philip Beatty2
15:00 3688 12 Diagnostic accuracy of diffusion weighted imaging for detecting nodal metastasis in gynecologic oncology patients: comparison with histopathology evidence - not available
KoonKwan Ng1, Gigin Lin1,
JiunJie Wang2, YuChuan Lin2, ChyongHuey Lai1 Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
13:30 3689 13 Extraction of Lesion Features from Contrast-Enhanced MR Mammograms Using Initial and Post-Initial Enhancements
Gokhan ERTAS1, Halil Gulcur1,
Mehtap Tunaci2, Memduh Dursun2
Brent Woods1,
Bradley Clymer1, Steffen Sammet1, Regina Koch1,
Robert Stevens1, Michael Knopp1
13:30 3691 15 Computer-aided detection of skeletal metastases in MRI STIR imaging of the spine - not available
Anna Jerebko1, Gerwin Schmidt2,
Xiang Zhou1, Jinbo Bi1, Vikram Anand1,
Jiamin Liu1, Stefan Schoenberg2, Ingo Schmuecking1,
Berthold Kiefer3, Arun Krishnan1
13:30 3692 16 An Energy Competing Regime for Active Contour Segmentation of Liver Boundary
Ying Chi1, Peter Cashman1,
Richard Kitney1
13:30 3693 17 Enhanced T1 Contrast Imaging with Region Growing Method
Haitao Zhu1, Kun Zhou1,
Yanming Yu1, Hongjie Zhang2, Shanglian Bao1
13:30 3694 18 Spatial Segmentation Based on the Signal Time Activity of Dynamic Cardiac Images During Intracoronary Infusion of Gd Contrast Agent - not available
Christoforos Nikou1, Nikolas
Galatsanos1, Nikolaos Tsekos2
13:30 3695 19 Fully automatic segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac cine MR images
Carmel Hayes1, Jens Guehring2,
Marie-Pierre Jolly2, Michaela Schmidt1, Bernd
Wintersperger3, Anup Bhargava3, Edgar Mueller1
13:30 3696 20 Automatic Plaque Characterization Employing Quantitative and Multicontrast MRI
Binjian Sun1, Don Giddens1,
Robert Long, Jr.2, W. Taylor3, Diana Weiss3,
Giji Joseph3, David Vega3, John Oshinski1
14:00 3697 13 Automated White Matter Hyperintensity Detection Using A False Discovery Rate Method - not available
Hui Zheng1, Vitali Zagorodnov2,
Michael Chee1
14:00 3698 14 MRI Brain study simulation
Marco Comerci1, Michele Larobina1,
Anna Prinster1, Nunzia Ciscognetti1, Mario
Quarantelli1, Arturo Brunetti1, Marco Salvatore1,
Bruno Alfano1
14:00 3699 15 A segmentation methodology that accounts for the MR physics of the RF pulse sequence
Murali Murugavel1, Sasidhar
Tadanki1, John Sullivan1, Gene Bogdanov1
14:00 3700 16 Fast Segmentation of MR Brain at 3T using Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery Images
Balasrinivasa Sajja1,
Sushmita Datta1, Renjie He1, Ponnada Narayana1
14:00 3701 17 Brain Tumor Detection Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform - not available
J.Daniel Pandian Samuel1, Ming
Dong1, Jing Hua1, E Haacke1
14:00 3702 18
Zahra Torbatian1, Hamid
14:00 3703 19 Cortical surface Reconstructions for Developing Neonates
Hui Xue1, Shuzhou Jiang1,
Latha Srinivasan1, Serena Counsell1, Mary
Rutherford1, David Edwards1, Daniel Rueckert2,
Jo Hajnal1
14:00 3704 20 Reconstructing Topologically Correct Cerebral Surfaces - A Method Based on Simple Points
Janne Hämäläinen1,
Koen Van Leemput1
14:30 3705 13 Automatic 3D Non-rigid Registration of Whole Body Serial MR Animal Images
Xia Li1, Thomas Yankeelov1,
Todd Peterson1, John Gore1, Benoit Dawant1
14:30 3706 14 A technique for warping MR images to histological sections based on thin-plate splines with homologous points optimization by minimizing bending energy - not available
Yutong Liu1, Mariano Uberti1,
Huanyu Dou1, Howard Gendelman1, Michael Boska1
14:30 3707 15 Deformable image registration of PET-CT and MRI using a BSpline algorithm
Thomas Lauenstein1, Eduard
Schreibmann2, David Schuster1, Diego Martin1,
Tim Fox2
14:30 3708 16 Automatic Image Registration Based Upon an Elastic Finite Element Formulation
Wei Huang1, John Sullivan1,
Hamid Ghadyani1, Murali Murugavel1
Andrew Melbourne1, David Atkinson1,
Mark White1, David Collins2, Martin Leach2,
David Hawkes1
14:30 3710 18 Consistency of DT-MRI to Assess Quality of MRI Inter-Subject Registration
Francisco Sanchez Castro1,
Olivier Clatz2, Julien Dauguet2, Jean-Philippe
Thiran1, Simon Warfield2
14:30 3711 19 Optimized nonlinear normalization for voxel-based analyses: A comparison of the Free-Form Deformation in VTK to the Discrete Cosine Function in SPM2 - not available
John Glass1, Jinesh Jain1,
Qing Ji1, Wilburn Reddick1
14:30 3712 20 Strategy and validation of large-scale MRI registration framework
Istvan Csapo1, Christopher
Holland1, Charles Guttmann1
15:00 3713 13 Bias Field Correction of surface coil MR images of rodent brain acquired at high field
Nathalie Just1, Nicolas Kunz2,
Remi Charrier3, Hong-Xia Lei1, Meritxell Bach
Cuadra4, Rolf Gruetter2, Jean-Philippe Thiran3
15:00 3714 14 SENSE factors for reliable cortical thickness measurement - not available
Hae-Jeong Park1, Eung Yeop Kim1
15:00 3715 15 Comparison of Linear and Non-linear Fitting Methods for Estimating T1 from SPGR Signals
Lin-Ching Chang1, Cheng Guan Koay1,
Sean Deoni2, Carlo Pierpaoli1
15:00 3716 16 Partial Volume Compensation for Improved Reliability of BBB permeability
Saeid Taheri1, Rohit Sood1
15:00 3717 17 DynaMammoAnalyst: Simultaneous Dynamic and Morphologic Analysis Software for MR Mammography
Gokhan ERTAS1, Halil Gulcur1,
Mehtap Tunaci2, Memduh Dursun2
15:00 3718 18 Automated Identification of Alzheimer's Patients based on Support Vector Machine Learned by Image Features Related to Cerebral Atrophy determined in 3-D MR images - not available
Hidetaka Arimura1, Takashi
Yoshiura1, Seiji Kumazawa1, Futoshi Mihara1,
Hiroshi Koga1, Shuji Sakai1, Hiroshi Honda1,
Fukai Toyofuku1, Yoshiharu Higashida1
15:00 3719 19 Perceptual Difference Model (Case-PDM) for Evaluation of MR Images
Jun Miao1, Donglai Huo2,
David Wilson1
15:00 3720 20 Diffusion Toolkit: A Software Package for Diffusion Imaging Data Processing and Tractography
Ruopeng Wang1,
Thomas Benner1, Alma Sorensen1, Van Wedeen1 Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
13:30 3721 21
Rao Gullapalli1, Jiachen Zhuo1,
Erma Owens1, Kathirkamanthan Shanmuganathan1,
Stuart Mirvis1
13:30 3722 22 Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord at 1.5 and 3.0T
Cristina Rossi1, Andreas Boss1,
Tobias Lindig1, Petros Martirosian1, Guenter
Steidle1, Walter Maetzler1, Claus Claussen1,
Uwe Klose1, Fritz Schick1
Paola Valsasina1,
Federica Agosta1, Stefania Sala1, Marcella Laganà2,
Beatrice Benedetti1, Luca Dall'Occhio1, Maria
Sormani1, Massimo Filippi1
Wei Wang1,
Shi-xin Chang1, Nan-xin Hao1, Shu-guang Hu2
13:30 3725 25 Different pattern of atrophy in early- and late-onset Alzheimers disease
Akihiko Shiino1, Toshiyuki
Watanabe2, Emi Kotani3, Tsuyoshi Matsuda4,
Masayuki Matsuda1
13:30 3726 26 Understanding Cognitive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified: Evidence for Neurochemical Subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment
Andreana Haley1, Kathleen Fuchs2,
S Dunham3, Scott Wylie2, Carol Manning2,
Thomas Wodushek4, Virginia Simnad2, Jack
13:30 3727 27 T1& rho MRI of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
Ari Borthakur1, Chenyang Wang1,
Diane Li1, Christopher Clark1, John Trojanowski1,
Virginia Lee1, Elias Melhem1, Ravinder Reddy1
13:30 3728 28 Two fMRI indices as markers for Alzheimer's disease
Daniel Rowe1, Shi Li1
14:00 3729 21 Functional, biochemcial, and Morphological Changes with Age
Rao Gullapalli1, Jiachen Zhuo1,
Raimi Quiton1, Steve Roys1, Michael Keaser1,
Joel Greenspan1
14:00 3730 22 Multimodal characterisation of substantia nigra pathology in Parkinson disease brains: A pilot MRI study at 3 and 7 Tesla.
Dorothee Auer1, Paul Morgan1,
Andrew Peters1, Krishna Gontu2, Andreas Schaefer1,
Richard Bowtell1, Nin Bajaj3, Penny Gowland1
Sima Salarirad1, Alison Murray1,
Roger Staff2, Masoud Boroujerdi1, Ian Deary3,
Lawrence Whalley1
14:00 3732 24 White matter microstructural abnormalities in late-life depression: a diffusion tensor imaging study
Nan Hong1, Qiong
Yang2, Xiangke Du1
14:00 3733 25 Agenesis of Arcuate Fasciculus in children with global developmental delay of unknown etiology: A diffusion tensor imaging study.
Senthil Sundaram1, Lalitha
Sivaswamy1, Malek Makki1, Michael Behen1,
Harry Chugani1
14:00 3734 26 Towards A Diffusion Biomarker of Autism
Valerie Cubon1, Marlene Richter1,
Annegret Dettwiler1, Matthew Robson2, Charles
Cartwright3, Wolfgang Richter1
14:00 3735 27 1H-MR spectroscopy in the frontal area in child and adolescent patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and a subgroup of anorexia nervosa. - not available
Ana Garcia1,
Luisa Lázaro2, Susana Andrés2, Nuria Bargalló1,
Carles Falcón1
14:00 3736 28 Corpus Callosum Morphometry in Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia
Hui Sun1, Paul Yushkevich1,
Jay Giedd2, Guido Gerig3, James Gee1
14:30 3737 21 Voxelwise analysis of MR Diffusion Data from Recovering Alcoholics using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics - not available
Ping-Hong Yeh1, Kenneth Simpson1,
Stefan Gazdzinski1, Tim Durazzo1, Dieter Meyerhoff1
Hui Zhang1, John Woo1,
Sumei Wang1, Elias Melhem1, Leo McCluskey1,
Lauren Elman1, James Gee1
14:30 3739 23 Variable Detection Rate of the Hippocampal Lesion in Transient Global Amnesia According to Different Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Protocol - not available
Young-Cheol Weon1, Jae Hyoung Kim1,
Sung Kyu Choi1, Jung Seok Lee1, Sang Yun Kim1
Gökhan Duygulu1, Cem Çalli1,
Ömer Kitis1, Nilgün Yünten1, Taner Akalin1,
Sertac Islekel1
14:30 3741 25 Tract-specific analysis of the superior occipitofrontal fasciculus in schizophrenia - not available
Natsuko Kunimatsu1, Akira
Kunimatsu2, Shigeki Aoki1, Osamu Abe1,
Yoshitaka Masutani1, Hidenori Yamasue1, Kiyoto
Kasai1, Kuni Ohtomo1
14:30 3742 26 Voxel-based morphometry with z-score images for evaluation of fractional anisotropy alterations in major depressive illness - not available
Khin Tha1, Satoshi Terae1,
Kohsuke Kudo1, Tetsuaki Matsuyama1, Hiroyuki Soma1,
Toru Yamamoto2, Shin Nakagawa1, Hidenao Sasaki1,
Kazuo Miyasaka1
14:30 3743 27 Normal right-to-left asymmetry in fractional anisotropy of superior occipitofrontal fasciculus disappears in schizophrenia - not available
Akira Kunimatsu1, Natsuko
Kunimatsu2, Shigeki Aoki2, Osamu Abe2,
Yoshitaka Masutani2, Hidenori Yamasue2, Kiyoto
Kasai2, Izumi Anno1, Manabu Minami1
14:30 3744 28 White Matter Integrity Alterations in Disruptive Behavioral Disorder - not available
Yang Wang1, Kristine Mosier1,
Andrew Kalnin1, Chen Lin1, Dunn David1,
William Kronenberger1, Vincent Mathews1
15:00 3745 21 The fMRI Study of Visual Spatial Working Memory in Subcortical Vascular Dementia
Miaomiao Long1, Jianzhong Yin1,
Qing Yang2, Ji Qi1
15:00 3746 22 Indication for reduced neuro-functional reserve and connectivity in patients with subcortical vascular encephalopathy - not available
Michael Amann1, Martin Griebe2,
Jochen Hirsch1, Lutz Achtnichts1, Matthias Günther2,
Kristina Szabo2, Achim Gass1
15:00 3747 23 Preliminary Study of Olfactory on Alzheimer's disease using BOLD-fMRI at 3.0T
Nina Zhou1, Min Chen1,
Cheng Zhou1, ying Liang1, Xuna zhao2,
Chen Zhang1, Saying Li1, Weifeng zhao1,
Wenchao Wang1, Zhenghan Yang1
15:00 3748 24 Preliminary Cross-Sectional Structural MRI Analysis of Data from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative - not available
Christine Fennema-Notestine1,
Adam Fleisher2, Donald Hagler, Jr.1, Elaine Wu1,
David Karow1, Eric Han3, Anders Dale1
15:00 3749 25 A Multi-Scale Whole-Brain Optimized Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Dyslexics at 3.0T
Khader Hasan1, Jack Fletcher2,
Linda Ewing-Cobbs3, Ambika Sankar1, Thomas
Eluvathingal1, Larry Kramer1, Manzar Ashtari4,
Jenifer Juranek3, Shirin Sarkari3, Andrew
15:00 3750 26 Neural bases of dyslexia in Italian: does a history of language delay matter?
Chiara Pecini1, Laura Biagi1,
Michela Tosetti1, Anna Chilosi1, Paola Cipriani1,
Francesco Di Salle2, Daniela Brizzolara1
15:00 3751 27 Asymmetrical inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus in Chinese children: correlation with Chinese reading
Deqiang Qiu1, Pek-Lan Khong1,
Wai-Ting Siok1, Li-Hai Tan1
15:00 3752 28 Left temporal white matter integrity predicts verbal memory in older children
Donald Mabbott1, Joanne Rovet1,
Michael Noseworthy2, Mary Lou Smith3, Conrad
Rockel1 Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
13:30 3753 29 Abnormal Metabolic and Structural Changes in Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy using MRI Volumetry and 1H MR Spectroscopy - not available
Hyun-Man Baik1, Barbara E Swartz2,
Long Vu1, Hui Liu1, Orhan Nalcioglu1,
Min-Ying Su1
13:30 3754 30 Voxel Based Morphometry and Statistical Parametric Mapping of Positron Emission Tomography (SPM-PET) in Patients with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy Compared to Normal Controls - not available
Long Vu1, Barbara Swartz2,
Mark Mandelkern3, Orhan Nalcioglu3, Ming-Ying Su3
13:30 3755 31 Diffusion tensor imaging of refractory partial epilepsy at 3.0T
Qin Chen1, Dong Zhou1,
Su Lui2, Chun Li3, Luo Ouyang3, Wei
Deng1, Hui Shang1, Ling Zou2, Hua Chen3,
Qi Gong2
13:30 3756 32 Concreteness Effects in Dominant Hemisphere Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Jodi Edwards1, Adam Bass1,
Bradley Goodyear1, Paolo Federico1
Pratik Mukherjee1, Hana Lee1,
Srivathsa Veerarhagavan1, Duan Xu1, Michele Meeker1,
Jamshid Ghajar2, Geoffrey Manley1, Colin Studholme1
13:30 3758 34 Temporal changes in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a tract-based spatial statistical analysis
Virginia Newcombe1, Guy Williams1,
Jurgens Nortje1, Peter Bradley1, Sally Harding1,
Jonathon Coles1, Jonathan Gillard1, Peter
Hutchinson1, John Pickard1, T Carpenter1,
David Menon1
13:30 3759 35 ROI Based Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Traumatic Brain Injury.
Malek Makki1, Sriram Vasudevan1,
Randall Benson1, Robin Hanks1, Scott Millis1,
William Coplin1, E. Haacke1
Sumit Niogi1, Pratik Mukherjee2,
Rachel Kolster1, Ranjeeta Sarkar3, Jamshid Ghajar3,
Bruce McCandliss1
Emerson Gasparetto1, Sohil Patel1,
Mikolaj Pawlak1, Ronald Wolf1, John Woo1,
Jaroslaw Krejza1, Myrna Rosenfeld1, Donald
O'Rourke1, Robert Lustig1, Elias Melhem1
14:00 3762 30 MRI features of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis due to human infection of angiostrongylus cantonensis - not available
Erhu Jin1, Qiang Ma1,
Daqing Ma1
14:00 3763 31 Functional MRI of Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis before and after Thyroplasty: Comparison to healthy subjects
Kyung Peck1, Jessica Galgano2,
Ryan Branski1, Dmitry Bogomolny1, Margaret Ho1,
Andrei Holodny1, Dennis Kraus1
14:00 3764 32 Pre- and Post- Gadolinium Enhanced Susceptibility-weighted Imaging at 1.5T for Intracranial Neoplasms: Contrast of Pathologic Lesions.
Masaaki Hori1, Keiichi Ishigame2,
Hiroyuki Kabasawa3, Shigeki Aoki3, Hitoshi Terada1,
Hisamoto Moriguchi1, Morio Shimada1, Eiichi Koda1,
Tsutomu Araki2
Jelena Ostojic1, Dusko Kozic2,
Jasna Jancic3, Katarina Koprivsek2, Robert Semnic2
14:00 3766 34 Lead Exposed Encephalopathy: Evaluation by 1H Spectroscopy of a 3T MR Scanner - not available
Tsyh-Jyi Hsieh1, Gin-Chung Liu1,
Chun-Wei Li1, Hung-Yi Chuang1, Wei-Cheng Lin2
14:00 3767 35 4T Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Hippocampus in Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
Raul Rupsingh1, Michael Borrie2,
Matthew Smith3, Jennie Wells2, Robert Bartha1
Katja Pinker1, Iris
Noebauer-Huhmann1, Ioannis Stavrou2, Romana
Hoeftberger3, Pavol Szomolanyi1, Michael Weber2,
Georgios Karanikas2, Andreas Stadlbauer4,
Engelbert Knosp2, Siegfried Trattnig1
14:30 3769 29 Reduced Mid Parietal NAA and Creatine Marks Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimers's Disease
Ulrich Pilatus1, Christoph Lais1,
Anna du Mesnil de Rochmont1, Friedhelm Zanella1,
Heinrich Lanfermann1, Tillmann Kratzsch1, Johannes
14:30 3770 30 High-resolution contrast-enhanced, susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging at 3 in patients with brain tumors -
Katja Pinker1, Ioannis Stavrou2,
Romana Hoeftberger3, Pavol Szomolanyi1, Michael
Weber1, Andreas Stadlbauer4, Engelbert Knosp2,
Siegfried Trattnig1
14:30 3771 31 Time-resolved Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography of Intracranial Lesions
Zhi tong ZOU1,
Lin MA1, Liuquan CHENG1, Youquan CAI1
Anit Parihar1, Gaurav Luthra1,
Kavindra Nath1, Shishir Jaiswal1, Kashi Prasad1,
Nuzhat Husain2, Mazhar Husain2, Sunil Singh2,
Sanjay Behari1, Rakesh Gupta1
14:30 3773
Magnetic resonance imaging of
the post mortem fetus - an important adjunct to the autopsy
14:30 3774 34 EEG based time points for longitudinal diffusion MRI studies in neonates with hypoxia-ischemia
Ward Jennekens1,
Jan Buijs2, Charlotte Lommen2, Carola van Pul2,
Hendrik Niemarkt2, Pieter Wijn1
Yonglin Pu1, Qing-Feng Li2,
Chao-Mei Zeng3, Ankur Garg1, Rodney Corby1,
Jia-Hong Gao1
14:30 3776 36 Increased cortical anisotropy in Neonatal Meningitis-An indicator of meningeal inflammation
Richa Trivedi1, Gyanendra Malik2,
Rakesh Gupta1, Amit Gupta2, Kavindra Nath1,
Kashi Prasad1, Ankur Purwar3, Divya Rathore3,
Ram Rathore3, Ponnada Narayana4
Loukas Astrakas1, Dionyssios
Mintzopoulos1, Karen Marcus2, David Zurakowski2,
Maria Zarifi2, Tina Young Poussaint2, Douglas
Anthony2, Umberto DeGirolami2, Peter McL Black2,
Nancy Tarbell1, A Tzika1
Stefan Rueckriegel1, Friederike
Kitzig1, Günter Henze1, Roland Felix1,
Pablo Hernaiz-Driever1, Harald Bruhn1
Rajkumar Govidan1, Harry Chugani1,
Malek Makki1, Michael Behen1, Jessica Dornbush1,
Sandeep Sood1
15:00 3780 32 Assessment of White Matter Damage in Cerebral Palsy using Quantitative Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Richa Trivedi1, Rakesh Gupta1,
Vipul Shah2, Khader Hasan3, Mukesh Tripathi1,
Ponnada Narayana3
15:00 3781 33 High Field 3 Tesla MRI and Positron Emission Tomography Detection of Malformations of Cortical Development in Refractory Focal Epilepsy - not available
Yih-Yian Sitoh1, Soke_Miang Chng1,
Nigel Tan1, Shih-Hui Lim1, David Ng2,
Andrew Pan1
15:00 3782 34 Hippocampal sclerosis: Evaluation with high-spatial-resolution T2-weighted images at 3T
Mai Hanamiya1, Shingo Kakeda1,
Junji Moriya1, Norihiro Ohnari1, Toru Sato1,
Mika Kitajima2, Yukunori Korogi1
15:00 3783 35 Unilateral Diffusion and Bilateral Volumetric Differences of the Thalamus in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Gaolang Gong1, Luis Concha1,
Donald Gross1, Christian Beaulieu1
15:00 3784 36 Correlation between Metabolite Alterations in 1H-MR Spectroscopy in Hippocampal Sclerosis
Thilo Hammen1, Wolfgang Bogner1,
Michelle Hildebrand2, Marc Doelken3, Tobias
Engelhorn3, Andreas Stadlbauer4, Oliver Ganslandt4,
Christopher Nimsky4, Frank Kerling1, Ingmar
Bluemcke2, Arnd Doerfler3, Hermann Stefan1 Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
13:30 3785 37 Comparison of optimized fast spin echo (FSE) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to view angle tilt (VAT) FSE in the reduction of metallic susceptibility artifact surrounding arthroplasty - not available
Li Foo1, Shari Jawetz1,
Kim Butts Pauly2, Hollis Potter1
13:30 3786 38 Rapid 3D-T1 Mapping of Cartilage Using Variable-Flip-Angle (VFA) and Parallel Imaging at 3.0T
Ligong Wang1, Mark Schweitzer1,
Abraham Padua2, Ravinder Regatte1
Shantanu Sinha1, Sinyeob Ahn2,
Jiang Du1, Usha Sinha2, Atshushi Takahashi3,
Christine Chung1
13:30 3788 40 T1rho imaging of cartilage in high-field scanner: effects of field inhomogeneity
Steffen Ringgaard1, Xuenong Zou1
13:30 3789 41 Assessment of Vascular Permeability in Calf with Dynamic Contrast MRI
Chun Zuo1, Robert Dobbins2,
Derek Nunez2, Rose Villafuerte1, Michelle Butman1,
Mike Henry1, Barbara Oraban2, Andrew Brown2,
John Brown2, Perry Renshaw1
Jain Mangalathu Arumana1,
Debiao Li1, Rohan Dharmakumar1
Tom Dresselaers1, Julian Aragones2,
Martin Schneider2, Patrick Maxwell3, Peter
Carmeliet2, Paul Van Hecke1
Wen-Chau Wu1, Jiongjiong Wang2,
Felix Wehrli1, Thomas Floyd2
13:30 3793 45 Cytosolic pH buffering in muscle of patients with McArdle’s disease
Graham Kemp1, Caterina Tonon2,
Emil Malucelli2, Alexandra Liava3, David Manners2,
Enrico Trevisi3, Andrea Martinuzzi3, Bruno
Barbiroli2, Raffaele Lodi2
13:30 3794 46 Do adenylate and creatine kinase activity contribute to saturation transfer effects among ADP and ATP resonances in 31P MRS of skeletal muscle? - not available
C.I.H.C. Nabuurs1,
H.E. Kan1, B Wieringa2, A. Heerschap1
Stefano Iotti1, Emil Malucelli1, Claudia Testa1, Caterina Tonon1, Andrea Martinuzzi2, Bruno Barbiroli1, Raffaele Lodi1 1Università di Bologna, 2IRCCS “E. Medea”
13:30 3796 48 An MR compatible setup for simultaneous measurements of skeletal muscle performance and 31P MRS in the mouse Andor Veltien1, Hermien Kan1, Henk Arnts1, Bart Luijten1, Arnold de Haan2, Arend Heerschap1 1Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, 2Vrije universiteit
13:30 3797 49 Magnetization Transfer and T2 Measurements of Isolated Muscle: Effect of pH Elizabeth Louie1, Daniel Gochberg1, Mark Does1, Bruce Damon1 1Vanderbilt University
13:30 3798 50 Diffusion tensor imaging of muscle degeneration in a mouse model of ALS Jiangyang Zhang1, Gang Zhang1, Susumu Mori1, Kazim Sheikh1 1Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
13:30 3799 51 Measuring intra- and extra- cellular ADC in edematous skeletal muscle - not available Reuben Fan1, Mark Does1 1Vanderbilt University
13:30 3800 52 Relaxation time mapping in skeletal muscle during reactive hyperemia Markus Klarhöfer1, Philipp Madörin2, Klaus Scheffler1 1University of Basel, 2University Hospital Basel
Richard Kijowski1, Jessica Klaers1, Walter Block1 1University of Wisconsin
Dongsuk Shin1, Sheng-Wei Chi1, Jiun-Shyan Chen1, Sinyeob Ahn1, John Hodgson1, Reggie Edgerton1, Shantanu Sinha1 1University of California
14:00 3803 39 Use of Simulated Weight-bearing for MR Evaluation of Ankle and Hindfoot Mechanics: A Feasibility Study Ilan Elias1, Adam Zoga1, Angela Gopez1, Steven Raikin1, William Morrison1 1Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
14:00 3804 40 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Comparison of Arthroscopic and Open Repair of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears of the Wrist Meredith Anderson1, A. Noelle Larson1, Philip Utter1, Dirk Larson1, Richard Berger1, Steven Moran1, William Cooney1, Kimberly Amrami1 1Mayo Clinic
14:00 3805 41 Ultrastructural Organization of Bone and Tendon – Novel Method for Musculoskeletal Imaging of extremely fast relaxing Spins Jutta Ellermann1, Djaudat Idiyatullin1, Curt Corum1, Steen Moeller1, Ken Brick1, Carlos Manivel1, Michael Garwood1 1University of Minnesota Medical Center
14:00 3806 42 Feasibility of high resolution partial parallel imaging in the distal tibia for improved structural anisotropy analysis Michael Wald1, Jeremy Magland1, Ze Wang1, Tom Connick1, Felix Wehrli1 1University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
14:00 3807 43 Quantitative Bone Quality Assessment Using Digital Topological Analysis and FDT on 7T MRI Gregory Chang1, Kubilay Pakin1, Mark Schweitzer1, Punam Saha2, Ravinder Regatte1 1NYU School of Medicine, 2University of Iowa
14:00 3808 44 Simulations of in vivo 3D Structural MRI of Trabecular Bone using High Resolution & CT Chamith Rajapakse1, Jeremy Magland1, X Zhang2, X Liu2, X Guo2, Felix Wehrli1 1University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 2Columbia University
14:00 3809 45 In-Vivo evaluation of cartilage repair using Steady-State Diffusion Weighted Imaging Tallal Mamisch1, Marion Menzel2, Goetz Welsch3, Bernd Bittersohl1, Pavol Szomolanyi3, Stefan Marlovits4, Siegfried Trattnig3 1University Bern, 2Research Centre Juelich, 3MR Centre, University Vienna, 4Trauma Surgery, University Vienna
14:00 3810 46 Comparison of 3D Look-Locker technique against 2D IR-FSE for dGEMRIC Wei Li1, Rachel Scheidegger1, Anthony Vu2, Pottumarthi Prasad1 1Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, 2GE Healthcare
14:00 3811 47 GAG Content via Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer: Assessing OA Wen Ling1, Ravinder Regatte1, Alexej Jerschow1 1New York University
14:00 3812 48 Delayed Contrast Enhanced MRI of Cartilage: Comparison of Ionic and Non-ionic Contrast Agents Wei Li1, Rachel Scheidegger1, Ying Wu1, Robert Edelman1, Ashley William2, Deborah Burstein2, Pottumarthi Prasad1 1Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, 2Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
14:00 3813 49 Imaging of the Deep Radial and Calcified Layers of the Cartilage Using Ultrashort TE (UTE) Sequence at 3T Jiang Du1, Shantanu Sinha1, Atsushi Takahashi2, Ann Shimakawa2, Mark Bydder3, Graeme Bydder1, Christine Chung1 1University of California, San Diego, 2GE Healthcare Technologies, 3University of California, San Diego, San Diego
14:00 3814 50 Sources of quantitative error in T2 mapping of articular cartilage. Li Foo1, Shari Jawetz1, Hubert Lejay2, Eric Tamaroff2, Hollis Potter1 1Hospital for Special Surgery, 2General Electric Healthcare
Shantanu Sinha1, Jiang Du1, Atshushi Takahashi2, Christine Chung1, Graeme Bydder1 1University of California at San Diego, 2GE Healthcare
14:00 3816 52 MRI OF THE ACHILLES TENDON ENTHESIS WITH ULTRASHORT TE (UTE) PULSE SEQUENCES: CT, RADIOGRAPHIC AND ANATOMIC CORRELATION Tudor Hughes1, Hamidreza Torshizy1, Parvez Haghihi1, Debra Trudell1, Michael Benjamin2, Graeme Bydder1 1University of California, San Diego, 2Cardiff University
14:30 3817 37 3T VIPR-SSFP: High Isotropic Resolution MSK Imaging (0.33 mm) Jessica Klaers1, Yogesh Jashnani1, Youngkyoo Jung1, Joshua Jacobson1, Richard Kijowski1, Walter Block1 1University of Wisconsin - Madison
Dongsuk Shin1, Sinyeob Ahn1, John Hodgson1, Reggie Edgerton1, Shantanu Sinha1 1University of California
Richard Kijowski1, Leo Passov1, Ann Shimakawa2, Huanzhou Yu2, Scott Reeder1 1University of Wisconsin, 2Global Applied Science Lab, GE Healthcare
14:30 3820 40 Interpatient analysis of T2 and thickness of the human patellar cartilage with hierarchical clustering José Raya1, Olaf Dietrich1, Annie Horng1, Thomas Mendlik1, Maximilian Reiser1, Christian Glaser1 1Großhadern, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Masaya Takahashi1, Philipp Fassbender2, Shigeto Kubo1, Amy Jordan2, Atul Malhotra2, Nancy Chamberlin3, Mattias Eikermann2 1Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical Scool, 2Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 3Beth Israel Deaconess Medical center and Harvard Medical School
14:30 3822 42 In vivo mitochondrial function in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients before and after treatment with a PPARgamma agonist Vera Schrauwen-Hinderling1, Marco Mensink2, Matthijs Hesselink2, Marianne Kooi1, Patrick Schrauwen2 1University Hospital Maastricht, 2Maastricht University
14:30 3823 43 Quantification of perfusion and endothelial permeability in inflammatory joint diseases Sabine Weckbach1, Steven Sourbron1, Christian Glaser1, Michele Picciolo1, Maximilian Reiser1 1Department of Clinical Radiology
14:30 3824 44
Céline Baligand1,
Karine Vauchez1, Jean-Thomas Vilquin1, Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
14:30 3825 45 Segmentation of Abdominal Fat in MR Images Jitesh Singh1, RKS Rathore1, RK Gupta2, M Thomas3, Eesh Bhatia2, Manoj Sarma1, Ankur Purwar1, Getaneh Bayu1, Divya Rathore1, Sanjay Verma1, Anup Singh1 1IIT Kanpur, 2SGPGIMS, 3University of California
14:30 3826 46 Bulimia Nervosa is associated with Visceral Adipositas and big Adrenal Glands - Initial Results Burkhard Ludescher1, Gabriele Leitlein1, Juergen Machann1, Claus Claussen1, Fritz Schick1, Gerhard Eschweiler1 1University Clinic Tuebingen
14:30 3827 47 Improved unsupervised assessment of abdominal fat in MRI by automatic correction of intensity inhomogeneities Vincenzo Positano1, Amalia Gastaldelli1, Maria Santarelli1, Annamaria Sironi1, Kenneth Cusi2, Ralph DeFronzo2, Luigi Landini3 1Institute of Clinical Physiology, 2University of Texas, 3University of Pisa
14:30 3828 48 Clinical Feasibility of a 3D Dual Echo Dixon Technique For Abdominal MRI Adrianne Thompson1, Jinha Park1, Anthony Vu2, Zachary Slavens2, Jingfei Ma3, Anja Brau2, Bruce Daniel, 1Robert Herfkens1, 1Stanford University, 2GE Healthcare, 3The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
14:30 3829 49 A New Protocol for T1 mapping of the Liver Georgios Ketsetzis1, Michael Brady1 1University of Oxford
14:30 3830 50 Manganese Enhanced MP-RAGE Abdominal MRI - not available Muhammad Haque1, Erica Markiewicz1, Suraj Serai2, Lara Leoni1, Matt Zuckerman1, Brian Roman1 1University of Chicago, 2University of Illinois, Chicago
14:30 3831 51 Abdominal T2-weighted Turbo-Spin-EchoImaging with BLADE at 3.0T: Initial Results Henrik Michaely1, Harald Kramer1, Sabine Weckbach1, Olaf Dietrich1, Maximilian Reiser1, Stefan Schoenberg1 1Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Grosshadern-Campus
15:00 3832 52 Relationship of Fatty Liver MR Spectroscopy to 7-point Gradient-echo Imaging Michael Middleton1, Gavin Hamilton1, Mark Bydder1, Takeshi Yokoo1, Jeffrey Schwimmer1, Claude Sirlin1 1UCSD
15:00 3833 37 Effect of Contrast Media on the Signal Intensity of Single-Shot EPI for Diffusion Imaging of the Body Vikas Gulani1, Martin Blaimer1, Sherif Nour1, Raj Paspulati1, Jon Willatt2, Hero Hussain2, Jeffrey Duerk1, Mark Griswold1 1Case Western Reserve University, 2University of Michigan
15:00 3834 38 The Utility of Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging for Differentiating Uterine Sarcomas from Benign Leiomyomas - not available Ken Tamai1, Takashi Koyama2, Nobuko Morisawa1, Koji Fujimoto1, Yoshiki Mikami2, Shingo Fujii1, Kaori Togashi1 1Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, 2Kyoto University Hospital
15:00 3835 39 Multi-slice body diffusion weighted imaging with peripheral pulse unit (PPU) gating - not available Masatoshi Honda1, Tomohiko Horie1, Isao Muro1, Taro Takahara2, Tomoyuki Okuaki3, Tetsuo Ogino3, Marc Cauteren3 1Tokai Univ.Hospital, 2Tokai Univ. School of Medicine, 3Philips Electronics Japan
15:00 3836 40 Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of mucinous pancreatic tumors: Doughnut sign on ADC map - not available Yuji Watanabe1, Masako Nagayama1, Akira Okumura1, Yoshiki Amoh1, Takayoshi Ishimori1, Tadashi Nakanishi1, Kohya Nakatani1, Rika Yoshida1, Shinsaku Yata1, Shigeo Ichihashi1, Michio Yoshimura1, Masako Yuki1, Kazushige Oda1, Yoshihiro Dodo1 1Kurashiki Central Hospital
15:00 3837 41 Optimization of In-phase and Opposed phase Imaging at 3T for Abdominal MRI Chekema Prince1, Niels Oesingmann2, Kellyanne McGorty1, Vivian Lee1 1NYU School of Medicine, 2Siemens Medical Solutions
15:00 3838 42 Subjective symptoms during MRI of the upper abdomen and pelvis at 3T Masako Kataoka1, Hiroyoshi Isoda2, Yoji Maetani2, Yuji Nakamoto2, Takashi Koyama2, Shigeaki Umeoka3, Ken Tamai2, Aki Kido2, Tsuneo Saga4, Nobuko Morisawa2, Yukio Miki2, Kaori Togashi2 1University of Cambridge, 2Kyoto University, 3Japan Red Cross Society Wakayama Medical Center, 4National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Daniel Margolis1, Stephen Bliss1, David Lu1, John Min1, Steven Raman1, Stefan Ruehm1, Sitthipong Srisajjakul1 1The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
15:00 3840 44 Multivariate analysis of MRI datasets of the liver: enhancing definition of disease severity by combination of parameters Philip Murphy1, Hyeonjin Kim2, Mark Whitlock1, Pengyu Chen2, Andrew Lee2, Maolin Qiu2, Carmen Booth2, R Constable2 1Pfizer, 2Yale University
David Stanley1, James Glockner2, Heidi Ward2 1GE Healthcare, 2Mayo Clinic
15:00 3842 46 Liver Imaging Using T2-Weighted BLADE with Parallel Imaging and Through-Plane Motion Correction at 3T Agus Priatna1, Daniel Cohen2, Judy Liu2, Wincha Chong2, Xiang He2, Vamsidhar Narra2 1Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc, 2Washington University
15:00 3843 47 Respiratory Gated Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging Avoiding Prolongation of Scan Time: Tracking Only Navigator Echo (TRON) Technique. Taro Takahara1, Tetsuo Ogino2, Tomoyuki Okuaki2, Tomohiko Horie1, Isao Muro1, Makoto Obara2, Marc Cauteren2, Yutaka Imai1 1Tokai University School of Medicine, 2Philips Electronics Japan
15:00 3844
High Resolution T2 Mapping of
Abdominal Organs at 1.5 Tesla: Normal Statistical Variations 1National Institutes of Health
15:00 3845 49 Feasibility of an Animal Model of Hepatic Steatosis for In Vivo Fat Imaging with IDEAL Catherine Gard1, Marc Longino1, Jamey Weichert1, Scott Reeder1 1University of Wisconsin-Madison
Abdel Bidar1, Therese Hagstedt1, Petter Ranefall1, Karin Nelander1, Daniel Karlsson1, Mana Rasi1, Paul Hockings1, Nick Oakes1 1Astrazeneca
15:00 3847 51 Detection of Iron in an Animal Model of Hepatic Iron Overload using T2*-IDEAL Catherine Gard1, Marc Longino1, Huanzhou Yu2, Ann Shimakawa2, Jamey Weichert1, Scott Reeder1 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2GE Healthcare
15:00 3848 52 Accelerated Functional MRI of the Bowel with a 32-Element Coil Array: Detection of Perfusion Defects Using ceMRA and DWI - not available Christian Hohl1, Patrick Haage2, Felix Schoth1, Georg Mühlenbruch1, Gabriele Krombach1, Rolf Günther1, Thoralf Niendorf1 1RWTH Aachen, 2Helios Klinikum Wuppertal, University Hospital Witten/Herdecke
Functional Cardiac and Coronary MRI Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
13:30 3849 53 Validation of Automatic Segmentation Algorithms for Short-axis Cine Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Gilion Hautvast1, Chris Cocosco2, Luuk Spreeuwers3, Marcel Breeuwer1 1Philips Medical Systems, 2Philips Research Labs, 3University of Twente
Jessica Hung1, Christopher Francois1, Nicole Nelson1, Karin Dill1, Ed Wu1, Alistair Young2, Brett Cowan2, Renate Jerecic3, James Carr1 1Northwestern University, 2University of Auckland, 3Siemens Medical Systems
13:30 3851 55 Partial Voxel Segmentation of the Left Ventricle: Interpolating Blood Content of Voxels Noel Codella1, Jonathan Weinsaft1, Matthew Cham1, Martin Prince1, Yi Wang1 1Weill Medical College of Cornell University
13:30 3852 56 Tracking the left ventricle from under-sampled MR Images Cristian Tejos1, Joseph Hajnal2, Marcelo Guarini1, Pablo Irarrazaval1 1Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2Imperial College London
Thu-Thao Le1, Liang Zhong2, Dhanjoo Ghista3, Si-Yong Yeo2, Ru-San Tan2 1Nanyang Technological University, 2National Heart Centre, 3University of New South Wales Asia
13:30 3854 58 Dobutamine stress cardiovascular MR imaging in patients after coronary revascularisation with stent placement Thomas Schlosser1, Fabian Meier1, Oliver Bruder2, Peter Hunold1, Jörg Barkhausen1 1University Hospital Essen, 2Elisabeth Hospital Essen
13:30 3855 59 Quantitative Assessment of Ventricular Volume from 3D Dual Phase Single Breath–Hold Scan Sergio Uribe1, Gerald Greil1, Ivo Wolf2, Hans-Peter Meinzer2, Reza Razavi1, Tobias Schaeffter1 1King’s College London, 2German Cancer Research Center
Gert Klug1, Thomas Trieb2, Michael Schocke2, Michael Nocker3, Elisabeth Skalla3, Nico Moes3, Guy Friedrich3, Thomas Bartel3, Franz Weidinger3, Florian Hintringer3, Otmar Pachinger3, Bernhard Metzler3 1Universitaetsklinik Wuerzburg, 2Radiology Dep I, 3University Innsbruck
14:00 3857 53 Automatic Segmentation in Dobutamine Stress Magnetic Resonance Gilion Hautvast1, Marcel Breeuwer1, Tarinee Tangcharoen2, Eike Nagel2 1Philips Medical Systems, 2German Heart Institute
14:00 3858 54 Comparison of Left and Right Ventricle Functional Measurements Using Steady State Free Precession-Short Axis versus Four Chamber Analysis - not available Larry Kramer1, Daniel Stanton1, Stephen Krampert1, Khader Hasan1 1University of Texas-Houston
14:00 3859 55 32-Element Coil Array for Highly Accelerated Clinical Cardiac MR Imaging Thoralf Niendorf1, Tobias Schaeffter2, Sebastian Kozerke3, Rani Bhanniny1, Richard Winkelmann4, Marc Kouwenhoven5, Peter Mazurkewitz6, Christoph Leussler6 1RWTH Aachen, 2King's College, 3University and ETH Zurich, 4University of Karlsruhe, 5Philips Medical Systems, 6Philips
14:00 3860 56 2D Cardiac Function during Free-breathing with Navigators Dana Peters1, Reza Nezafat1, Christian Stehning2, Holger Eggers2, Warren Manning1 1Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 2Philips Research Lab
14:00 3861 57 Real-time Ultrasound Imaging in MRI scanner for Guidance of Cardiac MR David Feinberg1, Andre Bongers2, Sudhir Ramanna1, Matthias Guenther2 1Advanced MRI Technologies, 2Mediri GmbH
14:00 3862 58 Echo Like Inline Display of ECG and Respiratory Signals - Enhancing Diagnostic Capabilities in Cardiac MR Imaging Saurabh Shah1, Sven Zuehlsdorff1, Peter Kellman2, Peter Weale1, Renate Jerecic1 1Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc, 2National Institutes of Health/NHLBI
14:00 3863 59 Methodology for rapid Cardiac Axis generation from non gated cardiac MR images Shekhar Dwivedi1, Vivek Vaidya1, Rakesh Mullick1, Thomas Foo1, Vincent Ho2 1GE Global Research, 2National Naval Medical Center
14:00 3864 60 Early and late improvement of left ventricular function after drug eluting stent implantation for chronic total occlusions Sharon Kirschbaum1, Robert-Jan van Geuns1, Timo Baks1, Gabriel Krestin1, Patrick Serruys1, Pim de Feyter1 1Erasmus Medical Center
14:30 3865 53 Reduction of In-flow Enhancement in 3D Balanced SSFP cine sequences Sergio Uribe1, Sanjjet Hegde1, Reza Razavi1, Tobias Schaeffter1 1King’s College London
14:30 3866 54 Study of Magnetization Behavior of MR Tagging with Steady State Free Precession - not available Xiaofeng Liu1, Li Pan2, Wolfgang Relwald3, Christine Lorenz2 1Johns Hopkins University, 2Siemens Corporate Research, 3Siemens Medical Solutions
14:30 3867 55 Cardiac Imaging at 7T Lance DelaBarre1, Carl Snyder1, Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele1, Can Akgun1, Kamil Ugurbil1, J. Vaughan1 1University of Minnesota
14:30 3868 56 Multi-echo 3D Hybrid Radial SSFP Cardiac CINE Imaging for Whole Heart Coverage in a Single Breathhold Jing Liu1, Oliver Wieben1, Scott Reeder1, Walter Block1 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
14:30 3869 57 Tomas Bjerner1, Charlotte Ebeling Barbier1, Daniel Bjermo1, Lars Lind1, Håkan Ahlström1, Lars Johansson1 1Uppsala University Hospital
14:30 3870 58 Fat-water separation in dynamic objects, applied to cardiac cine imaging. Riad Ababneh1, Bruno Madore2 1Brgham and womens Hospital, 2Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
14:30 3871 59 Influence of pulmonary regurgitation inequality on differential perfusion of the lungs in tetralogy of Fallot post-repair: a phase-contrast MRI and perfusion scintigraphy study - not available Ming-Ting Wu1, Cheng-Wen Ko2, Yi-Ru Lin3, Yi-Luan Huang1, Kai-Sheng Hsieh1 1Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, 2National Sun Yat-sen University,, 3National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
14:30 3872 60 Contrast Enhanced Coronary MR Angiography using Vasovist ® - Comparison with T2 prepared bSSFP Acquisition in Pigs Carsten Warmuth1, Michael Reinhardt2, Jörg Schnorr3 1Siemens Medical Solutions, 2Schering AG, 3Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Xin Liu1, Xiaoming Bi2, Nondas Leloudas1, Amanda Hitchell1, Aya Kino1, Chris Francois1, Debiao Li1, James Carr1 1Northwestern University, 2Siemens Medical Solutions
Martin Ugander1, Mikael Kanski1, Henrik Engblom1, Matthias Gotberg1, Goran Olivecrona1, David Erlinge1, Hakan Arheden1 1Lund University Hospital
15:00 3875 55 Flow-Sensitive Inversion-Prepared SSFP Coronary MR Angiography Marcus Katoh1, Elmar Spuentrup2, Harald Kuhl2, Matthias Stuber3, Rolf Gunther2, Rene Botnar4 1University Hospital Saarland, 2University Hospital RWTH Aachen, 3Johns Hopkins University Medical School, 4Technical University Munich
15:00 3876 56 High-Resolution 3D Breath-hold Coronary Artery Imaging at 3T using Wideband SSFP Hsu-Lei Lee1, Ajit Shankaranarayanan2, Gerald Pohost1, Krishna Nayak1 1University of Southern California, 2GE Healthcare
15:00 3877 57 Image-Based Coronary Tracking and Beat-to-Beat Motion Compensation for Robust Coronary MR Angiography Maneesh Dewan1, Michael Caylus2, Li Pan2, Gregory Hager1, Christine Lorenz2 1Johns Hopkins University, 2Siemens Corporate Research
15:00 3878 58 3T SENSE navigator coronary MRA: targeted volume vs whole heart acquisitions Shixin Chang1, Shuguang Hu2, Yi Wang3 1Dongfang Hospital Tongji University, 2Philips Medical Systems, 3Cornell University
15:00 3879 59 Real-Time Adaptation of TI and Flip Angles in Inversion Prepared Coronary Angiography Carsten Warmuth1 1Siemens Medical Solutions
15:00 3880 60 Optimization of extravascular contrast injection parameters to prolong data acquisition window for coronary MRA at 3T Vibhas Deshpande1, Gerhard Laub1 1Siemens Medical Solutions |