Industrial Perspectives on Technology Implementation

John Kurhanewicz, Ph.D., Qun Chen, Ph.D. Organizers 
Skill Level: Basic

Thursday, 24 May


This course is designed to provide insight into the process of working with industry for the implementation of new imaging technologies. The expert speakers will identify and explain key issues associated with collaborations between academia and industry and there will be a 30 minute “roundtable discussion” with the goal of identifying current obstacles and providing potential solutions for implementing new MR techniques on commercial scanners.

Educational Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

•  Describe how MR product road-map decisions are made in industry.
•  Explain the impact of emerging markets on new MR technology development.
•  Describe Intellectual property issues and patents.
•  Summarize the role of industry in supporting clinical trials.
•  Explain the role of Industry in grant funding.

Audience Description

This course is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, MR scientists, and clinicians involved in the implementation of new MR techniques on commercial MR scanners. Participants at all levels of experience in MR technology development should find this course interesting.

13:30 MR Technology Implementation - Research Perspective Daniel B. Vigneron, Ph.D.
13:55 MR Technology Implementation - Research Collaborations Ruud de Boer, Ph.D.
14:20 MR Technology Implementation - Emerging Markets Min Xue, Ph.D.  
14:45 MR Technology Implementation - Industrial Perspective Michael Wood, Ph.D., M.B.A. 
15:10 Roundtable Discussion - Current Obstacles and All speakers and Qun Chen, Ph.D.
New Directions      
15:30 Adjourn