Practical Safety: Safety in Practice

Organizer:  David G. Norris, Ph.D.
Skill level: Basic



The course will provide current information and practical recommendations for maintaining a safe magnetic environment, both now and in the future.  The subjects covered will include the most topical and controversial issues in MR safety:  screening; accidents and prevention;  RF heating and burns; contrast agents; issues at very high field; interventional safety as well as current regulatory issues, with an emphasis on the situation in the EU.  

Educational Objectives

At the conclusion of the course the participants should be able to:
Describe how accidents have arisen in the past and how they could have been avoided;
Describe situations in which an investigation should not be undertaken;
Recommend appropriate actions to deal with adverse reactions of contrast agents;
List implications of implementation of current ICNIRP guidelines;
Explain how new legislation is going to affect the regulatory environment in Europe;  and
Describe future safety challenges pertaining to very high static magnetic field strengths and interventional MR.

Audience Description

Clinicians, physicists and technicians involved in day-to-day MR practice.

The final five minutes of each  presentation will be reserved for questions.  
Tuesday, 22 May:   Learn from the past or repeat it:    
7:00  What we can learn from the case histories of Joel P. Felmlee, Ph.D.
7:30 Avoiding disasters with RF burns: Ergin Atalar, Ph.D.
8:00 Adjournment    
Wednesday, 23 May:  Safety at the front line    
7:00 Safe examinations in practice: when is it safe to Ann M. Sawyer, B.S., R.T.
7:30 Contrast agents: Adverse reactions in current and Val M. Runge, M.D.
  future practice    
8:00 Adjournment    
Thursday, 24 May:  The regulatory environment:  Note:  The sequence of the speaker's talks has been changed from the printed program.    
7:00 When ICNIRP guidelines become reality: the consequences for patient care Gabriel-Paul Krestin, M.D.
7:30 Update on European regulatory environment: Stephen F. Keevil, Ph.D. 
8:00 Adjournment    
Friday, 25 May:  New horizons    
7:00 Overview of high field safety considerations: Penny A. Gowland, Ph.D.
7:30 Interventional practice: the environment of the future Stephen G. Hushek, Ph.D.
8:00 Adjournment