Preparing for MRI and MR Guided Interventions

Cindy R. Comeau B.S., R.T.(N)(MR), Charles T. Stanley CRA, R.T. (R)(CT)(MR),
Clare Tempany, M.D., Organizers
Skill Level: Intermediate

This two-hour forum will consist of an overview of the technical and clinical aspects of preparing patients for MR guided interventions. Technologists, Registered Nurses and MRI scientists will be the educators who will address the practical challenges faced. Each presentation will focus on the “how to” of preparing patients for specific MR guided interventions. Also addressed will be the safety measures required to ensure a safe environment for the patient, technologist, and physician. The program will conclude with an interactive panel discussion of case presentations.

Educational objectives
Upon completion of this session participants should be able to:
describe new approaches to ensuring a safe MR environment;
optimally prepare the patient for the MR examination and intervention;
describe the role of the MR nurse; and
deal appropriately with complex MR Intervention cases.

Audience Description
This session is designed for radiological technologists, radiographers, MR trainees, and general audience.

14:00 Introduction  
14:00 Case Presentations Angela Kanan, BSN, RN,CNOR,CRN
14:10 Making MR Safe for our Patients, Technologists and Doctors Derek L.G. Hill, Ph.D.
14:40 MR imaging and navigation methods for MR guided  Janice Fairhurst, R.T.(R)(MR)
interventionsl procedures.  
15:10 Patient  Preparation and Care for Cardiac MR and Stress  Maureen N. Hood, M.S., R.N., R.T.(R)(MR)
15:40 Case Presentations and Panel Discussion:  
Angela Kanan, R.N., Moderator;  Janice Fairhurst, R.T., Maureen N. Hood, M.S., R.N., R.T.(R)(MR), 
Derek L. G. Hill, Ph.D., Discussants  
16:00 Adjournment