MR Angiography: On and Off Resonance

Stage Hall     16:30 - 18:30         Chairs: Georg Bongartz and Mitsui Miyazaki


Prog #

16:30 174.

A New Method to Visualize Vessels. Off-Resonance Angiography.

Grigorios Korosoglou1, Saurabh Shah1, Evertjan Vonken1, Wesley D. Gilson1, Mike Schar1, Lijun Tang1, Robert G. Weiss1, David Sosnovik2, Dara L. Kraitchman1, Ralf Weissleder2, Matthias Stuber1

1Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

16:42 175.

Gadolinium-Enhanced Off Resonance Contrast Angiography

Robert R. Edelman1, 2, Pippa Storey1, Eugene Dunkle1, Wei Li1, Andres Carrillo3, Anthony Vu3, Timothy Carroll2

1Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Evanston, Illinois, USA; 2Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA; 3GE Healthcare, Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA

16:54 176.

Radial Off Resonance Contrast Angiography

Hyun Jeong1, Ty A. Cashen1, Robert R. Edelman2, 3, Timothy John Carroll1, 3

1Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA; 2Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Evanston, Illinois, USA; 3Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA

17:06 177.

A Study of MRI Contrast Agent Effects on the Proton Resonance Frequency and on T2*

Ludovic de Rochefort1, Ryan Brown1, Martin R. Prince1, Yi Wang1

1Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York, USA

17:18 178.

Comparison of Phase-Sensitive and Alternating Repetition Time SSFP for Flow-Independent Peripheral Angiography

Tolga Cukur1, Jin Hyung Lee1, Neal Kepler Bangerter1, Brian Andrew Hargreaves1, Dwight George Nishimura1

1Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA

17:30 179.

Non-Contrast-Enhanced Renal MRA Using Time-Spatial Labeling Pulse (T-SLIP) with 3D Balanced SSFP

Junichi Takahashi1, Yoshinari Tsuji1, Yusuke Hamada1, Takashi Yoshida1, H Suzuki1, Sachiko Isono2, Ayako Ninomiya2, Yuichi Yamashita2, Masao Yui2, Yoshimori Kassai2, Mitsue Miyazaki, 23

1Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo, Japan; 2Toshiba Medical Systems Corp., Tokyo, Japan; 3Toshiba America Medical Systems, Rolling Meadows, Illinois, USA

17:42 180.

Flow-Saturation-Preparation Pulse for Lower Extremity Non-Contrast-Agent MR Angiography

Mitsuharu Miyoshi1, Tetsuji Tsukamoto1

1GE Yokogawa Medical Systems, Hino, Tokyo, Japan

17:54 181.

Time-Resolved MR Angiography with Limited Projections

Yuexi Huang1, Graham A. Wright1, 2

1University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

18:06 182.

Ultra-High Resolution Peripheral MRA with K-Space Segmentation Featuring a Blood-Pool Contrast Agent

and Venous Suppression

Sonja Kinner1, Michael O. Zenge1, Florian M. Vogt1, Birayet Ucan1, Mark E. Ladd1, Jörg Barkhausen1, Harald H. Quick1

1University Hospital Essen, Essen, NRW, Germany

18:18 183.

Fast and Quantitative Imaging of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Ulrike Blume1, James Orbell2, Matthew Waltham2, Alberto Smith2, Kevin Burnand2, Reza Razavi1, Tobias Schaeffter1

1Division of Imaging Science, King's College London, UK; 2Cardiovascular Division St. Thomas' Hospital, London, UK