Improving BOLD fMRI
Hall 14.2/Oslo 10:30 - 12:30 Chairs: Oliver Speck and Nikolaus Weiskopf
Time |
Prog # |
10:30 | 691. |
Twofold Improvement in Single-Shot EPI Efficiency Using Echo Shifting and Parallel Imaging Oliver Speck1, 2, Maxim Zaitsev2, Kai Zhong2 1Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany; 2University Hospital Feiburg, Freiburg, Germany
10:42 | 692. |
Automatic Compensation of Local Susceptibility-Induced Signal Loss in EPI Using a Common Gradient Template and Automatic Slice Positioning - not available Jochen Rick1, Kai Zhong1, Michael von Mengershausen2, Oliver Speck, 13 1University
Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Max-Planck-Institute for
Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany; 3Otto-von-Guericke
University, Magdeburg, Germany |
10:54 | 693. |
Heiko Schmiedeskamp1, 2, Laura J. Pisani2, Chunlei Lui2, Christine Law2, Klaas P. Pruessmann1, Gary H. Glover2, Roland Bammer2 1ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 2Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
11:06 | 694. |
Full-Brain Coverage and High-Resolution Imaging Capabilities of Passband SSFP fMRI at 3 T Jin Hyung Lee1, Serge O. Dumoulin1, Gary H. Glover1, Brian A. Wandell1, Dwight G. Nishimura1, John M. Pauly1 1Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
11:18 | 695. |
Characterization of Passband SSFP FMRI: A Comparison with GRE at Multiple Field Strengths Karla L. Miller1 1Oxford University, Oxford, UK
11:30 | 696. |
Analysis of the BOLD Signal Characteristics in Balanced SSFP fMRI: A Monte-Carlo Simulation Taek Soo Kim1, Jongho Lee1, John Mark Pauly1 1Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
11:42 | 697. |
A New Complex Data Analysis Method for Transition-Band SSFP fMRI (BOSS fMRI) Jongho Lee1, Morteza Shahram2, Armin Schwartzman3, John M. Pauly1 1Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA; 2Stanford University., Stanford, California, USA;3Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
11:54 | 698. |
Improved Physiological Noise Modelling Reveals Expected Pattern of Pain-Related Spinal Cord Activation Jonathan Brooks1, Mark Jenkinson1, Karla L. Miller1, Stuart Clare1, Irene Tracey1 1Oxford University, Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK
12:06 | 699. |
Noise Reduction in Combined EEG/fMRI Using a Vector Beamformer Matthew Jon Brookes1, Karen Julia Mullinger1, Claire Michelle Stevenson1, Peter Gordon Morris1, Richard William Bowtell1 1University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
12:18 | 700. |
Bayesian Inference of Multi-Modal Perfusion fMRI Data Adrian Richard Groves1, Thomas T. Liu2, Mark W. Woolrich1 1University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; 2University of California, San Diego, California, USA |