Imaging Tissue Damage and Repair After Stroke

Hall 4/5     11:00 - 13:00         Chairs: James R. Ewing and Stephen J. Blackband


Prog #

11:00 63.

Quantification of Cerebral Vascular Volume After Stroke in a Rat Model Using an Intravascular Contrast Agent

 and Steady State MRI

Jeff F. Dunn1, Debora A. Kelly1, Wayne Plahta1, Zonghang Zhao1

1University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada

11:12 64.

Progression of Magnetization Transfer Ratio Changes Following Cerebral Hypoxia-Ischemia in Neonatal Rats:

Comparison of Mild and Moderate Injury Models

Ursula I. Tuor1, 2, Shuzhen Meng2, Min Qiao3, Nicole Webster2, Shauna Crowley2, Tadeusz Foniok3

1Institute for Biodiagnostics West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 2University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 3Institute for Biodiagnostics West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

11:24 65.

Acute Ischaemic Stroke in Rat Imaged by T and T MRI Using Adiabatic Pulses - not available

Kimmo Jokivarsi1, Shalom Michaeli2, Michael Garwood2, Risto A. Kauppinen3, Olli H.J. Gröhn1

1University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland; 2University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; 3University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

11:36 66.

White Matter Reorganization After Stroke Measured by Gaussian DTI, Q-Ball, and PAS MRI

Quan Jiang1, 2, Daniel C. Alexander3, Guang Liang Ding1, Zheng Gang Zhang1, 2, Siamak Pourabdollah Nejad D. 1, Li Zhang1, Lian Li1, Jiani Hu4, Hassan Bagher-Ebadian1, James R. Ewing1, 2, Michael Chopp1, 2

1Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan, USA; 2Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA; 3University College London, London, UK; 4Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA

11:48 67.

Comparison of DTI and Growth-Associated Protein Expression as Markers of Neuronal Plasticity After Stroke

Cristina Granziera1, 2, Helen D'Arceuil2, Laila Zai3, Larry Benowitz3, Gregory Alma Sorensen2, Alex de Crespigny2

1CHUV, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland; 2NMR-MGH Center, Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA; 3Childrens' Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

12:00 68.

MEMRI Provides Morphological Correlate of Functional Deficits Observed by fMRI in Experimental Stroke

Carlos Justicia1, Pedro Ramos1, Mathias Hoehn1

1Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany

12:12 69.

Reversible Loss of N-Acetyl Aspartate After Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats:

A Longitudinal Study by Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Junchao Qian1, 2, Hao Lei1

1Wuhan Institute of Physics & Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China; 2Philips and Neusoft Medical Systems Co., Ltd., Shenyang, Liaoning, People’s Republic of China

12:24 70.

Causality Analysis Using Resting State BOLD fMRI in Normal and Ischemic Rat Brains

Young R. Kim1, Bharat B. Biswal2, Bruce R. Rosen1

1Athinoula Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging/Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA; 2UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School/ Department of Radiology, Newark, New Jersey, USA

12:36 71. WITHDRAWN
12:48 72.

Quantitative Prediction of Ischemic Tissue Fates: Incorporating Spatial Information to Improve Prediction Accuracy

Qiang Shen1, Timothy Q. Duong1

                                1Emory Unviersity, Atlanta, Georgia, USA