W. S. Moore
The W.S. Moore Award is given for original clinical research in magnetic resonance.
This includes studies of applications of established MR methodologies, using either human
or animal subjects. Examples include manuscripts reporting new applications of MR contrast
agents, optimization of scanning protocols, new clinical applications of MRI, or results
of clinical trials.

L to R, Sebastian Cerdan, ESMRMB President, Reza Nezafat,
Winner, Jeffrey L. Duerk. ISMRM President)
Reza Nezafat
"Coronary Magnetic Resonance Vein Imaging"
Thomas A. Hope
Comparison of Flow Patterns in Ascending Aortic Aneurysms and
Using Four-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Velocity Mapping"
Iga Muradian |
"Human Regional Pulmonary Gas Exchange with Xenon Polarization
Transfer (XTC)"
I. I. Rabi Award
The I.I. Rabi Award is given for original basic research in
magnetic resonance, such as reports of new MR methodologies.

L to R, Sebastian Cerdan, ESMRMB President, Tobias Block,
Winner, Jeffrey L. Duerk. ISMRM President)
Tobias Block
"Undersampled Radial MRI with Multiple Coils. Iterative Image
Reconstuction Using
a Total Variation Constraint"
Chunlei Liu
"Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Arbitrary Trajectories
using k-Space Sparse Matrices"
James P. O'Connor
"Organ-specific Effects of Oxygen and Carbogen Gas Inhalation on
Tissue Longitudinal Relaxation Times"