Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB ~ 19-25 May 2007

Exhibitor Welcome

Dear Exhibitor,

It is with great pleasure that we invite your company to exhibit at the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB -- 2007, to take place at the ICC Berlin in Germany, 19-25 May 2007.

Exposure   By exhibiting with the ISMRM-ESMRMB, you will enjoy unsurpassed e
xposure to the world's top MR experts.  We showcase our exhibitors in our meeting publications and on our web site, and do our best to ensure excellent booth traffic by inviting all attendees into the exhibit hall for coffee breaks and access to the internet cafe and lounge.

Sponsorship   We are delighted to offer multiple opportunities for our exhibitors to increase their presence at our meeting.  Not only are a number of key meeting items available for sponsorship, but we are happy to discuss your ideas for promoting your company. Roberta A. Kravitz, ISMRM Executive Director, will work with you directly to find ways to maximize your involvement in our meeting.  To contact Roberta, please call +1.510.841.1899, or send a message to

Publisher discount   As in the past, we are pleased to offer publishers a discounted booth rental fee.  Please submit your company description to us via email in order to qualify, before submitting your application/contract for exhibit space.

Housing   Once again, Convention Housing Management (CHM) has been appointed to work with you on securing accommodations for your booth personnel.  We require all exhibitors to go through CHM in order to book their housing, and will deduct priority points if other methods are used.  We work closely with CHM to ensure the lowest prices in hotels we personally inspect in order to guarantee quality.

Exhibitor functions   Remember, all social functions must be pre-approved by the ISMRM, well in advance of the meeting.  Please complete a Function Space Request form (available in the service kit) for each event you wish to hold in Berlin over the dates of our meeting and send it in to Katie Simmons' attention (fax: +1 (510) 841-2340; email  Katie will work with you to secure adequate function space in a preferred venue.

Updates  To keep you updated, we will continue sending electronic newsletters to our exhibitors throughout the planning process.  To add your colleagues to our email list, please simply send Katie their email addresses.

Questions?  We are all here to assist you in the months ahead.  Please feel free to contact us with your questions.

Join us!   Click here to access the Application/Contract for Technical Exhibit Space

We look forward to welcoming you to Berlin in May!


Roberta A. Kravitz
ISMRM Executive Director

Katie Simmons
ISMRM Director of Meetings
Anselm Engle
ISMRM Meetings Assistant

