Room/Exhibitor Meetings request form due to the ISMRM office.
Forms will be available in the service kit.
*Company Description for the ISMRM Guide to the
Exhibition due to the ISMRM office. Proofs will be sent to exhibitors
for completion in advance of deadline. Please note this is a mandatory requirement
for all exhibitors.
Reservation and artwork deadline for advertising
space in the Guide to the Exhibition. Further information will be
available in the service kit.
Billing information form (available in the service kit) due to the ISMRM
certificate/proof of insurance due to the ISMRM
office. The
certificate must be valid through the dates of the show and include ISMRM as
an added insured. Please note this is a mandatory requirement
for all exhibitors.
Notification of Intent to Use Exhibitor Appointed
Contractor form due to the ISMRM office. Further information and the
EAC form will be provided in the service kit. If information is not
available at this time, show organizers and management must be advised at
least 30 days in advance of the show if an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor
will provide service.
Final announcement of booth space assignments.
30 March
Exhibitor registration forms due to the ISMRM.
Forms will be provided in the service kit.
Guest Voucher order form due to ISMRM. Forms will be provided in
the service kit.
30 days
prior to show
*Diagram of booth
space, if space ordered exceeds 9 square meters. All diagrams will be
reviewed by the ISMRM and its Exhibition Manager to ensure compliance
with rules, regulations, and fire codes. If booth plan has not
been finalized at the time application/contract is submitted, please
notify the ISMRM and provide a date at least 30 (thirty) days prior to
the start of the exhibition when the diagram can be expected.
Exhibitor personnel badges mailed to Official Representatives.