Lung Imaging |
Monday 20 April 2009 |
Room 316A |
11:00-13:00 |
Moderators: |
Bastiaan Driehuys and Tessa Sundarem Cook |
11:00 |
3. |
Young Investigator Award
Three Dimensional Imaging of
Ventilation Dynamics in Obstructive Lung Disease |
James H. Holmes1,
Rafael L. O'Halloran1, Ethan K. Brodsky1,2,
Thorsten A. Bley2, Christopher J.
Francois2, Julia V. Velikina1,
Ronald L. Sorkness3, William W. Busse3,
Sean B. Fain1,2
of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI, USA; 2Department of
Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
WI, USA; 3Department of Medicine,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA |
Whole-lung 3D imaging of respiration dynamics and
gas trapping in asthma is demonstrated using
hyperpolarized He-3 gas in combination with an
accelerated data acquisition and constrained
reconstruction. This technique enables the
acquisition of a wealth of information on inflow and
exhalation kinetics as well as breathhold
ventilation defects, while readily accommodating
individual patients’ breathhold capabilities, all
within a single comprehensive maneuver. Volunteer
studies show agreement with plethysmography and MDCT.
However, an advantage of this technique is that it
enables regional depiction of dynamic gas trapping
in a setting more comparable to a spirometry
maneuver, unlike MDCT. |
11:20 |
4. |
Single Acquisition
Time-Resolved T2* Mapping in
Lungs Using HYPR 3He MRI |
Katarzyna Cieslar1, Achraf Al Faraj1,
Sophie Gaillard1, Yannick Crémillieux1
1Université de Lyon, CREATIS-LRMN, UMR CNRS 5220 INSERM U630,
Lyon, France |
Local T2* measurement of
HP 3He in the lung can serve as a potential
diagnostic biomarker of tissue microstucture
changes. Standard T2* mapping protocol at different
lung inflation state involves multiple gas
inhalations. In this study, T2* mapping protocol
combining HYPR reconstruction and spontaneous
breathing ventilation was implemented. The protocol,
validated on rats, was designed for single
acquisition of multiple echo time ventilation images
obtained at different inflation states of the lung.
The variations of T2* measured at different
breathing phases at tidal volume demonstrate the
sensitivity of the technique for detecting changes
in the 3He physical environment. |
11:32 |
5. |
Single Breath-Hold 3D
Q-Space Imaging of Lung Structures Using He-3 MRI |
Rafael Luis O'Halloran1, James H.
Holmes1,2, Yu-Chien Wu3,4,
Andrew L. Alexander1, Sean B. Fain1,4
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, USA; 2Applied Science
Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA; 3Waisman
Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA; 4Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA |
A 3D undersampled
stack-of-stars q-space MRI acquisition using
hyperpolarized helium-3 was performed in asthmatic
adults (n=10), healthy adults (n=4), and healthy
children (n=3). Q-space data were fit to a Gaussian
function providing maps of the mean structure size.
The mean structure size in the adult subjects was
333 ± 23 µm, while the structure size in the
children was 312 ± 9 µm agreeing with the known age
dependence of lung structure size. The acquisition
was also performed in a healthy volunteer at three
inhalation volumes. Structure size was observed to
increase with lung volume. |
11:44 |
6. |
In Vivo Lung
Elastography with Hyperpolarized Helium-3 MRI |
Xavier Maître1,
Ralph Sinkus2, Roberta Santarelli1,
Mathieu Sarracanie1, Rose-Marie Dubuisson1,
Emeline Boriasse1, Emmanuel Durand1,
Luc Darrasse1, Jacques Bittoun1
de Recherche en Résonance Magnétique Médicale
(UMR8081), Univ Paris-Sud, CNRS, Orsay, France;
2Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique (UMR 7587),
ESPCI, Univ Denis Diderot, CNRS, Paris, France
The viscoelastic
properties of human tissue depend on its structures,
biological conditions, and related pathologies. In
the lung parenchyma, these properties participate in
the basic function of the organ. They are
dramatically altered by diseases like cancer,
emphysema, asthma, or interstitial fibrosis. Besides
tactual exploration, there is no other non-invasive
technique to assess such changes. This work aims to
produce a novel measurement tool based on magnetic
resonance imaging of hyperpolarised helium-3 to
monitor the mechanical properties of the lung, which
allow mapping of its compliance and relating it to
pathology. We demonstrate its feasibility in vivo. |
11:56 |
7. |
Compressed Sensing
for Hyperpolarized 3He 3D ADC
Measurements |
Lise Vejby Søgaard1, Torsten Dorniok1,
Frederik Hengstenberg1,2, Sergei Karpuk3,
Jørgen Vestbo2, Per Åkeson1,
Peter Magnusson1
1Danish Research Centre for Magnetic
Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre,
Denmark; 2Department of Cardiology and
Respiratory Medicine, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark; 3Institute
of Physics, University of Mainz, Germany |
The feasibility of
applying compressed sensing methods to
hyperpolarized 3He apparent diffusion
coefficient measurements was investigated. Fully
sampled 3D k-space data from one healthy subject and
three COPD patients were undersampled and
reconstructed by compressed sensing methods. We
expect that the method can be used to either
decrease scan time (breath-hold) or increase spatial
resolution which will be especially important in
longitudinal studies of lung disease progression. |
12:08 |
8. |
Parallel Acquisition
as a Key for Rapid High Resolution 3He-ADC Imaging
Maxim V. Terekhov1, Julien Rivoire1,
Florian M. Meise1, Davide Santoro1,
Wolfgang G. Schreiber1
1Department of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology, Section of Medical
Physics, Mainz University Medical School, Mainz,
Germany |
Apparent Diffusion
Coefficient (ADC) of hyperpolarized 3He-gas in lungs
is a proven method of non-invasive probing the
integrity of the lung’s microstructure. The
essential problem of efficiency of 3He-ADC-imaging
as the diagnostic tool is the poor localisation of
integrity defects due to low spatial resolution of
ADC-maps. The purpose of current work is to
demonstrate the possibilities, provided by the
phased-array parallel acquisition (32ch) for
improving the efficiency of 3He ADC-measurements
including creating full-3D ADC-maps. The second
important task is making comparison of different
methods of reconstruction the undersampled imaging
datasets (e.g. mSENSE and GRAPPA) to get optimal
quality ADC-image. |
12:20 |
9. |
XTC MRI at 1.5T and 3T |
Kai Ruppert1,
Yulin Chang1, Talissa A. Altes1,
Isabel M. Dregely2, Stephen Ketel3,
Iulian C. Ruset2,3, Jaime F. Mata1,
F William Hersman2,3, John P. Mugler III1
1Radiology, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, VA, USA;
2Physics, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH, USA; 3Xemed LLC, Durham, NH,
Hyperpolarized xenon-129
spectroscopy has revealed at least two
dissolved-phase compartments in the lung: xenon
bound to hemoglobin and xenon dissolved in lung
tissue and blood plasma. In this work we demonstrate
the feasibility of obtaining gas-phase
depolarization maps in humans using Xenon
polarization Transfer Contrast (XTC) MRI by
selectively inverting the magnetization in one of
the two compartments. Preliminary results at 1.5T
and 3T are presented. These findings will
considerably increase the specificity of XTC MRI for
the detection of pathological lung function changes. |
12:32 |
10. |
Enhanced MRI of Lung Perfusion and Ventilation by
Fourier Decomposition |
Grzegorz Bauman1,
Michael Puderbach2, Michael Deimling3,
Vladimir Jellus3, Christophe Chefd'hotel4,
Hans-Ulrich Kauczor5, Lothar Schad6
Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center,
Heidelberg, Germany; 2Department of
Radiology, German Cancer Research Center,
Heidelberg, Germany; 3Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany; 4Siemens Corporate
Research, Princeton, NJ, USA; 5Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; 6Computer
Clinical Assisted Medicine, University of
Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany |
We showed the
feasibility and reproducibility of a novel approach
for non-contrast enhanced perfusion and ventilation
assessment in proton MRI. The Fourier Decomposition
method was implemented on a 1.5T clinical MR scanner
and applied in a healthy volunteer study. A fast
steady-state free precession (SSFP) pulse sequence
was used to produce 2D time-resolved data stacks.
Non-rigid image registration and spectral analysis
of the data allowed separating the signal from the
lung parenchyma and pulsative blood to generate
ventilation and perfusion maps. The presented method
requires only minimal patient compliance and is not
dependent on triggering techniques. |
12:44 |
11. |
Ultra-Short Echo Time
(UTE) MR Imaging of the Lung: Comparison Between
Normal and Emphysematous Mice
Masaya Takahashi1, Osamu Togao1,
Makoto Obara2, Marc van Cauteren2,
Yoshiharu Ohno3, Craig Malloy1,
Makoto Kuro-o4, Ivan Dimitrov1,5
Imaging Research Center, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA; 2Philips
Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan; 3Radiology,
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Hyogo,
Japan; 4Pathology, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA; 5Philips
Medical Systems, Cleveland, OH, USA |
The recent development
of techniques has made possible detailed,
non-invasive imaging of pulmonary parenchyma. The
utility of ultra-short TE (UTE) imaging in
conjunction with projection acquisition of the free
inducting decay helps to acquire the MR signal from
the lung parenchyma. It allows us to reduce TE up to
less than 100 µsec to minimize signal decay caused
by short T2 relaxation time, and brings high SNR
rather than a conventional FFT short echo image
sequence. Here we report our measure of short T2
relaxation time of the lung in the wild-type and
emphysematous mice using three-dimensional UTE
imaging. |