Image Reconstruction: Dynamic Imaging & Phase Mapping |
Wednesday 22 April 2009 |
Room 313BC |
16:00-18:00 |
Moderators: |
Ricardo Otazo and John Pauly |
16:00 |
557. |
Reconstruction Strategies for
MRI with Simultaneous Excitation and Acquisition |
Markus Weiger1,
Klaas Paul Pruessmann2, Franek Hennel3
1Bruker BioSpin AG, Faellanden, Switzerland;
2Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland;
3Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany |
The concept of
simultaneous excitation and acquisition (SEA)
introduced with the SWIFT technique enables MRI of
samples with very short T2 also under B1
constraints. Here, new reconstruction strategies are
reported that address the specific encoding scheme
of SEA in a general way, providing an exact and
flexible reconstruction procedure. Artefact-free SEA
images acquired with 50 kHz bandwidth and 10 µs echo
time are presented. |
16:12 |
558. |
k-T PCA: Temporally
Constrained k-T BLAST Reconstruction Using
Principal Component Analysis |
Henrik Pedersen1,
Sebastian Kozerke2
1Functional Imaging Unit, Glostrup Hospital,
Glostrup, Denmark; 2Institute for
Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland |
The k-t BLAST technique
has become widespread for achieving faster dynamic
MRI. In its basic form k-t BLAST speeds up the data
acquisition by undersampling k-t space and resolves
the resulting aliasing in the reciprocal x-f space
using an adaptive filter derived from low-resolution
training images. However, this filtering process
tends to increase the reconstruction error or lower
the achievable acceleration factor. We show that
temporal basis functions calculated by subjecting
the training data to principal component analysis (PCA)
can be used to constrain the reconstruction such
that the temporal resolution is improved. The
presented method is called k-t PCA. |
16:24 |
559. |
Technique for Reconstruction
Based on Intensity Order (TRIO) Applied as a Second
Stage for Dynamic MRI Reconstruction |
Leonardo Ramírez1,2,
Claudia Prieto3, Cristian Tejos1,2,
Marcelo Guarini1,2, Pablo Irarrazaval1,2
1Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago,
Chile; 2Biomedical Imaging Center,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago,
Chile; 3Division of Imaging Sciences,
King's College London, London, UK |
Recently, a Technique
for Reconstruction based on Intensity Order (TRIO)
has been proposed which uses the intensity order of
the pixels of an image to reconstruct undersampled
data. This work introduces the use of TRIO as a
second stage reconstruction to improve the results
obtained from traditional undersampled
reconstruction algorithms. The effects of incorrect
estimation of the intensity order on the results are
also discussed, showing that TRIO reconstruction is
dependant on the quality of the intensity order
information but always achieving improvements in the
reconstruction. |
16:36 |
560. |
Accelerating Dynamic MRI Via
Spatially Varying Causal Windows |
Uygar Sümbül1,
Juan Manuel Santos, John Mark Pauly1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, USA |
A causal,
pixel-dependent exponential decay window is
suggested to improve time series reconstruction. The
study is motivated by the observation that many
image pixels change slowly over time, while a few
pixels experience rapid changes. The window
interpretation is realized via a Kalman filter based
algorithm. This fast statistical algorithm decreases
the temporal blur of the sliding window
reconstruction. Moreover, the algorithm handles
arbitrary readout trajectories and multiple coils
naturally. |
16:48 |
561. |
Motion Adaptive HYPR: An
Algorithm for Dynamic Imaging Applications |
Lauren Keith1,
Alexei Samsonov1, Orhan Unal1,
Dana Peters2, Charles Mistretta1,3,
Julia Velikina1
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA; 2Harvard
University, Boston, MA, USA; 3Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA |
algorithms provide means for reconstructing images
with high SNR and high spatial resolution from
undersampled datasets. However, the conventional
formation of the composite image makes applications
to dynamic imaging difficult. HYPR MA circumvents
the problem of blurring due to object motion by
computing a composite image in an alternate fashion.
Using this technique, dynamic images can be
reconstructed with high SNR, high spatial
resolution, and high temporal resolution.
Applications to cardiac imaging and catheter
tracking are shown. |
17:00 |
562. |
Integration of Higher-Order
Dynamic Fields Into MR Image Reconstruction |
Bertram Jakob Wilm1,
Christoph Barmet1, Matteo Pavan1,
Peter Boesiger1, Klaas Paul Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland |
Recent improvements in
magnetic field monitoring opened up the possibility
of capturing higher-order dynamic field evolution,
providing the necessary information to correct for
the image distortions they cause. In the present
work a technique for higher order field
reconstruction is introduced and demonstrated for
diffusion weighted EPI. It has been found that eddy
currents of diffusion gradients can induce
considerable higher-order field perturbations,
causing residual error in conventional first-order
reconstruction. Higher-order reconstruction largely
eliminated these errors in phantom and in-vivo
experiments. |
17:12 |
563. |
Effects of Discrete and Finite
Sampling in PatLoc Imaging |
Gerrit Schultz1,
Maxim Zaitsev1, Jürgen Hennig1
1Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical
Physics, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany |
Discrete and finite
sampling leads to the well known truncation
artifacts, which include ringing and possibly
aliasing. In PatLoc imaging the gradients are
replaced by nonlinear, non-bijective encoding
fields. In this case no trivial mapping from
frequency space to image space exists. It turns out
that the truncation artifacts appear in frequency
space in principle in the usual way. The shape of
the encoding fields then determines how these
artifacts translate into image space. The purpose of
this work is to examine these properties and
illustrate them with simulation data. One
application of this finding is accelerated imaging
using PatLoc and SENSE imaging in combination. |
17:24 |
564. |
Low-Resolution Spectral Cost
Function for Field Map Estimation |
Kristin L. Granlund1,2,
Bruce L. Daniel1, Brian A. Hargreaves1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
USA; 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, USA |
Spiral imaging is very
sensitive to field inhomogeneity and, therefore, is
significantly improved by off-resonance correction.
Generating an accurate field map is essential to
correcting for B0 field variations. In this work, we
use low-resolution spectra to estimate
off-resonance, which is then used to perform
multi-frequency water/fat separation for spiral
breast imaging. |
17:36 |
565. |
Rapid Fieldmap Estimation for Cardiac Shimming |
Saurabh Shah1,
Peter Kellman2, Andreas Greiser3,
Peter J. Weale1, Sven Zuehlsdorff1,
Renate Jerecic1
1Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Chicago,
IL, USA; 2National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA; 3Siemens AG Healthcare
Sector, Erlangen, Germany |
Accurate field map
estimation is the first step towards an improved
cardiac shimming. Field map estimation in the heart
is challenging due to the presence of cardiac and
respiratory motion, and blood flow effects. In this
study, the effects of cardiac and respiratory motion
on field map acquisition were investigated using
multi-echo GRE sequence. High resolution field maps
acquired at different cardiac phases were analyzed
to study the effects of cardiac motion. Different
field map acquisition schemes were compared to
derive a rapid non-ECG triggered method with
parallel imaging support, which provides volumetric
coverage around the heart in 5-6 seconds. |
17:48 |
566. |
JIGSAW: Joint Inhomogeneity
Estimation Via Global Segment Assembly for Water-Fat
Separation |
Yi Lu1,
Wenmiao Lu2, Brian Andrew Hargreaves3
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, USA; 2Electrical &
Electronic Engr., Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore, Singapore; 3Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA |
Key to the success of
three-point water-fat separation is reliable
estimation of field inhomogeneities, which remains
difficult in many clinical applications. The
difficulty arises when the spectral field-of-view is
not sufficient to accommodate the field
inhomogeneities, causing aliasing. This work
describes a novel field map estimation technique
called JIGSAW, which is based on belief propagation
(BP) to produce large segments of pixels with smooth
field map values. The field map estimation problem
is then reduced to the assembly of a few large
segments. In vivo results show that JIGSAW
correctly resolves field inhomogeneities in the
presence of spectral aliasing. |