RF Coils & Receivers |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Monday 14:00-16:00 |
2934. Wireless
Local Coil Signal Transmission Using a Parametric Upconverter
Sebastian Martius1, Oliver Heid2,
Markus Vester2, Stephan Biber2, Juergen Nistler2
1Siemens Corporate Technology, Erlangen, Germany; 2Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
A wireless local-coil MRI signal transmission based on a
microwave parametric upconverter was successfully demonstrated for the first
2935. Multi-Purpose,
Multi-Nuclei, Multi-Channel Data Acquisition System
Pekka Sipilä1,2, Rolf Schulte1,
Gerhard Wachutka2, Florian Wiesinger1
1GE Global Research, Munich, Bavaria, Germany; 2Institute for Physics of Electrotechnology, Munich University of Technology, Munich, Germany
Based on off-the-self components, a multi-channel,
multi-purpose data acquisition system with sampling rate up to 100
Msamples/s/channel is described. Except the possible image-reject filtering,
the complete heterodyne receiving is done digitally, and the system can be
applied for multi-nuclear MRI detection beyond 130 MHz.
2936. Using
On-Board Microprocessors to Control a Wireless MR Receiver Array
Matthew J. Riffe1, Jeremiah A. Heilman2,
Natalia Gudino1, Mark A. Griswold3
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; 2Case Western Reserve
University, Physics, Cleveland, OH, USA; 3Radiology, University
Hospitals of Cleveland and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Recently, wireless receiving technology has been gaining
attention as a way to alleviate many of the engineering costs and complexities
associated with modern MR systems. For such systems to become commercially
feasible, a method must be devised to control the new parameters associated
with wireless reception, such as channel identification and spacing. We propose
to use microprocessors to control any wireless MR receiving system. In this
abstract we demonstrate this idea in a simple amplitude modulated wireless
case. It is shown image quality is not adversely affected by this technology.
Low Magnetic Moment PIN Diodes for MR Scanner Applications
Robert Caverly1, William E. Doherty2,
Ronald Watkins3
1Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA; 2Microsemi-Lowell, USA; 3Department of Radiology, Stanford University, USA
A new model for PIN diodes used in MR scanners is
presented and is applicable for devices used in higher field 7T, 9.4T and 11.7T
scanners as well as both transmit control in high RF power MR scanners and
passive blocking and detune functions. The model has been shown to accurately
predict the operation of ULM diodes in these applications and is fully compatible
with industry-standard simulators such as SPICE as well as it variants.
of Noise Figure Measurements by Means of MR Imaging
Jurek A. Nordmeyer-Massner1, Klaas P.
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
The noise figure of a preamplifier reflects the amount
of noise added by this device and must be strictly minimized for MRI detection.
A refined method for noise figure measurements at MR frequencies has recently
been described. The aim of the present work was to cross-validate this method
by means of actual MR measurements. This is achieved on the basis of an
extended model of noise superposition along an MR system’s receive chain,
permitting to track the preamplifier contribution. It is shown that noise
factors thus calculated from image SNR agree very well with bench measurements
of the noise figure.
Probe for Electric Properties of Phantom Liquids
Christian Findeklee1, Gesa Lilith Franke2,
Ulrich Katscher1
1Philips Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany; 2Life Sciences, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
MRI phantoms for system tests or coil design should
behave electrically similar to the patient, and thus, should be made of
materials which have similar electric properties. In this study, a resonant
probe was built up for the determination of electric conductivity and
permittivity of phantom liquids. It is based on a measurement of resonance frequency
and quality factor, which makes it more exact than standard direct methods.
2940. Theory
of Radiation Damping Without the FIlling Factor
James Tropp1
1Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Femont, CA, USA
We write the Bloch-Kirchhoff equations for radiation
damping, replacing one of the usual parameters – the filling factor – by the
probe efficiency, i.e. the radiofrequency field strength divided the square
root of power. Representative calculations are given to predict the linewidth
due to damping of hyperpolarized[1-13C] Pyruvate, at a static field strength of
14.1 tesla.
2941. Large
Field-Of-View in Vivo Imaging Using Traveling Waves on a Whole Body 7 Tesla
Nadine Smith1, Kristina Haines2,
Maarten Versluis1, Andrew Webb1
1Radiology, Leiden University Medical
Center, Leiden, Netherlands; 2Electrical Engineering, Penn State
University, University Park, PA, USA
Human brain images have been obtained using excitation
from a tuned patch antenna placed ~50 cm away from the subject in a whole body
7 tesla scanner. Dielectric loading of the magnet bore by the subject reduces
the cutoff frequency below the Larmor frequency, allowing a traveling wave to
propagate along the bore. Large field-of-view images have been obtained of the
head, neck and shoulders. Although transmission is relatively low efficiency, a
localized phased array can be used as the receiver coil for sensitive detection
and parallel imaging.
2942. Traveling
Wave Imaging of the Human Head at 7 Tesla: Assessment of SNR, Homogeneity and
B1+ Efficiency
Graham Wiggins1, Bei Zhang1, Qi
Duan1, Daniel K. Sodickson1
1Radiology, Center for Biomedical
Imaging, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
In contrast to standard volume coil designs, which set
up a standing wave within the volume of the coil, it is possible with a patch
antenna to excite a traveling wave mode down the entire bore of the scanner. We
assess the utility of this approach for human head imaging at 7 Tesla.
Homogeneity was improved compared to a CP head coil, though results were
subject-dependent. The B1+ efficiency of the patch antenna and the SNR obtained
when it is used in transmit-receive mode were assessed.
2943. Reciprocity
Relations in Travelling Wave MRI
David Otto Brunner1, Klaas Paul Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
NMR signal generation has been generally described by a
generalized or gyrotropic reciprocity relation between sending and receiving
port of the RF probe used. This reciprocity has been profoundly validated in
experiments in which the spins reside within the near-field of the RF probe. In
this work, verification and implications of NMR signal phases in travelling
wave NMR setups are studied. It was found that the axial phase delay inside a
wave guide used for excitation and detection coincides with the phase found in
the NMR signal, confirming the reciprocity for long-range regimes of RF
Traveling Wave RF Excitation for in Vivo Use
Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1, Hugo Kroeze1,
Bart L. van de Bank1, Bob van den Bergen1, Peter R.
Luijten1, Jan J.W. Lagendijk1, Dennis W.J. Klomp1
1Dept. of Radiotherapy and Radiology,
University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Traveling waves has recently been introduced as a
fundamentally new RF excitation concept for high field MRI. A great challenge
is to achieve a sufficient transmit field at distant locations in the body
since the wave is dampened during its passage through the body. In this study
it is demonstrated by means of simulations and in-vivo experiments that
dielectric insets can be used to generate 1.7 to 3 times higher B1+ field per
unit power. Furthermore, it was found that an incoming wave reflects strongly
at air-tissue interfaces in the shoulders region resulting in B1+ field
focusing in the neck.
2945. Local
Intensity Shift: A Comparison of Loop and Micro-Strip Receivers at 3.0T
Selaka Bandara Bulumulla1, Eric Fiveland1,
Keith J. Park1, Randy O. Giaquinto1, Graeme C. McKinnon2,
Christopher J. Hardy1
1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, USA; 2GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA
In standard loop receivers, the sensitivity is shifted
from the center of the loop to the left or right, depending on the orientation
of the main field. This local-intensity-shift artifact (LISA) carries over to
multi-channel arrays, leading to sometimes-pronounced intensity asymmetries in
MR images. In this work, we use full-wave electromagnetic simulation and MR
imaging to compare the intensity shift of loop receivers to microstrip
receivers and show reduced intensity shift in microstrips. The results indicate
the feasibility of obtaining images with more uniform signal to noise ratio
using microstrip receivers.
2946. A
Microstrip Volume Coil with Easy Access for Wrist Imaging at 7T
Chunsheng Wang1, Alex Pai2, Bing Wu1,
Roland Krug1, Sharmila Majumdar1,3, Xiaoliang Zhang1,3
1Dept. of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2Dept.
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA; 32UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint Graduate Group
in Bioengineering, San Francisco & Berkeley, CA, USA
An 8-element microstrip transmission line (MTL) wrist
coil was designed and tested at 7T. It consists two half-volume pieces with
split ground. This open structure can easily fit human wrist very closely and
gain high sensitivity.
2947. Prostate
Imaging at 7T Using Four Stripline Elements and One Amplifier
Alexander J. Raaijmakers1, Bob van den Bergen1,
Bart L. van de Bank2, Hugo Kroeze2, Dennis W. Klomp2,
Cecilia Possanzini3, Paul R. Harvey3, Cornelis A. van den
1Department of Radiotherapy, University
Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Department of
Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 3MR
systems, Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
We present a new transceive RF coil and driver design
that is able to visualize the prostate at 7T using one 4 kW amplifier and only
two receive channels. The array contains 4 stripline elements, of which two
elements were placed ventrally and two elements were positioned at the dorsal
site of the patient. Decoupling circuitry was not necessary and although dark
signal voids exist in the image, good images of the prostate were obtained.
2948. Signal
Intensity Profile Comparison of Two Different QD Surface Coils
Suk-Min Hong1, Kyoung-Nam Kim1,
Jae-Yong Han1, Jung-Hwan Kim1, Zang-Hee Cho1
1Neuroscience Research Institute, Gachon University of Medical and Science, Incheon, Korea
Quadrature or circularly polarized surface coil can
improve by a factor of root mean square compared to surface coils that used for
linear polarized. The profile of B1 field generated by QD surface coils depend
on geometry of coil. Nevertheless, no comparisonal analysis for B1 field
uniformity among various types of coil geometry was reported. In this study, QD
surface coils such as two single (TS) coil and combination of single loop
Helmholtz (SH) coil were compared in terms of signal intensity profiles at
of a New Dual-Helix Loop Coil for Intravascular MR Imaging
Mohammad Mohammadzadeh1, Mahmud Shahabadi2
1Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical
Physics, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
The lack of spatial resolution is an important problem
in MR imaging of the vessel wall and plaque structures. To alleviate this
problem, researchers have recently developed intravascular coil technology to
increase the SNR of MR images. This can then be traded to achieve higher
spatial resolution. In this work we present a new dual-helix loop coil design
to increase the conventional single-helix loop coil SNR. We show that the SNR
distribution around this coil is enhanced over the conventional single-helix
coil case.
of a Multi-Segmented Flexible Loop-Gap Resonator for High Sensitivity Imaging
of the Human Wrist at 7 Tesla
Andrew Webb1, Maarten Versluis1
1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
Synopsis. A multi-segmented flexible loop gap resonator
has been designed for imaging the human wrist at 7 tesla. The design has higher
sensivitiy than a comparably-sized birdcage coil, has an intrinsically low
SAR-to-B1 ratio, and allows comfortable patient positioning. Both high
resolution 3D and conventional clinical 2D scans have been acquired in less
than 10 minutes.
2951. B1+
and SNR Optimization of High Field RF Coils Through Offsetting of Transmit and
Receive Elements
Graham Wiggins1, Qi Duan1, Riccardo
Lattanzi1, Daniel K. Sodickson1
1Radiology, Center for Biomedical
Imaging, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
In high field MR the B1+ transmit and B1- receive
patterns of a surface coil no longer coincide, but twist in opposite
directions. When such a coil is used in a transmit-receive mode this leads to a
loss of efficiency. Through full wave electromagnetic simulation and experiment
we investigate the benefits of using separate transmit and receive elements and
offsetting them so that the B1+ and B1- fields curl towards each other. SNR
benefits of up to 40% are obtained, and it is found that there is an optimal
angular offset for a given depth in the sample.
2952. A
Modular MRI Probe Design for Large Rodent Neuroimaging at 21.1 T (900 MHz)
Peter L. Gor'kov1, Chunqi Qian1,
Barbara L. Beck2, M.D. Clark1, Ihssan S. Masad1,3,
Victor D. Schepkin1, Samuel C. Grant1,3, William W. Brey1
1National High Magnetic Field Laboratory,
Tallahassee, FL, USA; 2McKnight Brain Institute, University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; 3Chemical and Biomedical Engineering,
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
MRI at high magnetic fields can facilitate investigation of biomedical
processes in rodent brains. At the same time, high magnetic fields can become a
headache for the MRI probe designer, partly because of the wavelength effects
in the large sample and RF coil, but also because the animal life support
system must be adapted to the smaller bore of a higher field magnet. We report
the design of a MRI probe (56 mm OD) developed for in vivo imaging of adult rat
brain at 21.1 Tesla, inside the 900 MHz vertical magnet system at the National
High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
2953. Design
and Implementation of a Quadrature RF Volume Coil for in Vivo Brain Imaging of
a Monkey in a Stereotaxic Device<
Colin A. Roopnariane1, Patti A. Miller2,
Bu Sik Park2, Lukas Ansel2, Sukhoon Oh2,
Christopher Lieu3, Thyagarajan Subramanian3, Mohammed
Reza Tofighi1, Christopher M. Collins2
1Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania
State University, Middletown, PA, USA; 2Radiology, The Pennsylvania
State University, Hershey, PA, USA; 3Neurology, The Pennsylvania
State University, Hershey, PA, USA
To facilitate in vivo brain imaging of a monkey placed
in a stereotactic device, we designed and implemented a unique coil. The coil
is a 2-coil array connected in quadrature with the first coil being a 2-turn
solenoid and the second being a saddle coil. Numerical methods were used in
coil design, and images acquired with the coil show excellent homogeneity and
SNR throughout the monkey brain.
2954. How
Much Does Coil Geometry Matter in High-Field Brain Imaging? a Numerical Study
with High-Fidelity Coil Modeling
Shumin Wang1, Jeff Duyn1
1NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Transmit coil design at high-field is challenging due to
the increasing B1 in-homogeneity and SAR. Both designs with independently
controlled elements and non-conventional birdcage-like coils have been
proposed. The latter has the advantage of simplicity and the easiness of
manufacture. However, the effects of applying different volumetric coil
patterns have not been careful studied due to the lack of modeling accuracy of
the popular Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. Here, we applied a
newly developed high-fidelity full-wave simulation software package to study
such effects on both B1 homogeneity and SAR.
2955. Dedicated
Endoluminal Coil for Anal Sphincter MR Imaging
Olivier Beuf1, Franck Jaillon2,
Mircea Armenean2, Hervé Saint-Jalmes3, Frank Pilleul4
1Université de Lyon, CREATIS-LRMN , CNRS
UMR 5220; Inserm U630; INSA-Lyon; Université Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France; 2Université
de Lyon, CREATIS-LRMN, CNRS UMR 5220; Inserm U630; INSA-Lyon; Université Lyon
1, Villeurbanne, France; 3LTSI, Inserm U642, Université Rennes 1;
Département d'Imagerie, Centre Eugène Marquis, Rennes, France; 4Université
de Lyon, CREATIS-LRMN, CNRS UMR 5220; Inserm U630; INSA-Lyon; Université Lyon
1; Hospice Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France
The imaging of the anal apparatus is important in the
management of patients suffering from anorectal disease. A double loop coil
prototype (10 mm outer diameter) was designed based on electromagnetic
simulations. The angle between both loops was optimized to improve radial
uniformity of the RF B1 field compared to a single loop. Minimum radial
variation of signal intensity was found for an angle between 50° and 70°. SNR
measured at the close vicinity of the coil was 30 times higher than with the
phased-array body coil used for abdominal clinical exams. Moreover, the SNR was
superior to phased-array body coil up to about a radius of 30 mm from the coil
centre. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging acquired in the swine
provided excellent visualizations of normal anal sphincter complex anatomy. The
results are promising and suggest useful applications in the management of
anorectal diseases with minimally invasive procedure.
2956. Experiments
and Quantification of Lumped Elements Volume Coil for B1+ Excitation at 7T
Kyoung-Nam Kim1, Suk-Min Hong1,
Jae-Yong Han1, Hyo Woon Yoon1, Jun-Young Chung1,
Jung-Hwan Kim1, Zang-Hee Cho1
1Neuroscience Research Institute, Gachon University of Medical and Science, Incheon, Korea
In ultrahigh field MRI, B1+ inhomogeneity causes
contrast difference and spatially varying image signal in region-of-interest.
Recently, several designs of radiofrequency coils have been suggested to compensate
this B1+ inhomogeneity. Using parallel transmission system is also meaning for
compensating B1+ inhomogeneity. However, most of available 7T system does not
have parallel transmission systems. Therefore, the finding of optimal
circularly polarized volume coils with lumped element components is meaningful
for compensating B1+ homogeneity. In this study, we applied four different
types of volume coil (hybrid birdcage, dual Helmholtz, hybrid spiral birdcage,
and slotted tube) for image acquisition using double-angle method.
2957. Common
Mode Volume Coil Design for in Vivo MR Imaging at 7T
Zhentian Xie1, Duan Xu1, Daniel
Vigneron1,2, Xiaoliang Zhang1,2
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2UCSF/UC
Berkeley Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco/Berkeley, CA,
An unshielded 7T volume coil using common mode technique
was developed for in vivo rat MRI. With the common mode method, the B1
homogeneity was improved with less number of elements or rungs compared with
conventional designs. Less number of elements results in less number of
resonance modes of a volume coil, which potentially improve coil efficiency and
alleviate design difficulties of high frequency volume coils.
of Actively Decoupled Implant Coil System with Improved B1 Homogeneity in Rat
Spinal Cord
Andrew C.H. Yung1, Nathan Wolfe1,
Tinny Lai1, Lynn Tsai1, Jenny C.H. Tso1, Jie
Liu1, Piotr Kozlowski1
1University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
A receive-only actively-decoupled implanted coil system
(in combination with birdcage coil for transmission) which requires no
decoupling circuitry on the implant is described. During reception, the implant
overcouples with the pickup coil and produces a split resonance that operates
at the Larmor frequency. During transmission, the pickup is detuned via PIN
diode, while the uncoupled implant’s frequency response reverts to a single
peak away from the Larmor frequency. In vivo experiments on rat spinal cord
compare performance between the proposed system and the pickup-implant system
operating in TX/RX. Flip angle uniformity is improved while maintaining
comparable SNR.
2959. MRI
with a Rapidly Rotating RF Coil
Adnan Trakic1, Ewald Weber1, Bing
Keong Li1, Hua Wang1, Stuart Crozier1
1The School of Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
In this work we rapidly rotate a single RF transceive
coil about the subject to excite the nuclear spin and acquire the MR signal. RF
coil rotation offers a new degree of freedom for MR imaging in that it emulates
a RF coil array. A rotating RF transceive system for head imaging at 2 Tesla
was implemented and the acquired images exhibit good quality. The rotating RF
coil approach may obviate the need for multiple signal pathways and intricate
RF decoupling of many stationary array coils.
Detection Coil Setup for Imaging High Velocity Flow Dynamics of Gases with
Hyperpolarized 3Helium
Florian Martin Meise1, Elena Knaub1,
Julien Rivoire1, Maxim Terekhov1, Alexander-Wigbert K.
Scholz2, Ursula A. Wolf1, Wolfgang G. Schreiber1
1Section of Medical Physics, Department
of Diagnostical and Interventional Radiology, Johannes Gutenberg University Medical School, Mainz, RLP, Germany; 2Department of Anesthesiology, Johannes Gutenberg University Medical School, Mainz, Germany
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) is a
ventilation technique used in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS). MRI can contribute to the understanding of the complex gas transport
mechanisms in HFOV. One approach is the usage of phase contrast imaging. High
flow speeds up to 40 m/sec and the small structures are a big challenge in this
process. To achieve high spatial resolution on a trachea phantom a remote
detection coil setup using an eight rung birdcage resonator for exciting the
gas and two separate receive elements which can be placed on the tube was
Coil Construction by Combining Metal-On-Glass Inkjetting and MEMS Techniques
Dario Mager1, Vlad Badilita1, Ute
Loeffelman1, Patrick James Smith1, Jan Gerrit Korvink1
1Dept. of Microsystems Engineering –
IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
This paper presents the inkjet printing of coils
directly onto a
Helmholtz Coil Pair Towards Cellular Applications
Kai Kratt1, Vlad Badilita1, Tobias
Burger1, Jan G. Korvink1, Ulrike Wallrabe1
1Department of Microsystems Engineering –
IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
We present the development of mass production compatible
micro Helmholtz coils based on an automatic wire bonder. The coils are suitable
for cheap on-chip MR analysis. SU-8 pillars serve as sample containers for
cellular applications. By passing a current of 100 mA, a magnetic field of 0.9
mT is created. A homogeneous region of 100 µm around the center of the coil
allows for analysis of several cells. With resistances of less than one ohm and
inductances in the low nanohenry range, the coils can be tuned and matched for
various resonant frequencies.
of Superconducting RF Probe for Low Field Orthopedic Imaging
Jack Liu1, S. Y. Chong1, S. M.
Yeung1, Q. Y. Ma1
1Time Medical Inc., Shanghai, China
An liquid nitrogen based cryostat and surface coil
2964. Dual-Frequency
Coil Design Using Common Mode and Differential Mode (CMDM) Technique for 1H/13C
MRSI at 7T
Zhentian Xie1, Daniel Vigneron1,2,
Xiaoliang Zhang1,2
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2UCSF/UC
Berkeley Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco/Berkeley, CA,
A new dual-tuned RF coil technique based on common-mode
and differential mode (CMDM) was proposed for high field multi-nuclear MR
applications. The proposed CMDM coils combined with magnetic wall decoupling, a
broadband decoupling technique, may be advantageous in designing high field
double-tuned coil arrays for parallel imaging applications.
2965. A
Practical Multi-Tuned Birdcage Resonator for MRI/MRS at 7T
Chunsheng Wang1, Bing Wu1, Dan
Vigneron1, Xiaoliang Zhang1,2
1Dept. of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 22UCSF/UC
Berkeley Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco & Berkeley,
A multiple-tuned Birdcage coil was built and tested at
7T. Well-defined resonant mode for 13C, 23Na MRS and 1H
MRI were easily identified at bench test. Relatively homogeneous intrinsic B1
field and high SNR at MRI and MRS experiment were also demonstrated.
2966. 19F/1H
Double-Tuned RF Coil for 19F-Labeled Drug Distribution Monitoring at
7 T
Yosuke Otake1, Yoshihisa Soutome1,
Koji Hirata1, Yoshitaka Bito1
1Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.,
Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo, Japan
A 19F/1H double-tuned RF coil with
increased sensitivity has been developed. The greatest characteristic of the
coil is not use a conventional trap circuit. The sensitivity was increased by
eliminating the signal loss caused by the trap circuit with sample coil. This
coil is resonated at two frequencies using the frequency characteristics of
three series resonance circuits. Monitoring of 19F-labeled drug
distribution was demonstrated using the coil and a PFCE nano-emulsion administered
rat. |
Receive Arrays: Body, Extremity, Cardiac, Breast |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Tuesday 13:30-15:30 |
Dedicated 4-Channel RF Receiving Array for Orthodontic Examinations
Markus Düring1, Daniel Gareis2,
Olga Tymofiyeva1, Marcos Lopez1, Peter Jakob1
1Department of Experimental Physics 5,
Universitty of Würzburg, Würzburg, Bayern, Germany; 2NORAS MRI
Products, Höchberg, Germany
For orthodontic examinations we developed a dedicated
receiving coil array, which allows high resolution imaging in short measurement
times. To maintain the flexibility, which is needed for fitting the array to
different anatomic of jaws, the connecting network is been placed about 17 cm
away from the patient and connected with rf-lines to the receiving coils.
Capacitive decoupling of neighboring coils and decoupling of non-neighboring
coils by connecting the coils to low input impedance preamplifiers allow the
single coils to receive independently. In vivo measurements demonstrate SNR
improvement and good anatomic coverage. These properties can facilitate
detailed orthodontic examinations.
2968. A
Multi-Purpose Cardiac and Abdominal Surface Coil with Up to 36 Elements
Karsten Jahns1, Markus Adriany1,
Stephan Biber1, Wilhelm Horger1, Sonia Nielles-Vallespin1,
Michaela Schmidt1, Hubertus Fischer1
1Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
With the advent of multi channel array coils, the limits
of parallel imaging using large numbers of small loop antennas have been
investigated. In research applications, head coils at 1.5T have been developed
up to 32 channels, and up to 96 elements at 3T. Commercial products are
available with up to 32 channels for head coils and for cardiac coils at 1.5T
and 3T. One major challenge especially for anterior thorax/abdominal coils with
high channel count is to integrate both the electronics and the antennas in a
housing which is mechanically flexible along the x- and the z-direction.
Flexibility in both directions is important for optimum adaption of the antenna
to the variations in human anatomy which is largest in the abdominal region. We
present the design of a mechanically flexible 36 element multi-purpose anterior
coil for 3T and demonstrate its performance for both cardiac as well as
abdominal imaging applications. Acceleration factors up to 4 with high image
quality and decreased breathhold time could be shown.
2969. A
16 Channel Phased Array Coil Optimized for Diagnostic Breast Imaging
Tobias Wichmann1, Rainer Kurth2,
Christian Geppert2, Alexander Weisser1, Florian Odoj1,
Peter M. Jakob3,4, Titus Lanz1
1Rapid Biomedical GmbH, Rimpar, Germany; 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany; 3Experimental Physics 5, University
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; 4Magnetic Resonance Bavaria e.V.,
Würzburg, Germany
MR imaging has become an important technique for the
diagnosis of breast diseases. Crucial for the image quality is the performance
of the RF coil. In this study a 16 channel breast phased array coil for 1.5T
and 3T each is presented. The coil size is adjustable to match a large variety
of breast sizes, thus maintaining high filling factors. Additional elements for
explicit axilla coverage are included in the coil. Noise correlation, parallel
imaging properties as well as image quality were evaluated. The SNR-performance
was compared to a standard 4 channel breast coil.
2970. Eight
Channel Custom Breast Coil for Parallel Imaging in Two Directions
Anderson Nnewihe1,2, Thomas Grafendorfer3,4,
Bruce Daniel1, Paul Calderon4, Marcus Alley, Brian
1Radiology, Stanford University, Palo
Alto, CA, USA; 2Bioengineering, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA,
USA; 3Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA,
USA; 4GE Healthcare, USA
Advances in MRI hardware and pulse sequences,
specifically the phased array radiofrequency coil and parallel imaging, have
improved our ability for fast, high resolution imaging of the breast, but there
is still significant room for improvement. Due to their coil element placement,
industrial coils only allow acceleration in the left/right (L/R) direction. The
purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that a breast coil array optimized for
acceleration in two directions in combination with parallel imaging pulse
sequence design substantially reduce scan time without adding visible artifacts
and maintaining similar SNR values.
2971. A
Flexible Highly Configurable 16 Channel Array Coil for Fetal Imaging
David Herlihy1, David J. Larkman1,
Joanna Allsop1, Mary Rutherford1, Jo V. Hajnal1
1Imaging Sciences Department, Imperial College London, London, UK
Fetal imaging is a demanding MRI application requiring
coverage of a large field of view to avoid repositioning the mother when the
fetus moves, imaging at depth and accommodation of the needs of the mother to
achieve a tolerable examination. Currently there are no dedicated receiver
array coils designed for fetal imaging and so most examinations are performed
with torso or cardiac coils. We report initial progress towards designing a
dedicated fetal imaging coil.
2972. Flexible
8 Channel Receive Only Array for Elbow Imaging
Robert Ladkani1, Tim Farina1
1Product Development, Invivo Diagnostic
Imaging, Gainesville, FL, USA
A receive only array to demonstrate feasibility of
flexible coil design. Prototype methods and design choice explanations are
2973. 16
Channel, Bell Shaped Surface Coil for Knee Imaging
Modhurin Banerjee Snyder1, Pei H. Chan1,
Madwesha Rao2, Fraser Robb1
1GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, USA; 2GE Healthcare, Bangalore, India
A novel coil element and array geometry is explored for
a 1.5Tesla, 16 channel phased array knee application. The coil element, resembling
a bell, exhibits a marked improvement in center-of-view SNR (12% relative to
standard rectangle), while simultaneously giving a rapid drop off in
sensitivity outside of the periphery, thus reducing artifact occurrence. We
examine the optimization of array geometry, and demonstrate the performance of
the proposed array through phantom experimental studies, as well as simulation
design. |
Receive Array Characterization & Optimization |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Wednesday 13:30-15:30 |
Novel Inter-Resonant Coil Decoupling Technique for Parallel Imaging
Raghad Aal-Braij1, Andreas Peter2,
Laura Del Tin2, Jan G. Korvink2
1Department of Microsystem Engineering -
IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg , Germany; 2Department of
Microsystem Engineering - IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
One of the challenges of designing coil arrays is to
obtain sufficient decoupling among closely placed resonant elements. A novel
technique for decoupling phased array coils without overlapping the nearest
coil pairs is presented, which is based on the addition of additional resonant
elements. A prototype of the proposed design has been built. The decoupling
measured between two coils was better than -35 dB, showing that the mutual
inductance is well minimized. MR experiments were performed on a 9.4 T MR
System (Brucker Biospec 94-21), the MR images showed that this design is
suitable for realizing arrays for parallel imaging at ultrahigh fields.
Closed-Form Expression for Ultimate Intrinsic Signal-To-Noise Ratio in MRI
Emre Kopanoglu1, Vakur B. Erturk1,
Ergin Atalar1
1Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Calculating the ultimate intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio
(UISNR), which gives the lowest upper bound on SNR excluding the effect of
imaging parameters, requires a complicated analysis. In this study, a
closed-form expression for UISNR in a cylindrical body is derived, and the
dependence of UISNR on geometric and electromagnetic properties of the body of
interest is shown explicitly. Using the formulation given, UISNR can easily be
calculated. The derived expression is applicable to small animal imaging, MR
microscopy, high-field NMR spectroscopy and human imaging up to 1.5T.
2976. OCEAN:
Offset Centre-Frequency Encoded Array Network
Martyn NJ Paley1, Hoon-Sin Cheong1
1Academic Radiology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK
A design for an array of high temperature supreconducting
coils which are tuned to different frequencies to prevent coupling is described
and simulated. The Offset Centre-Frequency Encoded Array Network (OCEAN) method
is applicable at low frequency/field (250KHz) and can allow encoding without
gradients like the SEA and MAMBA 2D methods.
2977. Procedure
for RF Coil Array Analysis Using the Method of Moments
Rostislav Lemdiasov1, Reinhold Ludwig2,
Gene Bogdanov2
1InsightMRI, Worcester, MA, USA; 2ECE, WPI, Worcester, MA, USA
A new approach to the numerical modeling and analysis of
unloaded/loaded RF coils or coil arrays using the Method of Moments has been
proposed. We outline a procedure to analyze coils and coil arrays based on the
signal to noise ratio (SNR).
2978. Information
Theory in MRI
David Otto Brunner1, Jurek A.
Nordmeyer-Massner1, Klaas Paul Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
NMR signal reception is usually considered and benchmarked
on the basis of SNR yield, acquisition speed or parallel imaging performance
based on a specific trajectory and reconstruction paradigm. These benchmarks
are therefore inherently bound to its reconstruction methods or acquisition
schemes (trajectory, orientation, reduction factor etc.). In this work, a
method is presented to measure the performance of a coil array or alternatively
an entire acquisition sequence using an information theoretical approach. From
this, a holistic metric of MRI signal acquisition could be derived.
2979. Layout
Optimization of a 24-Channel Receive Array for 7.0 Tesla Brain Imaging
Shumin Wang1, Jeff Duyn1
1NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
With the advances of high-field MRI and parallel imaging
techniques there is growing interest in the design of RF receive coil arrays
for high-field SENSE imaging. Since the array performances depend on the
geometric features, an optimized design in terms of geometry is of great
importance in practice. In this work, we developed an optimization strategy by
using the Genetic Algorithm and the Surface Integral Equation (SIE) method. It
is applied to 24-channel array for brain imaging at 7.0 Tesla.
of View Reduction with RF Shield Mesh Sheet
Shin-ichi Urayama1, Naozo Sugimoto, Takashi
Azuma2, Hidenao Fukuyama1
1Human Brain Research Center, Kyoto
Univ., Kyoto, Japan; 2Medical Simulation Engineering, Kyoto Univ.,
Kyoto, Japan
Reduction of FOV is a key technique to shorten scan time
or to decrease voxel size. Here, we introduced a RF shielding mesh sheet which
is a net of nylon fiber covered with 99% silver and examined its usefulness
(safety and shielding effectiveness) for FOV reduction on a 1.5T environment.
Although no heating was occurred, only with balanced-SSFP, some volunteers felt
tiny stimulation at their peripheral part because of large and rapid gradient
switching. Signal intensity of arms covered with the mesh decreased to the
noise level. By wrapping with insulated cloth, the mesh can reduce FOV
effectively and safely.
Method to Estimate Coil Coupling for Enhanced Tuning and Parallel Image
Liang Liu1, Thomas Talavage1,
Charles Bouman1, YunJeong Stickle2, Limin Feng2,
Victor Taracila2, Pei H Chan2, Fraser Robb2
1Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; 2GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, USA
Model-based coupling matrix approach for MR phased array
2982. A
New Electronically Controllable Tuner System for Precise Noise Figure
Stephan Biber1, Sebastian Martius2,
Klaus Huber2
1Healthcare, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany; 2Corporate Technology, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
In order to achieve the minimum possible noise figure
for a low-noise amplifier (preamplifier) such as they are used in local coils
of MRI systems, it is necessary to know the optimum source impedance of the
preamplifier. As the optimum source impedance of transistors is usually not
specified for MR frequencies, we propose an automated system based on an
electronically controlled tuner with fully automated calibration and
measurement evaluation. With that system we get deeper insight in both the
reproducibility of the noise parameters as well as the noise added by the
preamplifier when the coil does not present the optimum source impedance to the
preamp (varying load situation from patient to patient).
Coil Design for Parallel Imaging
Walid Elias Kyriakos1,2, Ehud Schmidt1,3,
Ferenc A. Jolesz1,4, Robert V. Mulkern1,5
1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA;
2Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; 3Radiology,
Partners, Boston, MA, USA; 4Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Boston, MA, USA; 5Radiology, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Parallel MRI utilizes multiple RF receiver coils as
encoding engines, whereby the spatial sensitivity profiles of these coils is
used in unison with phase encoding to obtain higher accelerations with reduced
folding artifacts. The current state-of-the-art in electronics and
manufacturing allows construction of coil arrays with a greater and greater
number of similarly shaped coil elements, resulting in a considerable increase
in data volume., and leading to overload of computational resources and
impractical image reconstruction times. In this work, we show that it is
possible to follow a simple intuitive approach, to reduce the size of the array
without loss of image quality or acceleration speed by linearly combining
subsets of small coils into larger coil elements, where these elements have
differing sizes.
Hybrid Micro-Strip Coils
Selaka Bandara Bulumulla1, Ken W. Rohling1,
Eric Fiveland1, Keith J. Park1, Maxine M. Gibeau1,
Luca Marinelli1, Christopher J. Hardy1
1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, USA
Microstrip receivers are designed as half-wave or
quarter-wave resonators, aligned along the axis of the static magnetic field.
The long wavelengths at imaging frequencies result in coils that are too long
to be arrayed in the superior/inferior direction, and these receivers are
typically arrayed only in the left-right and/or anterior/posterior directions.
Using short microstrip receivers, we demonstrate parallel imaging with
accelerations in the S/I direction. The length of microstrip resonators is
reduced using two different methods at 3.0T: 1) a hybrid design incorporating
lumped elements 2) a design that alternates between microstrips and coax lines
of the same characteristic impedance. |
Receive Arrays for Animal & In Vitro |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Thursday 13:30-15:30 |
Preamplifier Design and Application to Animal Imaging at 7 and 11.7T
Stephen J. Dodd1, George C. Nascimento1,
Meng-Chi Hsieh2, Hellmut Merkle1, Joseph Murphy-Boesch1,
Jyh-Horng Chen2, Alan P. Koretsky1, Afonso C. Silva1
1Laboratory of Functional and Molecular
Imaging, NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA; 2Dept
of Elec. Eng., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
We are currently developing the building blocks for coil
development for very high field 7T and 11.T animal and human MRI systems. Here
we report the development of low-impedance, low noise preamplifiers for both
field strengths and application of this technology to a high-field phased array
for imaging of small animals at 500 MHz. Two FET’s are used in the cascode
configuration instead of an FET-bipolar combination, allowing the preamplifier
to operate with lower supply voltage but retaining low-noise and high dynamic
range. A four-element array for animal studies at 11.7T is presented to
demonstrate their performance.
MHz Receive Array Setup for High Resolution in Vitro Studies of Human Brain
Hellmut Merkle1, Peter van Gelderen1,
Shumin Wang1, Bing Yao1, Jeff H. Duyn1
1NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
A novel setup within a 'clinical MRI scanner' is
described which is optimized to study brain tissue in vitro with high
sensitivity and high resolution (nanoliter size voxels) at 300 MHz. Size, shape
and placement of coils (up to 32) within the receive array as well as a B0
correction method is simulated, implemented and experimentally verified. This
setup requires little preparation time and is now routinely used to study post
mortem brain.
of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) Coil Performance Gain for 3T Small
Animal MR Imaging
Bobo Hu1, Chris Randell2, Colin
Sunderland2, Brett Haywood1, Paul Glover1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingahm, UK; 22Pulseteq Ltd.,
Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, UK
Estimation of the likely performance gain of the HTS
coil requires accurate modelling of important coil sensitivity parameters such
as loaded Q factor and SNR gain in MR imaging experiments. Firstly this work
proposes an FDTD mesh based numerical mouse model which will accurately
simulate a realistic loading effect on the HTS coil at 3T. Secondly, effective
techniques are developed to assess the high Q factor and SNR gain of the HTS
coil, and comparisons are made with that of the room temperature copper coil.
Finally MR imaging experiments performed on room temperature copper coils
demonstrate the accuracy of the method.
2988. Implementation
of a Four-Channel Phased-Array Coil for PatLoc Imaging
Elmar Fischer1, Andreas Peter2,
Laura Del Tin2, Jürgen Hennig1, Jan Korvink2,
Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical
Physics, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Dept. of
Microsystems Engineering – IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
This work is on the implementation of an
in-house-constructed four-channel phased-array coil for PatLoc imaging
(=parallel imaging technique using localized gradients), developed to study the
non-linear geometry of these gradient fields. Tests of the coil setup using
phantoms show that coil performance and also coil decoupling on the cylindrical
receive-array coil are sufficient for the goal of imaging with PatLoc gradients.
2989. A
Thin-Walled, Cylindrical 4-Channal Receive-Only Coil Array Suitable for PatLoc
Imaging at 9.4 T
Andreas Peter1, Laura Del Tin1, Jan
G. Korvink1
1Department of Microsystems Engineering –
IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
A very thin-walled, cylindrical four-channel
receive-only surface coil array on flexible substrate for small-animal MRI at
9.4 T is presented. The very small overall wall thickness enables the use of
this array together with a PatLoc gradient coil.
2990. 4-Channel
Transceive Surface Coil Array for Reduction of EPI-Induced Artifacts Using
Samuel O. Oduneye1,2, Craig K. Jones2,
Ravi S. Menon2,3
1Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program,
The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; 2Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada; 3Department of Medical
Biophysics, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
EPI-induced artifacts are an obvious detriment to image
quality and a challenge for most fMRI studies. With a multi-channel surface
coil array, parallel imaging can be used to accelerate image acquisition and
decrease EPI-induced artifacts. Here we present a novel high field
transmit-receive surface coil array for small animal imaging at 9.4T. The coil
is designed for parallel imaging and to determine the feasibility of
EPI-induced artifacts reduction at 9.4T.
1-Channel Transmit Birdcage and 8-Channel Receive Array for in Vivo Rodent
Imaging on a 7 T Human Whole-Body System
Stephan Orzada1,2, Stefan Maderwald2,
Sophia L. Goericke2, Nina Parohl2, Sabine Begall3,
Angelica G. Montero3, Anika Schinköth3, Harald H. Quick2,
Mark E. Ladd2
1 Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI, Essen,
Germany; 2Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and
Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany; 3Department
of General Zoology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
In this work we describe a single channel transmit coil
and 8-channel receive array for in vivo rodent imaging on a 7 T whole-body
scanner. The coil system consists of a linearly polarized, actively detuned
birdcage coil for transmit and a circumferential, 8-loop actively detuned
receive array with an inner diameter of 54 mm suitable for rats and other
similarly sized rodents. The birdcage and the receive array are both mounted on
transparent PMMA tubes for easy visual positioning and monitoring of the
subject; additionally, a halogen lamp can be used to prevent cooling of the
animal. |
Receive Coils: Multinuclear & Ultra High Field |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Monday 14:00-16:00 |
2992. Development
of New Dual Tuned Coil and Array for Multi Nuclear Imaging
SeungHoon H. Ha1, Lutfi Tugan Muftuler1,
Orhan Nalcioglu1
1Tu & Yuen Center for Functional
Onco-Imaging, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA
Dual-tuned RF coils for multi-nuclear imaging has been
considered about loss of an intrinsic quality (Q) factors at each resonant
frequencies due to trap circuits which is used at the dual-tuned coil
conventionally. New coil using PIN diode switching without trap circuit is
presented for keeping inherent Q-factor and the possibility for clinical study
is introduced by building dual tuned array coil based on new concept using PIN
2993. Design
and Evaluation of a 32 Channel Phased Array Coil for Human Lung Imaging Using
Hyperpolarized 3He
Florian Martin Meise1, Julien Rivoire1,
Wiggins C. Graham2,3, Boris Keil4, Maxim Terekhov1,
Davide Santoro1, Zahir Salhi5, Sergei Karpuk5,
Lawrence L. Wald2,3, Wolfgang G. Schreiber1
1Section of Medical Physics, Department
of Diagnostical and Interventional Radiology, Johannes Gutenberg University
Medical School, Mainz, RLP, Germany; 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center
for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, MGH, Harvard Medical School,
Charlestown, MA, USA; 3Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and
Technology; 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University
Hospital, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany; 5Institute of
Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
The high potential of functional lung imaging using
hyperpolarized 3He is tempered by the long breath-holds necessary to acquire
the needed data. In addition to patient discomfort, every RF-pulse diminishes
the hyperpolarisation of the 3He. To understand and analyse the possibilities
of parallel imaging for shortening scan times and increase SNR compared to
commonly used volume coils, a 32-channel phased array was developed and
compared with a standard single channel volume coil. SNR gain up to factor of 7
in the periphery was achieved and can now be used to improve human lung imaging
2994. Design
of a Coil System for Hyperpolarized 3He Human Lung Imaging
Jian-xiong Wang1
1Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, London, Ontario, Canada
To maximize the imaging speed and SNR and ensure patient
comfort, a coil system was designed for Hyperpolarized 3He human lung imaging.
This system consisted an asymmetric quadrature birdcage coil as the transmit
coil, and an 8-channel coil array as the receive coil. The asymmetric transmit
coil used up the nearly entire bore volume with a profile calculated with
conformal mapping. The receive coil was a modification of a proton Cardiac coil
array to reduce the mechanic works and maximize the patient safety. This coil
system was designed for the upgrading new GE MR750 system.
2995. Endorectal
Combined Surface Array for Prostate Imaging at 7T
Gregory J. Metzger1, Steen Moeller1,
Carl J. Snyder1, Kamil Ugurbil1, Pierre-Francois van de
Moortele1, Gregor Adriany1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Optimal RF coils must be developed for 7T prostate
imaging if the promise of increased spatial, temporal and spectral resolution
are to be realized. We previously demonstrated the tradeoffs between an
external 16 channel transceive stripline array coil and a transceive endorectal
coil. The focus of this abstract is on the development and characterization of
a new receive-only ERC (roERC) combined with the previously reported
transceiver external stripline array. Along with increased SNR and consistent
contrast over the prostate, the combined coil allows for better parallel
imaging performance and visualization of important structures close to the
endorectal coil.
2996. 7T
Transmit Four-Channel Receive Array for High-Resolution MRI of Trabecular Bone
in the Distal Tibia
Alexander C. Wright1, Michael Wald1,
Tom Connick1, Jeremy Magland1, Hee Kwon Song1,
Branimir Vasilic1, Rosti Lemdiasov2, Reinhold Ludwig2,
Felix W. Wehrli1
1Laboratory for Structural NMR Imaging,
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2Insight
MRI, Worcester, MA, USA
We have designed and constructed a Helmholtz-pair local
transmit coil with a decoupled 4-element receive phased array for imaging the
distal tibia in a whole-body 7 T MRI scanner. The coils are described and
initial experiences imaging the trabecular bone of volunteers is discussed.
Image data were of high quality and showed a gain in SNR of about 3x for
imaging the same individual at 7 T and using an identical 3 T version of the
4-element receive array.
2997. 7T
Human Spine Arrays with Adjustable Inductive Decoupling
Bing Wu1, Chunsheng Wang1, Roland
Krug1, Douglas Kelley2, Duan Xu1, Suchandrima
Banerjee1, Daniel Vigneron1,3, Sarah Nelson1,3,
Sharmila Majumder1,3, Xiaoliang Zhang1,3
1Radiology&Biomedical Imaging,
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2GE
Healthcare, San Francisco, CA, USA; 3UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint Group
Program in Bioengineering, SanFrancisco&Berkeley, CA, USA
One of technical challenges in implementing ultrahigh
field parallel imaging is to design the required transceiver arrays, especially
the large size arrays, for signal excitation and reception. In this work, we
explore the feasibility of designing transceiver arrays for human spine
parallel MR imaging at 7T using loop-type microstrip design with a proposed
adjustable inductive decoupling. The preliminary 7T spine images acquired from
healthy volunteers using the proposed transceiver arrays are presented. |
Transmit Array Coils |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Tuesday 13:30-15:30 |
New Simple High Field Transmit Coil Design: Open Cavity Resonator
Ozlem Ipek1, Bob van den Bergen1,
J. J. W. Lagendijk1, Cornelis A T van den Berg1
1Department of Radiotherapy &
Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
The concept of a body coil is not eligible for high
field MRI (> 7T) due to waveguide action. We inserted a tubular dielectric
inset into the RF cavity which will tune part of the cavity above the cut-off
frequency creating an open cavity resonator. FDTD simulations were performed
with a dielectric patient model to compare this new coil design to a
traditional 7T body coil concept. Our study demonstrates that the RF shield
with a dielectric inset excited by four dipole antennas can achieve comparable
excitation efficiency and homogeneity with a simpler coil design as a 7T body
2999. A
Flexible 8-Channel Transmit/receive Body Coil for 7 T Human Imaging
Stephan Orzada1,2, Harald H. Quick2,
Mark E. Ladd2, Achim Bahr3, Thomas Bolz3,
Pedram Yazdanbakhsh4, Klaus Solbach4, Andreas K. Bitz2
1 Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI, Essen,
Germany; 2Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and
Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany; 3IMST
GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany; 4HFT, University of Duisburg-Essen,
Duisburg, Germany
Using intrinsically decoupled stripline elements with
meanders, a flexible 8-channel transmit/receive body coil was built which
tightly accommodates to various subject body sizes. The coil was successfully
employed to perform body imaging in 3 volunteers of differing body habitus to
demonstrate that it can be used for chest (cardiac) and abdominal imaging.
3000. A
Hemispherical 8 Independent Element Probe Suitable for Transmit SENSE at 7T
Daniel James Lee1, Paul M. Glover1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK
A novel eight-element head coil is proposed for imaging
at 7T. This coil utilises a hemispherical geometry and a strip line
short-circuited at the open end in order to minimise SAR in the shoulders while
still providing good image quality. Simulations confirm that SAR in the
shoulders is reduced compared to a birdcage coil. The coupling between elements
is measured using a prototype and network analyzer. Decoupling of the elements
is achieved using an electrical and magnetic screen as well as a decoupling
Propagation in a Partially Filled Short Cylindrical Waveguide
Jennifer A. Black1,2, James E. Richie2
1GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA; 2Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA
An experiment is conducted to determine expected signal
attenuation when the bore is empty (air-filled) or dielectrically loaded
(patient-filled). Experimental results show that the MR bore shows impressive
path loss performance at UHF, specifically 433 MHz, with greatest signal strength
arriving at the receiver when the bore is dielectrically loaded.
Geometry Elliptical Transceiver Phased Array for Imaging of the Human Brain at
7 T
Nikolai I. Avdievich1, Jullie W. Pan1,
Andrey M. Kuznetsov1, Hoby P. Hetherington1
1Neurosurgery, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
Despite the availability of 7T systems dating from late
1990s, their widespread use in clinical applications has been slowed by
technical hurdles associated with detector design. Transceiver phased arrays in
combination with multi-channel transmit systems provide a platform for RF
shimming. Array performance can be further improved by adjusting array’s
geometry to accommodate various head sizes. In this work we describe an
8-element split elliptical 7T transceiver phased array with adjustable geometry
and a method for individualized optimization of the RF phases and amplitudes.
This combination provides for the efficient generation of a sufficiently
homogenous B1 at 7T.
3003. 32
Channel Coil Array for Parallel RF Transmission
Yudong Zhu1, Randy Giaquinto2, Xu
Chu3, Eric Fiveland2, Xing Yang3, Tingting
Song3, Keith Park2, Joseph Piel2
1New York University Langone Medical
Center, New York, USA; 2GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA; 3GE Global Research Center, Shanghai, China
As part of a study that investigates a substantially
distributed multi-channel parallel transmit approach, head-size 32-element
transmit/receive arrays were developed. The specific goal of the coil
development is to facilitate reduction of RF power dissipation in the imaged
object / the coil structure, and to facilitate B1 shimming / accelerated
parallel excitation for an arbitrarily oriented target slice or volume. This
abstract describes the coil design and construction process, and presents 3T
imaging results that were obtained by driving in parallel the elements of one
array with current-source RF power amplifiers.
Inverse Method for the Design of RF Array Coils with a Sparse Structure and Its
Application for Breast Imaging
Yu LI1, Feng Liu1, Ewald Weber1,
Bing Keong Li1, Stuart Crozier1
1The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
In this work, a novel RF phased array coil for breast
imaging was designed, constructed and tested. In the inverse design, an
iterative optimization approach was used to determine the coil geometry. The
main focus of this study is to design an arracy coil with simple strucure and
good RF field profile. Both the simulated and experimental results demostrate
the performance of the proposed method in terms of sparsity of the designed
coil structure and the improved B1 field.
3005. A
16 Channel T/R Open-Faced Head Array for Humans at 9.4T.
Gregor Adriany1, Dinesh Deelchand1,
Pierre-Gil Henry1, Jinfeng Tian1, John Thomas Vaughan1,
Kamil Ugurbil1, Pierre-Francois van de Moortele1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, USA
A 16 channel transmit/receive array based on decoupled
transmission line elements for 9.4T is presented. The coils slim housing design
along with shortened resonance elements in front of the eyes supports task
presentation within a Head Gradient Coil. The coil consisted of eight channel
upper and lower parts which can be used either in a half volume or in a whole
head configuration. The circuitry layout of coil elements allows for decoupling
independent of load. FDTD simulations are presented that explore the effect of
the shortened transmission line elements on the achievable B1 and SAR.
Breast Imaging with a 2-Channel Bilateral Loop Design
Leighton Lloyd Warmington1, Gregor Adriany1,
Carl Snyder1, Edward J. Auerbach1, Patrick J. Bolan1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
Radiology/University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, USA
The development of MR imaging and spectroscopy of the
breast at 7T is limited by the lack of acceptable coil designs. Our goal for
this project was to develop a simple bilateral coil design that could be used
without a parallel transmit RF system, and to determine if this configuration
would be suitable for use in MRI/MRS investigations of patient populations. Our
results showed that this simple coil design produced images of acceptable
quality and had sufficient B1+ efficiency to allow single-voxel spectroscopy.
Eight-Channel Transmit/Receive RF Array for Imaging the Carotid Arteries at 7
Oliver Kraff1,2, Andreas K. Bitz1,2,
Stephan Orzada1,2, Stefan Maderwald1,2, Stefan Kruszona1,2,
Lena C. Schaefer1,2, Janine Y S Grootfaam1,2, Mark E.
Ladd1,2, Harald H. Quick1,2
1Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI, Essen,
Germany; 2Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and
Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany
An eight-channel transmit/receive RF array was built for
imaging the carotid arteries at 7T. The array was made of four overlapping loop
coils per side to assess both arteries in one acquisition. We characterize this
prototype in simulations and bench measurements and show first in vivo results.
Numerical simulations were performed for design optimization as well as safety
validation. In vivo images reveal a good excitation of the arteries on both
sides of the neck. The vessel walls are well visualized. Our results indicate
that this phased array coil could open a promising new application field in 7T
clinical research.
3008. A
Concentrically Shielded Transceive Array Coil Optimized for B1+ Inhomogeneity
Correction at 7T<
Vijayanand Alagappan1, Kawin Setsompop2,
Ulrich Fontius3, Franz Schmitt3, Elfar Adalsteinsson4,5,
Lawrence Leroy Wald2,5
1Department of Radiology, A.A Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, USA; 2Department of
Radiology, A.A Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, USA; 3Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany; 4Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA; 5Health Science and
Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
We describe an 8-channel concentrically shielded loop
transmit/receive coil for parallel excitation at 7T. Decoupling the neighboring
elements with the concentrically shielded loops gives an extra degree of
freedom on the size of the loop elements. The size of the coil could be
optimized to improve the B1+ homogeneity. The constructed concentrically
shielded loop coil is compared against an 8-channel stripline array coil on its
performance for B1+ shimming. Initial results show that the concentric shielded
loops serves as a good compromise between the conventional loop and the
stripine coil elements.
3009. Multi-Channel
Transceive Coil for Improved Knee Imaging at 7T
Can Akgun1, Lance DelaBarre1, Ute
Goerke1, Carl J. Snyder1, Jutta Ellerman1,
Kamil Ugurbil1, John Thomas Vaughan1
1University of Minnesota-Center for
Magnetic Resonance Research, Minneapolis, MN, USA
An application that can benefit from high SNR of high
fields (7T and above) is musculoskeletal imaging (MSK). The ability to see
structures as fine as cartilage can prove to be valuable when evaluating the
knee for morphology. We present a robust 8 channel transceiver array coil with
a Faraday cage structure to eliminate the impact of the other knee in the FOV.
Imaging results obtained with this coil at 7T for the knee are presented.
Initial results demonstrate high resolution in knee imaging can be achieved
taking advantage of the gain in SNR at ultrahigh magnetic field.
3010. 8-Channel
Transmit/receive Head Coil for 7 T Human Imaging Using Intrinsically Decoupled
Strip Line Elements with Meanders
Stephan Orzada1,2, Oliver Kraff2, Lena C. Schäfer2, Irina Brote2, Achim Bahr3, Thomas Bolz3,
Stefan Maderwald2, Mark E. Ladd2, Andreas K. Bitz2
1 Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI, Essen,
Germany; 2Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and
Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany; 3IMST
GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany
An 8-channel transmit/receive head coil for 7 T was
built and tested for B1 efficiency, B1 homogeneity, and SAR efficiency. The
head coil consists of 8 intrinsically decoupled strip line elements with
meanders. It was found that the new design allows 5.3 times more energy to be
put into the coil before reaching the SAR limit and achieves nearly the same
flip angle at the same input power when compared to a commercially available
8-channel head coil.
3011. An
Adaptable 8-Channel Transmit Array Head Coil for Parallel Transmit and B0
Mitigation at 3T
Vijayanand Alagappan1,2, Weiran Deng3,
Cungeng Yang3, Andrew Victor Stenger3, Lawrence Leroy
1Department of Radiology, A.A Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, USA; 2Deprtment of
Biomedical Imaging, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA; 3Department
of Medicine, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, Honolulu,
HI, USA; 4Department of Radiology, A.A Martinos Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, USA; 5Health Science and
Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
Parallel excitation has a lot of application which
includes B1+ inhomogeneity correction, thru plane B0 inhomogeneity correction
and also localized excitation. These different techniques have different
requirements in terms of the spatial sensitivity of the Tx array coil. In this
work we have designed and constructed an 8 channel stripline based transmit
array coil whose spatial profile is easily adaptable to the imaging needs using
different Wilkinson splitter configuration and four transmit channels.
3012. Parallel
Transceive Array for 9.4 T Animal Studies
Christopher J. Wargo1, Malcolm J. Avison1,
John C. Gore1
1Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Nashville, TN, USA
Parallel receive coils provide benefits in obtained SNR
and enable rapid imaging techniques such as SENSE to be applied. This approach
has been extended to parallel transmit of RF with benefits such as accelerated
excitation to improve spatial selection, and B1 inhomogeneity correction. In
this abstract, we describe the modification of an existing parallel receive
array to operate as a multi-channel transceive system for 9.4 T animal studies.
A significant SNR improvement is observed in the rat brain when compared
against a volume coil and the receive only configuration with volume coil
3013. A
New Decoupling Method for Coil Elements on a Cylinder Surface
xuelian Lu1, yao Xing1, haining
Wang1, jianmin Wang2
1Siemens Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd.,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; 2Siemens Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd.,
Shenzhen , Guangdong, China
Decoupling of multi-element coil is becoming
increasingly important due to the parallel transmitting application. Capacitive
decoupling is easy to implement and capacitors with high Q-value are easy
available. Because conventional capacitive decoupling requires direct
connection between coil elements, the size of the connected coil element should
be kept as small as possible compared to the wavelength. In this abstract we
demonstrate a novel method to decouple up to 9 coil elements by combining
capacitive and geometrical decoupling concept. The decoupling network presented
here doesn¡¯t change the signal profile of each individual element which could
be an advantage for the parallel transmitting applications.
3014. Single-Feed
Quadrature Coils as Transceiver Array Elements for Improved SNR and Transmit
Xiaoliang Zhang1,2, Chunsheng Wang1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2UCSF/UC
Berkeley Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco/Berkeley, CA,
A method for generating quadrature mode by single-feed
surface coil for ultrahigh field MR was presented. With the proposed
single-feed quadrature surface coil, high frequency quadrature coil array for
parallel imaging can be readily built. To demonstrate the concept, a
single-feed quadrature coil array with two elements was designed and tested.
The bench test and FDTD simulation results are presented.
Decoupled Phased Array Coils for Mouse Imaging
Sahil P. Bhatia1, Yiping Guan2,
Fraser Robb2, Mary P. McDougall1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, USA; 2GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, USA
Array coils offer several advantages in MR techniques
for mouse imaging. Typical array designs use a combination of geometric and
additional techniques for decoupling coil elements. A transmit/receive 4
channel volume array coil, that is purely geometrically decoupled is presented
which eliminates the need for expensive isolation preamplifiers. Coil bench S
parameter measurements and images of homogenous phantom are shown. Preliminary
design work for a modified ‘open’ configuration to facilitate the loading of
animals is also presented.
3016. A
Reliable Method for Calculating RF Coil Performance
Mikhail Kozlov1, Christoph Leuze1,
Robert Turner1
1Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany
We present an approach for matching actual and simulated MRI coil performance,
defined as the ratio of the RF field magnitude to the RF voltage applied to the
coil input. The maximum mismatch is less than 3% near the coil geometrical
center, for a tissue-saline solution and more complicated phantoms, such as a
plastic skull filled with gel. Phantoms were simulated as voxel-based models
obtained from segmented 3-D MRI scans.
Transmit Array Electronics |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Wednesday 13:30-15:30 |
Fully Digital RF Pulse Generator Designed for Multiple Transmission Channels
André Kuehne1, Werner Hoffmann1,
Frank Seifert1
1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, Germany
Parallel excitation (PEX) is a key technique to tackle
RF issues in high and ultra-field MR. Since multi-channel transmit arrays are
still rare and an upgrade of existing scanners using standard hardware is
limited by cost and size of the equipment, a novel approach using direct
digital signal generation is presented. Our set-up features four channels but
the design is capable of supplying up to twenty independent RF channels for
frequencies up to 300 MHz. We present measurements of phase jitter and first
static phase images using a 4-channel transmit/receive coil array demonstrating
the feasibility of this approach.
Butler Matrix Technology for 7 Tesla MRI
Pedram Yazdanbakhsh1, Andreas Bitz2,
Stephan Orzada2, Oliver Kraff2, Mark E. Ladd2,
Klaus Solbach1
1High Frequency Technique, University
Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, NRW, Germany; 2Erwin L. Hahn Institute for
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Essen, Germany
Butler Matrix is used to drive the individual rungs of
the DBC (Degenerate Birdcage Coil) in linear combinations to form the uniform
birdcage mode as well as higher gradient modes. The advantage of using the
modes of a birdcage coil excited by a Butler Matrix is that they form naturally
decoupled orthogonal modes that do not require decoupling strategies. The
Butler Matrix can also provide reflection coefficients that are insensitive to
the load. In this work a novel reduced-size 8×8 high-power Butler Matrix has
been designed and fabricated at 300 MHz to excite a coil array in 7T MRI.
3019. Development
of a 64 Channel Parallel Transmit System
Neal Anthony Hollingsworth1, Ke Feng1,
Chieh-Wei Chang2, Steve M. Wright1, Mary Preston
1Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; 2Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
The use of transmit arrays for transmit SENSE, B1
shimming, and phase compensation of SEA coils has made large scale parallel
transmit systems desirable. Our group has developed a system capable performing
static modulation on 64 channels, or fast modulation on 8 channels with an
output power of 100W per channel. The large channel count drove design to
produce a modular system that is easier to test, troubleshoot, and construct.
Consideration was also given to thermal and space issues that could arise from
such a large system.
3020. Highly
Distributed RF Transmission with a 32-Channel Parallel Transmit System
Yudong Zhu1, Xu Chu2, Chengtao Cao2,
Eric Fiveland3, Randy Giaquinto3, Tingting Song2,
Xing Yang2, Cheng Zhang2, Joseph Piel3, Keith
1New York University Langone Medical
Center, New York, USA; 2GE Global Research Center, Shanghai, China; 3GE
Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA
Parallel RF transmission supports flexible
spatiotemporal coil current control with multiple sources driving a distributed
RF coil structure, and promises to address major challenges facing conventional
transmission in high field MR. This study explores substantially distributed
parallel Tx, aiming at its applications in reducing RF power dissipation in the
subject / the coil structure, as well as in B1 shimming / accelerated parallel
excitation of an arbitrarily oriented target slice or volume. We developed a
cost effective 32-channel exciter module, RF coil arrays that support
32-channel parallel Tx and Rx, and 32 current-source amplifiers that facilitate
coil current control.
Inexpensive, Scalable Vector Modulator and Application to 2D RF Pulses
Ke Feng1, Neal Anthony Hollingsworth1,
John Carl Bosshard1, Douglas C. Noll2, Steven M. Wright1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Using a vector modulator system constructed for B1
shimming, full capability of high speed modulation for more complex transmit
pulses is shown. By exciting the vector modulators with a hard pulse from a
host Varian Inova system, and analog modulation control signals from a D/A
card, each board is able to create four completely independent RF waveforms. In
order to test the system, one channel was used to create a checkerboard
pattern, and the results are shown to be comparable to the Varian Inova system.
3022. PC
Controlled 8-Transmit Channel Circuit with Independent Phase and Amplitude
Control for 7T
Yong Pang1, Zhentian Xie2, Bing Wu1,
Chunsheng Wang1, Daniel Vigneron1,3, Sarah Nelson1,
Xiaoliang Zhang1
1Radiology&Biomedical Imaging,
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA; 3UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint Group Program
in Bioengineering, San Francisco & Berkeley, CA, USA
In this work, a PC controlled 8-transmit channel circuit
for 7T MR scanner is designed. Both the phase and the amplitude of each channel
can be adjusted independently by PC via a 16-channel Digital Analog Converter
(DAC) with custom-written software. The phase adjustment range is from -30° to
380°, while the range of RF power attenuation is 26dB. RF power transistor and
MOSFET are then applied to amplify the RF pulse of each channel up to 100W
which can be used for driving transmit arrays. This design can be utilized to
perform B1 shimming or parallel transmission.
Study with Ultra-Low Output Impedance RF Power Amplifiers
Xu Chu1, Tingting Song1, Xing Yang1,
Eric W. Fiveland2, Yudong Zhu3
1GE Global Research Center, Shanghai,
China; 2GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA; 3Langone
Medical Center, New York University, New York, NY, USA
The feasibility of inter-element decoupling in parallel
excitation by ultra-low output impedance RF power amplifier in a high field MR
environment was evaluated. By presenting low source impedance at the output
port of an amplifier, the current induced by neighbor coils is blocked by the
high impedance at the input port of the coil. The transmit coil could be driven
by this amplifier through a nλ/2 cable, which enabled the placement of
amplifiers in the equipment room and relaxed the compatibility requirements on
power electronics and facilitated system integration. The 1st set of images
acquired with 3T scanner were presented.
3024. A
Versatile In-Line Sensor for Power Monitoring and Calibration of Transmit
Pascal Pawel Stang1, John Mark Pauly1,
Greig C. Scott1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Parallel transmit pulse designs demand high-fidelity RF
reproduction, even as transmit arrays add substantial complexity to MRI scanner
electronics and systems. As channel counts grow, accurate transmit path
measurements are needed to verify system performance, maintain patient safety,
and ease equipment serviceability. We present a versatile transmit path monitor
using an in-line vector RF power sensor connected to a Medusa MRI Console. Our
system enables a wide range of performance and diagnostic measurements at
relatively low cost. Successful results include measurement of RF forward and
reverse power, coil impedance, loading, and tuning, and RF amplifier
Load Pull/Hot S22 Analyzer for Transmit Array Amplifiers
Greig Scott1, Pascal Stang1, Adam
Kerr1, John Pauly1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Transmit arrays are dependent on well controlled output
impedances from power amplifiers. In reality, nonlinearities exist, causing
this behavior to be ill defined. We present a load pull and hot S22 analyzer
that can quantify amplifier output impedance under power transmit conditions.
3026. Design
of MOSFET Matching Networks Without Inductors
Ke Feng1, Neal Anthony Hollingsworth1,
Mary Preston McDougall2, Steven M. Wright1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; 2Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Inductors used in matching networks for MOSFET
amplifiers tend to be problematic because of availability and the magnetic
field it creates. A design of MOSFET amplifiers’ matching networks using only
capacitors and microstrip transmit lines constructed on standard FR-4 boards is
given. By completely eliminating inductors from our matching network, isolation
was significantly improved. Once one amplifier is successfully tuned to 50 Ω,
additional amplifiers can be constructed using fixed value capacitors. This
greatly simplifies constructing a large quantity of amplifiers.
3027. A
Four Channel Transmission Array Based on CMCD Amplifier
Jeremiah Aaron Heilman1, Natalia Gudino2,
Matthew Joseph Riffe2, Philipp Liu3, Mark A. Griswold2
1Physics, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, USA; 2Biomedical Engineering, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; 3Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
We present a four channel transmission array based on current
mode class D (CMCD) amplifiers integrated on-coil. This development shows the
decoupling capabilities of the CMCD technology in phantom imaging studies,
including the ability to derive signals from a synchronized, digital source and
transmit them to the array over fiber optic cables. |
Safety & Field Effects |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Thursday 13:30-15:30 |
3028. Evaluation
of Spatial Distortion in the 7.0T MRI for Clinical Use Using New 3D Mesh
Young-Don Son1, Hang-Keun Kim1,
Sung-Tae Kim1, Nam-Beom Kim1, Young-Bo Kim1,
Zang-Hee Cho1
1Gachon University of Medicine and
Science, Neuroscience Research Institute, Incheon, Korea
Clinically useful images are obtained from high-field
MRI over 7 Tesla, but no study has been reported its spatial accuracy yet. A
new 3D mesh phantom was designed and manufactured for the measurement of the
spatial distortion in 7Tesla MRI. A CT image and gradient echo T2*-weighted
image of 1.5T and 7.0T MRI was taken at two different pixel bandwidths: 200 and
30 Hz/pixel. 7.0T MRI is not distorted almost same as 1.5T at minimal bandwidth
although 7.0T MR image became more distorted as pixel bandwidth decreased.
Finally, 7.0T MRI can be utilized for the clinical purpose at proper
3029. Maximum
Sound Pressure Levels at 7 Tesla – What’s All This Fuss About?
Sebastian Schmitter1, Marco Mueller1,
Wolfhard Semmler1, Michael Bock1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
In this work the acoustic resonances of a 7 T system
were examined and the linear dependency of the sound pressure on the gradient
amplitude were verified. The protocols of three different, fast imaging
sequences were adjusted on the scanners resonances so that they generate a
maximum SPL. A maximum SPL value of 112 dB was found for a sinusoidal EPI
sequence, which is similar to SPL values of a 1.5 T system. Thus, regarding
acoustic safety, the same safety measures can be applied for this specific 7 T
MR system as to 1.5 T systems from the same manufacturer.
3030. RF
Heating of Pacemaker Leads: Do Open MR Systems Perform Better Than Close Bore
Roger Luechinger1, Volkert A. Zeijlemaker2,
B Mengiardi3, Peter Boesiger1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 2Medtronic Bakken
Research Center, Maastricht, Netherlands; 3Imamed, Liestal,
In open MR system with a main magnetic field orthogonal
to the feet-head axis of the patient, it could be assumed that RF heating on
extended implants like pacemaker leads may be strongly reduced compared with a
conventional close bore systems. However, measurements shows that also on these
systems high temperature increases could be found in some configuration. The
position of the lead within body coil may have the smaller impact than the
position of the lead within the phantom.
of Diphenhydramine in the Prevention of Vertigo and Nausea at 7 Tesla
Markus Thormann1, Jens Ricke1,
Astrid Wollrab1, Daniela Adolf2, Oliver Speck1
1Biomedical Magnetic Resonance,
Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany; 2Biometrics and
Medical Informatics, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
In recent years the number of
Ultra-High-Field-MR-Scanners is increasing. The most frequently reported side
effects at 7-Tesla are vertigo and nausea during table motion. The purpose of
this study was to test whether Diphenhydramine can improve patient comfort and
the subjective acceptance of high field MR-scanners by preventing vertigo and
nausea. In a prospective, double blinded, placebo controlled, cross-over
randomized study we quantified the sensations of 30 volunteers before and after
exposure to the static magnetic field with and without drug respectively
placebo administration. A reduction of the strength of vertigo and a prevention
of nausea is possible.
Risk Assessment at 4T
Paolo Ferrari1, Jorge Jovicich1,
Jens Volkmar Schwarzbach1, Marco Sandrini1, Simon
1Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Mattarello, Trento, Italy
For cognitive neuroscience research Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a useful method for probing brain connectivity,
combined with fMRI. Standard fMRI experiments interleaved with TMS are possible
as proven from several studies, but to date, there are no specific studies that
thoroughly characterize and discuss all risks related to concurrent TMS-fMRI.
Our goal is to identify main risks of such multimodal experiments. By means of
thermal map, flip angle map, tSNR and signal stability evaluation of EPI
(percent fluctuation and drift), we try to identify the influence of the
TMS-coil in terms of safety and quality.
Correct Method for Numerical Calculation of Induced Electric Fields for
Rotational Movements in Static Magnetic Fields
Paul Glover1, Clemente Cobos Sanchez, Henry
Power, Richard Bowtell
1School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Notts, UK
There is currently great interest in knowing the
electric fields and current densities induced in the human body due to movement
in and around MRI scanners. Regulations have been published which describe
action thresholds in terms of parameters which are not directly accessible to
measurement or routine dosimetry. Hence there is a great reliance on numerical
simulations. Here we show that when body rotations are simulated it is vital
that the driving electric field is calculated from the vector product of
velocity and magnetic field rather than using the rate of change of vector
Evaluation of a 3T Neonate Head Coil Using Numerical Calculations
Bu Sik Park1,2, Ravi Srinivasan3,
Christopher M. Collins2,4
1Bioengineering , The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA, USA; 2Radiology, The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA, USA; 3Advanced Imaging Research, Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA; 4Bioengineering, The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA, USA
Here we report the numerical calculation results for the
B1 field and SAR evaluation in a 3T neonate head coil containing an
anatomically-accurate head model using the finite difference time domain (FDTD)
method. The FDTD model of the coil was created directly from CAD models of the
actual coil, and features an end cap, four-port drive, asymmetric end ring, and
slightly larger spacing of anterior-most elements to allow for
ventilation/monitoring equipment. Maximum time-average dissipated power to
avoid exceeding limits on local and average SAR are presented.
3035. Measurement
of Occupational Exposure to RF and Gradient Fields in an Open 1T MR System
Myles Capstick1, Sven Kuehn1,
Michael Oberle1, Rebecca Quest2, Annie Papadaki2,
Marc Rea2, Donald McRobbie2, Niels Kuster
1IT'IS Foundation , Zurich, ZH, Switzerland; 2Radiological Sciences Unit, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK
Interventional MR procedures in an open 1T MRI scanner
have been investigated for occupational exposure of staff to electric and/or
magnetic fields and/or magnetic flux density values that exceed action values
(AVs) defined in the EU Directives 2004/40/EC and 2008/46/EC. A specific
measurement procedure and analysis to systematically measure field strengths
during pre-selected procedures with regard to movements of a radiologist has
been developed and applied. Measurements have been performed with clinical as
well as specific test sequences. The results have been compared with the
existing AVs of Directive 2004/40/EC.
Safety and Thermal Charecterists of Porcine Heads After Euthanasia
Devashish Shrivastava1, Timothy Hanson, Jeramy
Kulesa, J. Thomas Vaughan
1CMRR, Radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Thermal decay response right after the euthanasia was
within 15 % of the thermal response obtained after 12 hours of death in the
head of human sized porcine models. Thermal decay over time is a function of thermal
properties alone (i.e., thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat).
Thus, the thermal decay response measurements suggest that the variation in the
thermal properties was less than 15% after 12 hours of death. This further
suggests that the RF heating related thermal responses obtained with in 12
hours of death in fresh, perfused cadavers may closely mimic thermal responses
in live humans.
3037. Towards
Direct B1 Based Local SAR Estimation
Martijn Anton Hendrik Cloos1, Giorgio
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, M.A., USA
In contrast to numerical SAR simulations, a B1 based
method for SAR estimation is presented. Closed form solutions for the dielectric
properties and axial-electric field component are derived from the Maxwell’s
equations. The method is applied to simulated B1-images of a human head and
compared to the simulated SAR. |
Applied Computational Electromagnetics |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Thursday 13:30-15:30 |
3038. Field
Superposition Method for RF Coil Design
Jan Paska1, Juerg Froehlich1, David
O. Brunner2, Klaas P. Pruessmann2, Ruediger Vahldieck1
1Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields
and Microwave Electronics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
At high B0 field strength full wave electromagnetic (EM)
field simulations are necessary for simulations of RF coils. A single
simulation can take hours, and an optimization procedure involves many
iteration steps.
3039. Fast
MR Simulations with JEMRIS 2.1 - Disclosing the Secrets of MRI Sequence
Kaveh Vahedipour1, N. Jon Shah1,2,
Tony Stöcker1
1Institute of Neurosciences and
Biophysics, Research Centre Juelich, Juelich, Germany; 2Faculty of
Medicine, Department of Neurology, RWTH Aachen University, JARA, Aachen,
Further developments of a novel, multi-processor
approach to MRI simulations, open to the sequence and hardware development
community, are presented. The underlying mechanisms provide the most general
and yet computationally efficient solution of the Bloch equations by means of
variable time-stepping numerical integration. The parallel software scales
almost ideally and has been implemented to run on a variety of different
hardware and operating system combinations. Symbolic mathematical evaluation
provides huge flexibility in sequence design without additional programming.
Parallel receive as well as transmit functionality promote the simulation of
contemporary and relevant developments in the acquisition as well as excitation
3040. Field
and S-Parameter Simulation of Arbitrary Antenna Structure with Variable Lumped
Rongxing Zhang1, Yao Xing1, Juergen
Nistler2, Jianmin Wang1
1Siemens Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd.,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; 2Siemens Medical Solutions Magnetic
Resonance , Erlangen, Germany
A new method is demonstrated to run S-parameter and E
and B field pattern simulation of any arbitrary antenna structure without exact
values of the lumped elements connected to it. With these simulation results,
the S-parameters and field pattern can be easily calculated with any arbitrary
lumped element values connected to the antenna structure by using simple matrix
operation in Matlab programs. Because the Matlab calculation requires very
small computation time, this method can be used to optimize the capacitor
values to achieve matching at specific frequency, to improve field distribution
and to reduce coil coupling.
Optimal-Numerical-Analytical Computation: Segmented Spiral Coil at High Field
Xin Chen1, Xingxian Shou1, Yong Wu1,
Minhua Zhu1, Mark A. Griswold2, Hiroyuki Fujita1,3,
Robert W. Brown1
1Department of Physics, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; 2Department of Radiology,
University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, USA; 3Quality
Electrodynamics LLC, Mayfield Village, OH, USA
RF field inhomogeneities have been a major challenge in
today's high-field MRI. Among the various RF coils designed to address this
problem, a spiral coil has been proposed to improve field homogeneity by virtue
of its special geometry. In another direction, RF shimming has proven to be an
efficient method to address such inhomogeneities. Here we combine these
approaches and present a modeling of the spiral coil utilizing an efficient
computational numerical-analytical optimization to achieve RF shimming. The
preliminary results demonstrate significant RF homogeneity improvement at
ultra-high RF frequency 400MHz.
3042. Modeling
Occupational Exposure to RF and Gradient Fields Associated with an
Interventional Procedure in an Open 1 T MR System
Yan Li1, Jeff Hand1,2, Andreas
Christ3, Eugenia Cabot3, Donald McRobbie4,
Myles Capstick3, Michael Oberle3, Niels Kuster3
1Imaging Sciences Dept, Clinical Sciences
Centre, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, London, UK; 2Radiological
Sciences Unit, Imperial College Healthcare Trust , London, UK; 3Foundation
for Research on Information Technology in Society, Zurich, Switzerland; 4Radiological
Sciences Unit, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK
Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields within
the frequency range 0 ≤ f ≤ 300 GHz is currently attracting
attention in European Union member states where legislation regarding exposure
limits is pending. In particular, these limits may restrict some MR procedures.
In this work we investigate the use of numerical dosimetry to assess
occupational exposure to RF and gradient fields associated with an
interventional procedure carried out in an open 1 T scanner and for which
previous field measurements suggested that exposure to fields exceeding action
values would occur.
Calculation of Tissue Electrical Parameters from B1 Maps
Selaka B. Bulumulla1, Teck Beng Yeo1,
Yudong Zhu1
1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, USA
There is interest in in-vivo measurement of tissue
electrical parameters (conductivity and permittivity) for diagnostic purposes
as malignant cells are known to have different electrical properties from
surrounding healthy tissue. Tissue conductivity is also required to estimate
local heating effects in multi-channel transmit schemes. In this paper, we
derive a set of equations to directly calculate tissue electrical properties
from B1+ maps. The equations are verified by estimating the conductivity and
relative permittivity of a human body model, using B1+ maps obtained from electromagnetic
3044. Effect
of Model and Voxel Size on the Simulated Gradient Induced Electric Fields
Rebecca Emily Feldman1, William Handler2,
Blaine Alexander Chronik2
1Medica Biophysics, University of Western
Ontairo, London, Ontario, Canada; 2Physics and Astronomy, University
of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Peripheral nerve stimulation in MRI is caused if the
changing magnetic fields induce an electric field that is above the stimulation
threshold. In order to estimate that threshold electric field simulations must
be performed. In order to calculate the contribution of the scalar potential, a
model has to be used to emulate the effects of charge accumulation as the
electric field crosses the boundary between air and tissue. This abstract
investigates the effect that the size and resolution of model used for these
simulations has on the calculated field.
3045. A
Study of the Relationship Between B1-Field Uniformity, Body Aspect Ratio and
SAR for Whole-Body RF Shimming at 3.0T
Zhiyong Zhai1, Michael Morich1,
Gordon DeMeester1, Paul R. Harvey2
1Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, USA; 2Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
In a 3T whole body MRI system, the body tissue
dielectric effects become important. It can considerably decrease B1-field
homogeneity and affect image quality. Experiments show that B1-field
non-uniformity varies with a scanning subject’s loading position and body
shape. To study the optimal B1 shimming methods for various subjects with
different body shapes, while keeping SAR within RF safety limits, the FDTD
method is used to evaluate the relationship between the optimized |B1+|-field,
the whole-body SAR and the maximum local SAR for human body models with different
aspect ratios. Results are compared to the conventional quadrature driven case.
3046. Comparison
of Elements Geometries in B1 Shimming with a 16-Channel Whole Body
Transmit Array at 3T
Yeun Chul Ryu1, Bu Sik Park2,3,
Sukhoon Oh2, Silvie Garret4, Christopher M. Collins3,5
1Radiology, The Pennsylvania State
University, Hershey , PA, USA; 2Radiology, The Pennsylvania State
University, Hershey, PA, USA; 3Bioengineering, The Pennsylvania
State University, Hershey, PA, USA; 4Aerospace Engineering, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; 5Radiology,
The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA, USA
Here we evaluate the excitation homogeneity and SAR of
three different Tx arrays after B1 shimming in the human body at 3T. It appears
that in this particular comparison an array based on strip line elements can
produce better homogeneity and lower SAR than can an array of rectangular loops
or an array of mixed elements (strip line and loop). While many factors are considered
in designing coils for production, it is hoped that methods and results like
these will be used in the future to guide decisions and maximize benefit.
3047. Computer
Assisted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Simulation on the Basis of MR System
Silke Maria Lechner1,2, Bruce Amm3,
Hans-Joachim Bungartz2, Thomas K. Foo3, Mika W. Vogel1
1Advanced Medical Applications
Laboratory, GE Global Research, Munich, Bavaria, Germany; 2Department
of Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technical University Munich,
Munich, Bavaria, Germany; 3Imaging Technologies Laboratory, GE
Global Research Niskayuna, NY, USA
We present a MRI simulation tool that combines MR system
component with full MR application simulation. Transient simulations based on
the finite element method (FEM) are utilized to obtain field information on the
basis of computer assisted design (CAD) files and input those into a
parallelized Bloch solver realized on a graphics-processing unit (GPU).
Application related gradient are used as current input function to control the
FEM simulation. Here, the basic components of the MR simulator together with
speed up mechanisms such as adaptive time sampling, symmetry or parallelization
are presented. Proof of principle is demonstrated by showing the results for a
simplified MR system model.
3048. Development
of Digital Wireless Transceiver for a MRI Coil with Clock Synchronization
Takahiro Sekiguchi1, Koji Akita1,
Toshiyuki Nakanishi1, Sojuro Kato2, Kohei Adachi2,
Kazuya Okamoto2
1Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba
Corporation, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan; 2Toshiba Medical Systems
Corporation, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan
We propose a digital wireless transceiver for a MRI coil
with clock synchronization. We address the issue of phase rotation which can
deteriorate the quality of image when a wireless transceiver of magnetic
resonance signal is employed. Compared to EPI, spin warp sequences such as SE
or FSE are more subject to the phase rotation. We developed a prototype in
which clock signals in Rx coil side is synchronized to the system via a
wireless link. Our experiment confirmed that the signal dynamic range is 50dB
and phase rotation is 3deg/min, which indicates that this prototype is
applicable to 2-D imaging using SE or FSE.
Image Noise and a Direct Sampling ADC
Graeme McKinnon1
1Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA
The quantization and sampling accuracy requirements for
an analog to digital converter (ADC) in an MR scanner are analyzed. In
particular, we develop an equation detailing the impact of sampling jitter when
direct sampling high field MR signals. Calculations indicate that direct
sampling should be practical, without impacting image quality, even up to 7T.
3050. Implementation
of High Frequency MRI Coil Arrays Entirely Based on Design-By-Simulation
Laura Del Tin1, Andreas Peter1, Jan
G. Korvink1
1Department for Microsystems
Engineering-IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
In this work, we present a numerical methodology for the
implementation of high frequency 3 dimensional (3D) RF coil arrays for MRI
application, from device conception to their use for imaging. A combination of
3D finite element simulation and 2.5D method of moments simulation is used. The
proposed procedure is applied to the implementation of a cylindrical 4 coil
array and its accuracy is evaluated by comparison with measurement results.
3051. RF
B1 Field Localization at 9.4T Through Convex Optimization with an Iterative
Hyoungsuk Yoo1, Anand Gopinath1, J.
Thomas Vaughan1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2The
Center for Magnetic Resonance Research and Department of Radiology, University
of Minnesota-Twin Cities
In this paper, a better approach is demonstrated with an
iterative method which makes this method more useful. Simulation results are
discussed at 9.4T systems based on the number of elements.
of Encoding Fields for PatLoc Imaging
Anna M. Welz1, Hartmut Schmidt2,
Jürgen Hennig1, Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical
Physics, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Bruker
Biospin MRI GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany
Todays limitation of gradient performance is
predominantly determined by peripheral nerve stimualtion. To overcome this
problem, imaging with local non-bijective, non-linear encoding fields was
proposed which allow for higherDBmax/dt
and shifts this problem back into the “hardware regime”. These special
multipolar encoding fields have more parameters to be optimized then linear
gradients, like number of poles, local gradient strength and orthogonality.
This abstract studies the properties of such multipolar fields and determines
the optimal PatLoc encoding field.
3053. How
Reliable Are Computer Simulations for RF Power Deposition? an Experimental
Verification of Numerical Simulations
Shizhe Li1, Shumin Wang1, Jun Shen1
1National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
RF power absorption inside phantoms and human subjects
has been studied extensively using numerical simulations. However, the
calculated results have not been directly verified experimentally using
identical conditions. In this study, we performed a numerical simulation and an
experimental measurement of the RF power deposition on the same coil/phantom
setup. A hybrid of FDTD and FE methods was applied in simulations. The actual
absorbed power was measured on a 4.7 Tesla scanner. The calculated and measured
results provide additional evidence that numerical simulation is a reliable
method for estimating RF power deposition.
3054. Evaluation
of B1+ and E Field of RF Resonator with High Dielectric
Chunsheng Wang1, Xiaoliang Zhang1,2
1Dept. of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 22UCSF/UC
Berkeley Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco & Berkeley,
<B>B1+</B> and
<B>E</B> field inside a birdcage coil with and without a
high-dielectric tube insert were investigated by finite difference time domain
method. The high-dielectric insert can help to increase <B>B1+</B>
field and decrease <B>E</B> field, which means high-dielectric
insert has potential to increase signal to noise ratio.
Gradient Coils & Magnets |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Monday 14:00-16:00 |
Coil Induced Eddy Current Computation Using the Boundary Elements Method
Shmaryu Shvartsman1, John L. Patrick1,
James F. Dampsey1, K. M. Prasad2
1Viewray Incorporated, Oakwood Village, OH, USA; 2Integrated Engineering Software, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
The Boundary Element Method “Faraday” software,
developed by Integrated Engineering Software Inc., Winnipeg, Canada, was
employed for analysis of 3D eddy currents induced by both transverse and axial
MRI gradient coils. We applied this method to a split whole-body gradient coil
designed for a MRI guided Radiation Therapy device. The device requires three
multi-leaf collimators to be positioned in the gap of the split gradient coils.
The presence of the collimators results in eddy current asymmetry that should
be characterized and accounted for in image reconstruction to provide imaging
adequate for treatment planning.
Strategy for Shielded Open MRI Magnets
Franco E. Bertora1, Elisa Molinari2,
Andrea Viale1
1Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences,
Italian Institute of Technology, GENOVA, GE, Italy; 2Robotics, Brain
and Cognitive Sciences, Italian Institute of Technology, GENOVA, Ge, Italy
A magnet design strategy is proposed, starting from a
three-dimensional finite configuration that completely confines the field and
that contains a closed cavity where the field is perfectly homogeneous. When
the cavity is opened on one or more sides to allow patient access distortions
are induced and a stray field arises, but the three-dimensional starting point
introduces a new degree of freedom that would be otherwise absent
3057. Comparison
Between CCMI and CAHM for Design Shielded Gradient Coils for MRI.
Silvia Sandra Hidalgo1,2, Carl Gadzinski2,
Brian Rutt2
1CI3M, UAM Iztapalapa, Mexico, City,
Mexico; 2Imaging Department, Robarts Research Institute, London,
Ontario, Canada
This work is focussed on a comparison between two
methods based in the target field method (TGM) to design Shielded
Gradient coils for MRI. The main problem of the TGM is that a current of
infinite extent is designed with a set of constraints but the current
is modified, and in consequence the final coil might not
have the desired characteristics. Carlson proposed a current distribution using
a Fourier Series for a coil of finite length. Another solution was
proposed by Chronik that adds a set of current constraints forcing the current
to lie over a certain length.
3058. Evaluation
of Two Shielding Strategies
Hector Sanchez1, Michael Poole1,
Feng Liu1, Stuart Crozier1
1School of Information Technology &
electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
This paper presents an evaluation between shielded
gradient coils designed by the traditional methods (magnetic field minimization
on the cryostat wall, method A) and the magnetic field control of Eddy Currents
at the DSV (method B). Using the Equivalent Magnetization Current method we
designed a set of gradient coils using methods A and B. We show that coils
designed by method A require a larger pre-emphasis than those of method B. The
interested contaminant field harmonics produced by method B dissipates faster
than those harmonics produced by the coil designed with method A. Parameters
such as residual gradient field and figure of merit are analysed.
3059. A
Novel Gradient Design: Simultaneous Generation of Fast Switchable Linear and
High Order Field Gradient for MR Imaging
Stefan Wintzheimer1, Florian Fidler2,
Michael Ledwig1, Toni Drießle1, Daniel Gensler1,
Peter Michael Jakob1,2
1Department of Experimental Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; 2MRB, Research Center
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Würzburg, Germany
Shimming a magnetic field usually requires an additional
set of complex coils which act independently from the linear gradient system
used for MRI. In this study a novel matrix gradient design is presented, which
is capable of generating both linear gradient fields for imaging and at the same
time high order shim fields to compensate inhomogeneities in the main magnetic
field. They provide the possibility to create a large variety of field
profiles. Furthermore the new design is able to switch every field order very
fast due to low inductivity of the coils.
3060. Theoretical
Design of 3D Gradient Coils
Peter Thomas While1, Larry K. Forbes1,
Stuart Crozier2
1School of Maths and Physics, University
of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; 2School of Information
Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
An analytic inverse method is presented for the
theoretical design of 3D transverse gradient coils. This method solves for the
precise geometry of the coil windings as part of the optimisation, rather than
restricting the solution to some predetermined coil surface. An ill-conditioned
integral equation is solved for a 3D current density using regularisation and a
minimum power constraint. Coil windings are obtained using a priority
streamline seeding technique followed by a secondary optimisation of the coil
currents. Results are found to display an interesting general geometric form
involving sets of closed loops plus spiral-type coils with excellent gradient
Order Stream Function Method to Automatically Design MRI Gradient Coil
Feng Jia1, Zhenyu Liu1, Anna M.
Welz2, Maxim Zaitsev2, Jan G. Korvink1, Jürgen
1Dept. of Microsystems Engineering –
IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Dept. of
Diagnostic Radiology, Medical Physics, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg,
In this paper, we present a high-order discretization
method to design the cylindrical gradient coil. The cylindrical surface can be
exactly discretized using a high-order triangular mesh when the surface is
expressed using a cylindrical coordinate system. The magnetic field is
calculated using the Biot-Savart law where the surface current density is
expressed using a stream function and the surface integration is implemented
using surface numerical integration based on the shape functions of the finite
element. One numerical example demonstrates that this method can be used to
design the surface gradient coil.
Method for Gradient Coil Design
Shmaryu M. Shvartsman1, Xin Chen2,
Tanvir N. Baig3, Minhua Zhu2, John L. Patrick1,
James F. Dempsey1, Robert W. Brown2
1ViewRay Inc., Oakwood, OH, USA; 2Department
of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; 3Department
of Physics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
We present a practical method for designing the
transverse and the axial gradient coils for MRI. This method is based on a
modification of previous pro-cedures for discretizing the continuous current
solution of a gradient coil design. It leads to improved target field quality
characteristics as well as other characteristics such as minimization of the
energy/inductance, minimization of the residual eddy current effect,
minimization of the thrust forces on the coil and cold shields, coil
resistance, etc. The new discretization method involves a set of parameters
that can be varied to achieve the desired trade-offs of the coil
3063. An
Inverse Design Method for 3D Toroidal Gradient Coils
Peter Thomas While1, Larry K. Forbes1,
Stuart Crozier2
1School of Maths and Physics, University
of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; 2School of Information
Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
An analytic inverse method is presented for the
theoretical design of toroidal transverse gradient coils. This coil structure
is chosen based on previous results for a fully 3D current density solution of
optimal geometry. A regularisation strategy with a minimum power constraint is
used to obtain toroidal current densities, and the method is applied to the
design of unshielded and shielded, whole-body and head coil gradient systems.
Resultant coil winding sets are found to display high efficiency, low
inductance, high gradient homogeneity and good force balancing.
3064. A
Novel Cradle-Shaped Gradient Coil for High-Field MRI
Kyle M. Gilbert1, Joseph S. Gati1,
Ravi S. Menon1
1Robarts Research Institute, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
By replacing a head-only gradient coil in a
neurology-dedicated scanner with a single-sided gradient coil, the
functionality of the scanner can be extended to include localized imaging
within the torso. As a prototype, a cradle-shaped gradient coil was designed,
fabricated, and tested in a 9.4-T animal scanner. A dedicated three-dimensional
algorithm was developed to correct for non-linear image distortion.
Region Local Bi-Planar Gradient Array Design for Breast Imaging
Sung Man Moon1, Kenneth Craig Goodrich1,
J. Rock Hadley1, Dennis L. Parker1
1UCAIR (Utah Center for Advanced Imaging
Research), Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Local planar Gradients can achieve higher efficiency
with higher slew rates compared to conventional cylindrical gradients resulting
in higher spatial and temporal resolution, Further, with reduced coil
dimensions, which help minimize the extent of associated magnetic field
excursions, planar gradient systems may have reduced PNS. However, for certain
applications such as breast imaging, the homogeneous volume may be too small to
cover the both breasts. We present a local biplanar gradient insert that has
two imaging regions along the x-axis to overcome this limitation by applying
the multiple-region gradient concept along the x-axis instead of along the
z-axis as in the original paper.
3066. MR
Microscopy Using Uniplanar Magnetic Field Gradients
Lin Zhao1, Andrey V. Demyanenko1,
Shuyi Nie1, J. Michael Tyszka1
1California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
A three-axis uniplanar microscopy gradient set is
optimized to image millimeter scale samples using sub-second echo planar
imaging sequences with short echo spacing at 7T. The gradient set is also used
to acquire 3D time-resolved gradient echo images of cell division in fertilized
frog embryos.
and Torques on Small Animal Insert Gradient Coils
Matthew Aloysius McAlpine1, William Handler, Blaine Chronik
1Physics and Astronomy, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
A numerical approach to determine the safety of small
animal insert gradient coils in there use in MR main magnets by calculating the
net force and torque at varying coil positions.
Method for MR Gradient System Characterization
Nii Okai Addy1, Hochong H. Wu1,
Dwight G. Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
For fast imaging sequences such as EPI, spirals and 3D
cones, the actual k-space trajectories achieved on the scanner may deviate from
the ideal case resulting in image artifacts in reconstruction. The typical
solution to this problem is to measure the trajectories. This however, can
potentially be a time consuming process. This work provides a simple, time
efficient method to both characterize the MR scanner’s gradient system and
provide a means for estimating the actual trajectories achieved on the scanner.
3069. A
Four Mirror-Current Planes Model for the Gradient Field Enhancement in a
Permanent Magnet
Shinya Handa1, Katsumi Kose1,
Tomoyuki Haishi2
1Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibraki, Japan; 2MRTechnology Inc., Tsukuba, Ibraki, Japan
A four mirror-current planes model for the magnetic
circuits on magnetic field gradients produced by planar gradient coils was
developed and compared with the two mirror-current planes model. The gradient
field distribution measured for a 0.3 T permanent magnet showed a good
agreement with that calculated from the four mirror-current planes model. It
was concluded that the four mirror-current planes model was better suited to
explain the effects of magnetic circuits on magnetic field gradients produced
by planar gradient coils.
Imaging with a Dual Gradient System
K Craig Goodrich1, Seong-Eun Kim1,
Sung Man Moon1, J. Rock Hadley1, J Ulrich Fontius2,
Franz Schmitt2, Dennis L. Parker1
1U.C.A.I.R., Univ of Utah, SLC, UT, USA; 2Siemens Health Care AG, Erlangen, Germany
Given the experience and issues with reduced volume and
switchable gradient systems, it is logical to consider the evaluation of
insertable gradients that can operate simultaneously with the system body
gradients. Local and whole-body gradients can be combined in such a manner as
to exhibit the best advantages of both gradient systems. We have constructed an
imaging system with dual gradients and amplifiers that can be operated
simultaneously. Each gradient axis (X,Y,Z) can be dynamically chosen to operate
in a combined mode or separately. In this work we demonstrate improvements to
EPI imaging with such a system.
Coil Phase Effects in Highly Accelerated Imaging with a Dedicated Fourth
Gradient Channel
John Carl Bosshard1, Mary Preston McDougall2,
Steven Michael Wright1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; 2Biomedical
Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
Wide field of view magnetic resonance microscopy using RF coils of similar
dimension to the voxel sizes requires use of a “phase compensation” gradient to
compensate for the phase pattern of each RF coil. However the necessary phase
shift is dependent on the position of the voxel relative to the RF coil. A
fourth gradient channel and gradient coil were implemented to create a y
dependent x gradient, allowing simultaneous phase compensation over a range of
distances from the RF coils, thus allowing the use of 3D imaging and dual or
“sandwich” arrays.
3072. Non-Linear
Encoding Gradient Optimization for O-Space Imaging with a Microstrip Coil Array
Lick-Kong Tam1, Jason Stockmann1,
Pelin Aksit Ciris1, Robert Todd Constable1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Yale University,
New Haven, CT, USA; 2Diagnostic Radiology & Neurosurgery, Yale
University, New Haven, CT, USA
In parallel magnetic resonance imaging, locally
sensitive receive coils share spatial localization duties with magnetic
gradient encoding functions. We performed a line-search optimization of
non-linear encoding gradient shapes composed of third order and lower spherical
harmonics to determine encoding functions to better complement receive coil
localization. A metric independent of reconstruction method evaluated the
ability of encoding functions to complement receive coils. The resulting
non-linear encoding functions, amenable to a image reconstruction method that
does not require phase encoding, may improve imaging parameters including
resolution, gradient slew rate scan time.
of a Non-Shielded PatLoc Gradient Insert for Human Head Imaging
Anna M. Welz1, Maxim Zaitsev1, Feng
Jia2, Zhenyu Liu2, Jan Korvink2, Hartmut
Schmidt3, Heinrich Lehr3, Hans Post3, Andrew
Dewney4, Jürgen Hennig1
1Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical
Physics, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Dept. of
Microsystems Engineering – IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 3Bruker
Biospin MRI GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany; 4Siemens Medical Solutions,
Erlangen, Germany
This abstract discusses the first design of a gradient
system for human head imaging using multipolar gradients (PatLoc). Realisation
strategies, optimization of this special gradient coil design for special
target fields and implementation. This system will be implemented on a Siemens
3T Tim Trio and used in addition to the existing linear gradients.
of Cylindrical and Elliptical Geometry Gradient Coils
Sung Man Moon1, J. Rock Hadley1,
Kenneth Craig Goodrich1, Dennis L. Parker1
1UCAIR (Utah Center for Advanced Imaging
Research), Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Serious demands for high performance gradient coils for
magnetic resonance imaging have led to the introduction and evaluation of
planar and elliptical gradient coils. Cylindrical gradient coils are the
current industry standard and give a wide homogeneous imaging region and the
most room for patient access. Elliptical gradient coils can attain higher
efficiency and lower inductance, leading to higher spatial and temporal
resolution in some applications. In spite of the potential increased
performance, there have been few if any studies comparing cylindrical and
elliptical gradient systems. In this study, we have compared cylindrical and
elliptical gradient coil design to assess the relative advantages of each. |
Shimming & Field Inhomogeneities |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Tuesday 13:30-15:30 |
of Susceptibility-Induced Artefacts for Prospective Motion Correction
Rainer Boegle1, Julian Maclaren1,
Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical
Physics, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
In prospective motion correction, orientation and
position changes of the imaged object lead to susceptibility-induced image
distortions. In real time imaging, like real-time fMRI it is not possible to
acquire field maps of the object for each step in the time series. We therefore
apply a method for rapidly calculating field inhomogeneities for an object with
a known susceptibility distribution. The resulting field maps are compared to
acquired field maps for a custom-made phantom and found to match well. This is
an important step towards prediction and correction of susceptibility-induced
image distortions in prospective motion correction.
3076. Susceptibility-Matched
2H2O NMR Probes for Magnetic Field Monitoring<
Pekka Sipilä1,2, Sebastian Greding1,
Gerhard Wachutka2, Florian Wiesinger1
1GE Global Research, Munich, Bavaria, Germany; 2Institute for Physics of Electrotechnology, Munich University of Technology, Munich, Germany
Cross-talk between magnetic field monitoring NMR probes
and imaging elements during MRI scan is eliminated by using deuterium for the
NMR probe samples. The probes are a part of an independent magnetic field
monitoring tool-kit.
3077. Can
a Generalized Passive Shimming Array Improve Field Homogeneity for Human Brain
Imaging at 7 T?
Dennis F R Heijtel1,2, Peter van Gelderen1,
Jeff H. Duyn1, Jacco A. de Zwart1
1Advanced MRI, LFMI, NINDS, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA; 2Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Static magnetic field homogeneities negatively affect
image quality, in particular at high magnetic field strength. For human brain
imaging, predominant sources of such inhomogeneities are the nasal cavity and
ear canals. With the current technology, active shim coils cannot adequately
compensate for these spatial field perturbations. We investigated the
feasibility of generalized passive shimming based on a cylindrical array of
ferrous particles, placed in between transmit and receive coil array, for
improved field homogeneity in human brain imaging at 7 T. Results (n=34) show
consistently improved field homogeneity, albeit limited (~12%), predominantly
due to volunteer-to-volunteer variability.
3078. Refocusing
Method for Mapping Imaging Gradients with High SNR
Jason Peter Stockmann1, Robert Todd Constable2
1Biomedical Engineering, Yale University,
New Haven, CT, USA; 2Diagnostic Radiology, Neurosurgery, and
Biomedical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
Field mapping is typically used to map B0
inhomogeneities but there are cases where it is desireable to map the imaging
gradients themselves. This work introduces a modification to conventional field
mapping to widen the range of gradient strengths over which reliable field maps
may be obtained. Rather than apply a constant test field over the duration of
each TR, the field is pulsed through dephasing and then rephrasing lobes so as
to thereby avoid the signal loss at the time t = TE. This allows shim and
imaging gradient coil performance to be calibrated at strengths for which
conventional field mapping is rendered inaccurate by dephasing.
3079. Whole
Brain Field Homogenization with Localized Electrical Coils
Christoph Juchem1, Terence W. Nixon1,
Mark Abildgaard1, Scott McIntyre1, Douglas L. Rothman1,
Robin A. de Graaf1
1Diagnostic Radiology, MRRC, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Strong field distortions created by largely varying
magnetic susceptibility conditions in the human head pose a major limitation in
the study of brain areas like the prefrontal cortex as they hamper whole brain
imaging and spectroscopy. The distortions are usually minimized by a set of
low-order spherical harmonic shim functions. Based on field simulations, we
show that largely improved whole brain shimming can be achieved with a set of
100 circular electrical coils placed directly around the head of the subject.
Shim fields can be generated that exhibit a strength and complexity that by far
exceeds the capabilities of the not problem-oriented, spherical harmonic
3080. Magnetic
Field Homogenization of the Human Prefrontal Cortex with a Set of Localized
Electrical Coils
Christoph Juchem1, Terence W. Nixon1,
Scott McIntyre1, Douglas L. Rothman1, Robin A. de Graaf1
1Diagnostic Radiology, MRRC, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Large differences in magnetic susceptibility result in
strong and highly localized field distortions in the human prefrontal cortex,
which cannot be addressed by low-order spherical harmonic shimming. A fixed
configuration of external, electrical coils has been developed to provide a
localized and high amplitude shim field in the prefrontal cortex with minimum
impact on the rest of the brain. The experimental realization enabled us to
strongly minimize signal dropout for gradient-echo images and settings
typically used in fMRI.
3081. First-To-Fourth
Order Spherical Harmonics Shimming with a Grid of Circular Electrical Coils
Christoph Juchem1, Douglas L. Rothman1,
Robin A. de Graaf1
1Diagnostic Radiology, MRRC, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Magnetic field inhomogeneity is typically decomposed
into low-order (n≤4) spherical harmonic functions. In order to compensate
the inhomogeneity MR scanners have specialized built-in electrical coils, each
of which can create one spherical harmonic field term. Here we propose the use
of a grid of 100 local coils to generate spherical harmonic fields instead of
one dedicated coil per term. Based on field simulations we show that by placing
the coils around the head of the subject, strong first-to-fourth order
spherical harmonic shim fields can be generated very flexibly.
3082. Design
of a High Power Customized Shim Set Insert for in Vivo Spectroscopy of Deep
Brain Structures in Humans at 4T
Parisa Hudson1, L. Martyn Klassen2,
William Bradfield Handler1, Blaine Alexander Chronik1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, The
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; 2Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada
One of the major challenges in very high-field magnetic
resonance spectroscopy is the detection and characterization of the hippocampi
deep inside the medial temporal lobes. The demands placed on the resistive shim
systems by this application are beyond the capability of existing whole-body
shim coil systems. We are investigating the development of an extremely high
performance, high order, short, insertable shim set specifically designed for
the medial temporal lobes of the human brain. A first goal is to determine how
much improvement could possibly be achieved using such a shim set
3083. Shielding
Requirements for a Complete 3rd Order Shim Set for a 31cm Bore 9.4T
Dustin Wesley Haw1, Blaine Alexander Chronik2
1Physics and Astronomy, University of Western
Ontario, London , Ontario, Canada; 2Physics and Astronomy,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Our goal is to develop and optimize high-strength, dynamic shim systems. It is
clear that dynamic shim systems will need to be actively shielded. We
investigate the performance of shielded shim coils as a function of shim order
in a complete 3rd order shim set. The efficiency of unshielded shims is better
than that of shielded shim, as expected. However, the difference decreases
considerably with increasing shim order. This suggests that there is more
freedom with higher order shields than lower orders.
Hybrid & Novel Systems |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Wednesday 13:30-15:30 |
3084. An
Experimental Study of the Feasibility of Simultaneous MRI and Spect Imaging
Mark J. Hamamura1, Seung Hoon Ha1,
Werner W. Roeck1, Orhan Nalcioglu1, Douglass J. Wagenaar2,
Dirk Meier2, Bradley E. Patt2
1Center for Functional Onco-Imaging,
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; 2Gamma Medica-Ideas,
Inc., Northridge, CA, USA
We experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of
operating a SPECT system inside a 4T MR system for simultaneous data
acquisition. In the present study we investi-gated the mutual interference of
MR and SPECT during simultaneous data acquisition and shown that the system
presented here is capable of acquiring spatially and temporally co-registered
images by both modalities without any artifacts. It is our belief that the
availability of such system will open up new opportunities in molecular imaging
that can also be translated to humans by scaling up the current design
3085. Effective
RF Shielding with Carbon Fiber Composites for Simultaneous PET/MRI
Bo Joseph Peng1, Yibao Wu1, Simon
R. Cherry1, Jeffrey Walton2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA; 2NMR Facility,
University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA
We have investigated carbon fiber composites as a RF
shielding material for simultaneous PET and MR imaging. In this abstract we
outline the results of initial investigations of the shielding effectiveness of
this material and compare it with more traditional copper shielding.
3086. Multifunctional
PET/MR Imaging in Small Animal Models
Hans F. Wehrl1, Martin S. Judenhofer1,
Petros Martirosian2, Florian Maier1, Gerald Reischl3,
Fritz Schick2, Bernd J. Pichler1
1Laboratory for Preclinical Imaging of
the Werner Siemens-Foundation, Department of Radiology, University of
Tuebingen, Tuebingen, BW, Germany; 2Section on Experimental
Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, BW,
Germany; 3Radiopharmacy and PET-Center, Department of Radiology,
University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, BW, Germany
Simultaneous, small animal PET/MR imaging has a great
potential in preclinical research. Differences between MR contrast agent
enhancement and PET uptake were observed in a brain tumor mouse model. The
influence of a Choline-PET tracer on MR spectroscopy was evaluated.
Simultaneous [15O]Water PET and ASL-MR perfusion measurements were
performed and compared.
3087. Investigation
of Detector Collimator Effects for Dual Modality MR -Nuclear Imaging
Seung Hoon Ha1, Mark J. Hamamura1,
Werner W. Roeck1, Orhan Nalcioglu1, Douglass J. Wagenaar2,
Dirk Meier2, Bradley E. Patt2
1Center for Functional Onco-Imaging,
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; 2Gamma Medica-Ideas,
Inc., Northridge, CA, USA
The effect of nuclear collimators made of lead (Pb) on
MR imaging was investigated using a dedicated dual modality RF coil built for
small animal imaging. The intro-duction of the collimator affected both the SNR
as well as MR image uniformity. The signal non-uniformity was reduced
considerably by the introduction of additional lead shielding around the object
at the expense of reducing the image SNR. In spite of this minor shortcoming
the effect of Pb collimator on the MR image was reduced considerably that should
make it useful for dual modality MR – nuclear imaging such as MR - SPECT and MR
- PET. Additionally since the imaging time for nuclear images is much longer
than MRI one can easily increase the number of averages in the MRI to overcome
this problem.
Stationary SPECT System for Simultaneous MRI/SPECT Dual-Modality Pre-Clinical
Douglas Jay Wagenaar1, Dirk Meier1,
Orhan Nalciolgu2, L. Tugan Muftuler2, Yuchuan Wang3,
Benjamin Ming-Wa Tsui3, Bradley Earl Patt1
1Research, Gamma Medica-Ideas, Inc.,
Northridge, CA, USA; 2Tu & Yuen Center for Functional
Onco-Imaging, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA; 3Radiology,
Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, USA
A portable and stationary SPECT system has been
engineered to operate simultaneously within the 12.0 cm diameter bore of
high-field, pre-clinical MRI imaging systems. For decades the photomultiplier
tubes used in nuclear medicine precluded such a system. The use of pixellated
semiconductor CZT as the detection material allows gamma-ray imaging in the
high-field setting. This mouse-only apparatus is capable of producing dynamic
SPECT with 1.5 mm FWHM spatial resolution and high sensitivity. Multimodality
imaging is established in pre-clinical research and we present first images of
phan-toms and laboratory animals of this SPECT/MRI instrument.
3089. Design
of a Docking PET and Field-Cycled MRI System for Small Animal Imaging
Geron Andre Bindseil1, Timothy J. Scholl1,
William B. Handler1, Blaine A. Chronik1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, The
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
There is great interest in combining functional and
anatomical imaging systems. Current approaches to PET/MRI typically a) change
PET to make it compatible with conventional MRI, or b) change MRI to make it
compatible with conventional PET. An approach of the latter kind is
investigated and the design of a docking PET/Field-Cycled MRI (FCMRI) system
using the Siemens Inveon small-animal PET is proposed. Advantages of PET/FCMRI
over other PET/MRI approaches for small-animal preclinical imaging are
Attenuated Whole Body PET Reconstruction: An in Vivo Study Using Animal
Jeffrey Steinberg1, Guang Jia2,
Steffen Sammet2, Jun Zhang2, Nathan Hall2,
Michael V. Knopp2
1Department of Radiology, Duke
University, Durham, NC, USA; 2Department of Radiology, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH, USA
In this paper we compared MRI-based attenuation
correction methods for MRI/PET hybrid scanners to CT attenuated PET images
acquired in a PET/CT scanner. The MRI-based attenuation maps were acquired by
segmentation of the MRI into regions of air, lung, tissue, and bone. These
segmented maps were assigned the corresponding attenuation values and were used
for reconstruction. The resulting PET images were nearly identical to the CT
attenuated PET images, indicating that using an approximation yields acceptable
results for most clinical purposes.
3091. Precise
Co-Registration of SPECT and MRI for Small Animal Imaging Using a Common Animal
Bed with External References: A Feasibility Study
Masayuki Yamaguchi1, Hirofumi Fujii1,
Kazumasa Inoue1, Ryutaro Nakagami1,2, Koutaro Tani1,2,
Izumi Ogihara Umeda1, Yasuko Mutou1, Akira Nabetani3,
Akira Hirayama1,3, Atsushi Nozaki3
1Functional Imaging Division, National
Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan; 2Faculty of
Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Arakawa, Tokyo, Japan; 3GE
Yokogawa Medhical Systems, Ltd., Hino, Tokyo, Japan
A software-based post-processing technique in SPECT and
MRI fusion was explored for small animal imaging. The latest animal SPECT
scanner equipped with multi-pinhole collimators provides unique information
about neuroreceptors in the brain and phagocytotic activity in sentinel lymph
nodes (SLN) of mice. We obtained 123I IMZ or 99mTc SPCET
and high-resolution MRI for the mouse brain and SLN, respectively, using
separate scanners with a dedicated common animal bed and external references,
and successfully co-registered these images using post-processing software.
This technique may aid in the simultaneous evaluation of functional and
anatomical aspects of small animal organs in vivo.
and Evaluation of a Dedicated Setup for Co-Registered PET/MRI Abdominal Imaging
of the Mouse
Carole Lartizien1, Laurence Canaple2,
Olivier Beuf3
1Université de Lyon, CREATIS-LRMN, CNRS
UMR 5220; Inserm U630; INSA-Lyon; Université Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France; 2Institut
de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon, CNRS UMR 5241, ENS-Lyon, Lyon, France; 3Université
de Lyon, CREATIS-LRMN , CNRS UMR 5220; Inserm U630; INSA-Lyon; Université Lyon
1, Villeurbanne, France
One of the main challenges to fully exploit the
combination of PET with MRI is to achieve good co-registration between both
modalities. A dedicated setup and co-registrated PET/MRI processing for
abdominal images of the mouse acquired on two independent imaging systems
(Bruker Biospec 7T and Raytest ClearPET) and based on external fiduciary
markers was assessed. A mouse holder for both imaging systems was equipped with
three non parallel fiduciary tubes. Different co-registration methods were
evaluated on phantom experiments, based on rigid and non-rigid transformations
and a semi-automated method using the external fiduciary markers. The
semi-automated method and the non-rigid transform allowed the best
co-registration. The protocol was then used on mouse models of digestive
tumors. Visual analysis of the PET images of a mouse model developing
spontaneous intestinal tumors, allowed in 2 out of the 3 mice, to localize
tumors that were not seen on the MR images.
MR: A Battery Driven Broadband MRI System for Portable Magnets Up to 3T
Michael Ledwig1, Toni Michael Drießle2,
Stefan Wintzheimer1, Daniel Gensler2, Peter Michael Jakob1,2,
Florian Fidler1
1MRB, Research Center
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Würzburg, Germany; 2Dept. of Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Purpose of this work was to develop a fully digital
mobile MRI system with state of the art broadband high speed electronics. The
system is battery driven and can run virtually any user defined pulse sequence
as well as standard methods. Furthermore the same system can also be used to
upgrade older stationary MR scanners to fully digital driven imaging systems.
3094. System
for Optimal Stress During Clinical Cardiac MRS
Hee-Won Kim1, Karam Souibri2,
Gerald M. Pohost1,3
1Radiology, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Medicine, University of Southern
California, USA; 3Medicine, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA,
An automatic handgrip stress control system was
developed in order to obtain improved precision of the phosphate metabolic
alterations during the cardiac stress MRS at 3T. The load-cell/strain-gauge
provided the stress signals. By feed-forward or feedback control, the error
signals have actuated audio-visual stimulation to the subject. It was clearly
demonstrated that the stress level is far more stable during the entire session
with the control system so that more accurate measurement of the metabolite
changes during moderate stress is available. The spectral resolution was also
improved by proactively sustained control during stress 31P MRS.
Novel Design for a 1 Tesla Magnet for Mobile MR
Michael Ledwig1, Florian Fidler1,
Toni Drießle2, Stefan Wintzheimer1, Daniel Gensler3,
Peter Michael Jakob1,2
1MRB, Research Center
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Würzburg, Germany; 2Dept. of
Experimental Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; 3Dept. of Experimental Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Purpose of this work was to develop a lightweight magnet
with a large field of view and a high field strength. The resulting new
permanent magnet design has a field strength of 1T while offering a 4cm bore.
The weight of the magnet is 15kg.
3096. Development
of a Compact MRI System for a Low Temperature (-5 Degree) Room
Satoru Adachi1, Toshihiro Ozeki2,
Shinya Handa1, Ryosuke Shigeki1, Katsumi Kose1,
Tomoyuki Haishi3
1Institute of Applied Physics, University
of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; 2Sapporo, Hokkaido University
of Education, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan; 3MRTechnology, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, Japan
A compact MRI system for a low temperature (-5 degree)
room was developed for several useful applications. The magnet, 2nd order shim
coil set, and gradient probe were installed in the low temperature (LT) room
and the MRI console was installed in a usual temperature operation room next to
the LT room. The control lines for transmitter, receiver, and gradient coils were
connected through a hole opened in the wall between the LT room and the
operation room. Magnetic field inhomogeneity measured using a geometric phantom
showed an increase of inhomogeneity with decreasing temperature. However, it
was concluded that this system can be used even at -5 degree using the 2nd
order shim-coil set.
3097. Development
of a Shield-Room Free Compact MRI System with a Highly Homogeneous RF Coil for
Bone Density Measurements at the Calcaneus
Kazuya Taniguchi1, Shinya Handa1,
Katsumi Kose1
1Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
A local RF shield and an RF coil with a highly
homogeneous RF magnetic field were developed to reduce the installation space
and the measurement time in a compact MRI system for measurements of trabecular
bone volume fraction (TBVF) in the calcaneus. To achieve a homogeneous RF
magnetic field, the coil wire distribution of the oval solenoid was optimized
using a genetic algorithm. The homogeneous RF magnetic field enabled a multiple
spin-echo sequence, which achieved 50% measurement time reduction with a 30% CV
(coefficient of variance) reduction.
and Gradient Coils for an Elliptical Surface NMR Device
manola Ciarrocchi1, angelo Galante1,
piero Sebastiani2, maria Alfonsetti1, marcello Alecci1,
antonello Sotgiu1
1Dipartimento Scienze della Salute, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy; 2ITA srl, L'Aquila, Italy
Mobile unilateral magnets have been developed in the past
ten years to investigate samples that cannot be moved or do not fit within the
bore of traditional MRI scanners. We have designed a novel device based on an
elliptical magnet with a large free space at the centre of the magnet to host
the entire coil system and, eventually, other sensor for multimodal studies.
The magnet generates a magnetic field parallel to its surface and has been
optimized to have a highly homogeneous B0 along the ellipse major axis to allow
1D imaging along such direction. The maximum field intensity B0=124 mT is
reached at 7 mm distance from the surface magnet. We present a complete coils
system, receiver rf and gradient coil. |
Safety & Implanted Devices |
Exhibit Hall 2-3
Thursday 13:30-15:30 |
3099. Numerical
Evaluation of Induced Field by Body-Motion Around High Field MRI Magnets: A
Case Study with an Implanted Pacemaker
Hua Wang1, Feng Liu1, Bing Keong Li1,
Adnan Trakic1, Stuart Crozier1
1The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
In MRI, patients and occupational workers can be exposed
to strong gradients of the static magnetic fields. Body motion through these
static field gradients can produce substantial currents within tissue.
Numerical evaluations of induced fields in a tissue-equivalent model
with/without an implanted pacemaker model are presented to improve our
understanding of the interactions. Lorenz forces were computed based on the
induced electric current and charge. The methodology presented in this work can
be extrapolated to high static field strengths to evaluate motion effect for a
variety of body orientations, velocities and implanted devices.
Method for Calculation of Induced Voltage on Implanted Cardiac Leads Due to MRI
Gradient Magnetic Fields
Jonathan Edmonson1, Rungkiet Kamondetdacha2,
John Nyenhuis2, Ben Herberg1, Dave Manahan1
1CRDM, Medtronic, Inc., Mounds View, MN, USA; 2School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
An impedance method has been implemented to simulate the
induced electric field within a patient due to the MRI gradient magnetic
fields. The electric field is used to calculate the induced voltage along an
implantable cardiac lead path for the purpose of evaluating the risk of
unintended cardiac stimulation of patients with an implantable pacemaker or
defibrillator undergoing an MR scan. The impedance method results are compared
to measured results collected within a phantom to validate the method.
SAR Constrained Local RF Shimming
Yigitcan Eryaman1, Celal Alp Tunc1,
Pierre Francois van de Moortele2, Kamil Ugurbil2, Ergin
1Electrical Engineering, Bilkent
University, Ankara, Turkey; 2Medical School-Center for Magnetic
Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
In this study particle swarm optimization method is used
to solve an average SAR constrained local RF shimming problem. Flatness ratio
in a region of interest is minimized while satisfying given average SAR
constraints. The results are verified by phantom simulations of a 16 channel
transmit coil array at 7 T.
3102. Numerical
Investigation Into Effects of a Receive Array on SAR in MRI
Zhangwei Wang1, Jason Jin1, Christopher
M. Collins2, Shuren Zhao1, Sukhoon Oh2, Qing
X. Yang2, Fraser J. Robb1
1GE Healthcare Coils, Aurora, OH, USA; 2Department
of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey,
Although it is common clinical practice to transmit with
a large body coil and receive with an array, very few investigations have
examined the effect of the receive array on SAR. Here we present numerical
calculations showing approximately 10% different in local and whole-body SAR
due to the presence of a receive array
3103. MR
Safety of Implants: Numerical Assessment of SAR Distribution at
Design-Simplified Stents of Different Lengths Placed Inside a Virtual Phantom
Model Investigated at an MR Frequency of 63.9 MHz
Mark Pawlenka1, Gregor Schaefers2
1MR:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany; 2MR.comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
In respect of imaging quality and patient safety,
temperature rises and SAR distributions, which are caused by interaction of the
applied electromagnetic fields during MR exams, are of high interest for
implants in MR tomography. High local SAR values are equivalent to high local
temperature increases. For developing support for radio frequency (RF) induced
heating experiments, SAR values were virtually investigated at
design-simplified stents with different lengths inside a virtual human torso
shaped phantom model
3104. Comparative
Analyses of MR-Induced Distal Heating in Novel Filtered Cardiac Pacing Leads
Using Two Geometric Configurations
Frank G. Shellock1,2, Holly Moschiano2,
Robert S. Johnson2, Robert Stevenson2, Scott Brainard3,
Sam Ye3, Warren Dabney2
1Shellock R&D Services, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Cardiac & Neurology, Greatbatch, Inc., Clarence, NY, USA; 3Cardiac & Neurology, Greatbatch, Inc., Plymouth, MN, USA
MRI related heating may be excessive for lead systems,
as in those used for cardiac rhythm management. The heating on a 46-cm control
lead and a Band Stop Filter lead were evaluated in a 1.5T MR unit at different
positions and geometries in the bore. As the control and Band Stop Filter leads
were moved closer to the center of the MR system bore, the heating that
occurred at the distal lead tip decreased significantly. The Band Stop Filter
lead exhibited a notable temperature decrease in all bore and geometry
configurations compared to the control lead.
in RF Transmit Gain Before and After DBS Lead Placement in 36 Consecutive
Matt A. Bernstein1, Heidi A. Ward1,
Kiaran P. McGee1, Joel P. Felmlee1, Vicki L. Knudsen1,
Krzysztof R. Gorny1, John Huston III1, Kendall H. Lee1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
The RF power level, as measured by auto-prescan during
1.5T MRI scanning with a transmit/receive head coil was recorded for 36
consecutive patients before and after placement of one (n = 8) or two (n = 28)
deep brain stimulator leads (DBS). The average change in power level was 0.111
+/- 4.65 counts, as measured in units of 1/10 dB. In these units, 30 counts represent
a factor two in power. These data suggest that placement of DBS leads does not
significantly affect the RF power calibration.
Testing of Performing MRI Scans with Implanted Soletra Pulse Generator at 3
Pallab K. Bhattacharyya1, Ken Baker2,
Micheal Phillips1, Mark Lowe1
1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA; 2Neurosciences, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
We have performed safety testing of running MR scans
with active Soletra 7426 implantable pulse generator (IPG) at 3 telsa.
Performing anatomical and functional MRI scans using a 3 tesla whole body
Siemens Total Imaging Matrix Trio system with a circularly polarized
transmit/receive head coil of a gel phantom with the IPG placed in the gel with
a pair of 3387-40 leads, we did not measure any significant heating at any lead
contacts or the IPG case. The temperature measurement was done using
fluro-optic cables, and the ON/OFF state of the IPG was constantly monitored
externally by voltage measurement.
of Targeting Accuracy with Conventional and MR Guided Deep Brain Stimulator
Alastair Martin1, Paul Larson2,
Philip Starr2
1Radiology, University of California -
San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2Neurosurgery, University of
California - San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
We compare the targeting accuracy of conventional
stereotactic methods to MR guided methods for implanting deep brain stimulator
electrodes. MR guidance is found to produce statistically superior accuracy, as
determined by the difference between the intended versus actual electrode tip
location, in all directions other than depth, which was not significant. For MR
guided procedures a correlation was found between higher trajectory angle in
the coronal plane and greater lateral offsets. There were otherwise no
statistically significant correlations between potential predictors of accuracy
and measured outcomes.
Aspects of MR Imaging in the Presence of Conductive Guide Wires
Natalie Tong1, Andriy Shmatukha2,
Peter Asmah3, Jeff Stainsby2
1McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada; 2Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada; 3General Electric Healthcare, Toronto, Ontario,
Various aspects of RF-induced heating of guide wires
during their MRI guidance have been investigated in the past. However, the
previous works focused on worst-case tip heating in either fully-immersed or
tip-immersed (and otherwise free) guide wires of unpractical lengths. This
study simulates real clinical conditions. A product guide wire and a
same-length conductive wire were partially inserted into a torso-size phantom.
Significant heating occurred at the insertion point, independent of tip
heating, with a strong correlation to excitation frequency dependent imaging
parameters. Heat transfer through the wire was demonstrated to be a safety
Challenges for Creating a Wireless MR-Compatible Intracranial Pressure Monitor
Sukhoon Oh1, Usmah Kawoos2,
Mohammad-Reza Tofighi3, Arye Rosen2, Christopher M.
1Radiology, The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA, USA; 2School of Biomedical Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 3Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, Middletown, PA, USA
In this study, newly developed wireless intracranial
pressure (ICP) monitoring devices were evaluated under MR imaging conditions at
3.0T. Significant image distortions were observed near the devices due to
magnetic susceptibility effects. Temperature changes near the ICP devices,
during MR scanning (with 16.65W of RF power), were directly measured using
fiber optic thermal sensors. Of three devices, a smaller ICP device with
titanium casing showed the lowest temperature change. Future ICP device
developments will focus on minimizing image distortions and ensuring proper
function and safety with the active device.
Clinical Impact of 1.5T MRI in Patients with a Permanently Implanted Pacemaker:
A Necessary Procedure for Indicated Cases.
Gary Michael Miller1, Norbert G. Campeau1,
Win-Kuang Shen2, Joel P. Felmlee1, Robert E. Watson1
1Diagnostic Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA; 2Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
We reviewed all 1.5T MRI examinations performed in
non-pacemaker dependent patients with implanted pacemakers to determine the
clinical impact. Requests were screened by neuroradiology and patients were
evaluated by cardiology. Nineteen 1.5 Tesla MRI examinations of the head and/or
spine were performed on 15 patients. Neuroradiology, cardiology and radiology
physics staff were present during scanning for monitoring. A variety of pathologic
conditions were identified. In over half of the patients the diagnosis could
only be obtained by MRI, with a diagnosis not made on alternate modalities.
Continued development of safe MRI protocols is warranted.
of the Forces Acting on a Highly Ferromagnetic Orthopaedic Implant at 1.5T and
Christie McComb1, Barrie Condon1,
David Allan2
1Department of Clinical Physics,
Institute of Neurological Sciences, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK; 2Queen
Elizabeth National Spinal Injuries Unit, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK
The purpose of this study was to assess the
translational and rotational forces acting on an orthopaedic implant called the
Posterior Fixator in 1.5T and 3T MRI systems. The forces were measured using
existing methods, and assessed using guidelines produced by the ASTM. The
results showed that the forces acting on the constituent components of the
implant were substantial and, based on the ASTM guidelines, would be considered
unsafe in both MR systems. However, when the rigid fixation of the implant in
bone and the counterbalancing effect of the configuration of the assembled
implant are taken into account, the forces are considered unlikely to result in
implant migration or rotation.
3112. Dedicated
MR ECG Amplifier
Lingchuan Zhou1, Mohsen Ayachi2,
Julien Oster3,4, Roger Abächerli1, Odille Fokapu5,
Michel Kraemer6, Johann-Jakob Schmid1, Jean-Philippe
Blondé2, Jacques Felblinger3,4
1Schiller AG, Baar, Switzerland; 2InESS
UMR 7163, University of Strasbourg / CNRS, Strasbourg, France; 3U947,
Inserm, Nancy, France; 4IADI, Nancy-Université, Nancy, France; 5UMR
6600, UTC/CNRS, Compiègne, France; 6Schiller Médical, Wissembourg,
Electrocardiogram (ECG) acquisition is difficult in an
MRI environment. We have developed the first MR dedicated ECG amplifier in
microelectronic technology to perform safe and accurate ECG acquisition. The
chip size was 3.8x2.9 mm2 for 2 leads. No artefact is visible due to
the ECG chip. Better sensitivity of QRS detection was observed than with
standard ECG sensors. This technological step allows obtaining a non magnetic
and very small ECG amplifier that could be placed in the field of view. Higher
bandwidth is thus possible, which reduces the delay and allows a more precise
3113. The
Effect of Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging on the Quality of
Neurophysiological Recordings Using Implanted Micro-Wire Electrodes.
Kunal Paralikar1, Thomas Neuberger2,
Joy Matsui1, Alistair Barber3, Ryan Clement1,
Andrew Webb1,4
1Bioengineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA; 2Huck Institute, Penn State University, USA; 3Opthalmology, Penn State University; 4Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
The purpose of this paper was to investigate: (1) the
feasibility of carrying out longitudinal MRI studies in animals with implanted
micro-wire electrodes adapted for MRI compatibility, (2) the effect of MRI
studies on the quality of neurophysiological recordings, and (3) the use of MRI
to study the extent and recovery of tissue damage due to electrode insertion.
There was no evidence of short-term or chronic neural damage caused by repeated
MRI, nor any statistical difference in the quality of the electrophysiological
recordings between animals that had undergone MRI scans and those that had not.