Weekday Educational Course:
Sports Imaging: Elbow
Organizers: Juerg Hodler, M.D. and Timothy J. Mosher, M.D.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
10:30 - 12:30

The speakers in this two hour course will be clinical experts in elbow MRI, and the principal topics they will cover are:
  • Technical aspects and normal anatomy in elbow MRI
  • MRI findings of elbow injury
  • Patterns of elbow instability
The overall goals of the course are to improve MRI diagnosis of elbow internal derangement, and to enable attendees to recognize the important technical challenges in high quality elbow MRI.
Upon completion of this case based session, participants should be able to:
  • Appraise the clinical indications for elbow MRI in the patient with pain and/or instability;
  • Implement the appropriate technical protocols for high quality elbow MRI;
  • Explain common patterns of elbow instability;
  • Explain the role and contribution of MRI in the evaluation of ventriculomegaly in the fetus; and
  • Recognize and interpret the MRI findings related to internal derangement and instability patterns in the elbow.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009
10:30 Optimization of Elbow MRI Technique and Normal Anatomy James M. Linklater, M.B.,B.S.
11:10 Imaging of Elbow Internal Derangement Russell C. Fritz, M.D.
11:50 Case Based Learning Kathryn J. Stevens, M.D.
12:30 Adjournment