Weekday Educational Course:
Fat Imaging and Quantification
Organizer: Mark Schweitzer, M.D.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
13:30 - 15:30

This two-hour course designed for physicists, basic scientists and clinicians will review the imaging of fat in its various manifestations:
  • Different types of fat suppression
  • Post-processing segmentation of fat
  • Physiologic and pathophysiologic aspects of fat in the abdomen and musculoskeletal system.
Upon completion of this case based session, participants should be able to:
  • Compare advantages and disadvantages of various types of fat suppression and segmentation techniques; and
  • Describe the physiologic and pathophysiologic roles of localized fat deposits.

Tuesday 21 April 2009
13:30 Techniques of Fat Suppression Ian Cameron, Ph.D., FCCPM
13:50 MRS of Fat Robert E. Lenkinski, Ph.D.
14:10 Fat Quantification in the Liver  Bachir Taouli, M.D.
14:30 Whole Body Fat Segmentation Andrew Laine, M.D.
14:50 Fat in the Musculoskeletal System Mark Schweitzer, M.D.
15:10 Discussion  
15:30 Adjournment